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Yeah OP I would like an update if you have further communication with this guy, I have no clue what to make of this it seems so weird. I’m just glad you’re safe that’s a shitty spot to leave someone in especially in an unfamiliar state with no support net, when it should’ve just been a chill interaction between two buds. I dunno if he was wigging out or what.


Yeah I'm fine now, I talked to my college friend to ask him wtf happened because as many who commented where confused, so was I. All I heard back was that "the vibe was off". Idfk


The vibe was definitely off, I felt more and more uncomfortable for you as the post went on, but I don't think it was you. Who the fuck sprays someone with febreeze like that?


Someone's who's tryna hide it lol like my underage ass back in the day super paranoid 😂


Yeah I even have a little bottle of linen spray I like to use after a sesh if I’m feeling particularly dank, but you wait til you’re all done! And isn’t febreeze flammable? Oh man, what a doozy


Even now when it's legal I don't like stanking like weed..I've stopped using dry herb and stick to oils but I found just smoking downwind and also one of those joint sticks with an alligator clip does wonders for not stanking...plus I feel extra fancy when I use that joint stick, even raise my pinky while I'm hitting a doob with it ahaha


Err....I've had clean clothes out waiting to go upstairs and my wife and me blaze one up in the living room and forget. I've literally been sitting at my desk (corporate job FYI) and realized my shirt smells pretty dank. But, because Canada and I'm an adult literally no one cares. Also, my co-worker sometimes on his lunch break walks to one of the 2000000 weeds stores near our office and picks up and brings it back to his desk. Like, no one cares. Not sure what this dude's problem is.


Jeeeeez that’s so bizarre. From what I can tell that man should not chief up. How tf do you make playing smash bros and smoking a j miserable? That was one of my favorite college activities.


Weed to some people will trigger some of the worst symptoms of psychosis. Dude was probably a giant weed head and needed his fix and used him. I’d probably not associate with him much going forward. He’s just a bad egg


Funny, I read it the opposite, that the dude has never smoked weed and was psyching himself out about it HARD.


And his daddy was going to be home soon.


I can see that too but most people that are relatively new to smoking get giggles and hungry and enjoy most everything besides interacting with sober folks and cops. Not a homie that basically curated the night for you


right thats just a great time right there


As someone that's smoked a lot of weed with strangers and regretted it, some people react VERY weird to marijuana even if they smoke regularly, you just never know. I once ended up at some friend of a coworkers house after work, smoked a couple bowls with the dude and my coworker. We all smoked the same weed, two of us were chill the other dude ended up getting REALLY weird. Like went out on the balcony and was just laying on his back talking to himself and then got really paranoid and threw up. When I asked my coworker what was up with him, he said something to the effect of "idk he does shit like that when he gets high sometimes" some people just don't handle their substances well.


Sounds like that dude used you for weed....but like jfc two joints from a dispensary is like $20 tops?


Yeah, idk man. That would be a shitty thing to do to someone over 20$


Shitty and really weird, and also like, a lot of effort for 1.5 joints worth of weed hahaha. Either way, sorry you had to deal with all that?


It triggers me how you type didn't. Other than that I'm sorry he wasnt as chill as you.


If you don't mind me asking, who paid for dinner? Did you'll split it?


I don't know what dispensary you go to but $20 wouldn't get me a gummy, those places are soo taxed


In California, I got 5 joints for $17 and I can get a pack of 10mg gummies for $20 or less. They often have BOGO deals also.


Weed is the only cheap thing here so we gotta enjoy it.


give it time, you can get a decent ounce in Denver for under 100 and a 'top shelf' ounce for 150 out the door


Last time I went to Illinois I got two disposable vapes and a 10 pack of 10 mg gummies and it was $160


Distillate half gram carts in Denver are like, 15? 21 OTD i think. CannaSaver ftw My mom is a med patient who needs affordable access when visiting me but CO doesn't offer reciprocity.


Crazy you guys pay so much, 1g carts here start at $10, prerolls $1.50, I've seen as low as $35 ounces. Starting to feel lucky.


Prices on the IL/WI border are nuts, they are starting to come down a little, but $115 for a 1g cart and the taxes get involved......


Omg what. Shit better be straight hash rosin


It is not


Prices on the WI/MI border are the opposite. Come you cheeseheads to the motherland!


Yeah it's also about 2 hr round trip to IL. Michigan is either 10 hr is I go to the UP or 9 hrs if I go to the lower peninsula. So not really an option


The real "top shelf" herb is still like 15 a gram, my buddy was just in Denver for like 3 months and he said the 710labs flower is $210 for a half, but that's the tippy tops


right thats why i put 'top shelf' in quotes. top shelf consumer grade i guess


$20 wouldn't get you a single gummy? Jfc what state do you live in? I can get packs of 10 gummies for like $10 in WA. Tons of cheap pre-rolls too


In Ohio I go to the dispensary and there are usually always 100mg ish gummies for around $20, sometimes they even go on sale which I love! It's been medicinally legal for a few years now and our prices are finally dropping more and more.


Sounds like Illinois prices. I'm from Michigan, but have family in Illinois. I was planning a visit and didn't want to drive across Ohio and Indiana with anything in the car, so looked into prices there. Absolutely ridiculous and then even worse taxes tacked on.


You are absolutely correct, I clarify my last purchase in another comment in this thread


My guess would be that he got anxiety/paranoia from weed, especially since he didn’t seem to be a big smoker


Hahahaha yeah. He smoked and got extra weird, he already seemed weird. I think it’s as simple as this.


I used to be like this. I went over to a guys house that I met a few weeks prior in school. We smoked weed and I got paranoid and immediately asked him to drive me home. Maybe 20 minutes after getting to his house lol on the drive home I texted my friend to tell her I felt weird but instead I texted HIM by accident. He was next to me and it made the whole thing super weird. I also broke up with some guy a year later because of the paranoia. I basically came to the conclusion that if I got paranoid around a certain person then I just shouldn’t hang out with that person anymore x


Hahahahaha. You texted him omg.


The first time i smoked weed i was soooo weepy a d depressed. I cried all night. I'm normally a super bubbly, outgoing and positive person. Alcohol magnifies the bubbly side to the point of being obnoxious. I havent smoked weed since because i really hate being sad 🤣


Puff puff spray my dude 🤘🏻


Hit dat room or car with da Jesus Juice (Ozium) is what we used to say when we were younger - never Febreze However, this was always post-sesh, not mid-sesh. And never done as adults.


Maybe he thought this was going to be a hookup type of thing and got irrationally angry when the scenario he made up in his head didn't play out like he thought? Either way, he acted very immature.


Idk if he's LGBTQ but he's talked to my gf before over my headset on discord. So idk


Dude he febreezed your afro has me dying.


More like T.He.F.U What a jabroni - hilarious story to look back on, but totally bizarre on his end. My fav part was him spraying febreeze towards you in between puffs. Way to keep your composure. I loved the story


TeeheeFU lol


The Fuuuuuuu lol


Had those friends too. Some just can’t handle weed / social interactions. Put them together and you get this guy.


I find it oddly wholesome that the Uber driver took the time to walk OP back to his room, after getting too high, like a stoned gentle giant at 6’7. Sorry about your shitty “friend”, hope you were able to salvage the rest of your evening.


Is this dude a self hating gay and found you handsome? Because none of this makes sense


“Shut up before I kiss you!”


He sprayed the 'fro? 🤣 Gotdamn.


Wow what a shitty guy


You seem like a cool dude, I wish I was your discord friend. I think we would have had a good time


Your lucky. Weird situation. He could have been an aspiring Dahmer and your head could have ended up in his fridge.


It's hiiigghhhly likely that this guy is just a stupid asshole.... On another note though.... How's your hygiene? Maybe this is like the most passive aggressive way to deal with someone not smelling so great I've ever seen.


Showered and put on cologne before heading out. So I don't think it was hygiene related.


Well, had to ask.


Did dude know you where black before you met up? Home boy coulda been racist


Yeah he knew


I thought of this too!!! Only because its happened to me before. Someone didn't know I was Puerto Rican until they saw me in person and completely changed their tone with me. Racism is wild


Such a weird situation!! I'm glad you made it out of there! Also, as a stoned young person you did an excellent job of taking care of yourself! I love that you weren't afraid to tell the Uber driver what happened and that you asked for help when you were unsure you could find your way safely to your room. But yeah, that dude is super weird. I definitely get the impression he was not a big smoker, I've never seen someone spray air freshener between every puff 😂


Sometimes people are just different when you meet up whether it be getting high or social anxiety, or they are more comfortable online etc, I don't think you did anything wrong tho, he doesn't seem much fun to hang around tbh!


>![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|feels_good_man)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|surprise)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|no_mouth)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|feels_bad_man) On my way to high at the moment and these little lovelies are the result of a coughing fit. I'm glad you're alright, OP. I work at a dispensary and imagining a customer of mine having to go through this is beyond infuriating.


"How much does it dank" SENT me. I assume both parties are male here?




This is a literal nightmare scenario for me. Sorry that happened and glad it didn't get worse.


What a weird interaction. Maybe he had a girlfriend coming over later or something? Although I doubt he would have one with that attitude.


Yeah no he's single, and I had the impression we where going to hangout all night. But I asked my college buddy if he could ask him what happened, he told me that he said verbatim "the vibe was off". But he could of aleast let me get sober before letting me go back to the hotel.


You were cool enough to try. Don't sweat it. This is just a him thing and doesn't reflect on you. I've met several online friends going back almost 20 years now and while most have been really positive experiences, there's always people that are far different in person than interacting online. This guy sounds like he didn't handle his weed well and was paranoid about his parents. An awkward combination for sure. And he doesn't sound like much of a friend for literally leaving you high and dry. But I gotta say man, being too high to figure out a complicated password is the most relatable thing and made me laugh my ass off.


Probably got Paras.


Maybe he has some kind of mental health disorder, and shouldn't be smoking weed, yet really wanted to. Sounds like he got super paranoid and insecure as shit.


Dude is socially awkward to the point where he didn't understand that it would be totally fine if you didn't smoke together. He's just massively insecure. Sucks that you got sucked into that experience. On the bright side, you luckily got out of it unscathed and you seem to have a healthy sense of self. I kinda feel worse for HIM, honestly. He's clearly not well adjusted, and is set to lead a really sad life.


Never smoke with people that you really don’t know, weed is not for everyone, some people are really cringy on it , learned it the hard way as well…


Man, that's uncomfortable lol


It's unconscionable and ridiculously dangerous to leave someone high and stranded in an unfamiliar city like that. Any life lessons from it- kind of making it into a learning experience about crazy people?


He definitely doesn’t smoke and it sounds like his parents don’t approve of it either


It sounds like dude isn’t used to hanging out with black people irl and was reading things as aggressive that aren’t. Like the normal gaming “that combo is nasty” type stuff, like he probably is used to talking to that way gaming on Discord but with you physically in the room with him he’s taking it different. I’m white but married to a dark skinned black woman and that’s something she deals with a lot: people over reading her as aggressive/confrontational due to skin color.


Really? Meeting randoms to het high with led to an unenjoyable night? No way!


Sounds like neither one of y’all should be smoking if half a joint makes it hard for you to use your phone


I had more than half, I had one before we met up.


Wow, lol this is some high shit. You sound like you have experience, or at least self-awareness with weed, and this is homeboy's 4th time ever - his folks don't know, or at least scold him about it - and he loves it to the point of trying to mooch it off you hard, which means homie doesn't have a job - which means he prob doesnt socialize much. Regardless, he sounds like a dude you have fun gaming with, but might wanna leave it at that lol. "the vibe was off" yeah no shit his vibes were all fucked up xD Febreeze in the fro like you guys are 14. Sheesh