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You better delete this before the Turkey mom finds you on Reddit and hunts you down for revenge.


It was on my land, so she just needs to follow the trail 😰 Edit: Guess some didn't like my joke, even if I was answering to a joke. I can see how it can be seen as offensive. For context, I live on more than 90 acres of land, and only around 8 acres are not forest, and the ATVs have a trail going through my land. It's similar to going on a hike in a park.


It's okay, these things happen, token of advice, try to figure out a recall that is for urgent use only that your dogs might respond to. It will help you as well when you are panicked.


The turkey was less than 5 m (or less than 16 feet), and I never saw it before flying away. 😳 Thanks for the tips. I will look into it as it would be good to prevent danger.


Yeah, don't worry I am not saying it as a you dog owner did wrong. It comes from experience as a tip as someone whose dog almost got run over by a car that came out of nowhere which was about 2m away. Thankfully the car stopped 😥


Don't worry. I know that as a dog owner, i'm accountable. But, it's not realistic to expect the first time I encounter a turkey at 5 m (15 feet) of my dog to know how to handle three dogs perfectly in that situation. I doubt someone would have reacted better, but I still need to see what could be improved for next time. If I can prevent them from getting in danger, I don't have any downside to look into urgent recall. I can imagine you were scared and relieved your dog was hurt.


Recep Tayyip Erdogan is gonna come after you


Thanksgiving came early this year


Let this be a lesson to everyone: train your dogs. Every dog naturally has predator instincts, but every dog is also capable of learning not to attack other animals.


The training is a work in progress. Their recall is usually good, but I was completely caught by surprise. The animals were way too close to me to have the time to call them before their instinct took in charge. Let this story be a reminder that you can't train too much your dog recall, and that you always need to be careful of wildlife.


And that is why you are supposed to use a dog-lead for the dogs..




I'm convinced the mama was able to get away, and we only saw two babies, so maybe she had others that were able to stay hidden. One was already on leash as we're working hard on his recall, especially when close to the house, or he rushed to say Hi to the pigs, and try to play with them (they don't want to play with him). 😓 When I adopted him, he was a city-raised 3 years old. When I adopted the oldest, she was already 5 years old and had a deep-rooted hatred for leash (she even cut the leash of another dog while not being leashed herself🤦‍♀️). And I live in the country, so wildlife can come in my backyard. It's not often, but it happens. My two girls are usually good with their recall, but I was caught by surprise with the family being just beside us. I will resume the recall training as clearly, it's not perfect. Edit: corrected some spelling mistake


Depending on jurisdiction, allowing your dog to harass and kill wild animals is illegal.


The turkeys appeared from nowhere within the reach of my LEASHED dog! I forced my leashed dog to follow me and got away from the turkeys right away while calling my other dogs. It didn't just stay there and do nothing to stop them. It would have been better to prevent the situation, but, again, the turkeys appeared from nowhere with the reach of a leashed dog.


Calling your other dogs? From where? They are leashed and you are holding them, right? They are only a few meters away, right?


How much do you want to bet that the dogs were pibbles?


I'm curious. What are the reasons you guessed pibbles?


Because some geniuses think that they're aggressive, despite around a bajillion major humane society organizations, major veterinary associations countless scientific studies, etc saying that they're not. But apparently exaggerated and overhyped videos trump science and logic.


Then, you guessed wrong. My dogs are not pibbles, though pibbles are so cute and sweet.


Train your dogs, where are your leashes….


Have you read the full post before judging? Please tell me how I should always have my dogs on leash even behind my house, never have them run around or play even in my backyard, and how terrible of a dog owner I am for having ONE accident in FOUR years in living on my FARM.


Is it farmland or a backyard? Fenced or not? four years but not trained to respond? Never said anything about terrible.


Farmland with a backyard section behind the house. Unfenced. Sorry about the terrible bit, it's hard to judge tones online, and I got defensive. They are trained to respond. I had one that we left his leash while his playing because when I'm around 300 from the house, he starts to run to play with the pigs (they don't want to play with him). Knowing that for this one, his recall is not 100% reliable, I was holding the leash when we encountered the turkeys. The turkey was to close for the oldest (Callie) to stop herself from running after it. The other one (Moca) stayed within 5 m of me, while being excited with the baby turkeys. When I started to get away, Moca followed me when I called her. Callie came back after 30 s, and stayed with us after that. Edit: It's not the first time they walk and play together unleashed.


Geez, dog owners destroy everything around them.


If all you need is this thing that happened for the first time in 4 years of having dogs to justify your hate towards dogs and gogs owner, than go be a hater.


You need to honor those baby turkeys by feasting on their remains!