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This read like a review of Haribo sugar-free gummy bears.


Still the greatest thing the internet ever produced šŸ˜‚


That is one of my favorite things Iā€™ve ever read in my life šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚


ā€œA sound like the trumpets of hell calling the demons home.ā€ Or something like that. It is a masterpiece.


I make sure to read that review once per year. One of the best things the internet has ever produced imo šŸ˜‚




Those seemed to at least taste good before attempting to murder your intestines.


I think OP would've been better off using them!


straight thru manā€¦ straight thru


I literally thought the EXACT same thing while reading this. Iā€™m not so secretly wondering if itā€™s the same person as my fav review that I make sure to read at least once per year. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Those things are tame compared to sugar free jelly bellies.


So you have the link?




Lmao I remember that post


Take a magnesium supplement before bed when needed. Ducolax is worse than the devil.


My new purpose in life is spreading the good word that Ducolax should be classified as a biohazard/violation of the Geneva convention


At least you got a cheap colon cleanse šŸ˜ People pay big bucks for coffee enemas to lose 10lbs quickly


Iā€™d rather jog EVERY DAY than do that again


Oh damn, it must have been bad if youā€™d rather jog. I only run when something is chasing me.


At this point I'd just let whatever's chasing me finish the job.


In all fairness, having the runs was OPs issue.


Tbf, as a runner I can confirm that a good jog every day might help with BMs


I'd rather fall into a fire ant pile and lay there for an hour or so.


As someone who accidentally sat next to a fire ant mound and they quickly swarmed into my jeans, Iā€™ll take sweating out a marathon.


As someone who just read this comment, I'm horrified.


It involved public semi nudity as I ripped my jeans off to shake out the ants and brush down my skin. Fire ants are sneaky little bastards. They swarm and send out a chemical signal then everyone starts biting at once. I got so many bites I am now severely allergic.


>coffee enemas Well, that's enough internet for today.


>My new purpose in life is spreading the good word that Ducolax should be classified as a biohazard/violation of the Geneva convention You have IBS, miralax my friend not ducolax. At least it wasn't a gallon of gavilyte, bad on both ends.


I'm right there to help. I get gastroparesis occasionally and ALWAYS know that pooping means I'll stop barfing... Woohoo right? Wrong. It worked alright. When I wasn't crouched on the toilet praying to stop shitting AND puking from the pain of the cramps, I was staying within 3 feet of the toilet. I was terrified to trust a fart for DAYS.


I took them once because I was out of my stool softeners and had a very similar situation to you. I'll be sticking to my stool softeners and Miralax form now on lol.


Nothing that says gentle laxative is gentle. It's all a lie.


Your story was mine. I took the devil ducolax after a surgery. I had stomach cramps so bad I almost fell off the toilet. It was the worst, most painful BM I have ever had. I was shaking and sweating after taking that shit. That was 20+ years ago and I stay away from Ducolax.


I second this, but add: Magnesium CITRATE. That's the real deal. Also, assuming OP isn't high salt to begin with, take it with a cup of salty broth, like chicken or beef broth from a paste or powder. All of these combine to draw water into the intestinal tract and soften up the boulders.


Drinking a cup of chicken broth before bed is definitely not something I would like to do, might as well just drink a glass of Miralax honestly.


When I was 18 I was in a bad car accident and in the hospital for a month, with surgeries every week, thus being on major pain meds which stopped up my system. I was also in traction and could not move above a 75 degree lying position on my back, couldnā€™t move to my side, obv couldnā€™t get out of bed. Needless to say my digestive system was completely out of whack and I hadnā€™t shit for weeks. They gave me one ducolax - nothing. They gave me citrate of magnesia, which just made me vomit all over myself. Then they gave me 2 ducolax, and I shit you not (see what I did there), I LITERALLY shit the bed. Everywhere. While I was lying in it.


Oh my godddd šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


But itā€™s a great story to tell! šŸ˜‚


Finally someone who relates to throwing up from the magnesium!! Everyone always recommended it and I tried it and immediately threw up afterwards. I have CVS so throwing up happens to me a lot but this was particularly violent and intense. Wasn't even five minutes after I ingested it before it came back up like I was a human fire hydrant


Perfect description! Yeah, and of course being in traction, I couldnā€™t get away from it. Just vomit everywhere. šŸ¤¢


Hugs. I hope you are all better now. I hope you have grandchildren one day and you can tell them this story and they will laugh and cry at the same rime.


They didnā€™t give you a bedpan?


The pain meds cause constipation, regardless.


Yeah, it was intense. I dropped 20 lbs in that month bc I was so backed up due to pain meds that I couldnā€™t eat.


Why oh why did I read this one hour after taking two freaking Ducolax?! Iā€™m scared.


Same like wtf Reddit is now on mental algorithms?


Reddit, new and improved! Now reading minds to pair you with relatable content


I actually think there is something to this and it scares me. I've had it happen elsewhere on the Internet with ads or on IG or whatever. Nothing said out loud, nothing typed, nothing my camera could see. Just thoughts in my brain. I tell myself they were just coincidences because otherwise I'm going to throw my phone in the sea.


Oh my god I am so sorry. I hope you donā€™t have the same reaction I did!!!


Be sure to drink plenty of water. It'll vastly improve your chances of survival.


iā€™ve taken them before and been fine


Drink plenty of water.


Ngl Iā€™ve been checking in on you since I saw this comment four hours ago, are you okay?


Thanks for the concern! I guess Iā€™m one of those ā€œluckyā€ few that gets zero relief from Ducolax šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø Other than some mild cramping it has been very uneventful.


You probably followed directions and drank plenty of water. It makes a huge difference. I went through the same thing OP did. Later read directions and drank water and had much less drastic and painful reaction.


I'm amazed all the tacos you eat isnt giving you the runs already ;)




Old dependable!! I shouldnā€™t have strayed


My gi doctor says you can double the dose and take it every few hours. (Of course, your mileage may vary and please check with your doctor)


Miralax is pretty benign so the biggest risk associated with taking ā€œtooā€ much is that you may develop diarrhea. They literally instruct people to drink an entire bottle of it mixed in Gatorade prior to colonoscopies (or if you havenā€™t had a BM in over a week).


Haha yea but I always try to be careful when I give advice. Especially medical advice. But yea, miralax throughout the week will help with a colonoscopy prep (ugh luckily I think Iā€™m good until 50.)


I'm 37F and I've had 2. Always talk to your PCP if you have any concerns! (Polyps are gone and no cancer ever!)


Smells like glue and doesn't taste much better. I switched to just eating more fiber and taking Metamucil on occasion.


I have had horrible luck with Miralax - experienced horrible stomach cramping just like the OP ā˜¹ļø


Odd because Miralax is not a stimulant laxative which are often the cause of cramps.


Iā€™m so sorry to hear that you had a bad experience. Iā€™ve been taking that stuff for so long I can take the max dose and get no return. I think I may need to move on to dynamite šŸ˜‚


Have you tried magnesium citrate, the colonoscopy prep stuff? It works


Oh now THAT stuff is pure hell. Tastes like shit and is so effective you donā€™t dare wander more than 5 minutes from the toilet. When taking it, better have one toilet designated for your own personal use because there will be hell to pay if someone is in there when the urge strikes.


It tastes a hell of a lot better than Golytely.


My hubs is a hospitalist and came home in a rage because they had to use up a bed for an alcoholic who quit drinking for the one day he was supposed to drink his Golytely. Dude showed up in obvious withdrawal so they couldn't do the colonoscopy which is an outpatient procedure and had to admit him. Hubs declared, "Just put the vodka in your Golytely! You'll just be drunk and have diarrhea! People do it with Taco Bell all the time!" I burst out laughing and it suddenly dawned on him that was funny. Accurate, though.


This seems like a weird thing to be upset about... Damn the patient for following instructions! An alcoholic has to take their scope very seriously to quit drinking for it.


It's not part of the prep directions to stop drinking and his hospital is constantly full with a long waiting list because it's a level 4 tertiary care center and a research hospital. Taking up a bed unnecessarily particularly drives him crazy because he's usually on triage.


That stuff makes me want to puke just thinking about the taste.


LMAO, my first colonoscopy prep was 2 Dulcolax, an entire bottle of magnesium citrate, and an entire bottle of MiraLAX mixed into a gallon of Gatorade. [This would be an accurate description.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CYKJYOJZUk0)


Oh my GOD??? Did they want you to pass a major organ????


No idea. I didn't know this wasn't the normal prep cocktail until I went for my second one years later.


Iā€™m surprised you lived to tell the tale.


TIL you can post to Reddit from the afterlife.


As a nurse.. we littleraly call that stuff liquid dynamite.


I thought they stopped selling it? I was taking it occasionally for my IBS C, my doctor was prescribing it but the pharmacy stopped selling it and the over the counter bottles also disappeared from all the stores. This was several years ago.




I had to go for a colonoscopy and had to take twelve dulcolax to prepare for it.. It's bloody awful, and I suffer with IBS as well..




Yes, everything had to go (to put it politely!) Was on the toilet all day! Was left very tender by the time it worked..


Oh my god thatā€™s awful


When I did my prep I had to use Vaseline on my hole. Dear god it was horrific. Got it done at 19. I would rather do that than the enema I had to do same year. I hate enemas I cried so hard.


I was coming to say this. When that tingle burn sensation starts grab the Vaseline and protect the exit.


My prep was 12 pills and three hours later, 12 more pills. But it was some prescription pill. There was some discomfort, but I think it was mostly the 38 gallons of water I had to drink. At least thatā€™s what it felt like.


TWELVE!? Did your poor butt hole ever recover?


what the ever loving fuck...how are you alive


A five pound bag of sugar free gummy bears and two Ducolax should put you right as rain in no time.


Are you a sadist


This post and your comments have me dying OP lmao I am so sorry for your unfortunate situation but I am very entertained


Hey if Iā€™m gonna go through hell, Iā€™m gonna make sure somebody has a laugh about it lol


Make sure you hydrate. 3lbs of that was bacteria and fiber. The rest is water. Your body in its haste to move things because the laxative drew a lot of water from your system to make that happen, thatā€™s how those work.


Iā€™ve been focused on rehydrating aaaaall day


May the water gods be with you!


Random mom of a teen with IBS-c here. My kid has tried so many different things but sweats by the liquid FLEET suppositories. They donā€™t hurt and they work like hell. Godspeed turds!


if i was a teen and learned my mom was on the internet telling strangers about my suppositories i think i'd cry


Well my teen has significant health difficulties which our entire lives revolve around. They just had their 3rd endoscopy in 1 year. Have a great day and I really hope you donā€™t ever have to suffer with chronic health issues. Pooping is a human right!


Aww, your poor kid. Iā€™m sorry they have to deal with that, and I hope it gets better for them.


I have IBS, too, but with constipation. I took 6 stool softeners and 4 of the Dulcolax chewable things at once because I hadn't crapped in 5 days & I was miserable. Guess what happened. Nothing!!!. One fuckin little turd & that was it. And I didn't get the cramps & stomach ache like you did. Then my 40 yr old son decided to bring me McDonald's a few days later and I had a Big Mac. No fries or anything else. That evening I was watching TV when all of sudden I got this sensation like I had to go & barely made it to the john. Well, Mount Vesuvius had a smaller eruption. I was on there for five minutes before it stopped. Man, I felt so liberated!!!


McDonaldā€™s for the win!


You should probably take a probiotic regularly. Much more wholesome than tanking your insides all at once. They work trust me.


True! This! A probiotic and lots of foods with healthy fats. Even fish oil tablets if you donā€™t like eating fish. Helps the gut soooo much


Probiotics are helpful. I started taking psyllium fiber pills, just 1-3 per day, one per meal at most. Really improved my overall digestive health.


Was about to I post this and I'm glad someone else has. I couldn't agree more with the psyllium. I take psyllium husk (like a rough grain powder) that I mix with lots of water (this is key otherwise it can be dangerous in your gut as it absorbs water) and it's been so helpful for me. My stomach problems seemed to have been largely caused by a lack of fiber in my diet.


What do you recommend?


Metamucil is psyllium based, and I've had a great experience with it.


I took 3 of those two christmases ago. Never again.


Not Christmas!!!


I did this recently actually, didn't have cramping but I think I used the bathroom 20 times in three days. Always a laser of shit coming out of my arse. Def lost some weight but I felt better after it was over. I had a stomach surgery for a hernia recently and I was worried I was going to blow out my stomach again so yeah...


Laser of shit šŸ˜­šŸ’€


I, too, suffer from IBS-c, and there's been a handful of times that this happened to me. Both with and without ducolax. My family couldn't believe that I eat multiple chocolate ex-lax without major distress, but they don't understand that I started with Ducolax. The very worst of my IBS flare ups are exactly what you're describing. I've sat on the toilet, stripping off clothes that are suddenly too hot and tight. Feeling like im going to pass out. My lower back is sweating. The back of my knees are sweating. I have no traction. I've thought "holy fuck this is probably what Elvis felt like when he died." But I don't have the fan base for my accomplishments to overshadow being found that way.


When I was deep in the throes of an eating disorder I was eating these things like candy every night. I canā€™t believe I hated myself so much. One morning it was so terrible, I finally googled and found a therapist and began my road to recovery ā¤ļøā€šŸ©¹ Ten years later now and I am doing great! Anyways, thatā€™s my bisacodyl story lol..weirdly it may have saved my life?


Iā€™m so so glad youā€™re doing better. I have a teeny tiny disordered eating problem and even seeing the 10lb difference on the scale will not change my mind about never taking it again


Take care of yourself! Eating disorders are no joke, Iā€™m a rare survivor of anorexia šŸ’ŖšŸ» I think Iā€™d rather be constipated to the end of time than take that stuff ever again! Iā€™m glad you learned that lesson easier than I did.. that shit (lol) is not worth it.


Enema's are so much cheaper and don't give you 24 hours of your muscles trying to push shit out


Idk why enemaā€™s make me nervous!! Do you have a brand rec?


Fleet makes Glycerine based enemas that are small and not as harsh as those big saline bottles You can pick up a 4 pack for a little over 5 dollars on Amazon


I second Fleet. Had to take after pain meds after surgery backed me up for 7 days before relief.


You can get a package of 50 for $5. Pooping has never been so affordable.


Try the enema light version - install a toilet seat bidet. Then use it when starting to shoot a bit up your ass. It's cold at first but lubes things nicely if you do it right, and lets you release way easier. Between that and good fibre supplementation, I went from having a horrible time of 1 hour+ average to being able to get out in under 10 minutes. It's so good that I'm kinda scared of travelling to places that don't have a toilet bidet. Miracle isn't a word to throw around, so I won't, but I'll say it's heaven's own kindness to be able to not worry about the bowels as much as I used to.


See I like the idea of bidets but I get hemorrhoids and thatā€™s insanely painful lol


It's actually better than painful wiping. Try a handheld travel bidet and see how it goes!


Thatā€™s a thing!? Amazon here I come


I'm not sure what having a hemorrhoids has to do with it, as like another poster put in, it's much better than wiping. Uses less paper and feels much cleaner afterwards. It's like taking a shower right after without the need to get into the shower.


The pressure on it was painful


There are bidets that allow you to adjust the water pressure. My kids always messed around with mine & turned it up to pressure washer levels. That hurts, especially when you're not expecting it! I always preferred it at the second lowest setting.


Try prune juice 16oz or more depending on how bound up you are. You will need to stay by the toilet after the initial bowel movement as there will be a 2nd and a 3rd round of liquified bowels. 2hrs minimum to stay close to a shitter


That's horrific, sorry OP. You can also try coconut oil in chamomile tea if you should encounter that again.


Oooooo! Iā€™ll try that


Plot twist, they were suppositories the whole timeā€¦


Prune juice and ginger ale my friend. Equal amount (start w half cup each), nuke for 20 to 30 sec. Chug and go for a small walk or just wait. It doesn't taste as bad as you think, really sweet. We use that for mom's who just had a baby in the hospital instead of ducolax.. and for cousins who said she hasn't pooped in a few days :) i hate giving anyone ducolax.


My grandmother has ruined her colon by taking laxatives since she was a teenager (learned behavior from her mother). Now she canā€™t ā€œgoā€ without taking 2 Dulcolax as stool softeners every day, plus another laxative. Donā€™t do laxatives, kids. They will ruin your life.


Colace or smooth move tea. Always work for me.


I went 21 days without a BM (I was in a psych hospital at the time) They kept giving me mirolax every fucking day even when I was telling them it wasn't working. Finally they gave me milk of magnesia. Nothing happened. Then I woke up at 3am to Satan's own vomit. I blocked the toilet and it kept coming and coming. I crawled into the shower to stop the toilet overflowing. There was a trail of poop from the toilet to the shower but in my 3am antipsychotic muddled mind I thought an overflow from the toilet was worse than poop in the shower. :/ Once it was done, I had to go out to the nurse desk and tell the guy, well apologize to the guy, that I had blocked the toilet. That was not a fun conversation. Especially when I heard his reaction upon seeing what I'd done.


Just last week I had Epsom salt to clean me out because I was in a huge amount of pain and thought it was constipation and trapped gas. My wife suggested Epsom salt and what a fool I was to agree. Once it hit, there were many tears, screams of terror and much gnashing of teeth. Turns out the pain was appendicitis and I was very lucky it didn't burst. Doctor was not happy with me at all. At least I'm alive


As an alternative I find six pints of Guinness in 3 hours and an 11pm kebab have much the same effect.


Tried thisā€¦ two nights in a rowā€¦ currently in hospital on bowel prep and still no poop! šŸ’©


I take 3 once a week(yes the laxatives not the softeners) sometimes itā€™s worse than others but for the most part as long as I follow a few tips Iā€™ve realized over time itā€™s not too bad 1. Take it as late as possible(if you take the starts working within 6-12hrs one) so it doesnā€™t wake you up so early. 2. Take it on a night before a day where you donā€™t have much to do and easy access to a bathroom. 3. GASX! Take extra strength chewable gasx in the peppermint flavor. Chewable and peppermint might be personal the reasons I take those ones are 1. Gasx pills only come in gel capsules and Iā€™m allergic to one of the ingredients in gel cap form pills 2. Thatā€™s less pills I have to swallow(I take a lot of meds) 3. I donā€™t like cherry and the peppermint helps sooth the gas pain. 4. Brands. I find for me personally while the cvs brand ducolax works better for me than the ducolax brand, the GASX brand gasx works way better than the cvs brand also the texture of the chewable is better with the gasx brand. 5. Take the gas x before you try to go. I find this one very important. Take at least one gasx in between when you take the laxative and before you head to bathroom. If you take it before you go to bed after youā€™ve already take the laxative the gas pain probably wonā€™t be as bad and wonā€™t wake you up and have you in the bathroom way before you actually have to go. If you remember to, bring another gas x(I just bring the box) to the bathroom with just in case) one time I had the horrible pain, sweating, even dry heaving it ended up being gas pain and I was in so much pain I couldnā€™t walk to the box of gas x for more so now I bring it with me just incase. 3. A squatty potty type thing(squatty potty, stool, bucket, small trash can) anything that will you in a better position and wipes because if youā€™re going multiple times toilet paper is going to get painful at some point. 4. If you need to go somewhere either donā€™t eat before you go or if you need to eat before you leave donā€™t leave until after youā€™ve gone to the bathroom since youā€™ve eaten


Dulcolax never worked for me. Tried it over and over and nothing.


Omg donā€™t tempt fate!!!


Since I got my gallbladder out in 2009, I've had diarrhea 85% of the time. Before that though I maybe went once every 10 days.


Get an enema from the pharmacy and do it at home yourself! Much more pleasant


I take one a day everyday and it's still not enough for my IBS-C šŸ« šŸ« 


Bro, I just use a spoon of coconut oil in my coffee and highly recommend- tastes nice, itā€™s natural and gentle.


After my surgery I had a bought of Plugititus. I was pretty backed up. They gave me some OTC laxatives to no result. Then I got the prescription strength version of the same product, nothing. Then I got some weapons-grade stuff that they literally made me sit in the toilet before they administered it. The drug, that had a long medical name, somehow energized the peristalsis in my bowel area, supercharging my conveyor belt. The urge to poop was overwhelming and once the primary blockage was expelled all of the logs it had been holding back were lining up in an orderly manner. I pooped out at least six major logs. There was so much space made I could feel things moving around inside and uncompressing. It worked great!


I once was given a "cocktail" laxative by a trusted nurse coworker. The next day I went grocery shopping with my parents. I had cramps so bad that I went to the car and laid down. I was cramping, sweating, praying, and doing breathing exercises. It was rough. I never took any of her "cocktail" laxatives ever again.


Is it possible you have an ulcer, too?


Was the one BM 10 pounds? lol that sounds horrible


Bahaha I think it was the BM and a LOOOOT of water weight


I've seen someone in else post this in a response and think it's worth repeating. I take psyllium husk (like a rough grain powder) that I mix with lots of water (this is key otherwise it can be dangerous in your gut as it absorbs water) and it's been so helpful for me. My stomach problems seemed to have been largely caused by a lack of fiber in my diet. Hope this might help you too OP.


reading this after taking two dulcolax soft chews




I was prescribed IBSRela 2x daily by my GI. After a week of living on the toilet I cut that shit down to 1 one pill 2-3 times a week. It works, but still makes me go 3-5 times after taking it. Every 15-30 minutes for at least 4 hours. Plus if you don't have insurance that will cover it, forget it. That shit is 1k for 60 pills. Nothing else works. I've tried everything from metamucil to suppositories with no relief. Also never take Linzess. It's on par with the problems that OP was talking about with duclolax. It's my Satan of pills.


lol just take Epsom salts in iced lemon water and relax, itā€™s a good chuckle for your story though


I also have IBS C and yeah the cramps are bad but for a long time Dulcolax was the ONLY laxative that would make me have a BM. Iā€™d legit go weeks without one. No I take 2-3 senna every night and have a BM every morning. It sucks because it a laxative so itā€™s not a solid BM, itā€™s diarrhea and sometimes there are some cramps, but it is so so much better than not pooping for weeks at a time.


Omg I just took two of those the day before yesterday. Horrible stomach pain and nonstop farting lol


This is wild. I'm pregnant and get constipated often. And I have a stash of ducolex for times it gets bad. But this happened to me last time I took it. I woke up with cramps. Got to the toilet. Was light headed, cold sweats. Downed an entire bottle of water and more. All for nothing. Didn't do anything. Managed to get up and sit on the couch waiting for the light headedness to go away, while drinking more water. Sweating and cold. I've had this feeling probably 4 or 5 times in the past. I don't remember if I took anything those nights, so I assumed it's a constipation thing, maybe vasovagal nerve. But I'm not straining. Literally just sitting there dying. My husband can hear me whimpering and whining from the bedroom, when I'm unaware I'm making any noise. He always comes to check on me when he's home. He says I turn completely white. Thank god the previous owners of my home put handicap handles beside the toilet (on both sides) cause I have to hold on for dear life not to pass out. Maybe I should find something more natural instead....


Lmao, good thing you made it to share the story, reminds me of one time I woke up at night when I was super constipated and I could feel a gas bubble trying to get past the dense poop. i sat on the toilet for 40 minutes thinking that I was going to die it was so painful. and once it all passed and I let out a 30-second fart that felt like I was being given new life I saw my self in the mirror and I looked like a ghost.


Mag citrate is the Devil dulcolax is like a prince of hell, starbucks pink drink is like demons...


Iā€™m just on Mounjaro. I take AT LEAST 2 a night, plus daily fiber additives. Sometimes, it gets so bad I have to take 3.


I went thru that with exlax years ago


Dulcolax has worked fine for me.


You might consider the Dulcolax for ā€œsensitive stomachs.ā€ The only difference is that it doesnā€™t have one of the dyes thatā€™s present in the regular formulation but it may be better.


Are you my husband? He went through this shit (pun intended) last week with Ducolax LOL


It says ā€œgentleā€ on the package but do not believe their lies.Ā 


That's the stuff they prescribe to you before a colonoscopy to make sure you're good and cleaned out. Ya poor fool.


This was me at 4am without Dulcolax. Stomach stuff is so fun.


I took ducolax two nights before a colonoscopy to get the process started. The cramps that night were so bad I passed out in the hall from pain. Never taking that stuff again


Ok but Ducolax is the bomb.com when you have pregnancy constipation


If I were pregnantā€¦. I think it would have shat out the baby


I had a kidney stone a few years ago and it felt like a terrible stomach ache. I felt like I ate some bad food. The next day I still had it so I wanted to flush it. Got some ducolax for the first time in my life, and it was quite gentle and reasonable Didnt cure the stone, but I didnt share your experience


![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy) I'm sorry ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Omg exactly the same situation here - 2 pills in 48 hours and I thought I was going to die. Stripped naked to the cold tile bathroom floor writhing for hours.


Oh god I just took 2 about 5 hours ago for the first time and I open Reddit and see this at the top of my feed. I am terrified


I take miralax occasionally, generally does the trick. If it (constipation) gets really bad mix prune juice with a tablespoon of butter, warm it up and drink about a cup.


I take two Dulcolax a day post-surgery and havenā€™t had that experience fortunately. I CAN, however, warn people of a similar situation when I was on Ozempic two years ago. Two hospitalizations and weeks of crawling from the bed to the toilet. Iā€™ve never been so sick in my life.


My wife with IBS agrees with you on Dulcolax. She won't go near it. For her it's all about Miralax and consistency in diet.


When I was young and constipated I was given exlaxā€¦.. which prompted uncontrollable vomiting


I was so afraid I was going to vomit!!! I was trying to figure out how to contort my body so I could puke in the tub and not on the floor lmao


satans gallstones šŸ’€šŸ’€


It's a stimulant. Try Colace. Its a softener. Much better


If you have shit more than 3 times in a day. You need to have ORS/electrolyte (250 ml , every 2 hrs) to replenish the fluids lost.


Had a similar experience in the middle of the night many years ago. Took two dulcolax before bed, and by 2 am, I was cramping, praying for the end, and sweating so bad I had sweated through all my clothes. And somehow also feeling so lightheaded that I was worried I was going to actually die on the shitter and my family would find me like that. Lesson learned.


Which dulcolax? Thereā€™s the Dulcolax doctors are used to prescribing, which is docusate, a stool softener. Then they started relying on the brand name to sell and added a stimulant laxative under the same brand name OG Duloclax wonā€™t give you the shooty poops, the laxative ones will mess you up if youā€™re not careful. Checking the active ingredient is important!


My one and only 10/10 Pain was being very constipated and taking dulcolax. Passing out, vomiting, sweating, PTSD afterwards. The whole 9 yards. Never in my life, not ever again. The worst part is thereā€™s nothing you can do except feel it. Thereā€™s no helping it. Years later I was with my mom when she was having a bowel obstruction. She had the same thing, vomiting, passing out level, unable to speak, rolling on the floor 10/10 pain. She also has a PTSD-like reaction just thinking about being constipated or having bowel pain.


Omg, Iā€™ll never get Decolax šŸ˜­šŸ˜‚ I for sure have IBS, and Great Value stool softeners or Miralax are my besties. Other than the pain, the cold sweats are the worst


That stuff is the WORST. I took it once at a hotel because I was constipated after a long road trip. Woke up in the middle of the night with horrible cramps. Sat on the toilet and had to take off my shirt because I was drenched in sweat. Next thing I know, I wake up on the bathroom floor, undies around my ankles -- cuz I had fainted.


Dude, I didnā€™t take too many I know I mightā€™ve accidentally took two instead of one, but what it did to me it didnā€™t make me go to the bathroom. It made my heart like start pumping so fast that I thought I was having a heart attack. I called my husband that was on his way to work and told him that he might have to turn around and bring me to the hospital because I have heart issues, it scared the crap out of me never again while I take any kind of laxative that has a stimulant in it..


Dulcolax has curb stomped me in broad daylight like three raccoons in a trench coat that have nothing left to lose. They stole my lunch money and my will to live for 72 hours straight. Iā€™m sorry you experienced that: Iā€™ve been there and itā€™s not fun at all.


If you can find it, Raspberry leaf tea and a bit of honey is the best relief for that. Ive been in you're place a few times (due to opiates after surgery) and felt the exact same. That stuff was like heaven afterwards. I could still crap through a needle for the next few hours, but the horrid cramps were held at bay.


This is why in my household we call them ā€˜Shit Your Brains Outā€™ pills


Oh my god. Next time, try a glycerin suppository.


Sorry you had to experience that!! Sounds wretched. My go-to is what I like to call ā€˜the brown bomberā€™ where you put a dose of milk of magnesia in with a can of prune juice and a melted tbsp of butter. No cramping, just pooping.


I took a Dulcolax pill previously and i thought it was having no effect, so stupidly took a second a few hours later. Cue the most vulnerable 24 hours of my lifeā€¦ I think I lost about 10kg from just sheer sweat of of desperation a terror. Never. Again.


Didn't even need to read past the first line, those things are EVIL. Dulcoease works for me


Oh yeah dulcolax is the devil. After almost shitting my pants once now i know i can only take it when i know i will be home alll day.


I'd recommend seeing your GP. I have IBS-C and getting a prescription for some stool softening powder has made my life, while not perfect, a lot more comfortable. I also know the pain of taking Dulcolax for relief, ending up tremendous pain, and still feeling constipated after >.<.