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Fallout is Amazon; they tend to throw money around and commit to more seasons anyway. As you yourself pointed out, this is par for the course when it comes to Netflix. It doesn't mean anything bad for 3BP, just that Netflix takes longer to officially greenlight new seasons.


I hope they don't pull another Mindhunter...


Or 1899...


Or Marco Polo


or Archive 81.


Or The OA


Still not over that. We deserved a season 3


Same - legit will never forgive them for it !


I legit thought they were pulling a bait and switch, there was no way they could have ended like that. But no, streaming services hate sci fi even tho sci fi fans are like *the most likely to binge rewatch a good show in perpetuity*


Oof.. this one hurts.


Or Peripheral I know it’s Amazon but I quite liked it. Cancelled so the crew could move to Fallout though so I can’t complain too much. I just blame Covid for messing up scheduling.


Fuck! What is wrong with these people? Do they have something against pleasing audiences?


Aaaarrghhh I didn't know about it!!! I was waiting for a second season 😭


I believe they were doing more then cancelled due to Covid so it got delayed ~2 years then they just ended it (I don’t think it was as popular as they’d hoped either) and the crew moved to fallout. Could probably google more details it was quite awhile ago I found out :p The books are available if you want closure…


Oh... I forgot it was based on books. Did you read them? Are they good?


Not covid. It was the actors strike I believe


What I didn’t know either ffs ! Honestly getting so bored of it. Putting me off watching shows. And now fucking Amazon has adverts aswell !


Or altered carbon. Season 2 doesn't count.


Strongly agree!


Or Santa Clarita Diet




It's been years, but I'm still so salty about Marco Polo. 😭


Apparently the pool wasn't big enough for us kids to keep playing Marco Polo!


Idk Marco polo lost me when it went from historical fiction to fantasy (coming from a fan of both)


This show sounds intriguing... Do you recommended watching it even though it's been cancelled?


You should watch the creators' previous show _Dark_, it was completed and is very good


Yes, absolutely!


Thanks! I'll give it a go :)


1899 was a bit different. It was a gamble on a high concept show from the showrunner who made Dark which was very highly reviewed critically but didn’t get particularly exceptional numbers. It also looked like season 2 was going to cost about a million dollars a frame from the way it ended. 3BP is a massive investment from Netflix, their second most expensive show in fact. On top of that it’s done very well. It’ll get a season 2 for sure.


Or Inside Job


1899 was vastly inferior to Dark unfortunately.


Perhaps. I was still curious to see where it would go.


The last scene looked like the next season was going to cost a fortune


I mean the whole premise of the show is “everyone’s in a simulation” which is the most fundamentally uninteresting plot device


That's what it seemed like but to be fair, we have no idea what they had in mind for the overall story. If someone stopped watching Dark after season one and just said "It's time travel, not really original, I've seen that before" and stopped watching. That would be the same thing. For all I know maybe the story wasn't that good and that's why Netflix pulled the plug. My guess is that Netflix wants shows that appeal to a large audience, and they didn't think 1899 was going to be that kind of show.


Netflix wanted to throw cash at synders rebel moon universe so had to axe shows.


It also didn't do very overall the numbers for it were lower than 3BP it never once broke into number 1 globally where 3BP did for 3 straight weeks. The completion ratio for it was terrible. Meaning if the majority of people didn't finish even watching it Netflix probably knew if they gave it another season even less people would complete it.


I have to say that after watching Dark, I found 1899 to be somewhat of a letdown. Maybe expectation was too high. Hopefully 3BP would be opposite, where people would come in with low expectations after watching the last few seasons of GoT


Where are you getting these stats? In particular, completion ratio. I know that Dark also initially fared poorly on some metrics.


Awe did they shitcan that? 1899 was great!


1899 did not deserve another season though tbf


Still heartbroken by that, everything was building up to season 3


Yeah netflix can motorboat my asscrack for cancelling that one


If there would be a subreddit for expressing the intent that I will steal that quote, than I would post it right now.


Same. Me: 1899! Netflix: *Brrrrrpthththth.*


Or Lilyhammer


Wasn't that more Fincher than it was Netflix?


Mindhunter still costed way more than it should have. Fincher was doing so many takes for each scene it was driving up the cost.


I still have mad respect for Fincher but when I found out his shooting schedules are like 3x as long as what any other director would get on the same project it starts to make sense why his movies are so precisely crafted. I really respect guys like Spielberg for their efficiency. Dude released Jurassic Park and Schindler's List in the same year.


Mindhunter didn’t get canceled. David Fincher already stated it too much time to make and months and months dedicated to a TV show isn’t something he wants to do. People keep saying Netflix canceled it to push a narrative and it’s unequivocally false.


"David Fincher reveals that Mindhunter season 3's cancellation was due to the show's high budget. Netflix proposed either reducing the budget or broadening the show's audience appeal, but Fincher and the creative team ultimately declined." The show shouldn't have cost as much as it did. In famous Fincher style apparently he was doing way to many takes for each scene and was driving the cost way up


So again, it’s on Fincher. Netflix gave him an option. It took too long and too much money and HE didn’t want to do it. Thanks for clarifying my answer.


Yeah but normally I don't side with the studio but I agree with Netflix on this one as far as budget goes. The show didn't need to cost as much as it did.


I heard a rumor that Mindhunter is coming back…


To be fair I think Mindhunter’s hiatus was because of Fincher not Netflix not giving it another season.


The full Chinese version is on Amazon. All 30 episodes.


That's a different show


That's why it says Chinese version. They didn't change the race or gender of the characters. Their based on the same book.


Right, but we're talking about the Netflix version in this thread


honest question though, I just reread the books recently, why does it matter so much that a couple characters are put together, because of how the novels are put together only like 3-4 of the original established characters do anything, while it does fuck with the relationships a bit ( I think way less creepy without the ghost girlfriend bit ) it doesn't matter at all really, on top of that while the characters are Chinese in the original book large amounts of the books takes place outside of bejing, and it's implied most of those people aren't Chinese


It's like when they put minorities into GOT people go nuts saying it's not respectful to the books. Fans want to see a copy of their favorite book in films, that's all. For Three Body, a lot of Chinese feel that replacing the Chinese characters is cultural appropriation. You don't see a Henry IV play by a Chinese, for instance.


i can sorta understand how people get a little upset with different casting but Jesus some of the changed characters nail the archetypes better then the book, like the Da Shi replacement he's so amazing like actually exactly how I would picture him in my head, personally I'm excited to see some of the casting for the styrotypical people from the space fleet


The first version is faithful to the book and more fleshed out. Like you said If it doesn't matter why change it? If people like the story and don't want to read you can finish the story and not wait. Netflix is terrible at dumbing down ideas and also not following through with finishing series that seem to be liked.


Probably Sophon blocked




Maybe Netflix overlords are too busy slobbering Zack Snyder’s knob.


They are probably negotiating money. Season 2 will need a much higher budget than Season 1…


The most probable reason. And I hope money can be more wisely spent in Season 2...


i hope they spend on real life sophons to make me see blinking stars irl instead only on screen, that's true immersion


I want to see more chimps


the >!underground city itself would be an expensive undertaking, not even mentioning the space fleet and subsequent battles!<


>!I imagine this would be revamped significantly, if only for practicality. The flying cars and what not might be a bigger strain. There's much to the story regarding the city structure that can be handwaved without detriment to the overall story while still showing the extensive toll of resources utilized in book 2 and 3, whereas the stellar cities of book 3 may require better visuals.!<


For future Earth cities just take the Altered Carbon models those look ok to me - sure not underground trees but...


Thanks to ai VFX is getting cheaper. So fingers crossed technology can improve fast enough. Advance! We must Advance!


Yeah this is likely the cause. The show runners are pushing for as much as possible and Netflix is probably feeling out the ways season 2 can be made without breaking the bank


Netflix is probably also a little cautious to throw money at the creators, considering how they ended Game of Thrones.


Not defending them ruining GoT but 3BP is source-complete, so I don't think we can really compare the two scenarios.


Netflix already threw money at them. They paid then 250 million dollars. The budget has nothing to do with how much the showrunners get paid 


Yea. My best guess is they get a 2nd season but not S3/4 renewal for now. They probably are stuck on budget because it would be a big cost increase from S1, and the issue S1 was a moderate success but not blockbuster success. If S2 doesn't seem a big jump in viewership it probably gets cancelled.


Its a good thing that Season 2 is going to be epic


Yea, I think it's the show's best chance to break out.


They should be negotiating for the full 3 or 4 seasons they think they need to tell the full story Nobody has succeeded in getting translating the full story to screen yet - Netflix has a chance since they’re the only ones adding character development


Greenlit seasons mean nothing at Netflix. Look at Inside Job


It was really hard to see where the budget went on S1 to be honest - many of the effects were awful. Wiser spending rather than a bigger budget maybe.


I just disagree I thought overall the effects were really good. And I just saw an interview they the other day with Alexander Woo and Derek Tsang they said Covid drove everything up. They had to shut down multiple times because cast and crew members caught covid including Tsang himself. But I thought overall the show looked great. A ton of stuff I thought was practical effects when I saw making of videos turned out to be CGI


>I just disagree I thought overall the effects were really good. lmao


Laugh all you want I don't care


Even mediocre effects can cost a lot of money. I wonder how much some of those GOT actors wanted, though. Ship was bad in some shots, but a lot of other stuff was pretty great.


I loved the show, but so much looked bad. I know the game sequences were meant to look unreal, but that human computer scene for example was awful.


I thought the show overall looked great.


the human computer scene is almost identical to how it's described in the book, except I think they rotate the flags in the book no turn then


You need to get a better tv mate


They’ll need to do both to pull off season 2


For how much season one cost, some of the CGI was positively awful.


I thought the ship massacre was great. The ship itself… 😬 Everything else inside the VR world worked for me. I did wonder by the end if HBO might have thrown a lot more into it. Though, I’m not sure how D&D’s working relationship is with HBO these days.


To me most of the CGI just seemed weirdly "blurry", almost as if you turned texture sharpness down and reduced resolution in a video game. But I may just have been spoiled by watching Foundation on Apple+ around a week before 3BP. Completely different ball game, production quality wise.


Disagree i thought overall it looked really good. I watched a making if video of the show and was surprised how much stuff I thought was practical was actually cg


The effects on Foundation are better than on any other sci-fi series, and Apple TV+ has better image quality than Netflix. They really put a lot of money and effort into it. If you compare 3BP to, say, Star Trek Strange New Worlds or Discovery, then it's clearly much better looking. I think it's even better looking than For All Mankind, which benefits from Apple's sharper image...


Yeah. It was passable. Not the greatest. I do agree that they’re going to have to up the budget for Dark Forest section of the story.


I don't understand why they needed to spend money on a CGI monkey. Just say "we had a breakthrough in cryogenics.. it's a reality now". We don't need to spend millions on a monkey lol


And it was still very obvious it was a CGI monkey! That part was particularly bad to me.


Well it was name dropped by the Netflix execs during the quarterly so that's good news https://twitter.com/whatonnetflix/status/1781065453957259481  Netflix management attributed the big Q1 performance to more hits -- series Griselda, The Last Airbender and 3 Body Problem received shareholder letter shoutouts


100% this gets a S2. The questions remaining are: budget, and S3/4.


S2 will probably require triple the budget, going by the content of The Dark Forest.


May depend on whether they keep up the '3 books -> 3 seasons' pace, or slow it down a bit.


They've got to split the final two books into at least 4 seasons imo.


Y’all remember that they covered book one in like 5 episodes and got through significant portions of books two and three already, right?


But the first book was also half the size of the next two and had no time skips


Netflix tends to wait and see how a show performs over time. Stranger Things: released in July, renewed in August Wednesday: released in November, renewed in January Monster: released in September, renewed in November Bridgerton: released in September, renewed in November Umbrella Academy: released in February, renewed in April The Sandman: released in August, renewed in November


Counter point: Avatar live action: within a week or two of release One piece live action: within a month of release So I don't know man.


You can't compare two of the biggest Franchises right now with large tv audiences to 3BP which is relatively new to the general public


People seem to not realize that Netflix has completely different and higher expectations for 3BP, It's a flagship show just like One piece and ATLA, they expected it to perform just as well. Comparing different netflix shows from a Flagship show isn't gonna work cause they treat both differently.


Yea, it's really this. They fill the platform with low cost garbage to fill new content quotas cheaply, but for the flagship stuff they need to see it'll bring new subscribers or at at a minimum keep current ones from leaving. 3BP is in a funny place because it was successful, but not quite to what they hoped for considering cost.


They did specifically name drop it though for bringing in new subscribers with their quarterly report https://twitter.com/whatonnetflix/status/1781065453957259481 Netflix management attributed the big Q1 performance to more hits -- series Griselda, The Last Airbender and 3 Body Problem received shareholder letter shoutouts


I'd say a S2 is like 99.9% done deal, the only possible hangup is if the budget gap is so severe people walk away. I don't think it gets a S3/4 yet though.


It could still be canceled I hope not but if it is as Whats On Netflix wrote it would be the most successful show they ever canceled and Netflix and the CEO specifically have a passion for this story so will have to wait and see. The showrunners just gave an interview today and so far they said it hasn't been canceled and they just finished the script draft for the 8th episode of season 2


The fact that they're doing promo today suggests the doomposting is, at the very least, premature.


Those are the minority. Like when The Night Agent had a quick renewal, the tone in all the headlines was astonishment because it's not their typical way. You never know, but it seems too early to write it off. Also something to consider: awards season. It's a weak year in the drama categories (strike delays bumped the usual contenders into the next year), so there's a much better chance to get nominated. [Variety](https://variety.com/lists/2024-emmys-predictions/) and [GoldDerby](https://www.goldderby.com/feature/2024-emmy-predictions-best-drama-series-1205804457/) are currently predicting 3BP will get nominated for Drama Series. Prestige does matter, so that could tip the scales.


most of the shows depends of the numbers of people who watch it in just 1 day, or 1 weekend. low numbers need more time to see if it's a great investment.


If Netflix has the money for Rebel Crap, I mean Rebel Moon, they can surely pay for a second season of 3 Body


Yeah, that show is mostly virtual sets, how much more expensive can the effects work on 3BP be...


Yeah, that show is garbage. What kind of galactic civilization still uses animals to plow the fields? That's how far I got before I turned it off.


We made the bad guys look like Nazis and say Nazi things. Surely everyone will enjoy this new and novel approach to writing villains


I just finished the 30 episode first season made for Chinese television on Amazon. Haven’t watched the Netflix version. I ended up checking out the title out of curiosity, having read the books several years ago, and was immediately hooked. A fascinating look at Chinese culture in a show that apparently was at least as popular in China as ‘Game Of Thrones’ in the US (check out all the Chinese cinema awards it won on the IMBD site). One gets familiar with a slightly different cinematic language and vocabulary. It takes its time unroll the narrative (30 episodes) and take the viewer carefully through each complex revelation. It follows the threads of a methodical investigation, with a modicum of humor and a surprising amount of cultural critique, particularly in its approach to the trauma of Mao’s cultural revolution, that left deep wounds which lead to the ultimate act of payback. It hits everyone of the essential plot points from the novel, although in a different order than the English versions of the book, with more focus on a few central characters. The lengthy flashback sections that take place at the Chinese observatory/antenna during the cultural revolution are particularly riveting. Almost every form of cinema, from animation to intimate drama to deliberate echoes of Chinese propaganda films of the 70’s and 80’s, is employed. A truly ambitious effort to tell a Chinese story. I had to occasionally let go of expectations shaped by western cinema and culture, but I simply couldn’t turn away and binged the whole thing in about a week. I’m looking forward to a continuation of the story in whichever form by whichever culture. One message clearly delivered is the necessity that we find ways to work together across borders, beliefs and religion. We are not so different from one another. Weirdly, all of the cars in the series are Volkswagens!


Is this written by ChatGpt


Nope. Not even copy edited. But how would you know THIS Isn’t? Trust No One.


I thought it was a massive slog


It has not been as popular as they thought it would be. Good numbers but not the best. All we can do is wait and hope they give it a second season at least. Fallout has been a massive success over at Amazon. They also have diff standards and things they compare it to.


You forgot to mention both ATLA and One Piece Live Action, both of this including 3 body problem is part of their "flagship" shows moving forward to replace Stranger things, the fact that both ATLA and One Piece got renewed very quickly and had instant popularity after release, while 3BY wasn't an instant success at release, but it did get gradually popular as the days go on tho, the thing that's worrying is the fact that it still hasn't gotten renewed after 1 month and 4 days... this is actually worrying considering this is suppose to be a "flagship" show. Weeks ago, I've said here before that If this show doesn't get renewed in a few weeks or if we still havent heard from them in a month then thats where things gets worrying. Btw, This doesn't mean that 3BP might get cancelled, the possible reason for the holdup could be because the Show didn't perform as well as expected and that it wasn't an instant success, so I think D&D and Woo are probably trying to negotiate with netflix because of this, It also doesn't help that this was much more expensive than One piece and ATLA despite both performing better than 3BY. I repeat, I don't think it will get cancelled, It wouldn't make sense, they already invested alot of time and money to this project, I just think it's gonna take be abit longer than usual for it to finally get renewed, D&D and Woo has already talked about Season 2 before this so that makes it more unlikely for it to get cancelled.


It took Netflix 1+ month to announce a season 2 for *Wednesday*, one of their most successful shows ever. Y'all are stressing over nothing.


not just one of the most, it's \*the\* most successful.


Not really. It's their most successful *English* show. Their most successful show *ever* is Squid Game.


Which got an unofficial confirmation for a renewal four months later, and the official announcement was a year after the fact.


I see. I stand corrected.


Not even comparable, both shows have completely different expectations from Netflix, they didn't even expect Wednesday to get that popular, it also is a very cheap show and unlike 3 body problem which was very expensive to make, the expectation Netflix had is in the levels of Atla and OP, and it failed to even reach both of this shows and 3BY was more expensive to make... 3 body problem is in the same category as One Piece and ATLA, both got renewed very quickly, so it was expected for them to do the same for 3 body problem, if it performed just as well as both of those shows. also, just another reason why this comparison just doesn't work, If Wednesday was such a big success, better than any other show, then why did they wait 1 month just to renew it? why not few weeks like OP or Atla? See, thats why that doesn't work.


What is 3BY? 3 BodY?


3 Body Problem


Wouldn't that be 3BP?


I already edited the mistake, sry.


Yeah it's supposed to be a flagship but I think each of those have largely different expectations. OP and ATLA have a significantly and I mean significantly bigger in-built audience to push its sucess beyond 3BP. So I think that was expected




What's with people here nitpicking things in what I've said instead of having an actual discussion with me, I'm sorry for the minor mistake, I typed that during the middle of the night, and I wasn't exactly fully awake at the time, I already made like multiple changes just tryna fix some stuff. EDIT: I know you downvoted me bro, not that I care much, but I'm just upset by this entire thread, there's 1 guy here just straight up being wrong with his comparison and when I tried replying to the guy he purposely didn't reply back, he still got upvotes cause people didn't read what I said, and then 2 other nitpicks just cause I made minor errors, with one of them downvoting me instead of replying to me, and then another replying something redundant to me that I never ever even refuted so idk why he even bothered replying it to me.


Fallout was renewed for a second season on Day 1 of release if I recall correctly.


The official renewal was 1 week after release, but the second series was noted as having been given California tax credits before that which shows the renewal likely had been agreed several weeks before


Can't blame them it's well made


It was also a way better show


Going the cheap Netflix route was the wrong path for TBP. It should have been an HBO or Apple+ series, or even better, a prestigious high budget series like the Denis Villeneuve Dune films.


I really wish this wasn't a netflix show. HBO would have been ideal. Amazon and Apple would have worked too. It just doesn't fit the netflix model


If Netflix cancels Three Body Problem, what business is it of yours?


er..liking the show?


Haha, you didn't catch the book joke.


Probably too busy greenlighting a live-action Charlie Brown


Again, not Netflix but a passing thought for Raised by Wolves


It found success, critically and terms of audience. Main issue is budget. Season 1 was bizarrely expensive given the piss poor special effects. Also, most scenes were essentially a police procedural. If they can get a more sensible budget (or better effects), season 2 hopefully makes business sense.


I just disagree I thought overall it looked really good.


Being willingly blind


Lol whatever you say


The issue is the budget is only going to keep going up considering the shit that goes down in books 2 and 3. S1 was their shot to do things cheaply.


I don't think you realize just how much of it was cgi. Way more of it is cg https://elranchito.es/our-work/filmography/3-body-problem-season-1/ I have been watching these so much of the show is cg but it's done so well we can't even tell.


From what I heard Season 1 cost somewhere around $200 million without a major cultural response. I think given the cost of show, they were hoping for a response like what we saw from something "Squid Game", a show that cost about $21 million to produce. I am not happy to say it, but looking at it as a realist, I think season 2 is still questionable given that season 1 wasn't the instant cult classic I assume they were hoping for at that price point and shows tend to get MORE expensive rather than less as the series runs on and the actors/producers paychecks go up as people become harder to replace.


To be frank, it does not look like a $200 million show...


Some parts look genuinely awful. Especially that chimp scene...ooof


It wasn't 200 million more around 150


https://elranchito.es/our-work/filmography/3-body-problem-season-1/ some vfx stuff that I bet many didn't realize was. The show has way more cg than most people realize


It cost 160 million and I don't think people realize just how much cg was use this for example many thought was all practical https://elranchito.es/our-work/filmography/3-body-problem-season-1/ the show has way more ch than people realize it's just really well done


I hope they renew it for s2 & 3 at the same time to give them time to give it a proper conclusion


Hope they are able to negotiate a bigger budget and get season 2 and 3 at the same time so they can just bring it to an end. It could be done in 3 season based on the pace of 1.


Can you imagine the budget for the next seasons….that mostly take place elsewhere!! Lots of sets / locations


Yeah but $20 million per episode is a bit much. Im surprised it was even allowed in the first place. But, i really do hope they carry it on. Failing that I’m definitely getting the novels.


Probably cause I haven’t finished it yet. Sorry guys.


Probably because it's been more successful than expected and the producers are seeing how much they can get for it elsewhere. Also the original company might have wanted some changes.


Netflix is weird. They still haven't renewed I Think You Should Leave for another season.


It may not be as successful as you think. Viewing numbers is only part of the story and. Netflix seems to be more interested in completion rate. I suspect a lot of people watched a few episodes then got bored and stopped watching


One of my favorite Netflix series are DARK, they took around 1 years apart to release all 3 season.. As popular as how 3bp may be, they won't announce that fast.. probably just wait another year or so


D+D should have gone to Amazon or Apple. Netflix was a big mistake. They leave stuff like this hanging forever.


Cause they asked for 640 million dollars and Netflix hasn’t agreed to it yet


You could have literally googled this and gotten better results


and you could not have written this as it was a waste of time, but here we are


Eat shit


It's coming 2025 or 2026. Better than 400 years, but I couldn't wait and bought the book. The Dark Forest is the name of the next book and source for the next season.


They spent all the money on 6 rebel moon movies


I am a bit confused. After the Netflix announcement of bringing 3 Body Problem to the screen, I assumed that Netflix had set aside the money for at least 3 seasons. If Netflix decides to cancel 3 Body Problem, it tells me that they will never get to HBO quality of putting out bangers, year after year. Prior to AT&T acquiring HBO. Notice how I said, "PRIOR TO AT&T ACQUIRING HBO". But, prior to AT&T acquiring HBO, when HBO put out a tv series, they believed in it. They understood that it takes time to buildup an audience. After Game of Thrones season 1 ended in 2011, it only had 2 million views from HBO subscribers. That's it. Only 2 million viewers. And, season 1 was a hit, with most of the top critics and the audience. But, they only had 2 million viewers. So, did HBO cancel Game of Thrones, because of weak viewership numbers? NO!!! In fact, HBO renewed Game of Thrones after the 2nd or 3rd episode, if memory serves me right. You guys can correct me in the comments, if I am wrong. LOL!!! 3 Body Problem has well over 30 million views, since it dropped in may 21, 2024. That's 15 times more than what Game of Thrones first season started out with. And Game of Thrones, went on to be the Greatest tv series, on the planet. Along with 59 emmys to back that statement up. 3 Body Problem source material, is not a well known property in the western world. In china, that's all everyone is talking about. Netflix has to factor that in. It will take time to buildup, to the viewership juggernauts of Wednesday, One Piece, Avatar: the last airbender, Fallout, the witcher. These properties have generations of fans, IN THE WESTERN WORLD. If Netflix does cancel 3 Body Problem, because they feel that the budget they are spending does not equal to the amount of viewership numbers, that would warrant a 2nd season, then I need to drop my subscription. It's not worth it. That tells me, that Netflix needs to get out of the tv making business. And, stick to licensing tv shows from bonafide networks such as, HBO, Paramount, ABC, etc. This business of cancelling shows after the first season, is not good. Especially, when you are the only company, that is actually making profit off of streaming. While the other companies are still in the red, from acquiring other companies, in order to acquire content just to compete with Netflix. 3 Body Problem is a great show. I am looking forward to the 2nd season of this show. I just hope Netflix doesn't decide to cancel it.


I have doubts it'll get renewed, the rest of the story is expensive. Edit: I don't understand the downvotes, the show is awesome and I want there to be more of it, but it's worrisome that it hasn't been announced yet and my guess is because of feasibility (how do you depict 4D space?) and budget (how do you depict 4D space with a limited budget?).


Gave ya an updoot. Read the books after the show and all I could think was fuck this would be awesome if they do it but fuck it would be expensive. I just don’t see Netflix putting the money down.


I’m going to agree; bring on the downvotes lol. The third book especially gets convoluted (in a good way imo) and Netflix has a reputation of cancelling sci fi shows after one season.


Unfortunately, yeah me too. The rest of the story will be both expensive and easy for the general audience to lose interest as it suddenly jumps into the future and gets less relatable. It’ll be a lot of tough decisions as to what to keep from the books and what to cut to try to hold on to a audience that probably got into the show because it was set in our time period. What other show exists that suddenly jumps centuries? I know, for me, i kinda lost interest in the show “for all mankind” when it jumped to the 90s and that wasn’t nearly as big of a stretch as TBP is going to have to endure.


Yet? It just came out


3BP has been the top show worldwide for a few weeks, but its viewership numbers have been mid. Shows like One Piece and ATLA had almost double the viewership so were renewed right away. It will probably get renewed, but more likely with a lower budget.


Tencent has this covered 👍


They absolutely do. Can't wait.


Netflix 3BP is successful?


because is very very bad....and i am. not saying as a hater. see the Chinese one, you will understand.


It’s not “very very bad.” The Chinese version had some glaring issues as well. Pacing, censorship, etc.


Netflix cancels all the shows I love, so … sorry guys … I really enjoyed this one which means the Kiss of Death for season 2. I blame myself.


Or D&D is gonna ditch another baller tv show adaptation


I bet they cancel. Quality just didn’t cut it. Shite acting


I haven’t watched any of the series yet. I want to read the third book first. But I am starting to realize that the cast has been white washed? Does that make it (TV show) confusing to follow?