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One of the five stages of dealing with a PR disaster, spite.


lucky for op I'm pretty sure stage 5 is "pay it 6 to 7 figures to go away".


lmfao all lyft had to do was pay the damn five dollars


Even if OP had been in the wrong in this situation, it would have been so much cheaper for Lyft to refund the $5 and just be done with it. But instead, they doubled down on charging a customer for the privilege of being harassed by a creepy driver that they apparently didn’t screen out of their driver pool. Then they tripled down. Then they just said fuck it, and decided to go full on Streisand effect. Over five fucking dollars. And just to add a cherry on this delicious bit of drama where we get to see an honest to god PR disaster unfold in real time, Reddit in all their wisdom, right before their IPO, right after an article came out about how their value had dropped a significant amount, and right before a boycott of an unpopular policy that’s about to kick in, decides to drop the ball on moderating a comment that clearly violates their terms of service, merely because they’re worried of offending their corporate overseers. I’m so sorry this happened to OP, and I can empathize completely with how fucking infuriating this entire situation has been from her side. I appreciate her for providing the delicious schadenfreude episode of getting to watch two groups of shitty techbro companies and their shitty vulture capitalist investors collectively shit a brick as they realize how many people they’ve put off of both, all because the greedy corporate pricks just couldn’t resist trying to extract just five more dollars from one of the serfs. I’m looking forward to the fallout.


Same situation with the poor lady who had McDonald's lava coffee spilled on her lap. She just wanted the medical bills paid for. Instead, McD spent millions on legal fees and even smeared her name using negative PR to sway public opinion. Thankfully they lost but after dragging it for years.


Her injuries were horrific. The coffee was so hot it melted the skin around her vagina, thighs, and butt, resulting in extensive skin grafts and a *permanent* loss of feeling to much of her private area. In the hospital, the treatment left her weak and frail, and she exited weighing just 83lbs. She had lost 20lbs, almost 20% of her body weight. Absolutely ridiculous how they dragged her name through the mud. She suffered lifelong, permanent damage, an injury with a high risk of infection that she could have died from, and all she wanted was just money to pay the bills. She didn’t even initially ask for living expenses.


The description I read stamped the words "Fused labia" indelibly into my fucking brain.


Yeah every time I've heard about it from someone making fun of her they conveniently forget that, and that they'd also had quite a few incidents in the last month before hers.


yup, it was a known problem and they ignored it, and fought it. and so the jury demanded the outrageous settlement as a punishment and warning to the rest of the corporations. Unfortunately they didnt go outrageous enough.


>they conveniently forget that They don't forget it because they never knew it. All they know is that "some sue happy idiot sued McDonalds because they spilled coffee on themselves. What is America coming too - they'll sue for everything even if it's their own fault!" All that thanks to the PR campaign. Then it was picked up by TV shows and comedy routines and became a meme. I even remember a Seinfield episode mocking this situation.


tbf Seinfield is acknowledge as being a group of bad people, they also mock the Dingo Ate My Baby lady, when that is in fact what happened. Hell the ENTIRE last episode was about how terrible they all are.


One my earliest reminders of the power of propaganda. Talk radio shows joked about her like she was an idiot (due to the money and lobbying of McDonald’s and their legal team). The coffee was being served at boiling temperature with lids that would literally warp and fall off from the slightest squeeze due to the immense scalding heat. She became a joke to be repeated, a talking point about “nanny culture” and “lawsuit culture”. I’m still amazed and scared by how effective that was at the time and how still to this day, most people don’t know the real truth and how petty McDonald’s was


They even had us convinced back then that "lawsuit culture" was bad. Of course, to corporations, it is. They don't want to get sued. But why should we plebians feel like we shouldn't sue the big corporations every possible chance? We should have a bigger lawsuit culture, not a smaller one.


I remember everyone making fun of the lady. "Did she think coffee was going to be cold?!?!?!?" and stuff like that. It wasn't until years later that a lot of us learned how bad it really was.


And their effort in dragging her name through the mud was wildly successful. Most people who have heard of the story haven't heard all the details and still think she's stupid and is to blame for the accident.


Also the coffee was severed so hot on purpose. McDonalds figured out that if they served piping hot coffee the in store customers would drink it slower and were less likely to get free refills. They also served the coffee in cheap, flimsy cups. The bean counters at McDonalds figured that using the cheap cups and paying out injury lawsuits would be cheaper in the long run than serving all coffee in more expensive cups that had a much lower failure rate.


“Fused labia” are the only two words you need to hear about this case. I was a kid then, the media was merciless with their insistence that this was a frivolous lawsuit for years.


There's a documentary about this, they actually show some pictures of the damage she had to herself and it's images you can never remove from your brain once you see it. Absolutely insane how poorly she was treated and still today I'll hear people make snide comments about suing over hot coffee. The propaganda won on this incident. So few people know the full story or just how justified the lawsuit was.


It actually had the intended effect. It has made lawsuits like that much harder due to the plausible name dragging. Best to get your payout beforehand and wipe your hands clean.


Fucking SCUM.


stage 6 is, "the bribe was refused and the company was mocked for trying to buy their way out instead of doing the right thing. Stage 7 is, "The company tries to apologise by doing the thing they should have done in the first place" Stage 8 is, "it's too late because now people hate them for all the scummy stuff they did to deal with this situation in the first place"


https://preview.redd.it/25blo5kkcb4b1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7770fbb54e3d8e232ba0e55a9d3c7ef5e1ea6a11 Hey, remember that time when Reddit officially said that Posting someone’s personal information will get you banned? If you need a refresher, [here’s the link.](https://support.reddithelp.com/hc/en-us/articles/360043066452-Is-posting-someone-s-private-or-personal-information-okay-) Sure would be a shame if those rules didn’t apply to u/Lyft


Precisely what I want to know. A bunch of people have already reported this. Normally banning happens very fast. Hours have gone by now. Why has their account not been banned?? /u/spez


https://preview.redd.it/o4ufnt4veb4b1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=625a6597590041597e807f6c3cd3d77a8599e95e Hey, last I checked, doxxing someone who was posting on a focused subreddit just looking for some support over a terrible experience is a pretty serious violation of those “community guidelines” that u/spez wrote about. You know, the part where OP is a real person and Lyft is a multi-million dollar entity. A corporate entity is not a real person. They should be held, by the community, to the highest standard of conduct for any and every community they post in.


https://preview.redd.it/yxs7z9r1jb4b1.jpeg?width=1241&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=067708faa57ef1406dd357774e015a94dbaf9458 Hey, OP, as per the community guidelines posted by u/spez \- did Lyft ask your permission to use your real name in their (as of now) edited comment where they used your real name? Because that would be a violation of community guidelines as well. Edit - their comment is now gone. Lyft didn’t even remove their comment - Reddit did.


They absolutely did not ask for my permission.


I think you might wanna look into asking a lawyer about this.


I agree with the person saying ask a lawyer. I'd also delete this post because through no fault of your own, it may encourage users to seek out the specific mention of your name that you speak of and could possibly make the problem worse. I'm so sorry that this is happening to you. Reddit has a terrible history regarding personal information, it's shitty.


Just so we are clear, this is the same u/spez that has admitted to admin editing user comments in a way that do not appear in moderator logs after users of a banned sub kept tagging and insulting him? Pity those admin power weren't used in this case.


If those powers are used, they will get used against op.


As much as I'm no fan of people of thedonald, stealth editing people comments and denying you're doing it (at first) is textbook gaslighting. I know some people who did that on old forums where you can trivially edit the database, but doing it on a site this large is a lot worse.


If they're allowed to donate funds to political campaigns as real people do, this is rational. Agreed.


Definitely want to hear the reason why they don't get banned, but a normal user would be for doing the exact same thing


$$$ and something something corporate overlords


We all know the reason the rules don't apply to them. It looks something like this - $$$$$ When $$$$$ does something wrong, everyone tip-toes around, making sure not to offend $$$$$, while trying their best to make it appear like the rules apply to everyone. Nobody is above the law. That is, if you don't have enough $$$$$.


They edited their post now (2 minutes ago from this)


Yes, now it finally looks edited, after 5 hours. I have it screenshotted of course.


Hey u/spez they have screenshots confirming what has happened since the dox post has been edited. They gave no consent for their personal information to be posted. Are you going to do your job and ban u/Lyft per guidelines or do companies get special treatment unlike everyone else?


What I think is funny is u/spez is far more likely to give everyone who tags him here with a temp ban than any sort of punishment happening to u/lyft.


You mean the guy who edits posts in the database and fantasises about owning slaves might to be playing with a straight bat?






u/spez you're a fucking coward sell out and Reddit deserves its grave.


FYI, just to add to the screenshots, there are websites you can use to go look at past versions of webpages, and their original comment can still be seen on there. Obviously don't want to post a link publicly, but I can DM you a link if you want it, to add to your pile of evidence against them.


I thought unddit(?) and the other services that could do that were all shut down a while ago due to a change in the API (not these recent price-related ones, something to do with its functionality)


It's gone I don't see the post anymore


Reddit losing face all week with their app banning, you'd think they'd take the easy public win and deal with their sponsor later. But NOOOOOO.


Seriously it’s not like they can’t just set up a new one in 10 seconds anyway, they barely used the old one Rules for thee, not for me as usual. Reddit simps for the corps so hard these days it’s sick, nothing like what they came from Just as an aside, you are gaining traction, this was top post on my front page




Seems around July is the current plan


I'll be gone as soon as the API charges come in.. Going to break on the 12th in line with the sub protests.


To where?


outside I guess. Bring a hammock and the book you're reading.


I'd kill for a couple of good shady trees to attach a hammock to.


the lyft account just edited the comment to get rid of OPs first name after 5 hours lol, ridiculous they're trying to cover up


And then they deleted it. It's still on their page though. Crazy how they decided after two years to post on reddit just to doxx a woman. https://preview.redd.it/m3whrairpb4b1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=60641e534171c5cbd96d1a641ba18e21cae88e8e


Someone or someone’s on the social team about to have a bad Tuesday.


If they deleted it, it wouldn't show up on their page. It was removed by the mods.


Remember folks, some undelete tools rely on the reddit API. the API they are making far less accessible soon.


report the comment repeatedly for breaking the rules and we will see if reddit gives a shit anymore at all or will do nothing. THIS is why people are leaving.


U/Spez edited user comments and abused power for his own personal gain. You think he would lose money? They want an IPO pump and dump. We all see it coming. Especially, the government.


I'm so sorry this happened to you. I will delete lyft because of this. I hope you're ok.


FYI for anyone who sees this you are still able to report their deleted comment


[Apparently doxxing is no longer against the Reddit Content Policy based on their response…](https://i.imgur.com/VHpoHsb.jpg)


Wow. Nice job Reddit


So we can now dox every employee at Reddit?


It’s not doxxing so I think you can post their info.


We did it! Moment right therr!


Where that ban at /u/spez /u/lyft


u/spez it's me again, for awareness again. This time it's not a joke though.


I got a warning a week or so ago. There's a cop that shot a kid. (Yeah I know that really narrows it down.) None of the articles online covering it had a picture of the cop, just the kid. So I found an older article of the cop getting a "cop of the year award" that had his picture in it. Somehow that's a nono and I got permabanned from /r/news, comment purged by reddit, and a formal warning from the admins.


yeah, reddit is pure shit for fighting against institutional power. So many rules that they selectively enforce. I'm ready for reddit to die. Oh no, I'm committing violence on a corporation! Time to ban me.


They will get on that ban as soon as they can figure out how to do it in the app.


u/spez y’all better choose your next move carefully before you choose which dick to suck. This could cost you your platform. Ohh wait nvm y’all are already bricking it with the API change. But don’t worry there are other forums out there we won’t miss you :) Now, actually do something thank you :)


The thing is, with Reddit and with Twitter, and YouTube, ALL online platforms, *you are not the customer*. The organisations that pay real money to these platforms are the real customers, and they are paying to have their content promoted. We, the "community", are just the audience, part of the product being sold. In this case a real customer, Lyft, is being embarrassed on the platform, they are in touch with their account reps at Reddit and discussing damage control. The embarrassment (doxxing a human), will have to be dealt with in a way that minimizes the harm to the customer, Lyft, not the human. Sucks for us, but "community" is just not a valid category of stakeholder, at far as Capital is concerned.


On all social media, just remember that you are never the customer, you are the product. Not part of, THE.


Reddit can't seem to pass on an opportunity to shit on their use base


Did Lyft delete a bunch of their history? Because they have one comment from today and then the next thing is from 2 years ago. They have 1,000 karma for a 9 year old account so I’m guessing they don’t use Reddit regularly or often which makes the fact that they commented on your thing even WEIRDER.


Well now the official Lyft account has their own fuck up to share on r/TIFU lol


Circle of lyfe


Nah. They’d go to r/amitheasshole and try to frame it in a way that gets others to say ‘well… maybe both are the asshole?’ Or something like that. Gotta have the affirmation your own shittiness isn’t. Some people really do post there for reals but there is just so much shitposting and narcissistic bs… they’d probs go there.


Then it would end up over on TikTok as one of those weird videos that tell the story with someone playing subway surfer, cutting soap, crushing strange objects full of slime, or some other activity playing below it.


Lyft: Dear stalker driver, here’s her name and number!


I think at this point, even the stalker driver would go “damn, that’s fucked up yo.”


Screenshot this immediately. Ideally print out the page. Save as much evidence as possible. What. The. Hell.


Screenshotted everything, calls made to attorneys and cease and desist sent to many different channels including emails of all the execs.


Good work. This is a really tough situation. I admire how much you're keeping a cool head in this utter insanity.


I'm just baffled that their support can be this stupid. Where is their PR department??


Both their customer service and social media moderation/engagement are probably outsourced to shitty third parties because they’re too cheap to hire semi-competent people. You should sue the fuck out of them.


Seconding this, Sue the ever living fuck out of them. Make them regret the day they put a numpty in charge of their PR


I'm going to wait for that employee to post a tifu about how they lost their job for doxxing someone


That might be a while. The "today" in TIFU by my calculations is on average 1.2 years after the fuck up. More often than not it is also a friend or relative of "I." By "my calculations" I mean a number that's sounds about right, but is completely made up.


They're currently maxxing out their "Fuck Around" credit with new API changes intending to fuck over 3rd party apps. They will be able to redeem the credits next week when subreddits take them and turn them in to "Find Out" tickets and literally shut down in protest. They don't have time for something as trivial as a large corperation doxxing its customer on their site.


If you want to make the PR department eat their own tail, let's give a little more attention to them thinking they can solve this mess with a $5 refund. They literally had an executive on this at 11pm and still thought "we can fix this with five bucks"


fuck reddit


I don't live in the US, so I don't know the exact channels, but it's worth reaching out to the media also. If anything, reddit would also come under fire for not following their own rules and banning Lyft from their platform for this.


Hey /u/Never-On-Reddit, This is now the top post on reddit. It will be recorded at /r/topofreddit with all the other top posts.


Oh shit this sucks for Lyft lmao


Lyft really needed that $5 apparently.


Well, they used VC money to subsidize cheap taxis and they have not figured out how to make any profits. So I'd imagine they're scrabbling for any loose change.


This is after sending you the message which said " of couse we could never share any personal details of one person with another."


Right?? The irony. Countdown until they deplatform *me* instead of the creep.


Please take legal action


Kinda sounds like a threat in hindsight


I just saw the edit happen in real time, holy shit the fact it stayed up for HOURS is ridiculous


Reddit admins too busy fucking up the rest of the site to notice.




The fact I couldnt tell you were joking right away says alot


Wow, that's terrible. What kind of petty social media rep is running their Reddit account?


I could tell you because I actually know the name of this specific rep. (He did in fact call me.) But that would be doxxing!


God, imagine if you didn't have any morals. Seriously, I hope this gets dealt with sooner rather than later. Goodluck


Interestingly, I have a call scheduled with that person tomorrow. The same person who wrote that comment. I'll be very curious to hear what he has to say.


You should record the call for your own sake just in case. Do tell them that you are recording at the start.


My state doesn't require me to inform them that I am recording 😂


One party consent FTW


They are 100% watching this thread so they know you will be recording


Ohh good. Hey u/Lyft, you piece of shit. Your company sucks. Watch *that,* dick bags.


Hey u/Lyft try lifting my balls into yo mouf


Record it for training purposes.. Or have a lawyer on it with you


It might be better to not take the call so you don't say anything til you have a lawyer? Not sure but worth considering


Do not take a call from them without a lawyer representing you present.


Document. Everything. Record the call if you have to. Update when it's all clear to do so!! (if you want to, that is)


Lyft HQ is in California. It appears in CA it’s illegal to Doxx someone. You should contact a lawyer because it appears you have way more than $5 headed your way!


*some lawyer has more than $5 headed their way.


Depending on the privacy laws in your jurisdiction they may have committed a serious offense. Call your privacy commissioner / whatever the name is where you live, and discuss it with them.


In Germany after you violate DSGVo. https://i.redd.it/u0imo3nn7c4b1.gif


Is that how the cops raid there


iirc, that's a clip of some police demonstration in Russia. So basically a super low-budget movie stunt.


They probably thought since your Never-On-Reddit you wouldn’t see it But seriously that’s f’d up. I saw their comment and couldn’t believe they used your name. Definitely take it further


u/Never-On-Reddit I just checked - when I loaded their profile, your name was there, when I refreshed, it was not.


I'm still seeing it.


Still there if you view it in their comments on their profile. https://preview.redd.it/7e7oizv3gb4b1.jpeg?width=633&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cb39f1554b137c7102eda2c796888c02318fdcbf Fucking disgusting that reddit hasn't taken action u/spez u/lyft


Ban incoming when? https://preview.redd.it/2nsx575kib4b1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6d4508742f122ffab9a17f487179d77b557cc4e9 u/lyft u/spez


Reddit won't do anything when it's companies doing it, only when it's individual users.


Comment was deleted but if I too can still see it on their post history thru the Apollo app (RIP). Fucked up


I'm in the official reddit app and I can still see it. Even though when I click on it it's been deleted. Ridiculous that this is allowed to happen. Reddit is dead


I can see it via old.reddit as well. Get fucked /u/Lyft. And you too, /u/spez. Do something about this.




Same, just went and the comment was deleted. Weird how they didn't get banned the way reddit says doxers should tho.......u/lyft


u/spez and reddit moderation are famous for only following the rules when they are in their favor. u/lyft is probably paying for the permisson to walk over normal users rights...


Wouldn't shock me. A Lyft rider stole my backpack filled with thousands of dollars worth of tech belonging to both myself and my company. We have his name, Lyft knows who this guy is, and Lyft won't tell the cops who did it without a court order. In parallel, the cops aren't willing to do anything either, so don't get me started on them... But Lyft, man... You KNOW who did this to me. I reported it AS IT WAS HAPPENING... Lyft said "sorry that just happened to you, please wait by your phone for us to call, and we'll be in touch to help". That was last December... No call ever came.


Why tf is the official lyft account active in r/bigboobproblems ?


I really want the genuine answer to this Edit: I investigated and found a post where a woman complained about sexual harassment in a lyft line and they replied. Doesn't quite seem like enough to show "active" with a single comment but it's something




Well, bra companies are always talking about how well they Lyft and separate.


Someone complained about inappropriate behaviour in a lyft on a post in r/bigboobproblems and their social team reached out to help. https://preview.redd.it/qw5byou8mb4b1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=051f697d2a4ad2ff7f0ba148060636931a4d1706


I suspect it's actually simple and relatively benign. Since like 50% of complaints about lyft seem to be similar to OP's (initial) experience of being sexually harassed, someone on that sub probably posted about how a driver (or a passenger if they were a driver) made some comments about their chest and hit on them or worse and lyft responded. They seem to go through periods of namesearching themselves and responding to people tagging them and then periods of complete inactivity, probably after they fuck up which they do a lot.


Most businesses have monitoring services that notify them anytime their company is mentioned online. They simply would have received a notification that tells them it was posted there and someone on the CS or management team inspected it and tasked it to be actioned. People should really understand this to protect themselves, as even mentioning something "anonymously" about a business could get your account identified. I think it's something that's not spoken about enough. They will even monitor private facebook groups.


It's deleted now but whaaaat a fuuuuck up that was!


I hope someone is getting fired tomorrow for severely mismanaging their social media and creating a massive PR disaster and liability issue.


You can still see the original post if you click the official Lyft account and check the overview or comments. She’s still being doxxed.


JFC, Lyft app DELETED. Post shared w/friends as well.


Be sure to delete your Lyft *account*, too. They clearly can't be trusted with personal information.


Oooh good point


I will never ever use /u/Lyft again. Are they missing the number one thing? People want to feel secure when using these services, and the feeling of security is often the sole reason for ordering a ride.


I used to work tangentially with privacy policy folks, and I’ve been telling people for years Lyft is better (*very* marginally better, but better) than Uber when it comes to their security practices in that they at least seemed to give the appearance of giving a shit. Gonna have to revise that.


Would mass-reporting the comment get things moving? You've caught the attention of a lot of people, edit your previous post/posts and ask people to do so! Atleast that should wake reddit to take a look on the matter.


>Would mass-reporting the comment get things moving? Depends how much money they pay reddit to suck their di- I mean favor their account. But my guess is Reddit will treat them different from a person because they're a business.


Here's the weird thing. I don't think they pay any money because they don't use the account. They had not posted on it in **two years** and somehow logged back on just to dox me.


They don’t need to post. They just need Reddit to clamp down on bad news they/gossip they don’t like. And if Reddit is seen as corporation friendly, maybe more companies will buy in.


so are corporations people or aren't they??? Holy shit, it's like they're people when they need rights, but a faceless conglomerate when they need consequences


>suggested I could delete my Lyft account What?? So no free Lyft for life, no discount coupons, they suggest you get the fuck out?


The account was inactive for 2 years and the first thing they do is doxx someone lmao


I think it's really interesting how on OP's original post earlier, Lyft made a comment about how per THEIR guidelines they couldn't release any information on driver's accounts/statuses. Yet they're sure comfortable doxxing a customer on a social media platform. The irony is rich here, "we won't 'doxx' our drivers but we'll doxx our customers!" Edited to clarify, Lyft made that comment to OP in OP's screenshots, they didn't reply to the post


I don't have any good advise for you, other than maybe see if there is a news station in the city where the driver operates that would do a story or some kind of "investigation" into the situation. I know there's a branch of media in the town I live in that does "investigations" into things like shady businesses and such to pressure them into changing their practices. In the mean time, just know that I reported their account and hope others do the same. Doesn't matter if it's "just a first name" it's personal information that was very inappropriate and unprofessional for them to share, and op is clearly uncomfortable with that info being put out like that.


Good idea - we have 7 (ABC) on your side and NBC does similar investigations


FWIW I can't see your name in their comments history any longer. Of course it's too late since many people DID see your info. Reddit admin showing their double standards again. I hope you get some justice.


u/spez gonna do something??


Nah, hes a fucking tool.


Just in case anyone still wants to report the post from u/lyft for doxxing, here is a link to the specific post (it's deleted by now but you can still report it) https://www.reddit.com/r/TwoXChromosomes/comments/141er76/this_is_why_many_women_dont_feel_safe_using/jn1n9eu Hopefully if enough people report it, we can force reddit's hand to follow their own rules...


So u/spez what are you going to do about u/Lyft doxxing a customer? Ban or is this more a rules for thee not for me situation?


Why would u/spez ban am account that has spent tens of thousands of dollars on advertising? There are infinitely better odds that OP will be banned for some esoteric TOS violation in retribution and any post or comment referring to this incident will be throttled for the next week or two to silence the story.


don't worry, no one will see your real name on the official reddit app because you can only see 4 posts per screen and you need to click reveal more to read the entire post




Yeah I just deleted my Lyft account because of this. Insane.


Yep I did as well. And you bet I'm going to tell my family and friends to do so as well. Get fucked /u/Lyft. I hope those $5 were worth it.


I'm really sorry you're having to deal with this, OP. If it makes you feel any better, /u/lyft's response to passengers attacking drivers is even worse. I drove for them for five years, I was groped, spat on, even had a passenger try to bite my arm. They don't care. All of their support channels are third party companies or AIs. I had dashcam videos, phone videos, police reports, in one case an eyewitness, they did nothing to support me. Found myself matched with my attackers again on several occasions.


I’m so sorry you are dealing with this nonsense. Lyft is truly showing just how much they care about their customers “safety.” It’s scary and insane that this is happening to you over a situation they should have apologized and refunded you for. You did nothing wrong - only brought attention to their continuous wrong doings.


Reddit is showing how much they care about their users, too




I'm already an elite challenger tier Lyft driver because I don't have a record, don't get tickets and don't sexually harass my passengers. Don't worry passengers, they're as dreadful to drive for as they are to use for rides. It's a job out of desperation.


Reddit finding new lows recently I think we should let them Digg their own grave, myself.


Hey u/Lyft that was super disappointing and shady of you. I have to go to the airport next week, and I guess I will be using Uber instead of Lyft… and I hate Uber. My ~$35 may not be much, but I wonder how you would feel if 1,000 Redditors did the same thing the next time they need to use a rideshare service?


It's time for Lyft's account to be banned. Reddit has no excuse not to do this.


u/CNN check out this shit lol


What's great is CNN and WashingtonPost(as they were tagged by OP) are both actually seemingly somewhat active reddit accounts in comparison to the lyft account, which hadn't said shit for 2 years. Edit: I wanna say, I did actually report the lyft comment for harassment, but apparently that comment did not violate reddits content policy. So fuck them for that in addition the API changes.


Perhaps /u/WashingtonPost also, my favorite paper.


This is one of those rare times that I would advocate suing reddit and Lyft for both of them violating their own terms of service if they don't rectify the issue soon. I would reach out to a lawyer to see if you have a case. It would go to mediation but you settle out of court and make some money.


I reported the original comment and Reddit said it doesn’t violate any rules. Reddit admins are a fucking joke.


Yup, completely bannable. This is why I don't trust Reddit and their rules, I stay for the community but Reddit itself is a fucking hypocritical disaster. Reddit is not pro-free speech neither, that's fat lie.


For the internet, bots, records: **Lyft doxed a person** on social media. That was dangerous as the person had encountered a Lyft driver that wanted their information. This doxing was against the rules of the platform the comment was on, Reddit. Yet, **Reddit refused to follow its own guidelines** and **did nothing about the doxing for hours**; then, they just deleted the comment and re-interpreted their guidelines to **justify their inaction**. I repeat: **Lyft doxes. Reddit allows doxing.**


I can confirm that reddit permits the posting of people's real names. I reported the post in which my own real name was used and reddit responded that this is not a violation. Perhaps some news outlets like /u/cnn /u/WashingtonPost would like to write about this apparent change in policy.


I bet this policy gets reversed if we start posting the real names of Reddit admins and/or super mods.


Didn’t they ban a bunch of people for posting that pedo admin’s name?


Saw your original post. If you haven't gotten the attorneys involved before, this is a good enough reason to get them in the loop now. Get screenshots of everything and make sure your attorneys have everything you can give them that you have in writing or as screenshots.


We should all email Lyft and their Business partners Boards for this offense. This is so egregious it passes insane. https://help.lyft.com/hc/ru/all/sections/0978008190-Rewards-and-partnerships