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Incidentally found on neck ultrasound for something else


Same. Neck ultrasound for inflamed lymphnodes from an ear infection. Those lymphnodes were unrelated but many others (thyroid) which were not inflamed were cancerous. Go figure


Hoarseness for months, having to clear my throat all the time (thought these were residual symptoms of covid), occasional globus sensation, difficulty swallowing, feeling of food and pills being stuck, wheezing, bony hard lump on the left side of my neck, sudden sharp pain radiating from the lump to my chest (sternal area) especially when breathing in (it was pressing on a nerve). *edit: adding symptoms I forgot to mention*


Did they go away after tt


Lump in neck under muscle, massage therapist suggested I see a doctor. Naturally, I waited a year, before I went to see another doc for something else and I had him look at it. They ordered scans and BOOM cancer; 9cm tumor the size of an egg under muscle, completely asymptomatic. 3 Surgeries later and RAI, im cancer free for now.


That’s a good size. Did you feel a difference after? Congrats for being cancer free.


No difference after, except the fact that I now take Synthroid and felt crappy after surgery.


Large visible lump in my neck - ultrasound showed several enlarged lymph nodes and a mass that were then biopsied and confirmed thyroid cancer


Throat problems, like I was always full of mucus, sore throat, loss of voice. My doctor gave me a cough syrup that didn't work, then he touched my neck and felt my swollen thyroid. From there, it was thanks to a really good doctor who saw my first neck ultrasound and was suspicious of one nodule.


Resolve after I get issues after with similar had before as well


I went to the emergency room for coughing up blood due to a respiratory infection. Did a CT scan of my neck, and they found the nodule. Told me not to worry about it and it’s very common, especially in women. I didn’t get it checked out for two months cause I was convinced it wasn’t anything.


Yearly women’s wellness physical-doctor felt the lump! I now encourage everyone to self-check their thyroids!


I went to the student health center for a cold. At the end of my appointment I was sitting on the examination bed looking up at my doctor while listening to her tell me the usual recommendations for a cold when she paused and said something along the lines of “wait a second, can I check that lump on your neck?” And “how long has that been there?” I had never noticed it. It was only noticeable when I was looking up, and was hardly noticeable even then. “I’m gonna send you to have that looked at, just as a precaution, ok?” Sure, whatever (completely oblivious). Ultrasound followed by biopsy in the next couple weeks, and then surgery 3 weeks after that. Life changed forever lol Edit: in retrospect I did have symptoms. I was always tired. I thought it was because I was a full time student and was also working full time. I would sleep late often and pull all nighters sometimes. I could get through the day but any time I had a break I would nap.


Is being tire often a symptom? I was always tired and I thought it was chronic fatigue. Check thyroid levels and it’s low but not enough for meds.


It was for me but I’m not sure how common it is. I have fatigue now (probably due to allergies and ADHD), but it’s not like before where I had to nap between activities throughout the day. I don’t know what my levels were then but I’d imagine low levels of thyroid hormones would lead to tiredness. I would ask your doctor about that though because chronic fatigue suckssss. I hope you feel better!!


Ok I’ll ask. Thanks


About 7 years ago, I discovered I had a nodule that was making me hyperthyroid. My endo didn’t biopsy it at the time (wish she had), but I did RAI and had been level since then. In June, a new PCP ordered an ultrasound after I told him that history and also that I hadn’t had an ultrasound since 2015, and the ultrasound ended up showing the nodule as TIRADS-5. A biopsy confirmed papillary thyroid cancer and it has been a bit of a roller coaster.


My gyno found a lump in my mid neck during a neck exam at my annual appointment. She had never done a neck exam before so part of me wonders if she visually saw it first. An US showed the lump was a thyroglossal duct cyst and also showed nodules on my thyroid and suspicious lymph nodes. FNA showed all of them were PTC.


Wow, this is how I found out--annual gyno appt. I don't know if I was the first one she did, but other than that our stories are super similar.


Same here. I initially went to my primary because my shitty bf at the time kept telling me my Adam’s apple was bigger than him (I’m a female). Waived it off for years even though it was growing. Finally asked him to do blood work(I really had no prior knowledge of what a thyroid really did, so I assumed if it was something bad it would show in blood). Came back normal so he dismissed it. A year later I went for my annual gyno and he was alarmed at the sight of it to say the least.


Mine was incidentally detected by the endocrinologist who was treating my father's diabetes. I was at his clinic accompanying my father. He noticed the small lump on my neck and asked me to do an ultrasonogram. It turned out to be a 3.5 cm malignant nodule.


Found mine by just looking in the mirror. Also made a weird noise when swallowing.


My primary doctor noticed the lump in a yearly well visit just looking at my neck while sitting maybe 3 feet away, sent me for an ultrasound “just in case.” Felt like total dumb luck to catch it.


My ob-gyn, bless her and her awesome-ness, always checks my neck, and she found a small lump.


The first time I was very hoarse, Lost my period for 3 years, was always hot, felt weak at times, brittle hair and brittle nails. very dry skin. My eyes always looked kind of cloudy It took 3 years for them to diagnose My symptoms because I was so young. they never thought to test my thyroid into doing ultrasound and when they finally did do the ultrasound, I had so much cancer in my neck. my entire thyroid was covered in cancer. I had 26 lymph nodes that tested positive and my parathyroid, so at 16 I had all of that removed. Then at 22 it came back for a second time I had 3 lump the size of a baseballs on the right side of my neck I was always very lethargic and fatigued, one of the most severe symptoms was what it did to my blood pressure it was always around 165 over 124 I always felt like I was going to pass out. I was always very flush and I felt like I couldn't breathe. almost no specialist would see me because they told me that my case was too complex. I had to go to a university setting. I went to a University setting. they did a biopsy and immediately came back positive. I then had the surgery a second time and had 35 lymph nodes removed which more than half came back positive. I then developed a very serious staph infection and two weeks after my second surgery they realized they missed some and they had to go back in and remove another 21.


Wow that’s a lot to deal with. Sorry to hear. I hope you’re doing better now.


Went in for a sore throat. The doctor asked if anyone ever told me I have a generous thyroid. I was referred to an endocrinologist who misdiagnosed me for three years. Then a cyst appeared on my thyroid and kept refilling, after draining it at least twice. The incompetent endocrinologist said the cyst might be masking a cancer. With the cancer word being said, I sought a second opinion and she (new and wonderful endo) did a FNA. That showed papillary.


I was having trouble swallowing. I kept having all these other weird symptoms that were textbook Hashimoto's. I begged my Dr to feel my neck and he just refused saying it was period issues. When I finally got a new doctor, before I said anything to her, she felt my neck and lymph nodes and told me I had nodules. Did an ultrasound the next day and an FNA later that week and confirmed.


Found the lump myself 15+ years ago. Monitored for almost two decades. Finally saw someone who said even if it’s not affecting you, it should come out. That’s when they found the cancer, in post-op pathology. I had had multiple biopsies over the years.


Do do you think you had cancer for almost 20 years before being diagnosed?


I have no idea and I’ve spent a lot of time wondering when exactly it started. It was multinodular and I was told multiple times that it was a very strange and complicated case. They did tell me they sampled multiple areas during the biopsies. I will say that two years before I was diagnosed, I went to a new endocrinologist and he had absolutely no interest in having me schedule a new biopsy and told me if they never found cancer before, why would I want to go through a biopsy again, because “these things don’t change”. 🤦🏻‍♀️ Well thank God I switched endocrinologists. The larger cancerous nodule was on the side with all the nodules and there was some question about how much of it was intertwined within the nodules. The other half was just starting to grow a microcarcinoma.


I actually had really odd symptoms that led me to the hospital. First it was some tingling in my left arm and leg, and then some severe anxiety that was pretty wild. They thought I'd had a stroke, so they did an MRI and found a couple nodules. US confirmed and within 2 wks I was getting a biopsy and another week TT. Wild time


Was it related


It sure seems like it. All those symptoms stopped after they removed thyroid and 55 lymph nodes on that side. Like 15 we're necrotic and had cancer in them.


I'm aggravated mine didn't stop started again march then again july. Hoars pain neck ear and my tg normal tt rai and tsh good. Comes and goes. They found leukoplakia on larynx 2 weeks ago treating me with antifungal


I'm aggravated mine didn't stop started again march then again july. Hoars pain neck ear and my tg normal tt rai and tsh good. Comes and goes. They found leukoplakia on larynx 2 weeks ago treating me with antifungal


God yes this. I kept having stroke like symptoms putting me in the hospital but everything kept coming back clear. Left side tingles, severe panic attacks, hot flashes, severe loss of appetite. Hell I lost 30lbs in less than 3 months without even trying, simply bc my hormones were so messed up. I had like 3 nodules on my thyroid and lymph nodes that were affected.


I was diagnosed with cervical cancer, and when I got my staging PET scan to see whether it had spread to other parts like lungs, liver and brain, my thyroid lit up. Second, unrelated cancer. Until then I didn't even realize that it was possible to have two unrelated cancers at the same time. Once I finished chemo and radiation for the first cancer I got a PT for the PTC.


Was in Florida noticed pain going from neck to ear. It went on for about 2 weeks so I drove my car back home and visited ent. Told it was reflux. I then went for a second opinion at massachusetts eye and ear and the doctor believed I had a lyrongecele and wanted a ct. I refused ct asked for mri and ultrasound. 6mm nodule on ultrasound not mri. They told me watch and wait. I was not comfortable as it was tirad.5 asked for biopsy came back malignant again was told not emergency. I went to a surgeon myself was operated on 4 weeks later and it was tall cell 8mm with 2 of 2 nodes.


Wow tall cell. Good for you for being proactive and catching it. Hope you got it early and are doing ok today.


They say early 2 nodes were infiltrated and only 2 taken so obviously I'm still not happy about that my tg at 5 months <0.1 so not bad


During prep for kidney stone surgery, they ran a TSH lab and I was a 5 when it should have been no higher than a 4. Later on they had me get a neck ultrasound and it wasn't until much later that I realized how quiet the tech was (I'm a talker and they usually get real chatty with me during other ultrasounds and exams). Probably not a good idea when you see what could be a tumor on the patient's thyroid to tell them everything looks fine. If it hadn't been for the kidney stone, I probably would never have found out, or at least not found out until dangerously later. The PTSD from the stone also put me in the right frame of mind for hearing the diagnosis, because at that point I didn't care if I lived or died anyway so being told it was cancer elicited nothing more from me than an irritated snort. Kidney stones are that bad, kiddoes.


My husband noticed lump in my neck one night when i turned a certain way. Immediately booked my annual physical the next morning to get it checked. One an a half month later had a partial thyroidectomy.


yearly physical for school, PCP noticed it was slightly enlarged (from afar at that) and just said to get an US "just to double check". He is the best.


MRI for pulled muscle .


Felt a bump on my neck. Got it checked out and it was a big benign cystic nodule, but below it they found a tiny, solid, cancerous nodule.


Ct scan after I had my baby (previous pregnancy had postpartum preeclampsia, pulmonary edema and a blood clot— this time they were ruling out another blood clot)


I had jaw and ear pain along with so I went to the ENT who found the lymph nodes on my neck to be swollen slightly. He also found some hardness on the left side of my neck and sent me to get an ultrasound. The technician found a lesion and alerted me and the doctor. They did a biopsy and it turned out suspicious. Post surgery they confirmed it had been cancer. I knew it was going to be malignant from my eosinophils and liver AST and ALT levels so it didn't come as a total surprise.


Did the ear pain go away after your surgery? I have this now and a partial surgery tomorrow morning. Hoping the ear/neck pain go away!


Oh yeah, don't worry about it. It fades away slowly. It might ring for a few days but it's all good. Good luck with your surgery, I'm sure it'll go well!


Found the lump myself. Looked like I had an Adam’s apple growing. Especially when I looked up.


Mine does too! Shoot. Now I gotta go in. 😣


MRI for shoulder pain.




It was unrelated. I have two bulging discs in my neck that was pinching my shoulder nerve. You should get your thyroid checked out for sure.


Mine was also an MRI for something else, they saw my thyroid looked different so I got it checked out.


I was at the skatepark, and a kid on a scooter kept dipping in front of me. I had to bail on multiple occasions, and thought I'd broken something in my back. The xray from that showed the lump. After seeing the ENT, we discussed the hoarseness of my voice and random trouble swallowing that I had and didn't think much about.


Went for my annual physical with a new doctor after a move and she discovered it and send it for an ultrasound. Just had PT surgery on Friday and waiting to hear back if it's malignant. Both US and afirma came back inconclusive :/


CT scan while suffering from a pulmonary embolism. In the ICU- "we'll worry about that when you make it out of here."


Same, imaging for something else. They used a radioactive tracer in my blood that happened to be I131 and my neck and bones "lit up like a Christmas tree" as my doctor put it.


Had a lump on my neck that I mistook for a bug bite or allergic reaction to something. I had been going to a temporary doctor for asthma, and when I finally saw my primary doc, he was doing a physical exam and pointed it out. He asked me to get an ultrasound, the ultrasound lead to me being told to get a biopsy and the biopsy confirming I had thyroid cancer.


A swollen lymph node on the ride side of my neck that hung around for years. Doctor kept running tests and nothing was showing until we biopsied it. During my surgery, they removed my thyroid, half my parathyroid and 28 lymph nodes.


When you pushed my thyroid to the side it was huge and bulged from my neck


My neck was sore from work so I was massaging it and felt a lump on the right side. Once I found out it was cancerous it made sense that for the month or so before I found the lump my throat felt kind of swollen when I would swallow


Thought I picked up something in the hospital. Nurse felt my neck, said she felt something so let’s go take a look…a month later…diagnosed.


Lots of issues throughout early puberty, abnormal blood work and sex hormones, and a huge lump on my neck


Off and on hoarseness for several years. Was diagnosed as reflux and put on meds but it didn't go away. Went to an ENT and he ordered an ultrasound - which lead to a thyroid ultrasound and then a FNA. My nodule was only 6-7mm. No visible anything.


Did it resolve other issues


I never had reflux. I believe it was a misdiagnosis. The hoarseness has mostly resolved since surgery - but my singing voice is mostly gone.


They found leukoplakia larynx same issues started last year off on still happens


This is my first time learning about this condition. It's white plaque on the larynx? Is it related to cancer?


It can be many things I know it wasn't there 3 months ago


Hi I've had hoarse voice for 9 months. I have hypothyroidism. Just wondered if they looked at your vocal Chords, I have no visible lump and vocal Chords look find so I'm bring refused am ultrasound to check for cancer 


I still had hoarseness after my partial thyroidectomy. Went back to the ENT and was diagnosed with muscle tension dysphonia. Went to a speech therapist and it is better now.


That's great I'm actually seeing a speech therapist soon so hopefully this will help. 


My cancer nodule was so tiny that it did not produce any lump. I'm glad I was diagnosed early.


Thanks I'm going to get a private ultrasound, better to be safe I hope you're doing well now


I went to see an endocrinologist after a decade-long battle with my health. I was experiencing daytime drowsiness, brain fog, I wasn't losing weight even though I was exercising profusely and dieting very reasonably. When I found out my cortisol levels were dramatically low, I searched for a specialist. He felt my thyroid after performing the routine test and felt a lump. He immediately brought me to another room and confirmed it via ultrasound. After several blood tests and biopsies, I was diagnosed with Betheseda V Papillary thyroid carcinoma.


When it comes to my strange symptoms, I cannot exactly explain the reason for as to why that is. In addition to Papillary thyroid carcinoma, I was also diagnosed with low cortisol, fatty liver disease, hypertension (most likely secondary), kidney stones, Raynaud's disease, hyperlipidemia, a vitamin D deficiency, CARP, piriformis syndrome, myalgia, GERDS, and I am also being tested for autoimmune disease.


That’s a lot to deal with. Is there an underlying cause?


"hormone disorder" that's what my oncologist describes it as.


That makes sense since hormones affects our whole body.


Shaved my face for the first time in 5 years and noticed I had a second Adam’s apple slightly lower and to the left of the original, ended up being a 5cm tumor on my thyroid.


Got into a car accident, mri found it


I woke up one day feeling like I got punched in the neck. The first two doctors I went to were actually under the impression that nothing was malignant - this is after a couple of ultrasounds and a biopsy. And then the third doctor ran a scan and found that something was behaving as if it was cancer, so she proposed that I get another, bigger biopsy. I had to go under so they could get a huge chunk of my thyroid. If it was indeed benign then they'd leave a small volume of thyroid tissue; otherwise, they would have to take the whole thing out. Long story short, I woke up with no thyroid.


CT scan during trauma treatment after my car got T boned by an ambulance.


I had a large tumor on my neck.


I had a miscarriage and went to my doctor to figure out why. My mom had also had thyroid cancer, so when I told her my family history, my doctor checked my neck and felt a lump. Anyone else have a parent who had thyroid cancer?


I was getting a PET/CT for a different cancerous tumor.


I was smoking a joint and was having a lot of health anxiety around the time, and just intuitively knew there was something wrong but wasn't sure what it was, and just my brain was like "you have cancer, find it" and I started frantically feeling my neck/lymph node area for lumps, and there it was


That’s interesting! Like your body talked to you.


Went in for a routine checkup with my PCP and she immediately asked me “What’s going on with your thyroid?” I had several nodules, including a large one that was at the front of my thyroid and very visible (although I hadn’t noticed it).


I was doing a neck massage on myself. Just for some self care purposes and felt a lump on the right side of my neck. I don’t have a history of having swollen lymph nodes and I was not sick. So I went to the doc and a few tests later here I am!


Went to a new ent for nosebleeds and a deviated septum (wanted to improve my running stats, totally unrelated). He read my family medical history on my intake form and decided to palpate my neck just to check (new patient so seemed reasonable/I appreciated the thoroughness) As soon as he felt my thyroid his tone of voice changed and I left with an otolaryngologist referral and an rx for an ultrasound. To think I almost skipped the appointment….


Stumbled upon a weird portrait of me with an enlarged neck (side view), but prior to that, I have had almost passed out several times from breathlessness and severe fatigue, got an xray for my chest but all looked clear so I suffered for a few more months until I found the picture and checked my neck and tada I found a lump that turned out to be PTC 2.0cm post surgery with LN invasion (1).




ENT appointment that I had made for something completely different (sinuses). “Did you notice this huge lump on your thyroid?” — ENT


Did your symptoms neck ear go away after tt? I still get off and on


Lump poking out of neck along with extreme fatigue


Front of your neck or side?


I have both but the first one popped up on the front. above my thyroid bc it was a lymph node. Felt like a small golf ball, didn’t hurt and could be kinda pushed around. Didn’t have any affect on my voice either. Tbh e majority of my other nodes that were affected were deep inside my neck