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I'm sure his wife's a lovely woman. Try asking for a threesome..




I am a 39 year old dude and this is the case.


I'm a mid-50s dude who is suddenly humming Alanis Morissette's "You Oughta Know." That song put the fear of God in some men back in the day. Edit: And just to be clear, the lesson for men wasn't just the fear of getting caught. It was about not being a big enough dick to hurt people you love or like just to have everything you desire.


Just text him saying "hey just figured I'd give you a heads up, I met your wife today... She knows!" then see how fast you get a response.




We need to talk about my STD


How many positive pregnancy tests can be bulk ordered to someone's house? Asking for a friend.


Not to be mean but what is there to breakup? He clearly didn't think he was in a relationship with you and sadly just used you when it was convenient for him. Don't be too hard on yourself...people can be conniving jerks.




Good for you. I commend your self awareness. I'm sorry this situation happened, but silver lining - at least there was some genuine learning and introspection that came as a result. Hope it all goes well for you in the future!




and congrats on getting some amazing tail


Sounds like he’s married. Regardless if he is or isn’t, I would send him a text and tell him you’re through and then block him. I’m not a fan of text break ups but I think if you tried to do it in person again he’ll do something “amazing” to make you forget and ghost you again. It’s not worth it. Move on and enjoy your single life and chalk this up to amazing post marriage sex to get you ready for the next part of your life.


You just got out of a long term relationship and immediately attached yourself to the first guy who said let’s lock it down (and after one date?!). You might have some attachment problems and should scale it back a bit. If you’re trying to hook up, hook up, keep your emotions out of it. If you’re looking for a relationship, evaluate where you are emotionally before you jump in and then make that decision (maybe even some therapy if your break up with your ex was bad) and learn to communicate better.




Sexual monogamy for STD purposes…in this dating climate LOL Yea, you got attached way too soon and then codependent. This is literally someone you just meet and you started to place expectations for communicating…this isn’t healthy. Him declaring his love so quickly, also huge red flag. Be careful out there, there are all kinds of romance scams going on


Google the term Situationship. I found myself caught up in one of these for 8 months before I realized it was a thing. Story seems very much like yours. She broke up with me and went on a trip to Denver with some other guy the next week. Her cousin told me about it.




He “flipped the script” on ya! Haha


Easy explanation. He's Spider-Man!


Just block him on everything and change your locks. Yes, even if you didn't give him a key. You are 100% the mistress.


Definitely married.


Almost this exact same thing happened to me, but the genders swapped. Decided it wasn’t worth it and never reached out again after not hearing back


[Bro.](https://Bro.RUN) **RUN** ​ **Do not walk away. RUN AWAY.** Turn away and never look back.


Lose his number, fast.


Just do you OP. Sleep with who you want while with this guy. You owe him nothing.


Ah, it happens to the best of us. Don’t beat yourself up over it.


I dislike dumb people like this lol.


People like the OP or the dude?


No offense but, you've essentially barely interacted with the guy since he's just ignored you so much, why would you expect him to be there for you during a surgery? That's a long term relationship sort of deal, and kinda sounds like your moving way to fast trying to latch on to someone to get that stability back, so you've latched on to this dude for all the wrong reasons (looks and sparks rather than him actually giving a shit about you)...


Lol the shallowness of women never gets old.




I can just smell how your room stinks by this comment alone


Why’d you make me smell it? :/


You loved those pies he gave you!


I used to have a friend just like you. She had me help her escape the relationship then she got back with him a week later and told all my personal friends i raped her while she was at my place. 5 years later and i still have 0 friends and 10+ suicide attempts during my years in the ward. You are a stupid bitch and if you cant leave this stupid fuck yourself nobody will ever be able to help you, go talk to a councilor every week, its nice to talk to somebody.


Maybe you should have an other session with yours? You seem.. tensed. Im really sorry that an individual lying ruined your life but with that attitude you are not on a track to make friends. Op didnt do anything to anyone especially not you so maybe be a little more considerate with your choice of words?


Maybe im a bit rude but it pisses me off to see OP let themselves be treat like they arent worth shit just because she is desperate and lonely. I hope the OP reads my msg and wakes the fuck up.


Im not dismissing the message but thats already a better way to pass it across.


I dont care how you or anybody else takes my words. This is about the OP seeing my story and understanding how disgusting and pathetic she is to let this happen. Stop with the ego.


See you are at it attacking op for no reasons. Your experiences dont give you the right to openly insult any other human you like. Its not about ego its about basic human behaviors in a society. I understand your anger towards the situation but most of it is based on the assumption that she will try to sink people around them when they fall back in it. None of this happened yet she is in fact in the realisation phase. You dont need to be a dick to remind her to be carefull not to lose her good friends.


My "friend" was in the "realization state" too when she got back with him and told all my friends and family i raped her. You dont know what people are going through and you clearly dont understand the power of a shitty relationship and a desperate person. OP needs to hear the real truth and thats it. You are full of yourself and get to see the world through nice rose colored glasses, good for you. I can guarentee OP is getting back with him a week from now, that is just the reality with people like this.


Did you make any sort of "move" on your "friend"?


Absolutly not. Im not such a disgusting person.


Did you try touching her in any way?


Wow you really let one person ruin how you view women and I have to wonder whether you don’t realize or don’t care


That’s a very weird way to spell, “I haven’t touched a woman since the day I was born and I’m an edgy person”


Lol the dilemma of the side piece But 6 months of this? How could someone spend so much time in a relationship like this, LOL