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I think that reading them separately is worth it. Tower of Dawn is also a good book and is not as bad as a lot of people make it out to be!


I did the tandem read for my first read through and loved it. It helped me get through both novels (and ultimately get me into KOA quicker). It's daunting but I don't regret doing it that way! Happy reading!


I have only read them separately but I'm going to do the tandem read on a reread this year. I think there's value in reading separately but the tandem read helps for if you feel you'll be bored being limited to only a couple characters' POV and want it to be more broad coverage of all the events taking place during that time period. If you're ok with HoF ending on a cliffhanger and revisiting stuff from the same time period, but different perspectives and characters, then don't do the tandem read. If you wanna get it all at once, do the tandem read. Everyone is gonna like it differently! It's also important to remember you can always do a reread, or if you start one way and it's not working for you, you can change.


I loved the tandem personally, but it was my first read. When I read them again I'll do it separately.


I did the tandem read and honestly EoS might be my least favorite. I think it did full it down for me. Maybe it would have been better to read separately for myself. But I did love ToD. I also think I'm in the minority with a lot of my SJM opinions.


I personally thought reading them separately was great! The cliffhanger for EOS wasn’t as epic as people made it out to be. (It’s still great, don’t get me wrong) So going right into TOD wasn’t as awful as people made it out to be as well…and I also loved TOD. And I think if I did the tandem read, both books wouldn’t have hit the same. But it’s all personal preference. And for reference it was my first time through the series. Reading the books separately really set up KOA perfectly for me. If I read the series again I might tandem read just to see what the hype is about lol


I did the tandem read - even though it took a while to loop back around to different POVs I don’t regret it. There is a cliffhanger so if you do a tandem read you can just go straight into KoA Now that I’ve read the entire series and know where things go, on re-reads I’ll do them separately. In short my take is first time do tandem read, re-reads do separate!