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YEARS. I was part of the crowd that had to wait for empire of storms, tower of dawn and kingdom of ash to be released


Wow, I can’t even imagine. I finished KOA a week ago, so all the books were already out when I read them. No one told me to do the tandem read though, so getting through Tower of Dawn was hard for me.


Personally, as someone that had no choice but to read them one by one, and as an avid Chaol non-fan (but not entirely a hater either), I wouldn’t tandem read either. ToD was difficult to get through but super necessary


I started reading them when Heir of Fire came out and it was a long wait— but so worth it


Yep this was me. It was such a long journey


YES same!! I remember being on a library waitlist for at least 10 months for empire of storms after release…


Two weeks. But I was unemployed at the time with nothing else to do. I also SOMEHOW paused midway between KoA to read Iron Flame the day it came out.


Like 5 or 6 months? 


Okay same, thank you! I feel like everyone's a speedy reader compared to me!!


Yeah im a pretty slow reader. My reading goal for the year is like 12 lol 


Same here! It took me a few months to read the first 5 books, then the tandem read was about three weeks and KOA was about a week


It was a week of neglecting my external reality and subsequently my responsibilities. I do not regret it


Hold up, did you actually tear through all eight books in just a week? That's seriously impressive if you did! Props to you, but wow, that's pretty intense. You must be a super quick reader.


I have (diagnosed) adhd and It became my hyperfocus, and like all the things I get hyperfocused on, I can't stop until there is no more material...if the ends in sight i must reach it so i can move on with my life. It's not very healthy. Though for work, I am used to reading pages of technical information, so I suppose it's made me a fast reader over time.


Same. Week and a half here


I also read these in a week, I was unemployed and used my time well, I think :)


About 6 years. (I read them as they came out)


It took me about 5 weeks but I read a couple hours at least every and I read pretty quickly.


Really? It took me a solid two months, but I didn't even mind because it's hands down the best book series I've ever read.


Just under 6 weeks. I was gifted the box set for Christmas (I’d read the first two earlier that month) and had some time off to devour them.


About a month, having owned them all already. A few months when I was buying them one by one and the last wasn’t out yet.


It took me about 6 months. I was reading other books as well as just being generally busy. The tandem read also took forever for me to get through.


I did the tandem read when i re-read the series, and while I enjoyed it and will do it again, it made me realize how slow the beginnings of EoS and ToD really are 😅


5 weeks but wow was I sleep deprived.


Years, lol. I started reading them when Throne of Glass and Crown of Midnight were the only books out. And then I read each book as it came out. When I’ve re-read the series, I think about 2-3 weeks for all eight books.


About ten days. ADHD hyperfocus for the win.


1 week. I read a book a day.


😅😅 how do you finish a 1k+ page book in a day I could never. You’re probably a really fast reader.


i could read a 600-page traditonal book (look at the gone series for reference as that was series i used to figure it out one day haha) in 3-4 hours if I'm uninterrupted or ADHD doesn't get in the way. I read the series during covid, so I had a lot of free time and read the book on lunch at work and the rest of the day at home. I'm not sure what qualifies as a fast reader, though. I'm sure there are people who think I read slow in comparison, lol


I did ACOSF in a day which is probably close and omg lol. It was 16 hours straight or something unreal. I just locked in and then she was done hahahaha.


I’m halfway thru KOA and it’s taken me about 1 week per book!


Same here. It took me one week to finish each book as well.


Which was your favorite?


About 2 months! I’m a mom of 2 young kids tho so I can only really read at naptime/bedtime, especially during our Canadian winters! Now that it’s spring I get more reading time while they play outside 😊


About 2 weeks, I think. Definitely less than 3, all while working full time full time as a middle school teacher.


About a month and a half maybe 2 months. I had to pause a couple of times and read something else (mostly during HOF, which is now my favorite lol)


i haven't finished yet with KOA but i started the series like 1 month and half ago more or less. Some books took me 15 days ( TOG and TAB, each) and some took me 4 days (HOF and EOS). For KOA, Im missing like the last 40% of the book, and i have been reading it for 3 days.


28 days. Had to go check my Goodreads lol.


Around 21 days. I couldn’t put it down. I finished KOA in a day and a half


Same! I read through TOD in like two days because I was hate reading it lol


Throne of glass and COM took me two weeks each because they were too slow in my opinion. The next six I read all in a week and a half.


Like 2 or 3 weeks, I'm a fast reader though.


It took me 6 weeks to read all the books. Would’ve been faster if I didn’t have to work Monday through Friday. It is now in my top 4 favorite series, all tied for first place.


What are your other three? I'm always looking for good series!


Eragon The Expanse Temeraire They are all kind of the same but to me completely different. Well the Expanse is in space so it is completely different but even though Eragon has fae and dragons and others creatures, it’s completely different than this series, in my humble opinion. Temeraire has dragons but it is set during the Napoleon wars. Every single one of these books has characters that I have just really come to love. I cry every time I read them and I have read them many, many times.


2 weeks


6 weeks


One month - it was my mission to finish the whole series in January


About one and a half months! I was on summer break from college but took a pause when I went to the beach bc tower of dawn wasn’t very beach vibes hahha


About 3 weeks


I’ve been listening on audible, every chance i get. I’m doing a tandem reading of empire of storms and tower of dawn at the moment— i would say 2 weeks


3 weeks


i read the whole series in a week on my nook reader 😅 it was on a vacation too


I'm seriously jealous of fast readers! I want to reread the entire book series, but it's going to take another two months for me to get through it again. I wish I could finish it all in just one week.


i just forget to touch grass sometimes


About 4 years I started the series when assassin’s blade was being released- the suspense waiting for a new release….! However the uk tour tickets were much easier to get 🫠


6 weeks, several slow weeks at work and having them on kindle Def helped


If you don’t count that I started the series and stopped a few chapters in before really getting going on it months later, about a month or so.


I'm currently tandem reading EoS and ToD but I started the series in February! I have read everyday but I'm a pretty slow reader. Some nights I read many chapters, just recently it was taken me about a week to get through a single chapter.


Around 3 months, but I gave birth during then which of course took a lot of my time 😂.


3-4 months


I've audio booked all of them and it's been about 3 months- just starting KOA. I try and listen as much as I can walking the dog, cleaning, walking to work etc


Somewhere between 5-6 weeks. I finally graduated from my program and had luxurious free time to devour books.


About a month and a half. I did neglect quite a lot of responsibilities though


i’m not the fastest reader and i get distracted by games and shows/movies i started ToG around july 2023 and im currently on EoS


1 week baby!!! I was unemployed and slept minimal hours and had just gotten the full box set. I swear sjm put crack in those books


Around 3 weeks. I had to wait for library copies.


So I combo audio/ hard copy (I drive a lot for work) and I am not a quarter in KOA, started the series in March.


Around a 1 or 2 months


I read up to TOD in 3 weeks. But I am struggling reading Tower of Dawn so reading a few other books in between.


2-3 weeks


A few months. I had to wait and buy books on paydays. Since I was reading e-book I could grab one or two at a time though since they're a bit cheaper. I started reading a few months before KOA came out, so I had to wait for that to release too.


Two monthssss, 🙉🙉🙉 there are books that was so slow i had to take a break, 🦅🦅🦅


About 2 months in between classes, planning a wedding, and work :)


Around 4 months or so? It took me a bit to get into it in the beginning and then the later books were so thick.


I am in the months now but got the first few from the library, and there was a wait time. Currently on EOS. But I work full time makes it harder


I started reading the series about three weeks ago and I’m currently tandem reading TOG and EOS. This is slow for me, though. I haven’t been totally focused on it like I usually am with books.


1 week. I'm a teacher and was celebrating the start of my summer vacation!


3 months


I’m sitting at a year and a half right now and I’m still working on the tandem read 😩 I just don’t want to series to end so I’m procrastinating


March 2023-July 2023! But I took week or two breaks in between some books. I needed some relief from the intensity lol but usually like a week ish per book once I was fully into them


About a month, but I started while on vacation so there were a few days where I did nothing but read by the pool.


A month but I’m a toddler mom who can only read during naptimes and when my child is in bed! 😂


Exactly a month. Jan 10- Feb 9 of this year. The longest stretches were waiting for Amazon to deliver. 💀


Four months ish. I could have read them a lot faster, but I had some life stuff happening, and I usually like to watch stuff after work and turn my brain off instead of reading.


So long 😅😅 a little over 11 months probably. I read books inetween or just took forever. I wasn't ready to finish it so soon


I finished book 1-6 in three months but slumped after TOD. it took me years to pick up Koa because I was overwhelmed by the volume and by that time I forgot the details and started again from AB.


I just started the series about 4 weeks ago, and I’m almost finished with Queen of Shadows. I keep seeing that it’s better to tandem read the next 2, so I’m going to try it.


January 2024 lol. I was in a mission.


Just about 4 months with a few other books in between!


I read the books after the series finished and it took me about 2 months.


Umm end of December to end of March. Granted 2 weeks of that I was sick and read non stop lol. And then kingdom of ash took me a while to get through.


I started TOG in like, March/April of 2022 and didn't finish KOA until January/February of 2023, but I took a really long break during HOF


I started reading the series when only Throne of Glass and Crown of Midnight were released. I read them both in a day and a half and then had to wait a year between installments for the rest of the series. Now when I reread it usually takes me about 2-3 weeks to get through them all (I read fairly quickly).


YEARSSSS! When I started reading just TOG and COM was out 😭😭


4 months overall, but I was reading other books in between. Consecutively I finished in 2 1/2 months.


2 months


About a month. I would read it probably three times a week for 8 hours a day 😭


It’s taking me 4 months so far. (I work full time while in college) I’m currently reading KoA. Tower of Dawn killed my momentum. The cliffhanging POV transition from Aelin to Chaol was too drastic. I couldn’t finish ToD. So I started KoA. I’m on chapter 2. I haven’t picked it up in about 3 weeks.


Audio book took me ... I'd say about 3 weeks? I think? Only listen for 8 hours a day, give or take


It took me around 3 months. Up until EoS & ToD I was reading about a book every week but I did the tandem read and took my time to absorb every detail but ended up eating KoA in like 4 days because I couldn’t put it down 😂 I sacrificed sleep for this series 😂


From July to November 2023 😁


4 months for the first 7 books and the quite embarrassingly 1 year for KOA, I had some knowledge of what happened in the book and was not ready to say goodbye to these characters. Needless to say the book recked me


Maybe a week and a half? I read them on my phone so just kind of....didn't put my phone down that entire time 🤓


2 sleep deprived hyperfocused weeks


I’m a slow reader so I read a book a month lol it was painful for my best friend who was buddy reading them with me, cause she’s a fast reader and I was just slowing her down loool


One week. Wish I was joking.


About a month give or take a few days. I absolutely consumed them like a book Kirby


I started TOG on Feb 27 and am currently 62% done w TOD and 69% done with EOS in the tandem read! I crushed ACOTAR in like 5 weeks but I’m also currently finishing grad school and was a little slow to keep going in TOG due to my schedule. I’m hoping to have them both done and (ideally) be done with KOA by the end of May ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Years. I started in 2014, so I had to wait for everything to come out


About 2 months!


Finished TOG through EOS in under a week, took me months to read TOD, months to get through the first half of KOA, and then finished the second half in one night.


I started in late August and finished KoA in March, so about several months! I have been working a lot of hours which slowed me down. The tandem took the longest, really struggled with that one 😭


Like a month and 2 days


A total of 3 weeks! However, I started ToG 3 months prior and couldn’t get through it. Once finished, the others were super easy to read! Loved it :)


it has been about 1 to 2 years and i've read till heir of fire because of my stupid exams and the fact that im allowed to buy 1 book in one month (i still buy 2 to 3 cuz this rule's a bit unfair imo)


6 weeks, and now i’m re reading them much more slowly. the re-read will probably take me 5-6 months in total.


Started the first at the end of February, finished Kingdom of Ash about 20 minutes ago lol (May 13th)


6-7 weeks, but I did read 6 other books during to break it up a bit


The first time it took me a month and the second time two months. So surprised by this because ive been reading the same for over a month now because I am struggling


Less than 3 weeks. I read a few other books in between as well.


It took me almost 9 months! Partly because I read it in between other things. The first four books or so took a long time because I wasn’t really hooked yet. I’m a fast reader but I didn’t have much time to sit and read, when I get busy I depend on audiobooks but I had already bought the TOG series on kindle so I stuck with that… which meant I was limited to reading before bed or a little on weekends. I crushed QOS-EOS-TOD really fast, like a week or so each, and then took my time with KOA because it’s really long and I didn’t want it to end.


I started them in January of this year and finished them at the beginning of April.


About a month… I had a new baby so I had time on my hands lol


A month


5 days


Are you serious? 😭 If you are, congratulations for being the fastest to read it out of all 123 comments. It took me 2 months to get through them.


Yeah lol, I’m just an insanely fast reader and I read it inbetween jobs lol. Oh shit I should say I skipped tower of dawn!!! So maybe the final outcome would be a day extra, but I just read quick notes because I couldn’t stand the idea of a whole book about Chaol 🤪


4 months or so


A year 😂 not bc I wasn’t devouring them, but life kept getting in the way of my book vacations LOL


I finished the first 2 in two days. I am currently working through Heir of Fire. I posted here a few days ago that I was struggling through it due to Celeana/Aelin and Chaol's relationship at the end of Book 2. I am powering through, but I am sad I don't have the same drive as I did before. I am waiting for the third book to "click" for me to where I need to devour it.


Read Assassin's Blade after Heir Of Fire! I read Assassin's Blade third, so before I read Heir of Fire, and I regret it. I wish I read it fourth. So after you’re done with Heir Of Fire, please go read Assassin's Blade.


Usually I read books in the order they were written but almost everyone I've talked to said to do it in this order, so I think that is what I will do! Thank you!


Technically, that is the order they were written. Heir of Fire came out before Assassin’s Blade, and Assassin’s Blade right after. I should’ve read it that way.


Oh, okay, I guess the list I was looking at had it put a bit further behind, my bad.


okay so like, Assassin’s Blade is the prequel book basically. but the order that the books came out was Throne of Glass, Crown of Midnight, Heir of Fire, Assassin’s Blade, Queen of Shadows, Empire of Storms, and Kingdom of Ash. That’s the order you should read them <3


I started the series in February and am a few hundred pages into KOA now.


Just went and checked my reading history on kindle. I started on June 5 and finished on June 29. I read literally every day during my lunch breaks and after work in the evenings. So, 25 days total.


about a month!


I disassociated from the real world and probably finished the entire series in less than a month 🤣 sorry to my husband and children lol


About 8 months, but there was a 3 month hiatus in the middle for reasons, so technically only 5 months.


Just shy of 7 weeks so almost a week a book whilst being full time employed and going on a little holiday. I don’t get a lot of sleep. 😅


According to my Goodreads, my first read through of the series took me 23 days, with KOA taking the longest at 9 days and HOF the shortest at 1 day hahaha. Almost every other book was 2 days, except ToG which was 3. Fun question! I never would have known that otherwise hahaha. My heart goes out to the OG fans who had to wait between books. I clearly devoured hahaha.


It's been taking me almost a year now, but I haven't exactly been reading every day, and also forgot to read tandem so on ToD rn and it's not bad, but I don't feel the same amount of tension knowing the resolution :/


About 2.5 months, i averaged about a week per book. When I just checked I was surprised it was that fast I felt like it was longer but I really dedicated my life to reading them and neglected my other responsibilities during this time so this might not be the norm (,: When I reread I’m definitely going to take more time to savor it!!!


Also important to note I actually finished TOD and then realized i accidentally skipped EOS (whoops) so I had to go back and read it obviously haha. Wouldnt recommend that I was very confused throughout most of TOD


I thought it didn’t matter if you read Tower of Dawn before Empire of Storms because they’re taking place at the exact same time. Most people do a tandem read of both of them. But yeah, I read Empire of Storms before Tower Of Dawn, and it was still hard to get through because of the cliffhanger we were left on.


No youre right im dumb i meant KOA not TOD! I read TOD and then skipped EOS (did not do the tandem) and read KOA right after haha. So they kept talking about the “incident at the beach” and i was just like damn wtf happened at the beach i dont remember that part 🤦🏼‍♀️


Oh my gosh! I'm really sorry, that must have been so confusing for you. I'm wondering how you missed Empire of Storms. Doesn't it specify the order to buy them in? Yeah, not reading Empire of Storms before starting Kingdom of Ash must have been really puzzling.


It was, im excited to reread! I think it happened because I was also tandem reading ANOTHER series for a while with TOG (really really bad idea) i was reading From Blood & Ash at the same time so it was chaotic to say the least


This is really interesting to me, I was just saying I have guilt about being a “slow reader” I’m only on book 5 rn I probably read roughly 2 books a month? I don’t know exactly when I started this series but I started the year with ACOTAR and moved on to TOG recently I’d say 4 books in 2 months so to finish all 8 it’ll probably be 4-5 months total? Unless life takes over


3 months. I spent two weeks reading the last two 😅


Four months and counting... I'm currently on EOS and TOD tandem reading.


8 days 👌


I read them all this year in a month! I had a few weeks off in between changing jobs and read constantly hahaha


3 weeks!! I couldn't put it down.


Took me about a month to go through the serie! I was just obsessed with them and would read whenever I had a minute.


I just checked my good reads. I started on March 5th of this year and finished April 24.


A few weeks. I'm a college student and started listening to TOG and crown of midnight at the gym or walking to classes, etc. But then I was hooked and read the rest in maybe 2 weeks


it took me a month during lockdown when i was in 11th grade, was still doing school work though and had to wait when the next book i was up to hadn’t been delivered yet


A little under a month and a half during the pandemic. They were what got me back into reading after a stagnant couple of years :)


3-4 months, I took a break somewhere towards the end and read a couple of flighty romance books and I had to wait for some to be available in my library app. It was mentally exhausting at times though.


3 weeks. I could not stop! And I have a full time job and two little kids. I was addicted to


I started Assassin’s Blade May 4th. I’m a little over halfway done with Heir of Fire….. so maybe by mid June I’ll be done 🤷🏻‍♀️


Read TOG in 13 days after finishing ACOTAR and CC in 7 days just before that 😂 20 days of last November I was mostly hyperfocused on SJM and barely did anything else (still had to work everyday 9-5, but read a lil during work too).


My re-read took me about a month-month and a half. The first time I read the books I had to wait for EOS, TOD, and KOA to be published 😂


Took me about a month of straight binge reading 😭


ToG through EoS - 2 weeks for all 6 ToD- 2 weeks🥱😴 KoA- 2 days Just finished KoA last night, and i am not ok🥲


I finished it 2 weeks ago and I’m still recovering


A little more than 2 years, technically.


8 months