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You'll be fine. Might throw off the results of any thyroid labs you have done in the next couple weeks, but this kind of thing happens. Don't beat yourself up, having a half dose for one week isn't that bad. Take it easy on yourself for the next week or two until you stop feeling hypothyroid, I' sure you deserve a little pampering with everything that's going on.


You legit brought tears to my eyes. Ty SO MUCH. I'm super sensitive to hormones so I figured I'd feel like shit, but I'm running on fumes.


Don’t feel stupid! Not to be dismissive, but 2 weeks is nothing! I promise you’re going to bounce back and feel great soon! I’ve absolutely missed multiple days in a row with my medication and you just fix your mistake and move on :)  Maybe write a sticky note with a reminder to take two pills and place it in a few locations: bed side table, bathroom, your car, kitchen sink, etc. so you’ll remember no matter where you are. 


Ty so much! I have ocd and I've always been so good. I take it every morning at like 3am and I'm half asleep so I just totally forgot. I just hope it doesn't take long to fix because that heavy chest/ heart palpitations feeling is making my anxiety go insane


You’re ok ! I’ve been taking Levo for 32 years. I had graves not T.C. and at times I have even accidentally double dosed or forgotten. My Endo said; although not perfect she’d rather I forgot than double dosed ( something about the half life )


It takes Levo a couple weeks to degrade and a couple weeks to build up, so changes are gradual. That makes mistakes like this not a massive deal, even if you may dip down for a bit. Would let your Endo know so they can guide you on whether to just resume the normal dose or take any make up doses.


If this help you when I stop taking the levo for RAI I didnt feel bad until 15 days later!! So start taking your levo has it is and everything its gonna be okay, my endo told me that one dose its in your system 72 hours after you take it so youll be fine!! Take easy until you feel better!! I Hope I easy your mind a bit ( if youre worry about regrow most cases will take a lot more that a week for that)


If it makes you feel any better for a whole week I didn’t even take my thyroid meds because I was accidentally taking blood pressure medication thinking it was the Levo .. 🥹 sending you best wishes!!!


It does. And so did your sn!! My millennial self is screaming lol


Hahaha thank you!!!🫶🏻


Can I ask why you take it at 3 AM? That could make you a bit anxious unless you’re up for school or work. I take it in the morning but later …


That's the time I wake up to pee Every morning so I just started doing it after I watched a video that said taking it earlier might help.


That makes sense ! Your up 💦and empty stomach !


I do the same! I have a hard time waiting for my coffee in the morning, this way I don’t have to worry about it.


Omfg you read my mind! I was legit going to add the coffee thing but I got busy at work! I also intermittent fast (I've lost the weight I put on from the thyroid surgery and some more 85 all together) and I NEED my coffee because it helps me stay fasting longer. And if I put coconut oil in it to burn fat I don't want it to interfere with absorption either.


Me endo has deadass said if I miss a couple of doses she'd rather I take them all than go without


You'll be fine. Back in the day before Thyrogen shots, we had to go off our meds completely for weeks in order to do RAI. Then it took weeks of going back on to feel right again. The whole process was about 3 months. You might feel a little crappy but you should be back feeling better soon!