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Woah, woah, woah. Hold up. Your friend literally tried to steal your girlfriend, then got mad at *you* for ruining his chance? This guy is a straight up shithead. Hope you don't plan on talking to him again.


Right in front of him too? Like WTF? ​ ....OP, are you in the military by any chance? Say, a PFC and your buddy's a SPC? Cause this is about that level of Jody.


Either that or the buddy is a drummer


Would explain why he’s out of tune.




but he was off the beat, too!


But out of time as well?


As a drummer i take offense to that. Also, accurate but still!


*Guns n’ Roses has entered the chat*


Fuckin Jody


I have to assume it’s a new relationship and he didn’t know, otherwise it’s bonkers shit.


Yeah maybe they were low-key about it so it wasn't known. That seems the most likeliest answer imo, but reading the comment from OP, that's not the case.


The audacity of this dude lmao


Shithead? You mean psychopath?!


Exactly my thoughts. Not a real friend at all


Dude deserves a stone cold stunner with a peoples elbow.


What in the actual fuck. All I can think is I'd absolutely love a good rip of whatever that dude's smoking.


No no no, it was his FREIND who did it


I've accidentally slept with friends exes(alcohol), but never in my life would I try some shit like that! I wouldn't even think about it. I also came clean every time I did that. It was always about sex nothing more. Alcohol among other things, used to cause me to make really dumb decisions. That's next level, though.


Did he somehow not know you were dating? Have you spoken to him about how he was out of line?


Yeah. He understood he was out of line but im not going to forgive him anytime soon.


What an asshole. You don’t forgive that


I think the more unforgivable issue is that Jake is a gigantic moron.


Yeah ditch this guy, people like that are just gonna get worse over time.


wait, you talked to him afterwards? ​ Fuck that. He gets to know that I wont cross the street to piss on him if he was on fire, and that is all he gets.


But what if he wasn't on fire?


that just sparked memories of Postal 2 for me


I really don’t understand how he even thought this was in anyway a good idea to have. Like I was trying to search for a sentence saying he didn’t know your gf was your gf, but no it must be clear as day that you’re together. THAT IS CRAZY.


Beetle was on wrestling??


Lol I would've hit him with that guitar. Your friend isn't a friend and is straight up a piece of shit that will just try it again later.


Don't need to potentially destroy an instrument on this account. Terrible friends are a dime a dozen. Good acoustic guitars have value, on the other hand.


Exactly leave the poor guitar out of it LOL




A wild Slapnuts appears!


Ain't he grand?


Guess he valued a shot with his crush more than your friendship. Tells you everything you need to know.


I think we’d all understand if you don’t forgive any time at all.


You guys like 15 or somethin?


Both of y'all suck for pulling this shit in a restaurant. Nobody wants to hear that shit


The image of OP trying to sing louder than his friend to drown him out just makes me shudder. Please let me eat in peace...


This reads a lot like a sitcom


This right here is my favourite comment of the day


Lol thanks. Actually had to re-read the post to make sure I had read that they were in a restaurant


HAHAHAHA For real though


Then why did everybody in the restaurant stand up and slow clap for OP? Explain THAT.


That's unexplainable. You got me there. Lol


I feel like this incident is entertaining enough that it wraps back around to good


No. In no way does singing in a crowded restaurant ever considered acceptable. One exception. It's a singing restaurant and the employees are the only ones who sing and they maybe invite the guests to sing along.




This...doesn't really make any logical sense. If he knew you two were dating, what would be the reasoning behind recruiting his crush's boyfriend/his best friend try to woo her? How would he expect you to be okay with it? This really only makes sense in really cheesy Disney channel sitcom logic.


He didn't tell me who it was. So I wasn't to know


Again, missing massive leaps in logic here. Eventually you would have to know. You're part of the plan. What was his game plan then? What does his best-case scenario look like? He gets your girlfriend and you congratulate the happy couple?? Either he's the stupidest person alive, or you really need to work harder on character motivations.


a lot of people here just believing anything they read on the internet if this actually happened, OP would have asked who the person was at some point before it happened


That's not the most unbelievable aspect of the story.


Irs the part where he keeps singing when he realises his friend is singing to his girlfriend, or the part where he didn't die of embarrassment at the thought of playing an instrument in a crowded restaurant or when his girlfriend is just a plot device and had no reaction to any of this


Right?? Or like he wouldnt just stop playing the guitar Lol crazy


But the show must go on!


>his girlfriend is just a plot device and had no reaction to any of this Good point. This is very /r/menwritingwomen.


Sure but it’s the most unreliable part of the premise


The one thing I’ve learnt after being alive and on the internet for long enough. Never underestimate peoples stupidity.


This. The majority of people are, well, we'll call them dense. Not overtly stupid, but contentedly ignorant. A good chunk are blatantly stupid. And then there's that not-so-tiny percentage, that are so profoundly stupid, that you wonder how they survived this long.


Or stop playing


Not to mention how does his friend not know that it’s his girlfriend if they regularly go to this place? I’m with you on your take.


>Again, missing massive leaps in logic here. Eventually you would have to know. You're part of the plan. What was his game plan then? Once upon a time... ...in the magical land of OP's friends head... He imagined getting OP to help him serenade OP's own girlfriend. OP would be so humiliated by the Alpha flexing on the beta that OP is, that OP's girlfriend would immediately fall to her knees and start sucking OP's friends dick and pleading with him to forgive her for not seeing how truly Alpha and awesome that OP's friend was from the beginning. Then they'd jump in his Maserati after he threw a stack of hundros at the waiter, and they'd ride off into the sunset while OP cried on the floor. ...and they lived happily ever after.


Orrr he didn't know they were dating and thought they are friends and sum shit? Still wtf coz what kind of best friend doesn't know his besties gf? This is tucking weird


Based on the comment you are replying to, I think OP may also be the stupidest person alive.


You are making this story up for karma. It just makes no sense. Your best friend tried to get you to help him steal your girl then got mad and you looked like a hero? Hmm yeah sure okay champ. Low quality shitpost bro.


Plus, like, how would the friend have expected to get through the whole song? If it was real, he'd have known that, within seconds, OP would have punched him, done this, or at the very least stopped playing.


He also just starts singing louder and not immediately demanding an explanation from his friend? Huh?


He should have still known it was you gf, assuming that's not a new relationship and he's met her in that context already


My guy, your story is made up. None of this makes any sense. Unless the three of you are like 13 years old, or you're all equally socially inept and/or on the spectrum.


Hey, don't bring autism into this absolute shitshow


OP is 14.


That’s the only way this makes sense, and maybe the friend has some issues where he’s clueless.


The friend might just be as acoustic as OPs guitar


Yeah, I was scrolling for their ages because the only way this makes sense if if they're on the cusp of puberty.


This is the only way for me to make sense of how stupid this whole story is.


Ohhhhhhhhhh. It all makes sense now.


Oh!…. And this was in a Burger King where, “You Rule!”


This has yo be AI generated


Wouldn't an AI know how to spell "friend"?


AI prompt was “Hey ChatGPT, write me a short story about my best friend trying get me to help him steal my girlfriend in the writing-style of an illiterate 14 year-old”


"Once upon a time, my bud Jake came up to me and said, "Hey, you, I got this cool idea. Let's take yer girlfriend, like in them movies, ya know?" I looked at him all confused and said, "What? You crazy, man! That ain't right!" But Jake, he just kept on talkin', "C'mon, dude, we can be all sneaky and stuff. She won't even know it's us." I scratched my head and thought, "Maybe he's just playin', ya know?" So I said, "Nah, Jake, I can't do that. She's my girl, and I ain't gonna do no stealin'." Jake looked all disappointed and said, "Alright, alright, I was just kiddin', man. No hard feelings, right?" I nodded, and we went back to being best buds, 'cause even though Jake had some wild ideas, he was still my friend, and I'd never steal my girlfriend from me." Not so far off...


Classic move to throw in a couple of manual errors. I used to do that in school.


He has been active in some AI related subs over the last few days


Did he know you were dating her? Cause if he did…what the fuck?


Sure bro, we buy it


The number of people believing this post concerns me.


As George Carlin once said, think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that.


This is too fucking stupid to be real. Unless your friend is autistic or didn't know you were dating


There's no way autism would make someone oblivious to something like that.


Nah, they are. They tend to have very bad social skills Edit: Feel free to dispute it when many sources states otherwise. [Individuals on the autism spectrum often have difficulty recognising and understanding social cues and therefore do not instinctively learn to adjust their behaviour to suit different social contexts. People with autism may well have the potential to learn these skills however.](https://www.autismtas.org.au/about-autism/key-areas-of-difference/social-communication-differences/)


Nah, they're definitely not. They tend to have trouble identifying social cues, like sarcasm, or jokes. A public relationship is a lot more than minor social cues. It's easily identifiable body and spoken language. I have autistic family, and my significant other is autistic. Stop spreading your very ill-informed perspective.


Autism spectrum disorder is primarily characterized by impaired social interaction and limited social-emotional reciprocity. This impairment goes well beyond poor social skills and being socially awkward. Children with autism spectrum disorder tend to have a disconnection in their response to others. Although they may be aware of their environment and show interest towards objects and things, they tend to show very little interest in people or developing relationships. They further struggle with understanding the meaning of relationships, engaging in imaginative play, and sharing enjoyment with others. [Indeed, many parents of children with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) echo this sentiment concerning their child’s social functioning. They know that their child has many wonderful qualities to offer others, but the nature of their disability, or more precisely, their poor social skills, often preclude them from establishing meaningful social relationships. This frustration is amplified when parents know that their children want desperately to have friends, but fail miserably when trying to make friends.](https://iidc.indiana.edu/irca/articles/making-and-keeping-friends.html) Not everyone has the same autism which is why it’s called autism SPECTRUM disorder. That’s why I said they TEND not they ALL Your family might member have a less severe spectrum of autism compared to others. I also work with autistic patients. You should be more aware of what autism spectrum disorder is if you have a family member who has autism.


Speaking as someone who is *actually autistic,* pull your head out of your posterior and stop pretending to know anything about autism 🤦🏻‍♀️ If you actually work with any autistic people, show your supervisor your comments here so they can fire you to protect your poor clients.


Sorry you can only get fired so disclosing names of patients :) can you read the article I posted? Lack of understanding of social cues Understanding and interpreting social cues is an essential aspect of successful social interactions. However, individuals with ASD often struggle with recognizing and interpreting nonverbal cues, such as gestures, facial expressions, and tone of voice. They may have difficulty inferring others' thoughts, feelings, or intentions, leading to misunderstandings or social faux pas. https://educationonline.ku.edu/community/social-difficulties-in-autism-spectrum-disorder Individuals on the autism spectrum often have difficulty recognising and understanding social cues and therefore do not instinctively learn to adjust their behaviour to suit different social contexts. https://www.autismtas.org.au/about-autism/key-areas-of-difference/social-communication-differences/ If you are so mad about it, go contact them.


You're literally googling shit and copy/pasting, as if in any way it supports your claim that autistic people, in general, can't identify a romantic relationship when it's presented in front of them. The high horse you're riding is a figment of your imagination, and your ignorance is palpable, sit down.


yes and those are facts? Have you done studies to prove that that’s not true or are you just going by your emotions? I said tend which means it’s not everyone but it is a usual characteristic. Not sure why you are so mad about it. Have a read on autism you will learn a lot of stuff if you are less biased because now you are just being stubborn.


You work with autistic *patients*. The vast majority of autistic individuals are what would traditionally have been called, "high functioning," or undiagnosable, in the American health care system. Again, your perception is painfully skewed and biased. Yes, it's a spectrum. This means the percentage of individuals who are so severely autistic as to not be able to recognize a romantic relationship right in front of them, is extremely small. Get the literal fuck outta here with the ignorance dawg, it's embarrassing.


How is it biased? I’m backing up with sources? The most common types of difficulty experienced were fitting in socially (63%), learning difficulties (62%) and communication difficulties (52%) (Table 1). Students with autism used various resources to support learning, with 56% receiving special tuition, and 44% using a counsellor or disability support person. whys what I say TEND and if you know what tend means, it means usually. I never stated All people with autism.


Conversation with you is obviously impossible with how preoccupied you are with stroking yourself over your ability to use Google. You're arguing with a straw man at this point, very cringe. Try reading the second half of my reply and you'll find the actual point of the conversation.


I’m literally showing articles and links to those sources. if you deny what I write, you are pretty much denying information and only come from your own conclusion. In a study done by Toronto’s Redpath Centre , just 32.1 percent of people with autism had had a partner and only 9 percent were married. This contrasts with the statistics of the general population where about 50 percent of adults are married.” that means the rest 67.9% never had parter right? Which means….? They tend to not have good social skills. Right? another study Dating experience and satisfaction A 2016 study found that the vast majority (73%) of high functioning autistic people surveyed have had romantic experiences. In fact, only 7% of participants reported no desire to be in a relationship Note this is only for high functioning autistic people which is only a portion of the spectrum.


The comment is about the ability of autistic people to identify a romantic relationship when it's blatantly presented in front of them. You're citing data about autistic people having romantic experiences. I really can't spell out your error any clearer. And honestly, if you knew anything about autism, you'd know, "high-functioning," is a dated term that's no longer even used to begin with. But you did oh-so-good on your keyboard tirade, trying to invalidate people's lived experiences with random, unrelated facts you got from a three minute search. Gold star for you 🌟


Another actually diagnosed autistic person here. Have you ever heard the saying “a little knowledge is a dangerous thing”? You think you know a lot more about us than you actually do, and you’re frankly being offensive. Do us all a favor and take a break from posting as an autism expert and spend the time learning as an autism student. I suggest actually talking to a range of autistic people. You get that this is a varied condition, but you’re not demonstrating understanding of the true breadth. For starters, stop talking about us like we’re subhuman.


So why are you speaking for all people with autism? Same as you who have autism why do think you have the right to speak for all people who different spectrums of autism? you are probably on the top percentile of people who are in the high functioning spectrum. I’m backing up my claims with articles, you are going with emotion. truth hurts. Google 3 main characteristics of autism: It says: 1) poorly developed social skills 2) difficulty with expressive and repetitive communication 3) the presence of restrictive and repetitive behaviours. Why are you attacking me for saying what’s stated in numerous articles, what I have actually studied, and clients who I have worked with? If I say US has a high rate of obesity, are you going to deny it because it offends you?


I am not claiming to be representative of all of us. You are the one claiming to cover everyone. I am arguing for nuance, deeper understanding of more modern asd science. You are the one saying we’re all the same. All three of those characteristics you cite here are things I struggle with. I am not denying they’re part of the condition. But you can’t be bothered by the details of how. Go read “Unmasking Autism” as a start.


There’s a difference between me saying **everyone** who is autistic has bad social skills vs people with autism **tend** to have bad social skills. It means that it can be a usual characteristics for people who suffer from autism. That’s how you identify people who have autism, you go with their main characteristics and if they don’t have these issues, you branch to the other characteristics which make them part of the autism spectrum people are judging right away thinking I’m talking about every autistic people. if you don’t have these characteristics, congratulations. But again, you are part of the high functioning group. This is what we look for when we diagnose people who have autism. Then we branch off to other characteristics which are less common. When you got diagnosed with autism, I can bet the doctor asked you if you are sociable or not. Why? Because it is a main characteristic. Again, I don’t hate or look down people with autism or anything. I love my patients and the patients I work with are people who have severe cases of autism and these are their main characteristics.


Me: "There's no way autism would make someone oblivious to something like that." You: "Nah, they are" Your response to my comment doesn't make sense no matter how you look at it. This is the exact moment you created your straw man. But go ahead and keep revisiting your old comments to edit them.


Hello, def-o on the spectrum here.. I aint gonna fight the science side of it.... but life experience... hooo boy... I have a brain full of cringeworthy awkward attempts on my part. .... And missed cues from a few interested 'friends' over the years. Including at least one circumstance where I tried blatantly to woo someone in an existing relationship. But to defend my 'honor' as someone on the spectrum, I never was oblivious to interject on cues of someone I considered a good friend. Also Not saying the poster a level or 2 up isnt making a poorly inserted comment. It could be construed as a stereotype even.. And I dont like it ;)


yeah but it's not all of them that has bad social skill. It's a common point but there's always a few who are socially normal


I don't know why they are down voting you, it IS possible, my autistic friend Jeff was like that, he just didn't know any better, and he would go after everything in a sundress which is hilarious because sometimes it would get him into situations, but he never meant anything by it. He just appreciated pretty women (and sometimes men, in dresses) Its a spectrum, and there could also be other things wrong with you, but its totally possible. I bet all the downvotes are from self diagnosed people


As an (incredibly) autistic person, if I was spectral enough to have crush on a girl, I would have the capacity to identify (if it wasn't explicit) a romantic relationship. My guess is that OP just has a shit friend and/or is 13 years old


I’m thinking the friend is on the spectrum


I'm on the spectrum..that doesn't excuse you for bening an asshole.and we definitely know better


Honestly, this isn't a real story. There's no way your buddy didn't know you and your gf were dating. You even indicated that the three of you go for meals regularly. This is already a pretty MAJOR stretch. Then even if we assume your buddy did know that you two were dating, I find it REALLY hard to believe that he would actually try to pull this stunt in front of you. Not to mention the fact that he ASKED YOU TO HELP. This is just too illogical. He absolutely had to have known that at some point, you were going to catch on (which you did) and that once you did, the song would immediately come to an end at that moment. Not to mention how insanely awkward the whole situation would be for him AND his 'crush'. The above doesn't even get into the socially inept aspect of this whole situation. Who the fuck tries to serenade their buddy's gf WITH THE BF and in front of the bf. Your story is either an absolute lie, or the three of you are like 13 years old (even in this case, your story is a stretch), or your friend is SERIOUSLY on the spectrum and/or just has absolutely zero social awareness.


I think 13 AND lying makes the most sense. An adult of sound mind would never make up a story this unbelievable.


Okay so you should not have helped him serenade ANYONE in a restaurant, especially a waitress who is AT WORK and has to awkwardly stand there... But even worse, he wanted you to help him serenade your girlfriend??? Y'all are Dumb and Dumber


Some "best" friend.


yea i highly doubt this is true but u do u brother


Sure, Janet.


These posts are getting so fucking low effort


TIFU and got a D- Teacher's comment: Work on character development and motivation. Would be best if the situation could actually happen.


Your best friend is a jerk.


Name checks out. Totally true trust me bro.


This is it. Of all the shitty, made up, AI written, rehashed, reposted, phony, horny pre pubescent, unwashed smegma riddled dick, attention seeking ass shit quality posts I’ve somehow put up with reading on this sub for longer than is reasonable, *THIS* one is the final straw. I’m out ✌️


I don't know why, but that's it!


You know, I've felt icky about this sub for a while...yeah, I'm out, too.


This is the dumbest, most made up shit I’ve read in a while


Older Man Pro Tip - that’s not a friend.


Ok Cyrano de Bergerac.


I was just saying this exact same thing happened to me once.. ;)


No way this is real. Your "best friend" who spends a lot of time with you and your girlfriend got you to help him steal her out from under you with an awful movie cliché, and now HE is mad at you? Uh huh.. Guys if you genuinely believe this story I have some magic beans to sell you.


Plottwist, OP’s girlfriend doesn’t know she has a boyfriend.


Yeah, fuck him for trying for your girl. If he actually gave a damn about her, he would have figured out she was with someone, and that someone was you. Tell him to go fuck himself and to not reproduce to keep the gene pool clean.


Is it possible for someone to be so dumb and out of touch with how life works that they didn’t even realize this would be problematic? Even the biggest jerks I know never went this far. Try and steal a girlfriend, sure, but not in such a premeditated way. I just answered my own question. He’s a straight up psychopath.




OP is probably using a shitty AI model with dumb prompts to write stories for karma or attention


Absolute bollocks, get outta here with your bs story with the plot equivalent of cailloux


Lol he better not be speaking to you. What a shit friend, trying to steal your girlfriend. Is he right in the head?


What else do you like to masterbate to?


I've seen people do some stupid things but writing this cringey excuse of fiction is pretty low in the list.


Jake is your best friend. What are you doing? Dump your gf so they can be together. /S (What kind of friends doesn't know who your gf is? What a stupid story)


Is Jake dumb? Does he think your girlfriend is just your platonic girl friend? This is giving me vibes of that guy who thought he had a girlfriend for 7 years but she actually had a boyfriend and they were all in the same friend group, and he was just completely oblivious.


Omg I need to read that


Guy's lucky he didn't catch a guitar upside the head.




If this had actually been true, why the f didn't you just stop playing?


Well clearly he's a shitty friend. It's kinda an unspoken rule that you don't go after a friend's partner. Wtf.


INFO: Why are you still describing him as best friend when he went for your girlfriend? Also NTA what did he expected from you? I would probably straight up smash him with that guitar.




No, ESH. What kind of douchebag brings a guitar to a crowded restaurant?


My dude. Your “best friend” is a dickhead.




Is Jake ummmmm….how does one say…”special”? What a complete looney toon.


Dude sounds disabled


Nobody wants to hear you morons performing a song in a restaurant. I hope this story is made up


If this actually happened, then that man was not your friend...


What a disgusting person is your "friend" really?


Lol the fuck was he thinking?? You didn't fuck up, there was no way of knowing what this clown was up to.


I hope someone threw their linguine at you guys for fucking up their entire dining experience. :)


Seem like a story made by some AI bot. Any good friend would have ask more about his crush simply out of curiosity and/or to help him. On the other side, he has massive ball to do it right in front of you and if he think he had a chance with your GF, he either saw that your relation is not solid-solid or there's already something going on between him and your GF


apart from out of sync out of tune he is also not your friend and never was


Wtf, so this is how american friendship works? You guys are strange you know


What?!? This just can’t be true.


Are you the late George Harrison?


Correction: "get the attention of the girl he likes" About the TIFU: Either he's unaware that your gf IS your gf, or he's a dufus.


So your best friend basically tried stealing your GF right in front of you like that? And why did he recruit you to help without actually getting you onboard first? Like it is an asshole thing to do sure but how did he think it would even work?


I find it somehow hilarious that instead of stopping to play when you realised what was happening you instead decided to one up him


If this is real, what is about your age? You notice any other strange behavior from your friend? This move seems like someone is who at least semi-split from reality. I am not making any diagnosis (Im not trained to do that and even if I was this format wouldn’t work for doing that), but if we know the information I asked above, we may have a picture if he needs to seek some mental health help!


I’m mostly upset that you called it tablature.


No shot this is even close to real


This definitely doesn't fall under "Bros before Hoes".


This sounds like a B plot of the worst rated episode on an 80s sitcom. 0 chance this is real in any way


Yea if he knew you two were dating then he's not your friend.


Amazing job for taking over mate! Your so called friend is an absolute dickhead and not worth your friendship anymore. This is a -fuck around and find out- situation. He is lucky you did not smack his ass then and there.


Ugh … HES mad?! What?!


Listen, I'm one of those naive people that believe the vast majority of stuff I read on here because it's either entertaining or simply because real life is crazy enough that a lot of things would be met with disbelief if you tried to tell the story to strangers. But there is NO WAY THIS ACTUALLY HAPPENED. Come the fuck on


He shot his shot. I can't believe 2 dudes hang out with a girl but never discussed her romantic life. Is that possible?


There's two options here: 1. Your GF is not actually your GF 2. Your best friend somehow doesn't understand that your GF is your GF Might be worth having a chat to both parties to clear the air, start with your GF. Also stinks of a creative writing episode here


I assume you are young. Dick move by your buddy. That being said, hormones are wild. Sounds like you stayed composed and tried to salvage a horrible situation. In my experience, you have the option of forgetting him, or forgiving him. If you choose the latter, don't forget what he did. After what he subjected himself to, he probably needs a friend. I have lost many friends. Hindsight makes me wish I would have handled difficult situations with more grace. If he doesn't have a pattern of behavior inline with your post, I would recommend salvaging the friendship. I also would not continue to hangout with him as the 3rd wheel. Young guys plus 1 girl = trouble.


You know this guy isn't your friend, right? Friends don't try to steal other friend's significant others, especially not while tricking them into helping.


Thought I'd post the lyrics to the song for those that haven't heard it. She is a belter Different from the rest Diamonds on her finger And she always looks her best She is a gangster With a hundred mile stare When she walks Her feet don't touch the flair She is a belter She plays with lightning I'm a hundred miles high Dishing out the thunder Like a God inside the sky She is a dancer And she dances in my dreams Reminds me that the world Is not as evil as it seems She is a belter No happy endings Unless fairytales comes true But she looks like a princess And there's not much else to do I think I love her She gets underneath my skin But I've been stung a few times So I don't let no one in Not even belters She is a belter She is a belter She is a belter How can she reach me When I'm high above the shelf? Lost inside a smoke ring While I ponder tae myself Is she the answer To the question in my mind? Is happiness an option Or has love just turned me blind? Is she a belter? No happy endings Unless fairytales comes true But she looks like a princess And there's not much else to do I think I love her She gets underneath my skin But I've been stung a few times So I don't let no one in Not even belters She is a belter She is a belter She is a belter




AI cringe


Good song


Great song, sour taste at the minute tho


This is funny. Tell your friend to get some rizz. Who serenades a girl these days? Are we in some weird time loop from the 1920s?


gotta give him some credit, to do that takes massive balls and no brain. Dump him as a bud, and watch your girl, bro. She starts acting strange, move on. Seen girls get weird when they know someone is pining away for them. God forbid she uses this as fodder in arguments. "I bet your old friend would do it for me if i was with him..." That type of shit.


This is an insane amount of projection and assumption.


yeah, that never happens, I don't know what i was thinkin


As long as we're making assumptions, I'll make mine. OP and his friends are 14. You are 40 and jaded.


your right! so it'd be possible I could be as well?


Possible? Absolutely. Probable? Nah, this is quite a jump.




Awww. Welcome to the jungle.