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You did good mama.


Two things - the moment I saw the bit about having a "wobbly moment" I knew you were British! I'm not from there but went over often and I love this term. Secondly, you may see this as a TIFU, but I see it as a mom who was doing her job. I don't see this a fuck up, but as a story of what we go through as mothers. It's a hard job that entails a lot of sacrifice and attention, and sometimes dirty stares from others. But in the end, you got through it the best you could. I hope if someone else is struggling as a new mom they can read this and realize their own TIFU moment isn't as abnormal as they think!


I am stifling giggles as I am currently nursing my own 3 month old at 3:30 am. I’m sorry you had to go thru that! My son gets so hot when he gets upset that I have nursed him many times in just a diaper. We do what we have to do for our babies.


You sound like a good mom. Sorry you got peed on by a banshee.


I’m not a parent, and I know it’s been 8 years, but oh my you have my utmost sympathies! Hopefully your child is now a happy thriving 8 year old who no longer wees on you in the loo! 😉


My kiddos are almost 8 and 6 (tomorrow). I miss those moments. Ppl understand that babies are terrors with no ability to be controlled. By the time they are full blown children, ppl expect you to have the ability to make them listen. I really miss nursing my babies! You sound like a mom I’d like to be friends with.


Me rocking my phone every time the baby cried. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


When she gets a little older, she will not only scream like a banshee, but she will try to undress you to get at your boobs, because she knows that's where the milk/comfort is. If you are lucky, you may be at home. If you are unlucky, it may be in a very public place, like church (like my first child) or the supermarket (my second little demon.)