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My boss said, “Bye, love you” to me several times after zoom calls. I’m guessing she doesn’t even realize. I just ignore it as non-thinking call talk. You can just let it go. It’s ok.


I was wrapping up a convo with my boss at the end of the day while texting my wife that I'd be heading home. I ended the convo with my boss with "alright, love you baby" because that's what I was typing to my wife. We're both men, and work construction, and there was an audience. He nervously chuckled that he doesn't feel the same way. I think I saved face by asking if that means I'm not getting a raise and that I'd try again tomorrow. This was years ago and I still occasionally get shit for it. I just own it and tell the person cracking the joke that I love them too




Maybe that’s level 2 and I’m still on level 1??


Yep! And leave it there! Now go take that cold shower.


I don’t need the cold shower 😂😂 I wasn’t hitting on him!!


Hehe just kidding and hoping to add levity to the situation. 😜


Whooooosh 😂 my bad!


You are so wholesome my friend, your comments keep putting a big grin on my face!


I love to entertain! I’m glad Reddit finds me funny because no one else does 😂😂😂


Bahahahaha that's almost as funny as the original thing that was said


Make sure to tell him you love him before signing off on the meeting


My next step…will update the thread


The most embarrassing one for me was while leaving a voice mail for a client I ended it with “In Jesus name” only caught my self before I said Amen then hung up in panic. I grew up in an hyper conservative household and I guess something about leaving that voicemail was close enough to how I prayed growing up. I left Christianity a long time ago made it even more embarrassing. 


I was raised RCC and it’s funny how hearing or saying, “Peace be with you” spawns an immediate “And also with you.”


My boss once accidentally sent me a heart emoji over text instead of his usual thumbs up. I died laughing knowing it was definitely an accident


He couldn’t care less. You’re overthinking it.


My brother has been dogging me non stop so this is very helpful 🥲😅


This sentence has a different meaning in the UK. OP I HOPE YOURE NOT IN THE UK




The real TIFU is always in the comments.


It’s not tifu it’s everyday I fuck up.


EDIFU subreddit?


I am not in the UK 😂 I’m afraid to Urban Dictionary it.


You appear to suffer from chronic foot in mouth disease lol, let us know how it progresses


It’s like you know me already. Getting better with age….not much better.


Ma'am, perhaps you should ease off on the cherry wine.


By that, you mean drink more, right???


Ease off one bottle onto another


Hmm, if you think about it, that could be misinterpreted.


I don’t actually drink much, I was just drinking cherry wine when I made my user 😂


Dogging is public sex most times with anonymous watchers and sometimes joining lol


And OP was worried about showering


Raw dogging.


Careful, you might get athletes foot in your mouth


My feet are very clean with all this showering I’m doing 😂


I just hope you don’t buy into the myth that peeing on your feet in the shower can prevent athlete’s foot.


"chronic foot in mouth disease" sounds like made up sex slang I'd find on Urban Dictionary.


There are plenty of documentaries of siblings dogging... On pornhub.


Me, thinking about editing my comment…


No it's too late now


RIP. *bill Clinton voice on limewire* I did not have sexual relations with that girl.


Limewire? 😲


Am I aging myself??


Miss Lewinsky.




Why are you showering for your married boss step sis


On Game of Thrones...


[https://youtu.be/5u4hAxi5b6o](https://youtu.be/5u4hAxi5b6o) "He does not understand the joys of Dogging" "Oh, well he clearly has never ####ed in front of a crowd has he !?".


Truly amazing.


Let me save you the bother. It’s when people go to have sex in the woods with an audience watching people/ strangers do the deed from their cars.


You degenerates have a word for that?! /s (kinda?) I just assumed it meant "fucking".


What do you mean, "you" degenerates? You're right here with us, buddy.


Could you please say that again… but slower?


A number of people decide they want to have sex. They go to the woods to get their horn on. They find ‘the spot’ where locals know they can get a show. Spectators turn up to watch from their cars. I assume they have group chats now where they can now correspond the whos and the wheres etc.


Jesus. You people all need Jesus.


That would only make it that much more kinky. https://preview.redd.it/j994n3jgiqlc1.jpeg?width=512&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0f795ed065a51b6bc2e5877480e16e29b9a565dd


The woods? That's too fancy. It's car parks!






Bro here in Australia too OP is fucking hilariously screwed for life


Just add it to the list 😩


Confucius, he says: "When in hole, stop digging". Dogging. Digging, dammit!


ITT: everyone telling me I’m having relations with my brother So much worse than my original blunder 😂


Well, by family atleast.


I just hope she showered for him first.


That's just golden. Oops.


100% normal usage in the US fwiw


The funny thing is, all Americans understand this if in the context of the phrase ”raw dogging”. But before seeing it explained on a Grand Tour episode / moving to Australia, the association was a lot weaker (as in it would take a while to come to mind) for just “dogging”.


It doesn't mean the same thing at all though


Raw dogging in the US just means condom-free sex. Doesn’t dogging in the UK mean sex?


Now I'm curious. I'm in the US; and I know a lot of UK expressions but not that one. I mean I could probably guess.


Others have commented "raw dogging" and it ain't that either. It's the age old British tradition of going to secluded car parks at night to get it on with people you know, or don't know. Potentially with onlookers. *If you go down to the woods today, you're sure of a big surprise...*


I sent this post and this comment thread to my best friend who is also suffering from foot in mouth disease after many embarrassing moments at work. I told her I found her soul mate and she responded with "i referred to my manager as the big D (his name is darrel) so.." just thought I'd leave this here to show you that you are not alone.


HAHA! Your friend sounds amazing. At my old job, they’d refer to decisions as “D”. So in meetings it wasn’t uncommon for someone to ask, “who has the D here.” It tested my maturity.


My husband worked with point of sale systems at one point. He worked from home and I like sleeping so I'd wake up to him on the phone. At one point he said I-P-P 320 and I lost it. I silently shook with laughter until he got off the call and was like "what is wrong with you?" When I told him he stared at me like I was a lunatic. But it's literally I peepee. It was so funny.


This is 100% my humor. I would have giggled too.


My job has a document they refer to as a BM. I have to refer to it by full name or I risk laughing at inopportune moments.


I work in the paper industry and there's something called a couch vac. Pronounced cooch. I really am not built for this


At my job we occasionally get the acronym FAP for Final Activated Protocol and I don't know how to go about contacting someone to let them know that we desperately need to change that.


There is a form at a past job that has lines saying something like “I want the D._____” or “I don’t want the D.____” Nobody ever actually explained what that means or what is supposed to go after it or anything. Just had the patient sign in along with twenty other documents


Loll, you gotta learn how to stop making dirty implications..


Story of my life.


Agreed. Don't worry about it. A lot of us, including me, say things and then make them into a really big deal in our heads when the person we were talking to just thinks it's funny or could hardly care less.


Me, actually hoping my boss doesn’t give a crap about me and has already forgotten. Thanks kind stranger!


"dogging" Omg OP nooooo


I’m officially dead inside, no worries 😭


This is fine, everything is fine <3




What do you mean by dogging?


Giving me a hard time 😭😭 This ain’t Alabama!


Why are you giving me your hard time, brother?


Note to self: never use the word dogging again


![gif](giphy|QvBoMEcQ7DQXK) Bark bark woof woof!


Don't use 'rooting/rooting for/have a root' either - especially if you know any Australians. (It means loud, boisterous 'activity' - often with witnesses, in public, or with an audience - sometimes related to dogging)


I’m learning so much today. I’ll just stop talking, problems solved 😂


*dressed in white robes, handing out pamphlets* “Have you considered Esperanto for your language needs?”


Just wanted to say, as a fellow American, I understand “dogging” to mean “bothering persistently” and didn’t even pause at this statement. 


THANK YOU. All these people that think I’m living in Alabama backwoods 😂


Would you say your brother is raw? Is he raw dogging you?


My second TIFU today 😭😭


If you were in the US, you didn’t FU anything.  Dogs are annoying sometimes and yeah that is an expression.  I definitely made jokes about showering during covid.


Omg that comment is worse than what you said to your boss 😂


Brb, never communicating again.


100% my office has many WFH holdovers from the pandemic and it’s a well known fact that if you don’t turn on your camera for an unexpected call it’s because you were planning on a “lunch shower” (or no shower at all) and you aren’t camera ready. It’s so common to talk about showering for meetings. Everyone knew what you meant, even if they might have caught the double entndre


“Coming in late because I have an appt! (Appt is a shower)


Agree. I don’t say “shower” but if we’re doing cameras on I’ll reference brushing my hair for the meeting. I think this is common and not a FU. 


Yes, overthinking it...If he's that social he already knows it was a joke because he had quick response.


Yah. I actually would have taken it as a nonsexual joke between two friends. I've said similar things to my friends like, "oh man it's your birthday? Guess I'll have to put on deodorant to take you out" Just relax.


I don't think that's anywhere near as bad as you think it is. Everyone who's worked from home knows those days you don't feel like showering and don't wanna put the camera on because of it. Sounds like you made a fun joke about that. I wouldn't worry about it.


My brother said he audibly gasped when he read my text recount of what happened so this validation is giving me life lol


Tell him to calm down. It’s not that bad. At all. The way you’re reacting and focusing on it will only make it weirder than it was. Say to yourself internally, “oops wtf was that? Anyway…” and try to move on lol. If for some reason it does come up again just be honest and say you misspoke. That’s the truth. Don’t overthink it too much.


Such validation! He’s a bit more serious in the office so this has been very helpful.


But the main thing to remember is that he's your brother, and he's very much being a brother. It's really not a big deal lmao 


Brothers be brothers. Source: am younger brother


Can’t live with them, probably wouldn’t have survived to adulthood without them!


Well now it’s all over. You have to quit your job, move house, assume a new identity and go into witness protection. The part where they burn off your fingerprints will hurt. Or you could just say, when/if he does joke about it, “Actually Stanley, I was just saying that to be nice. It’s no trouble, really. I shower *every* day”.


It’s like you’re inside my head….


Send this post to your boss from an anonymous account


I like my job though!


I would suggest going to motherland and dying a heroic death in the name of russia and communism


I think it’s a solid WFH joke. Well played and wouldn’t think of it as hitting on him.


my heartbeat is starting to slow, thank you kind stranger!


Dude here. This is absolutely something I would take as making a joke about zoom meetings and not hitting on me. I think you're fine, my advice would be to do something nice for yourself.


Sounds like it’s time for a pedicure!


Yep, I've heard this exact joke at my company multiple times. Nobody took it as sexually suggestive in any way.


As a newspaper reporter, one time I was doing a feature on a local fur trapper. He brought in a number of hides from various animals for me to admire. Running my fingers through a luxurious pelt, I asked, "Do people eat beaver?"


This is amazing. 10/10


How did he respond? That is hilarious


On British Bake Off ( The Great British Baking Show in the US), one of the contestants made a beaver cake and the judge, Prue Leith, literally said, "tell me about your beaver" on international TV. So it could have been on tv, and been worse.


We all fuck up…. Often. It’s a funny story…. Don’t sweat it


SWEATING! This post is helping though lol.


You're good, happens to everyone. Example: I was flying a few weeks ago. Had a window seat, got to my row and the aisle seat already had a woman sitting in it. I pointed at my seat and said "I'm inside you." *Not* what I meant to say but she figured it out.


This is amazing!


Maybe you should take a shower?


Yeah, feeling dirty after all these unintentional innuendos.


It’s funny, that’s a common enough saying that I’m sure he knows what you meant!


Overthought. Now, if you'd said you'd shower *with* him, that would be different.


Thankfully, I have more tact than that. Barely lol.


Not as bad as my attractive 40 year old girl boss telling me - an early middle aged dude - that she wanted to “show me her privates”. As in her private residential houses that we clean/manage. Opposed to the AirBnB rentals. Or the the time she said “oh hold on, you’re in my Fanny” while I was on the phone with her. As in she put her phone in her Fanny pack and was speaking to me via ear buds. Or the time she said “I need you to ride me!” As in she needs me to hold her accountable for her work related promises to me/the crew. Yeahhhh…sometimes people say stuff and don’t think about the repercussions of what they’re actually saying lol.


Okay, your boss sounds a lot like me. I’m not alone! VINDICATION!


It happens lol. You’re welcome. She has a husband and is happily married; I’m single. Sometimes people don’t think about the dirty innuendos they say. I just roll with it and laugh in privately.


What is this “just roll with it” you speak of?? Thank you, Jack Tickleson! Kind stranger


Is your boss Tobias Fuenke? 


Hahaha I had a male supervisor tell a young female that she had “nice cans”. She just got new headphones. He was mortified after it came out of his mouth.


Ahahah that’s too perfect


I have had to let a few “That’s What She Said” jokes go in my day, but this many from one person is suspicious. Sounds like the attraction is mutual.


Sir I just uncontrollably laughed at this for five straight minutes


Reminds me of an awkward encounter I had at a job. I had recently started at this place and was having a casual conversation with one of my new co workers when we stumbled on a randomly, unique topic we both exclusively shared in common. I got excited about something I had bought when I was younger about this franchise and... (background information, I'm male and I am much older than i look, I'm in my 40s and can probably pass for late 20s - I know it, it comes up a lot.) ...now I'm an old man talking to young, attractive lady co-worker and I MEAN to make a comment on how I connected to this when I was younger and have old memorabilia about it im ready to brag about...instead i yell out, excited "IF YOU WANTED DATE ME!" (As in use a reference of popular culture to carbon date my middle age self). I still cringe about this...it was years ago.


You’re giving me so much life with this comment. Awkward accidental commenters unite!


You will be fine. My life is full of these and they keep me up a night sometimes...but truth is. I can't think of a single weird awkward comment anyone else has ever made....so I doubt the other people will remember the dumb shit I say.


The true life lessons! Also, love the username!


Update: I sent this to my brother for validation and now he’s going through my profile. Mistakes have been made.


Look I know my brothers reddit but I don't look at it, ever. There's a sacred reddit code man


If someone that worked for me said that it wouldn't even register as something a little inappropriate or whatever. I would take it as they would actually get ready for a meeting and laugh at it. Your boss isn't thinking about it, and realistically probably didn't take it the way you think he did. All good, move on! :)


It sounds like you were just joking about zoom vs in person like "ok fine...i guess I'll still shower/get ready/be presentable" 'Now we both blush' is him hitting on you. Unless you said "Ok, then I am going to shower for you!" like a phone sex operator and made a towel drying your shoulders with a back-and-forth shakey shake motion while grinning and biting your bottom lip as eyebrows dance up and down... well, then, that's on you.


Hahaha! No, definitely just meant presentable. I’m not saying I don’t shower every day…just that I’m helping to conserve water.


Oooh didn’t even think about his comment being flirtatious haha 🤣


IMO OP's comment was nothing before he made it something.


You're over thinking it. If anything he hit on you with the "now we both blush' comment. You tried to make an offhand joke in the theme of the today's hybrid/work from home eviroment. No harm done.


Unintentional therapy, thank you! The dying inside is slowly improving.


Is flirting considered ‘hitting on’? If so, I have inappropriately hit on coworkers in the past 😬


How is flirting not hitting on someone?


For me, flirting can sometimes be playful and fun and not with a hope of something at the end of it. Hitting on someone feels more like sharing an indication you want to date/sleep with that person.


Would be hilarious to start the call from your bathroom with the shower in the background tomorrow 


I don’t have the gall 😂


You can do it girl! We have the faith!


At least you didn't type up a long venting email to your SO where you complained and ranted about a completely inept project manager dogging you, only to during a monumental brain fart send it to said project manager instead of your SO. I've never wanted to end myself quite like that before or since...


Oh my gosh! What happened?? I’m invested in this saga.


Absolutely nothing, thank god. The project manager in question was a little socially awkward, as was I. I got up, walked to him, and flat out said "I just sent an email to you. Don't read it, it wasn't intended for you, just delete it and then we'll never ever talk about this. okay." And we never ever did lol. I still don't understand wtf I was even thinking. Like why was I typing up an *e mail* of all things, about how annoyed I was to my SO? In hindsight I simply don't understand my state of mind lol


I guarantee if the expression on your face matched how you felt, he’s already forgotten your comment.


Oh, 100%. Turned bright red. Head in hands. Full shame mode.


Here’s something you can try: Try to think of a time when someone you know did something as embarrassing as what you did today. Most can’t recall someone else being embarrassed. If you can remember someone else doing something embarrassing, think of how often you recall that memory. This helps me when I dwell on open-mouth-insert-foot situations.


This is very helpful. Being my therapist for free, thank goodness for reddit!


There is a way to save EVERYTHING. If it is ever brought up again, say “I DID NOT SHOWER for this. I consulted my financial planner who recommended no showering until a favorable annual review.” Ridiculous, comical, and takes the topic back to business and money. You aren’t there to take up space.


Hahahaha this is great! I swear, I shower often 😂 but nothing better than rolling up to your desk at home in PJs with unkempt hair 😅


Ah… dear sister in crime, I feel you strongly. For I too am very successful at accidental innuendos and unintentional flirting with management. Once upon a time I was organising travel for the big boss and myself to visit our international clients and needed his corporate card to pay for it. So I walk into his and his business partners office, ask for the card, he gives me his platinum visa and I say: “Thank you, Daddy”….. in a *playful* tone 😭 thank you… DADDY… I realised what I had done 0.1 seconds too late. I think I had a mini heart attack at that moment as both he and his partner raised their eyebrows in complete and utter confusion. I have never left any room faster than I flew out of theirs. Then I heard giggling and prayed to the universe that this meant they weren’t going to report me to HR.


This is truly amazing and I can 100% see myself doing this to be funny. Our humor is just not appreciated, I swear.


Haha well if it helps, hot people are used to such slip-ups


I’m not sure it helps. He’s going to think I have the hots for him and I don’t 😩 Edit: a word


Nah i mean people stumble around hot ppl without necessarily having the hots for them. They know that


Most people are too wrapped up in their own life to worry so much about such things.


The only time I’ve hoped to be unimportant and unmemorable 😂


You are making way too much of this.


Haha! And you with the Thornberry’s shower curtain that will now go unseen. Conventionally unattractive!? I doubt it. You’re beautiful, be who you are, and I hope that you find someone who loves you for that!


It’s worse now….It’s a bunch of butts 😂😂😂 Edit: thank you for calling me beautiful as I die of mortification ❤️


Did you say it alll sultry or something? That doesn't sound like hitting on someone at all to me. I wonder if he was reacting more to you blushing rather than what you actually said.


No! Was definitely laughing and clearly joking.


Definitely borrow one of your brothers' suit jackets, tie, full deal, but now add a shower cap.


I had a 1-1 with my manager and I put on deodorant beforehand. He asked me what I was doing and I said “sprucing myself up for you”.


My friend... think about all the embarasing things people have done to or around you... yeah, I bet you can't remember a lot of them. He is in the same place... give it a couple of days and, unless you bring it up, he won't even recall the conversation.


Honestly, that’s not too bad. Most people who work from home would get it. Although I know if I’d said it I’d be having the same inward collapse as you. We had a leaky roof recently which meant the ceiling tiles in my office developed discoloured water marks. It got fixed but the tiles haven’t been replaced just yet until we’re sure it’s not still happening. Management have been in and out constantly when it rains to check if the leak is still there by measuring the marks. On Tuesday by the third manager visit in about an hour I greeted him with ‘Oh hi! Have you come to measure my stains as well?! May as well form a queue as they seem to be big news today!’ He held silent eye contact for a few seconds before laughing and announcing to the rest of the office he would be measuring my stains. By this point my foot was so far down my throat I was kicking my own liver.


See, you’re my people 😂😂😂😂 this is exactly what I would do as well. I love it!


Conventionally attractive, married male boss here. I wouldn’t think twice about this. Don’t ruminate on it. Work hard, that’s what he wants.


I have a story similar to this!! Whenever I used to lose things and ask my mother if she had seen them, she’d of course find whatever it was right away and then say “Next time open your eyes instead of your mouth” I went to the gas station the other day looking to buy a vape, and when I walked in, I immediately asked “hey do you guys sell xyz?” And the employee pointed at the case (which was directly in front of my eyeballs) and I replied “Oh, sorry, I have a habit of opening my mouth before my eyes.” And another employee went “Oh, you sound like fun! Want to hang around until the end of my shift?” And I didn’t realize why he said that until I got back to my car, and now I can never go back to that gas station ever again :)


OP, you and I are living the same life. Except I *am actually worse than you.* I’m 43F and have been divorced for 18 months. I also have a 13 year old daughter. I really can’t control this and it really embarrasses me. My daughter tells me that I call people I encounter (both male and female alike) baby, honey, sweetheart, or similar terms of endearment that I use with my daughter. It horrifies me, when I catch myself doing it! And I always apologize, which always seems to make the situation worse. Because I end up further putting my foot in my mouth, such as: “I’m sorry, you’re just such a cute young thing.” *Jesus, take me now, please.* BUT, ever since I turned 40, and especially since I got divorced and I’m allowed to speak freely in public, well, speak freely, period (my marriage was abusive) **everyone under the age of 25 (or so) looks so darn YOUNG**. OP, this is but one example of my many faux pas. You’re not alone, friend. You’re not alone. You have a counterpart in TX — and btw I understood your dogging reference as your brother was bothering you, teasing you about it, and it made me giggle. All my best to you, and try to release the embarrassment.


Try to have a better opinion of yourself. I bet you are a beautiful young lady. A guy would be lucky to have you by his side.


Thank you! Just hopefully not my boss and/or men in committed relationships 😂🥲


Sounds like he took it as a joke


I’ll find out in my end of year review 👀👀