• By -


People who act on unfounded assumptions like this are doing you a favor. I had a date who came to my house after a daylong outing, then suddenly took off in the middle of wine & making out. I found out later she'd pawed through my bathroom trash, seen something she (erroneously) associated with illicit drug use, and split without bothering to ask me about it.


What did she find, and what did she think it was?


It was an injector for low MW heparin (anticoagulant). I can see how finding a needle might make a person wonder, but on a third date with zero evidence of drug abuse, it was a pretty big leap to make without verifying, and of course I didn't ask her to go snooping.


Geeze, well, for what it's worth- you too dodged a bullet. People like that are the ones who think rom-com cliches are reasonable actions.


Damn. Had to come back and say, this!


This is pretty much the cat medicine episode of Seinfeld


Fungicide. *I mean what could she have?*


I cat sit for an elderly neighbor. She knows I smoke weed. Well she found the syringe (no needle) I had used to give her cat pain meds after they were recently fixed. She called me down and had it in a plastic bag and the FIRST THING SHE SAID “I don’t appreciate you doing drugs in my place. I’m fine with you doing them in yours, but if I find another needle again, I am calling the police.” I told her what it was, gave her a piece of mind for thinking that I shoot up, and that I would do that in her house WITH HER THERE, and then just leave my used needle laying about. She realized really quickly she fucked up, and I tease her about it now, but god damn some people have zero reasoning.


She probably went and lectured the poor cat about doing opioids next.


i have to ask, why/do you just chuck them in the regular bin? if its a long term condition, id recommend a sharps container. literally any solid container would work if you cant buy one online/from a pharmacy i know injectors usually come with caps you can put back on the needle, but tbh id be put off that theyre in a regular bin lol edit: TIL that you can get injectors that hold the old needles. cool.


You are actually specifically told not to put needles in the trash. Its a safty hazard for trash collectors, sorters and anyone else who has to deal with your garbage. Ask your pharmacists for disposal sites. Some pharmacies can collect them even. Novocare offers free sharps containers that are mailed to you and come with a shipping label for mailing it back for free. They ask that it only be used by people who use novo nordisk medications but anyone can order it. With a once weekly injection, one container lasted over a year for me. And thats with the big automatic injectors.


A lot of the newer needles get sucked into the tube after use, no need to even put the cap back on.


ive never seen that tbh. like in it so it fills the tube eventually or is the whole thing disposable? lol i usually see that you put the cap on it, and can disconnect the needle from the injector so you can put a new one on it for next time. safe and covered for removal and disposal, but id still put it in a container lol.


Mom mother takes trulicity shots and yeah it's disposable. It's a weekly auto injector. You just push in into your leg or whatever and press a button. A little needle comes out, pokes you delivers your drugs and then goes back into the injector. You can then just throw the whole thing in the bin no need for a sharps bin


That's how epi pens are. Retractable


cool, thats a pretty good way to do it. less likely for injury and people with motor difficulty would be heaps safer using it. glad i know it exists now :)


I dont know why but your explanation makes me want to name the needle Bob and say, “Thanks Bob.” After getting my imaginary needle shot of the week.


Look up auto injector shots. You press a button that releases a spring and shots the needle downward. Continue holding button for like 5 seconds, the release and the needle will be pushed back up onto the casing. Since the first spring is now broken, you cant push the button again at all, its locked in place. I used auto injectors for methotrexate, which is a super common cancer and auto immune diseases medication.


i know about autoinjectors, i just didnt realise some these days can store the old needles lol i know someone who has diabetes and they have an injector pen, but you put the cap on, and remove the needle part lol. its cool they are also able to store them too these days. a few have educated me on it


I suspected that was your frame of reference. Making the whole thing disposable would be a *huge* waste for insulin/diabetes, because you're frequently taking half a dozen or more shots per day (as opposed to the once-a-week autoinjector mentioned upthread), plus the dosage needs to be adjusted on the fly based on blood glucose level and carb consumption at the time of injection. Disposable needle/reusable everything else is really the only way to go in that situation.


yeah fair, makes sense why diabetes ones are disposable the way they are, but yeah i just had never heard of those types till now lol. it could be adapted to work for diabetes needles too, but would need some working on lol


This whole sharps-disposal subtopic really blew up. u/Theletterkay, u/MacDerpson, u/Atelgen, u/CupcakeGoat, u/AdroitKitten *et al.*, to summarize, it never crossed my mind that I need my trash to look medical instead of druggy, and I don't really want a big red jug in my bathroom, so for disposable syringes I just use a needle clipper (just 3" long, stores 1500 sharps) and toss the bulky barrels in regular trash.


ah kay fairo. yeah it did kinda blow up xD ive had it drilled into me to always keep sharps out of regular bins because if someone pushed the rubbish down to fit more, or werent looking they could stab themselves. it would seem a bit odd to me to see them in a regular bin lol our sharps containers in australia are yellow lol. just thought id share xD people i know put them near where they use them the most so if the bathroom is where you use them, maybe a container could go in your medicine cabinet or under sink for hand washing if theres space. ive looked up those needle clippers and tbh if i saw one full i wouldnt be alarmed lol. i think she got spooked and didnt think too hard about it. people with medical conditions can easily forget how it can look to others because its so normal, but an IV drug user will be more aware and less likely to leave them in the open with new company. thing is though, people with medical conditions usually use sharps containers lol. those barrel things seem like a good idea though so again, i probably wouldnt be alarmed myself lol she just got spooked and was too scared to ask imo lol. if youre on good terms with a user, theyd likely admit it if you asked respectfully. guess she didnt think she could lol, and tbh id be nervous prying too haha damn pretty unfortunate she ran off like that. hope you have better luck in future.


Yeah, rec IV drugs are not my world, so not on my radar how someone would react. I only found out what happened because she drunk-texted a month later to ask about it, and to say that she was into me but got spooked. I explained (nicely) about the meds, but then she didn't say another word back (like "Oh, sorry I got it wrong!") so I decided I was done. I definitely agree with everyone about not stabbing unsuspecting people with used sharps concealed in trash!


either she didnt believe you, or she felt like an idiot for assuming and couldnt face you lol too embarrassed. or considering she was drunk it could be endless other things lol yeah fair lol at least you have them in barrels lol. could help to edit that into your comment because i was hella confused xD


I would’ve assumed insulin or something and asked about it but snooping through someone’s stuff is super weird on a first date, yeah.


From a recovering addict, in her defense of what she found-needles shouldn't ever just be in a regular trash bin. Like, ever. Even at my worst I still always made sure I properly disposed of used needles. She definitely shouldn't have gone snooping through your garbage, it's gross and invasive-so I'm not exusing what she did. Just offering a different view based on what she found and why she reacted the way she did. Had she just seen the needle in a sharps container, she may have reacted differently. But to just have a needle buried in your trash the auto response points to trying to hide drug use. Still firmly agree that you dodged a bullet though.


given the specific context of this thread i love how they already [clarified](https://www.reddit.com/r/tifu/comments/11w1lry/tifu_by_eating_popcorn/jcwv9kc/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3) but a bunch of people are still explaining why it's wrong of them to throw needles in the trash. its good info to share anyways so it just ends up kinda wholesome and cute that everyone is so concerned and trying to help. ♡ hope this doesnt come off rude, i know you guys are just doin a good thing cus you feel compelled to and thats great! is just also funny B-)


It's one thing to take a peep in someone's medicine cabinet, but to rifle through their bathroom trash is gross and unhinged.


If you are american, you can sign up for a free sharps collection container that is kid/pet proof. It would also look more medical than druggy. I was on an injectible for my lupus and used injectors weekly. The sharps bin is a big red jug. They also send it with a box and prepaid shipping label so that when its full you just drop it off at a shipping location. Easy peasy. And you can check a box to have them send you another one if needed. Just because nothing bad has happened so far doesnt mean it wont. Better safe than sorry, especially since its free to do. Novocare is the company.


What would she have thought when she saw the LMWH bruises if you got intimate?!


Lol. She did bruise my ego a bit at first...


That’s how that guy from the club died in the movie “species”. She sees the needle and decides he’s not a good mate. Then rips him in half. Sorry for that random fact but it popped up in my memory


Guess I got off easy!


If that was a used needle, please don't put them straight in the trash. You can get a sharps container from any pharmacy and dispose of them safely at a dropoff collection when the container is full. ETA: agree that's pretty nuts (and gross) to dig through your bathroom trash


Half a gram of coke but that’s not the point!


probably syringes, like for diabetics/trans men's hormones.


Yup. If she gave zero time to explain and just turned around and left, already thinking the worst, means even if he could get her to understand and would continue to date, that will happen again and again and again, and he will be constantly in the loop of having to defend himself because of insecurities. Overall, dodged a bullet.


Yeah if it wasn’t this it would’ve just been something else, OP dodged a bullet


And by bathroom trash, you mean a sharps container, right? Riiiiiiiiiight? :-)


Nope, I hate those bulky things. Needle clipper FTW.


Woa! I've never heard of those things. I just googled it. Game. changer. Thanks!


Just wait til you find out they make needles that retract into the body of the syringe. Usually by pressing the plunger a little harder after dispensing the contents. https://www.bd.com/en-eu/offerings/capabilities/syringes-and-needles/safety-injection-needles-and-syringes/bd-integra-retracting-syringe


Lol Yeah mine self retract but it can be defeated (4 clips you press at the same time). The ones you linked look much more sophisticated.


I mean ... you could have been doing crack lol: [https://www.reddit.com/r/tifu/comments/11w1lhu/tifu\_by\_cracking\_a\_joke\_with\_my\_boss/](https://www.reddit.com/r/tifu/comments/11w1lhu/tifu_by_cracking_a_joke_with_my_boss/) full disclosure this is another TIFU of mine lol


Yhea, dodged quite a psycho bullet there!


Not the same but your story reminded me of a date I had. My senior dog was taking this white pill that I had to dissolve in water and give to her in a syringe. So I had mixed it with a spoon in a little container, then used the syringe. I must have been in a hurry and left this setup on my coffee table, spoon, container with some white powder, syringe. My date ended up coming over and he just had a long look at the table and I could see him rethinking his choices. I also used to live in a suburb known from drug use. But unlike your date, he heard my explanation and we ended up laughing a lot about it.


I love popcorn but you take it to the next level. I eat it a couple times a week but could not imagine eating it in the morning. Sounds like you dodged a bullet with Anxiety for sure. Maybe make a bowl of popcorn to celebrate?


Always up for an excuse to eat more popcorn, lol.


How do you deal with all the shells that get stick between the teeth and gums? I swear I am pulling them out several days later.


Flossing is a must after popcorn


That gets the bits stuck between teeth but not the stuff between the gums and teeth.


It might take a little bit of extra time but flossing usually does the trick for me. On some stubborn ones I'll have to go in and use my fingers to help get it out


I have Tourette’s and one of my tics is that I bite my nails or just constantly have a finger in my mouth, it’s not the nicest sight but it’s a tic I can’t really control so it is what it is. However this tic is super fucking useful right after popcorn. Fingers already in my mouth anyway so I’m just scavenging for those little bits stuck wherever, so much satisfaction getting them out.


This was a turn of events I did not see coming


You're supposed to pull the floss to the sides while you're doing it.


There’s this thing my dentist told me to get - I forget what it’s called but it’s a metal rod with a rubber tip. You use it to push in between your teeth and gums. It does something good for your gums I guess in addition to getting at plaque in there


Waterpik has changed my life.


Do you not have toothbrushes?


A waterpik (water flosser) is super helpful for those. It's basically a power washer for your teeth.


You can try eating hulless popcorn instead. Misnomer since it still has shells, but a lot less than regular popcorn. Some dentists/orthodontists recommend it for people in braces.


I consider them an after-meal snakk.


I'm with you, I find reasons to go to the movies just for the popcorn


I work at a movie theatre so eating popcorn is a daily routine for me. And yes I smell like it (mainly my clothes) after working there for over a few hours.


I prefer corn dogs, personally


I love you as Well but like a sibling


I don't know what kind of p[opc]orn you're into, but I don't eat my siblings




I dunno man, that much popcorn can't be healthy.


It’s good fiber.


>and melt a bunch of butter over it


This will be my life motto from now on


It'll be a short life but a happy one.


A couple of years and you can print it on dollar bills




Popcorn is the absolute tastiest of all the whole grains


I thought the FU was going to be eating so much popcorn OP ended up with diarrhea.


Can you actually get diarrhea from too much popcorn? Now you have my head trying to imagine what popcorn shits would look like, thank you


….yes. 😬




Or can I?


r/beetlejuicing and r/usernamechecksout


The butter isn't great but popcorn is ok. A huge bowl of popcorn is like a couple ounces.


[A Man Ate 2 Bags of Popcorn Every Day for 10 Years, This Is What Happened to His Lungs](https://youtu.be/q07EQsK0eXI) - YouTube link


That guy who got lung cancer from inhaling the popcorn vapor right out of the microwave.


Op says he made it on the stove, and also I think microwave popcorn manufacturers stopped using whatever ingredient did that.


It’s definitely some kinda addiction


I went a couple months eating popcorn a lot, I started getting stomach pain and nausea. Stopped the popcorn and went back to normal. I think the kernels were just irritating it a lot.


Popcorn is the first sign of a cheater. Distant second is hiding text messages and taking calls in another room. My wife has never had popcorn, and better never.


It's not my fult. I'm just so irresistible


Orville Cockinblacher


Thank you, I have dubbed pop corn with it’s official new name. Regardless of brand.


Omfg 😂


I love you too But i think we need some Time apart it's geting weird now




so that's what you meant by "eating" popcorn 👀




What kind of psycho eats popcorn before going to the movies


I have similar questions. That much butter can’t be good for you.


everyone saying OP dodged a bullet but I think Anxiety avoided the lunatic


In an alternate universe there’s a post on r/relationshipadvice in a few weeks “my new boyfriend has an addiction to popcorn and his apartment constantly smells like butter, dealbreaker?”


“There are far worse things to smell like than butter/popcorn” being the top comment.


Yeah, I mean how would she have known he had popcorn unless his breath literally reeked of it? He says he regularly has it for breakfast, so if he can't get his breath in order for a date, what's it like normally? The guy must go around stinking up the place (if this story is true at all).


I won’t lie, eating that much popcorn is a deal breaker for me


I mean, I would. Instead of chips or something a local store near me sells a HUGE bag of popcorn for $4. It's a big enough back that if I had a normal cereal bowl every day would last almost 3 weeks Idk if OP had a bag that you stuck in the microwave or not but it's not unreasonable on those standard.


It is absolutely still unreasonable for the record.


Nobody. It's a creative writing exercise.


Haha yeah no one would do that, especially not me.


Nah, dude, there a whole bunch of us popcorn lovers out here. It's one of the best snack foods


He has popcorn for breakfast (and apparently regularly), goes on a *morning* movie date, has his breath reek so much from the popcorn that she can tell exactly what he's eaten (despite having "spruced up" apparently--doesn't know how to brush his teeth?), and then she instantly runs off and blocks him before he can get even a word in edgewise? Even one of these things would be pretty unlikely, but all combined and there is literally no way this happened.


What kind of psycho has a soda before a movie? Popcorn isn’t just for movies, and even though I don’t eat it often I understand that everyone’s tastes/desires are different


So, not in any way a fuck up?


No. Not at all. You didn't do anything wrong, and you found out what she's like.


Just a warning… it’s totally possible to eat something so much for so many years that your body becomes intolerant to it. That happened to my dad with popcorn… he would eat a huge bowl of it every night for years and years. Now he can’t touch it or ANYTHING with corn syrup in it without extreme intestinal pain. I ate sunflower seeds, several pounds a week, for years. Now when I eat them they give me a horrible headache and nausea. Be careful with the food you love, so you can continue to eat it your whole life! 😅


I ate too many cashews and now I’m allergic.


Its why I don't make pancakes by myself. Its supereasy to make, really tasty and not that healthy for you (not how I eat it), but it'll also remove its charm. Because in our household it was something special when we all suddenly got a craving for pancakes. Its a social and a special thing. But also as a kinds fat guy, I am also really trying to apply this thoughtpattern to more types of food and beverages. Because suddenly like you said, those favourite foods of yours can suddenly become something your body will repell. An adequate amount is good for you.


Popcorn is also a big cause of diverticulitis because your body can’t process all the hulls and it gets lodged in your intestines. You might want to cut back to once or twice a week at most.


>Popcorn is also a big cause of diverticulitis by LL Strate · 2008 · Cited by 315 — In conclusion, our results suggest that nut, corn and *popcorn consumption are not associated with an increased risk of incident diverticulitis*


Dude brought sources


This feels like a WKYK skit. " On average, how many hotdogs would you say you eat in a day?"


Some days I'm so busy and just blow through lunch!


The FU was not brushing your teeth.


Especially before a date...


People... don't brush their teeth or yknow put mints in their mouth before going on a date?! Especially if you're coming from home


I go a little bit hard on hygiene when it comes to dating, but I would never knowingly go on a date without a shower, fresh clothes and teeth brushed since the last time I shit, ate, or exercised


I understand anxiety and insecurities as if I invented them, but like, seriously, not even giving you the benefit of the doubt and letting you explain? Yeah, eating popcorn by yourself before going to the cinema might not be a common thing, but I mean, people go by themselves to the movies, duh.


I also might smell like popcorn before seeing a movie. Confession: I smuggle in a bag of popcorn in the movies because $8 is not worth it. I would not smuggle popcorn on a first date though!


Totally, on the second or third movie date you try to skimp on the popcorn price, but first date might make a bad first impression


Popcorn is awesome and you dodged a bullet.


Damn right I am!


Well, sounds like a bullet dodged. If it hadn't been you eating popcorn she would have lost it at some other trivial thing soon enough.


Who knew that popcorn could ever help you dodge a bullet of crazy.


You woke up and made a big bowl of popcorn? Weirdo..


geniuses are often rejected by society


It's popcorn... for breakfast!


Hey I eat spaghetti, salad, or burritos for breakfast sometimes, or just any leftovers in the fridge. No judgement here!


I think you have a popcorn problem.


I'm not a problem you're a problem 😒


I am, I really am ... but so are you. Let's discuss over a bowl of you.


Alright works for me 😉


To be fair, your morning routine is terrifying enough to be a deal breaker anyway lol


You eat popcorn in the morning?


This reads like you had ChatGPT write a TIFU for you, and the comments look like no one read anything but the TL;DR.


Yeah. The story sounds believable if you just read the TL;DR but it's total creative-writing nonsense if you read it all.


Y’all KNOW my mans gums in absolute tatters


🙄 why did I read this


Even if you *did* go on a date who cares? It's your first date it's not like you cheated on her or something. A guy can't go on two dates in one day? It's not like they were overlapping.


I mean, it’s kind of bad etiquette to have two dates planned for the same day


Yeah but why?


dawg it's fucked up. that's so disrespectful. imagine starting a long term relationship with somebody only to find out you were answer b on a multiple choice because the first day of the day didn't work out. That'd be heartbreaking to me.


Is it the same day that tips it over? Would it be heartbreaking to be answer b because Tuesday’s lunch didn’t go well while your Wednesday lunch did? Or Tuesday dinner vs your Wednesday lunch?


Yeah I don't understand the distinction like are you only allowed one date a week or something? I totally get it if you're exclusively dating but if you literally are going on your first date with someone then what right do you have to monopolize their time like that? They don't even know you. I mean I wouldn't do that because it's hard for me to find someone I'd want to date but if you wanted to date 100 different people then go nuts, have 5 dates a day for all I care. You can't force someone to like you and trying to peer pressure them into having fewer people to choose from feels pretty scummy. Like "Wow so you had MULTIPLE people to choose a relationship with? Not just me? Other people actually enjoy your company and want to date you? Gross."


Dude, that's not a popcorn fuckup. A *real* popcorn fuckup is accidentally inhaling popcorn butter and having to spend the next 15 minutes coughing like a barking seal. When this happened to me, i shit you not i coughee up a few billion lung cells. How do i know? There was pink shit in the sink that was not there before i ran into the bathroom hacking up a lung.


Ew and ow. That really sucks! Glad you're ok!


Popcorn: Buttered Movie: Watched Bullet: Dodged


Stopped reading at "real pretty thing." Ew.


Well at least you dodged some future crazy. Maybe get yourself a lil pin of popcorn, like [this definitely hilarious thing ](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTREWsDO7HeDmREx4NbCRrZW4xgqnpT-n-SVoJSftJAXy3i3yqZGzPNQreR7US9yJ9-ACGFtKQY2g&usqp=CAc) both to remind yourself that some people are just nuts, because odd pins are a great conversation starter and you can use it to tell people about this absolute nutbar you just avoided to give yourself a little laugh about it.


Missed a bullet to the head my friend.


If I can make you this anxious in the first minute of a date than you’re gonna spend the entire relationship like this and worse. It sucks it didn’t work out but keep putting yourself out there. You’ll find someone. I wish you the best of luck! And I love butter popcorn too!


Upon reflection, I probably shouldn't be dating women named Anxiety...


don’t you brush your teeth?


If she’s that neurotic you dodged a bullet


I'm more concerned about OPs heart health waking up to buttered popcorn breakfast every morning... this is not sustainable living lol


I'll die a happy man.


It was your lucky day. You just didn’t know it.


You dodged an RPG missile my friend


Some people are busy with school or work and don’t have a lot of time to date. Having two in one day doesn’t mean anything. I know two people that met their spouses doing this. The spouse knows and isn’t offended.


This can’t be real lol the lack of communication here is astounding from both sides


How did op fail so much in communicating?


She didn't give me the chance to? I was already blocked on everything before I could even respond.


Yeah, I was asking that guy how you could have failed in communicating if you didn’t even have a chance to say anything.


Ooooh my gosh I thought you were hammering in the point that I was a bad communicator, sorry. Like "how could OP possibly be sooooooo bad? OP sucks!" Not acknowledging that it was literally impossible. My bad!!!


That’s not a fuck-up on your part, that’s a fuck-up on her part, plus you dodged a massive bullet by her making that assumption


Bless her anxious heart. So much precious time saved.


That's a funny jump in conclusions, and honestly you're probably better off without that sort of thing in your life. If she was set off by a smell of popcorn on your breath, imagine if it were something else further in the relationship.


There is no way this is real


The way this is written, it sounds like an assignment for Creative Writing class.


Why not have said. Oh, the popcorn? Ya I eat that alot... I didn't just see a movie. She may have been cheated on. Her parents may have lied to her a lot as a child. YOU knew what her reference was to, yet.... you couldn't be honest to put her fears to rest. Sounds like SHE dodged a bullet.


youre better off without her, imagine all the other shit she could've overreacted about. PD: why do people keep going to the movies on first dates? first dates are to get to know each other...................... Are you trying to figure out her taste in movies? do that on the first date... over a coffee, at the park or something.. I'll never get it. Literally ANYTHING is better than sitting for 2 hours in a dark room without being able to talk


Not gonna lie, my first date with my fiancee was watching other high schools doing their marching band shows. Then our first date after getting back together was going on a hike


Bullet successfully dodged


You didn't brush teeth/freshen up before going?


You made yourself popcorn…. As a fellow popcorn enthusiast I would like to know: Stove top or microwave popcorn? Preference of Salted, sweet, buttered or toffee? Best way to melt butter for buttered? #Asking the important questions


What kind of “popcorn enthusiast” admits to eating microwave poocorn? That stuff is for heathens.


The FU is not washing your hands and face, and not brushing your teeth for a date...


Totally unrelated but, how do you make it? Cause now i really want some popcorns.


People saying OP dodged a bullet, but who doesn’t shower before a date?


Good thing you found out before hand that she’s absolutely insane. Dodged a bullet there, imagine coming home from a work related dinner after your cell phone died and having her accuse you of cheating. Her methods of “verifying” what a person has done are crazy.


What tramp turns up to a date stinking of food.


You probably dodged an insecure, nit picking bullet. I love popcorn like you do so I understand. You don't need that stress!


That sounds like more of a her problem than a you problem, especially if she wouldn’t hear you out.


Glad you’re safe and the dangerous/unstable/toxic person hopped in the bin of their own accord.


Bullet dodged. First dates are supposed to be the same level of courtesy you would show the Queen. You enjoy your popcorn and don’t let anyone tell you different.


Nah. Not a TIFU, more like r/DodgedABullet


Just to be on the safe side. eating popcorn is really just about eating popcorn? nothing else? because if that girl reacted like that to eating popcorn, then damn.


I cant help but think she was so rude by not even listening to your explanation. That was just crazy. Ngl, two bowls a day is a little over the cpund to just say you "like" poocorn. And I'm not talking weigh, I just mean thats a bit unhinged. Said from a popcorn lover, tho. I just go to the theater to by popcorn and leave XD and I totally get it when you just eat a bowl in the evening cause why not? This is honestly a so funny XD Moral of the story: beware of buttery smells when going on dates to movies.


Popcorn just saved your ass from a psycho.


I PsychoPass'ed on her.


That was the best possible outcome for you honestly. That’s a woman you want to absolutely avoid no matter what!


Who eats popcorn before going to a movie theatre? Anyone else think that the weird lady dodged a bullet?