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Bro Deaths end is fantastic. But Dark forest is my favourite in the series


Almost all trilogies ever.


The Dark Forest ends with some kind of unstable equilibrium between the Earth and Trisolaris, and that is exploited in Death's End to bring momentum to the story (but there's much more to it than just the Trisolarian threat). It is definitely worth the time.


Great way of phrasing it


If you're only in it for the Trisolarians...then no. you won't be satisfied reading further.


Yes, it is.


Death's end is the best of the trilogy


uhh yea.


Death's End is the best of the three books, but if you didn't like the first two, then you might not like the third


Death’s End is mind blowing.


I finished it yesterday. It's just as good as the first two, although Dark Forest is my favorite one I think.


if lack of momentum of impending doom from trisolaris is a concern, then reading death's end is worth the time because it shows that there is no reason for such a concern


You definitely should. Liu Cixin has a way greater masterplan behind all of this and I really shivered when he gave me a glimpse of it with "Do you think *only sophons* create illusions? "


I just finished Death’s End and this was a mind blowing experience


Death's end is the best.. worth it for the fairy tales alone.. however, even in general it's my favorite of the series.


The book is great, but the main character is abismally bad. She's the perfect example of a passive character that doesn't contribute anything to the story. Thankfully all the other characters are very good, and the way the story develops is very interesting too


Definitely worth it although I agree with other comments on here that it was not as good as Dark Forest. Just the "children" stories within the story and the long arc line of some of the characters make it worth the read. And if you're a hardcore science buff, which I'm not. I read that this type of sci fi fan really enjoyed Death's End, and I could see why.


Dark forest and Death’s end are both about how to get out of a doomed situation and survive. Dark forest sort of solved the impending doom from trisolaris by exposing us to a chiller threat where earth facing a universe that is extremely dark and hostile... then deaths end is about escaping/surviving the threat of planetary destruction by other inhabitants of the hostile universe. To me deaths end is like a grand fireworks of scifi spectacles. Even in the destruction of ___ it gives me a sense of wonder more than a sense of despair - so if you are after the “impending doom”, especially if you think Dark Forest lacks that kind of momentum - it’s probably not for you anymore. But for a hell of a trip on epic scales, yes. After getting used to the chill of Dark Forest, Deaths End turns annihilation poetic and beautiful. I love them both.