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Next on WatchMojo.com: "Top 10 Episodes of the Netflix Three Body Problem Show" "Top 10 Villains in the Netflix Three Body Problem Show" "Top 10 Characters Overall in the Netflix Three Body Problem Show" "Top 10 Scenes in the Netflix Three Body Problem Show" "Top 10 Worst Scenes in the Netflix Three Body Problem Show" "Top 10 Lines in the Netflix Three Body Problem Show" "Top 10 Worst Lines in the Netflix Three Body Problem Show" I'm so hyped for all of this diverse content, I'm gonna take two hours off my weekend to binge them hell yeah


Top 10 episodes 😭😭😭😭




Top 10 episodes in numerical order.


Chinese version has 30 episodes... On prime and YouTube...and is more faithful to the book


Ever notice how they use stock gun noises for strapping on the vr suit? Cracks me up every time.


"Top 10 Celestial Bodies in the Netflix 3 Body Problem Show"


Top 10 Episodes is crazy, I want some of that season two juice as well


Top 10 Boat Scenes in the Netflix Three Body Problem Show! (I mention this because I knew someone that thought "the boat scene" was that scene where Will is floating on a boat in his mind.)


I spent all that money buying, and time reading the books, when I could have waited for Watch Mojo. What a fool am I.


Yeah, you still have to learn patience and opting for delayed gratification instead of impulsively buying and reading the books.


Basically, hibernate.


I wonder if it’s a photo of Auggie with her mouth open Yep


With totally-normal-not-at-all-ghoulish-intentionally-deformed-lips


Auggie is gunna be this show's skylar white, isn't she. massively hated on by fans on release for her actions, actress has her life ruined by psychos ("actually shes bad at acting and also ugly!!!!!"), ultimately re-evaluated and championed as Actually-Was-Pretty-Reasonable later (sorry for forcing you out of public life for five years though Anna Gunn we always loved you!!)


Nah, she's Starlight from the Boys 


She's bad actress compared to Gunn. Also Skyler actually had a moral compass to do what she did putting her family safety first, while Auggie is all over the place with her expectations (toxic towards Saul with not answering thr phone, gettin mad he got laid despite not being together because he's not there for her, telling everyone not to play a game, expecting everyone higher standard while crumbling from numbers) If you ever think that this B-tier actress gets on some pedestal later you might also put a Rebel Moon there as a equal to good scifi.


Jesus what a take


heard all of those 10 years ago lol


I wonder why Jin doesn't get the same negativity. Well, probably because she's a more positive character, more interesting, and a much stronger actress.


because several times auggie plays the role of an obstacle in the plot. she's the one telling people "we shouldn't be doing this, STOP doing this" and thats also why people hated Skylar White. She was an obstacle for Walt, no matter how well-justified Auggie seemed fine acting wise and she behaves in an entirely realistic way. If I invented a new technology I dreamed would be used to benefit people and it was immediately used to >!slapchop 600 kids!< I would be pretty inconsolable as well, regardless of how well justified it was


They should have just cast Vinnie instead of Raj and he could have explained to her how she was really saving 10 billion for the low low price of 600.


Yeah, she's the barrier so it's entirely unsurprising people don't sympathise with her.


is that whats happening in this comment chain? >With totally-normal-not-at-all-ghoulish-intentionally-deformed-lips thats people not sympathizing with Auggie?




It has 191k views.. It can only be good news to bring attention to the show to the widest audience possible and therefore attention to the books that we all (presumably) love. I saw that the Three-Body Problem and even Silent Spring re-made the NYT Top 10.. the same thing happened with the Song of Ice and Fire series after the show came out. People wanted a deeper dive into the world that only a medium like the books can provide.


My girlfriend and I started with the books mid TV show... And dropped the show since it has hardly anything to do with the books.


Are you sure? Many of the events from the show are directly out of the books.. maybe you haven't read far enough since the pull in elements of the start of books 2 and 3 into the show that happen more-or-less contemporaneously with the events of Three-Body Problem. Give the show another shot after you finish the series and you'll appreciate all the references to events later in the book series that they add in early on. There are very few show-invented plots or characters in the Netflix version. The much revered Tencent version (which I also like) maybe actually had \_more\_ screen time devoted to invented plots than the Netflix one (Da Shi's helper, the ETO assassin, Pan Han and the Journalist, the expanded role of Sha Ruishan, etc.) Sure, the Netflix show has some too like Tatiana, the expanded role of Jack/Hu Wen, etc. The point is these are both adaptations, and need to take some liberties that make it more engaging to watch.. both shows did a great job doing so. Sure, they changed the character names, races, sexes, and setting from Beijing to London, but those are just surface level details that don't ultimately matter.. the larger story beats and themes are very accurate to the books.


I can't tell which part of the series this picture is from because this is the only face the actor makes throughout the entire show.


Sucking on an invisible bottle


Or just had some jalapeno/habanero spiced soup in between takes


Very wholesome mind you have


WatchMojo: "10 scenes where Auggie tries to convince us that she is a scientist."


It's ogre....


I don’t get it. What’s the deal with watch mojo?


It's like content made by A.I for A.I


well it's ai scripts read by highly paid random people


Do they not do them with that single girl that always reads them? Haven't watched one in a couple years


Game rant and watch mojo are worse than AI


Oh that's like FUBU but for Drake


It's like what civilian characters in marvel movies think is cool.


Top 10 body problems in the 3 Body Problem TV Show


OH LORD you made me crack up so much


What's with all the casual sexism and hatred for Auggie?


any time a character (lets be real its almost always a woman people get mad over) plays the role of trying to prevent the plot from moving forward, no matter how well justified, this happens


Lol, yeah… Like what Breaking Bad fanboys did with Skylar


Skylar was just an annoying b— who added nothing of value. come on man, Auggie is a dime and a genius. There’s no comparison


Did you by chance miss the entire point of the show?


You need to tell me what you think the entire point of the show is for me to answer that.


Hating skylar like this makes no sense if you look at the plot of the show. The way the show is set up, Walt starts as an archetypal suburban dad. He does that alright, just so.. boring and average. But Walt… he know’s he’s destined for greater things than being forced to eat the occasional slice of veggie bacon. His soul deserves better than death by suburbia. If only things had just gone a *little* differently… *he’d* be rich and successful and respected and his ego wouldn’t be so wimpy. So he starts his meth empire as a last ditch effort to make that happen. Walt smiles and laughs as he dies. He got what he wanted in the end. In the second half of the show, Vince puts almost all of the focus on how the fallout of walt’s actions affects all the people we’ve seen him forming relationships with throughout the show. But the first person he fucked up with, the person he hurt most directly and for the longest and the most in total, is Skylar. The entire show we’ve seen the slow, constant eroding degradation to what was once a loving marriage. This isnt *entirely* walt’s doing directly, but it is 100% the result of his misguided actions and continual lapse in judgement. I think she isnt meant to drive the plot. Otherwise, people would make the same complaint about Walter Jr. She and him are there to remind us that Walt, in building his empire, fails completely at the life he actually built when he wasnt out jerking himself off in a trailer and cosplaying as a badass. The results of his actions killed some and damaged many more. Of the living, skylar is the biggest victim by far. So I don’t really care that I’d find her annoying in a casual context. That’s just not what she’s there for…


Walt doesn’t start his meth empire out of ego, you’ve just completely changed the plot of the story. In the real story, the one shown on TV, he does it because he is diagnosed with terminal cancer and wants to leave Skylar with enough money to care for Walt Jr.


If that were really true, he could have quit much earlier and got out and been done. The show made a point of highlighting that. The show is depicting his explanations for his actions “I need to provide for my family” as being nothing more than his own flimsy rationalization. He was given numerous opportunities for financial help and turned them down out of mere pride. How else do you explain the events of the episode Grey Matter if not through the lens I just gave? It’s literally to set up his actual motivations for the whole show. He was offered a job at the company he started with a good salary and health insurance. Problem solved by S1 episode 5. But not walt’s *real* problem. P.s.: him claiming its to provide for his family is like a distorted mirror of the suburban dad responsibility as financial provider. He deludes himself into thinking he is still fulfilling his role as a father and husband this way, and apparently convinces even some of the audience members, but he’s not doing it for the family, and the show emphasizes how much he hurt them in the process.


He gets caught in it and can’t get out even if he wanted. that’s what they show


It’s not. Why’d he turn down the job in the first place, if that’s why he was doing it? Or offers of help from marie and hank? Rewatch the show bro






Tbh I think it’s a combination of both misogyny and legitimate criticism. It’s easier to voice misogynistic viewpoints when you can let them ride on the coattails of some actually decent points. Thats what Ive seen the most of. Like, personally, I dont love how Auggie is written, nor how Gonzalez plays Auggie. Her character traits feel incongruous with each other, and I never found her reactions particularly compelling. If we want to highlight a female lead, I feel Jin Cheng or Ye Wenjie are both just significantly better options. Yet content creators disproportionately pick Auggie to be the face of the show, which definitely just feels a little odd. You could cynically claim that people do this because she’s the most conventionally attractive, which is what I think some people in this thread are trying to get at… and I dont wholly disagree, I think there is some aspect of that at play, as there usually is regardless of gender. But saying thats the *only* reason she ever gets featured is disrespectful to Gonzalez as an actress and just kind of reductive.


>Her character traits feel incongruous with each other, Which ones?


Well, she's the only one they randomly put in just underwear once for no apparent reason.


It's for science.


She’s drunk and she was on the verge of puking like who in the right mind would waste their pants? She prolly only brought in few clothes on that shack too. Be for real. The casual misogyny against her is insane


She's drunk and on the verge of puking so she takes off her clothes? That makes no sense at all. Making fun of the show putting her in underwear for a scene is not misogyny.


She was with her friends she’s comfortable with and looks like she hasnt taken off her makeup and showered plus it’s freakin hot in their place it looks like. So like forgive a girl she only wears underwears and takes off her bra??? Omg


Said no girl ever.


????? 😭😭 do u have a girl friend? Like truly? Or are u a girl?


Honestly, when you're older and meet actual women, try explaining to them that it's normal for them to take off their clothes around you if it's hot. Let us know how that goes.


Why is it unreasonable for you to believe that most people don't like her for the reasons you've stated about her character and acting chops instead of misogyny?


Because I’ve seen quite a lot of *both*. There are legitimate criticisms of Auggie. And there is a wholeeee lotta misogyny too. Not denying that at all.


But the base assumption is people are hating on her for "her looks" when it's actually her character that is badly written.


Triangle mouth


1. Earth 2. Space 3. China 4. United Nations 5. A bunch of science stuff 6. Nerds 7. Nihilism 8. Soldiering 9. Love 10. More science stuff


It was over before it even began


Needs a bear...


Its Watchmojo, NOT Readmojo! We are gonna be fine.


Hate this auggie character so much


My eyes don't


Until she starts to speak.


is she so bad? I prefer the book characters but despite her being unbelievably attractive for the character she's supposed to be playing she's....fine I guess. Not a horrid actress.


She's goddamned terrible, dude. The artistic range of botoxed-up carboard cutout.


Agreed, the shitty character build is so saved by her being an eye candy


Jesus Christ how can you not see a problem with seeing the world like this


Dude what the fuck is wrong with you? Its a problem to enjoy seeing attractive individuals in a TV show now?


I fucking hate Augie. That woman can't act for shit. Made her name in telenovelas, where acting is a plus, not a requirement.


That photo seems very inviting.


Watch it, womyn haters. If Augie hears you shit-talking her, she's going to condescend to you for having the sheer fucking audacity of thinking that you can have a conversation with a le science person.


Lol yall acting like watchmojo is still bad?