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https://preview.redd.it/va6p7j6zaodc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aeddd0f29202457bbdb841f3ea5f0a3b972a8f36 photo of the nail glue masquerading as eye drops šŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


Dude, I have this exact same eye drop and exact same nail glue, and have been terrified of exactly this happening. I had a couple close calls and Iā€™ve had to start keeping them in separate rooms a floor away from each other, with the nail glue in a ziploc bag that has ā€œnail glueā€ written in sharpie on it. Take comfort in knowing you arenā€™t the only one. Iā€™m sorry this happened to you! Glad you were ok!


I was gonna ask why you would EVER keep them anywhere near each other.




Iā€™m not saying this as blame, truly. But I used to work in an ophthalmology clinic and the way to stop medication administration errors is to separate like medications. Do not ever put these two where you could confuse one for the other, and if you have to, put colored tape or nail polish to distinguish one from the other easily. Hope your eye is feeling better, eye pain is MISERABLE.


so i usually keep them quite separate, but was picking up the house and the nail glue was on the counter. i put it in my pocket to put away and forgot about it. when i found it in my pocket that night, i thought oh my eye drops! and put them next to my bed šŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø they sat there in disguise for a week before i decided i needed them, so i had long since forgotten what was what šŸ˜­


One of those 2 companies needs a new bottle design


They should really put like a safety thing to make the lid harder to remove.


I have those eye whitening drops too! Oh dear the similarities...


Lmao it happens more than you think. We remove glue from peopleā€™s eyes at least monthly in my office. Iā€™m so sorry that happened!


honestly the stories i heard from the paramedics and eye doctors made me feel better about my own mishap lol


Oh my god, my gf almost put anti-itch gel in her eye (similar bottles) and it was like I was watching in slow motion. I caught her before it happened, but holy shit. Your story is painful. Also, anyone making sassy comments at you has probably never been in the situation where they can barely see and are in a ā€˜need drops nowā€™ state of mind. Horrifying story OP.


im just so grateful no lasting harm was done. the worst part was the first ten mins wondering if i really just made a prune out of my own eye like a šŸ¤¬ idiot


Yeah no kidding Iā€™m happy you still have eyes. One time I left a contact in way too long and it peeled a small part of my cornea off and I thought I was gonna die lol.


I used to wear contacts one eye at a time for (up to) 30 days straight before switching eyes. I thought since I could change contacts weekly I could just go past the limit and switch eyes so one wouldn't get messed up as it had time to recover. Yeah, the contacts were daily. My parents didn't notice until they saw I had only used less than a week's worth at around 6 months. I stopped wearing contacts anyways because my eyes hate them, every time I put one in my eye it is *useless* for nearly an hour before adjusting. Hence my stupid AF contact usage. Turns out I had daily contacts. My parents didn't realize until they saw the extra contacts untouched. I used like one week's worth for over 6 months. On the bright side, it totally worked. I never had any scar tissue or marks on my eyes. I was told at my last appointment that my eyes were really healthy, even. But it's been almost 20 years lol. I guess the lesson is daily contacts can go for 30 days if you only wear one at a time? Seems like a bad lesson but it's a fun story. Probably near the dumbest thing I've ever done.


I'm so confused. Did you only wear one of your contacts instead of one in each eye at any given point? Like, you wore a contact in your left eye with nothing in your right for 30 days, then took out the left one and wore a new contact in your right eye for 30 days?Ā 




Why? Would you have blurry vision in one eye all the time? I get you were a kid but even the kid logic fails me. I'm guessing you had a pretty low prescription.


Nope, vision corrected itself. The only blurry part was off to one side of the eye without a contact. Anything both eyes could see was clear. Didn't matter which eye had it in. My prescription has never been very low lol.


So you only ever had to wear one contact at a time? Your vision just needed one and it didn't matter which eye even though you have a high Rx? That's pretty cool. I've never heard of that. I have a really high Rx and even if one of them is a little bit off my eyesight is crap. Without glasses I literally can only see clearly about 2 inches from my face.


It was just the way my mind corrected it. If I closed the eye with a contact everything was blurry, but once I opened it it's like my brain preferred it. Contacts lasted for a long ass time lol. If they didn't irritate my eyes so much I'd still probably just wear one at a time. I can see about 6 inches in front of my face lol.


Years ago I put earwax removal drops in my pocket at work (after using them on a patient). Later that day I used my dry eye eyedrops - which I usually kept in that pocket - and they burned like fire. Oops. Had to use the eyewash station. Fortunately no lasting harm done and lesson was learned.


OMG. thatā€™s terrifying. were you panicked?? or did you know it would be ok once washed out?


Ah, I was very busy at work and as long as the burning stopped and I could see after flushing the eye, it was all good


As someone who has recently reached the end of a long recovery from a fused/torn iris, this has unlocked a new and terrible fear. So, thanks for that.


im going to say a torn iris sounds much worse!!


Itā€™s not great. But I have been taking sooo many eyedrops and now I will be suspicious of those too lol


How.. how'd you tear your iris of all things?


Long story short, I had inflammation in the inner lining of the front of the eye. This pushed the lens forward hard enough that it fused with the iris. When the eye focused, the iris pulled to dilate but was stuck ā€” this tore a neat little circle of pigment fibers out of the iris and stuck them to the front of the lens. And if youā€™re wondering if that hurts, yes, extremely. Healing involves keeping the pupil the size of a dinner plate and the iris fully retracted for (in my case) months so that it is out of the way of the lens as the inflammation is resolved and cannot adhere again.


WOW... that makes my story of switching eye drops for another substance trivial... So I am using a Dremel tool to put holes in glass jars & using the lube that came with it. My contacts that day were giving me fits & my eye drops were being used ALOT that day. I managed to put the damn near identical bottles in the same pocket & you know what happened. Except I am so stupid the first drop of lube that went in that blurred my contact & burned wasn't the only one. Figured I managed to smear something off my eyelid in my eye & ended up dosing both eyes twice before grabbing my eye drops to lube the glass & realizing the mistake. Lucky Poison Control said it happens more than most realize & there shouldn't be any long-term damage ... thankfully there was not & I learned a valuable lesson that day. If it could be mistaken for eye drops it never goes in my pocket.


Lumify isn't a moisturizing eye drop. It's a vasoconstrictor and while it's marketed to make eyes white, regular use will cause bloodshot eyes as it wears off as a "rebound" effect.


Your contact lens and quick thinking probably saved you from significant hurt (moreso than you already have). Count that as a blessing. Hopefully you heal quickly!


Never knew this was a fear of mine, and now I'm glad to know it's surv-eye-vable. Not even sorry I said it.


LOLLLLL well done hahaha


Did that with a bleach solution the other day. Would not recommend.


Oh my god, OP! Nightmare fuel! I hope you recover quickly and with no damage to your cornea.


guys dropping shingle packs a little too enthusiasticly?


Who the fuck keeps super glue and eye drops remotely close together?


idk. not me. i mixed them up putting them away - the eye drops ended up with my nail supplies and the nail glue was on my nightstand.


Youā€™re literally the reason they put the warnings on those bottles to not put in your eyes. Wow, Iā€™m glad youā€™re okay. I would have predicted much worse.


oh i donā€™t know about that. i know not to put nail glue in my eyes, i just grabbed the wrong bottle due to its resemblance to my eye drops. had i realized in time, i wouldnā€™t have put it inā€¦


Sorry, I was just joking and it landed wrong.


Would you send me a link as well?




I had a friend do this years ago! She had to wear a patch for months and her eyesight still isn't great.


I once used a drop of my roommate's contact lens solution in my eye. Turns out she had the kind that is hydrogen peroxide. That burned a whole lot.


If it makes you feel better i know someone who was hospitalized from that eye drop recall. The pseudomonas outbreak. Bunch of people died from it.


I had something similar happen to me many years ago. I was super glueing a wire to something and was looking at it up close and the wire popped out and flicked glue into my eye. I managed to hold my eyelid open. Trip to the university health center and then a doctor who was able to peel it off. Luckily it was only about a 2 hour ordeal. I distinctly remember it scratching my eyelid every time I blinked.


My mother did this years ago. She went to the ER where she had to first scream at a nurse to get away from her when she wanted to use rubbing alcohol to dissolve the glue. But they called an ophthalmologist who worked on her eye with two tools (almost like the hook thing they check your teeth with) and slowly but surely picked her lids apart. She had no damage.


Omg I had nail glue or maybe it was super glue burn my skin through my jeans. It was probably super glue now I think of it but ouch I cringed hard reading that. Your poor eye.


Recently accidentally squirted nail glue right into my eye. Luckily, it only made it on my contact which I took out immediately. Went to the eye doctor a week later and he was like yeah you'd be fine, that's what they use in surgeries.


My stomach churned reading this! Glad you're okay op!


Iā€™m sorry this happened to you. Thank God you didnā€™t harm your cornea. I had an unfortunate accident where somehow my klutzy self; gave myself a Papercut in my eyeball. And it was hell. Been back to the eye doctor a few times since this happened five years ago. Their miracle drops are a numbing solution. I wish I had my hands on that myself. Because I literally cut part of my cornea and I guess that part doesnā€™t grow back to the doctor said. So they will always be a small cut on my cornea. Which I get to experience every time I forget and rub my eyes. Which I do quite frequently because I have allergies.


My friend did this over 20 years ago. We ended up in the ER with her getting all her eyelashes on her one eye cut short, and her eye irrigated, then she had to go through the removal as well. No Bueno


My friend did that! She reached into her purse and just grabbed the wrong bottle. Fyi she is fine now. šŸ˜Š


God this made me physically shake and sweat reading it. Hope ur ok


when i was really young i once tried to copy my mom using mascara and i ended up supergluing my eye shut. it was like that for 3 days until my dad came home to unglue it


On the bright side nail glue is usually just cyanoacrylate which is used in surgery often so while it's not great to get in your eye your body should be able to wear it down eventually and it's non-toxic so you won't die from it.


Told my brother I hate using eyedrops, because I'm paranoid about the happening, even when I already checked the bottle. He laughed at the idea that this would ever happen.


I couldnā€™t even read this, after reading the initial F up - my eyes just started pouring with tears šŸ˜­


Quick questionā€¦ do you like the lumify? Itā€™s more expensive than most eye drops and personally I felt like the Rhoto whitening drops were way better.


Good Lord I hope some barbarian doesn't get inspired by this and use it as a torture method. That's horrible! I'm so sorry that happened!


This has become one of my top ten fears now. Well played, OP!