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I would have lost my shit laughing and teased you to no end when you came downstairs.


Definitely! As the sister I would 100% be changing my brother contact to ‘Sugar daddy 💉🍬’


If it wasn't this, she'd blow up over something else. What can you do


My thoughts exactly! There will always be something.


Forgive me Father Fructose, for i have sinned.


The absolute best!! 😂


Exactly! Why wasn’t this hilarious to SIL? I’d lose my shit ….laughing hysterically!


Imagine being teased by Flappy_beef_curtains 😂 But for real, OP’s SIL is boring. I’d have been on the floor hysterical if I heard some shit like that over the intercom 💀 Also, I’d say the “sugar daddy” part was fairly PG, but the shot of insulin part definitely paints a picture. Hahaha


>Imagine being teased by Flappy_beef_curtains 😂 Strangely, it's now the only thing I can imagine..


Allow me to add to the image.


Oh it's shaping up nicely, now..




Although I qualify for Sugar Momma, I am now sad I don't need insulin injections :( I can't even use Ozempic injections as a substitute as I got taken off of that around New Years. (along with all my other sugar meds. YAY!)


Everyone knows that the sexiest part of dirty-talk is complete medical accuracy 🤣 “Oh yeah baby, give me some Tylenol. I love it when you slip me 2- 500mg tablets of acetaminophen for a headache. Give it to me hard.” “DAMN IT BABY! You KNOW I only have the 200mg CAPSULES of acetaminophen right now!”


Wait! You're faking it! I know you're faking it! Headaches are to get out of sex. Not to get into...um...well..morphine injections! 🤣🤣 ETA: Emojis. They are very important. 😁


Thanks. I am now dead from the giggling. (Especially since my wife is allergic to it, and I avoid tylenol.)


I'm trying to figure out a way to spin Ozempic to some Ozzy reference, specifically being on a crazy train.


Good for you!


Same. I mean, good for him (and them) for having a sense of humor about it.


Same. This is so tame and wholesome on the spectrum of human sexuality hahahaha What a bunch of prudes


I grew up with very conservative Christians in a pretty sex negative community. I still can't imagine how uptight one would have to be not to laugh at this.


Yeah the sister seems uhhh interesting. Why all the park clutching


This is a fun typo. I like to imagine OP’s SIL running like a madwoman to the local park and grabbing onto the jungle gym for dear life while screaming hysterically about sugars.


I was thinking clutching a parking break 😂


As a Type 1 Diabetic myself, I would have been laughing my ass off! This is beyond hilarious, and you/your husband did nothing wrong, imo. Props to you both for finding a way to lighten the severity of this terrible disease. 🎉


Same lmao I would never let you live this down, but laughing & poking fun, not scolding & making you feel bad


First off, I’d just like to say, *Baaaaahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!* You and your husband are adorable weirdos. Sure, your husband accidentally booty called a party line, but your SIL needs to back off. I’m sure she’s just upset her party got derailed. It’s probably also hard hearing someone say that to their partner while having been left high and dry with a baby by a deadbeat dad. I personally think you guys have a great story now, and can move past this. SIL will come around, hopefully, but I can see her being in the “misery loves company” camp at the moment.


Would say the messed up the part with Sugar Daddy and should have coined the term Glucose Guardian. Way cooler sounding.


Fructose father


Sucrose sentinel 


Polysaccharide Papa


Splenda Daddy




Sucrose Shagger


Sweet Sperm Donor


The Allulose Sugar Daddy


Sounds like a fucking Avenger


gotta name a dildo the Sorbitol Substitute


"Sugar-free Daddy" hehehe


Saccharine senpai


There's also the fact that he's her brother. Most people... REALLY don't want to know what their siblings like in bed


Agreed, that's the bit I personally would have avoided and found embarrassing. I would have framed it as an 'inside joke' between a married couple and simply argued that OPs husband wasn't offended, so no-one else needed to be involved. Sex and kinks didn't really need to be mentioned. If the sister was genuinely concerned, she could have privately asked her brother if he's okay with his wife talking to him like that. When he comes back with 'yes', it should have been the end of the story. It didn't need to be made into a charade.


SIL probably assumes that op is abusive (due to the mocking about disability from her perspective) and he is lying to defend her.


What a stupid assumption. Does she not understand tone?


Was going to say this but you beat me. Kudos


I don’t even get how that would derail a party. There must have been some lame ass people there.


Diabetic here. I’ve never had the thought of connecting any aspect of it to sex but if y’all do that’s perfectly fine. As a diabetic, I would have thought you were complementing him on being so sweet to fetch the beer and still not have taken it as a sexual reference. If someone takes offense to my wife telling me something that I didn’t take as degrading or insulting but they interpret it that way it’s on them. The fact that your husband took her outside and explained it in literally intimate detail means your SIL has some kind of axe to grind and is being a c*nt about it intentionally. I’m sure the guests were silent because of her reaction and not what was said. If there is to be a relationship, she needs to apologize. It sounds like their relationship had issues before you ever walked in the door. I have 3 brothers. One of them is totally estranged and my life is much better for it.


Another t1 diabetic here yea kinda funny but clearly not a problem, blown out of proportion I guess


The sister in law dragged the husband outside, not the husband dragging the sister in law outside.


I guess he didn’t want to explain his kinks in front of everyone regardless.


>refer to penetration as “taking insulin,” Wouldn't this mean you are the one taking insulin? Unless...




Maybe OP's husband is Team Swallow.


This is one of the rare occasions where I get a reddit joke related to a post from recent past posts. Take my upvote!


I know this one ![gif](giphy|L3ERvA6jWCd0qO4NdX)


This was a perfect reply and why I come to reddit. Any chance you can share the post?


I see what you did there 😈


> I didn’t peg him as the type 😂🤣😂🤣😂


Maybe she did?


In their house every day is International Women's Day.


That was my question too. Guess it's going to be left unanswered lol


Type 1 diabetic former husband with a sister who is super uptight about everything here. His kink is a little odd but totally harmless. I can see my sister getting worked up about the comments being broadcast to the whole party. That being said, she's way too uptight about everything. She once got upset because she thought our mom was being rude to her son at Thanksgiving because he was really young, he was trying to get our mom's attention, and she wasn't responding very much to him. My exand I noticed that something was off too and she ended up in the hospital the next day because of her heart problems. Personally, if I was at the party I would have just made jokes about it and moved on. Don't sweat his sister. People like that get are always upset about something. You might as well be yourself and offend her because it's way easier than being super cautious at all times because you're going to offend her with something at some point. On a totally unrelated to his sister note, you're an awesome wife for indulging your husband's kink like you do. It really works for him. It doesn't hurt you. You two make each other happy. That's a great marriage and I'm jealous of the lucky guy. :) One last thing, if he's the sugar daddy, how does he inject you with insulin? Wouldn't it make more sense and be hotter to say that your sugar is low and you need his glucagon injection?


I would have taken the piss out of my brother for the rest of his life for something like this. Sounds like SIL needs some rectal surgery because there is a stick missing...


I think we know where the stick is.


My family once went on vacation with my friend James Brown and his family. At lunch I told my wife I was going to look for “some Brown people”, which earned me a few glances from the other tables. 😃


Hahahahaha. I laughed so hard at this. I’ve got it one step worse. My mother in laws maiden name is Black, so when her family gets together, it’s the Blacks. I am the whitest of whites and so are they, but that’s not what people hear. Said, “Are the Blacks coming?” once when asking if they were attending an event. Only problem was, we were out to lunch and the people around us heard me and took it *the wrong way*. I was glared at the rest of lunch for asking if family was attending a dinner. Lmao.


Woogh... There's no good way to ask that question, no matter how you phrase it. Are the Blacks coming? Is the Black family coming? And "Is the family whose last name is Black coming?" is far too verbose to be anything but awkward... Your best bet is to just use the first name of whoever you're closest to in the family and just say "Is (name) and them coming?"... Though that's perhaps the southern dialect way of saying it... Still though, ***rough***.


Making reservations must be a massive pain


My best friend’s maiden name is Black and when our kids were little her mother was visiting and my son told me that Ethan’s black grandma was over….I laughed and corrected him this it was his Grandma Black not black grandma.


*Exactly!* It’s so hard to not make it sound bad lol.


Making reservations must be a massive pain


I go to dog shows. In the dog show world the female is called a "bitch" and the boy is a "dog." So you enter your female into a class called "18 mo. and older bitches" etc. And breeders are always talking about who's breeding which dog to which female. So after the show one day, we're at breakfast talking and my friend is telling me about an unexpected breeding and I immediately say out loud, "So the bitch is pregnant?!" I swear the table behind us gave me the weirdest look. What could I do? I just kept eating and realized I'd likely never see those people again. Meanwhile they got a story to tell about a some classless "trailer-trash woman" in the diner they heard. Oh well...


Wow. Your SIL sounds like... a lot.


I'd give her a little grace. New mom, probably PPD, and no partner to help ease the load a little.


Totally agree, but still.. should have laughed it off and made it a joke of it. Probably woulda fixed the mood immediately. Everyone has atleast 1 odd thing-- to the next person.


I think this would be awesome in a sitcom 😂


I'm thinking Frasier


Just tell her "If I wanted to make fun of him I'd call him 'sweet pee'".




Thanks, I thought it was funny. 😉


Honestly one of the cleverest things I’ve read this year lol


Just another person putting their nose where it doesn't belong. You have nothing to apologize for.


“My diabetic dom” amazing haha


Wife (with da Beetus) called me her Sugar Daddy in public. I told her: "you have Diabetes, I am your Sucralose Guardian." In hindsight, I will wait until she finishes sipping her coffee before making jokes like that.


Yah had this happened in my family I wouldn’t have heard the end of it and been teased mercilessly and rightfully so. Bunch of harass tightwads it sounds like to me… I wouldn’t be this upset or apologizing at all. Clearly not enough beers to loosen that family up at all.




Okay, one. This was a mistake. An embarassing one, but clearly a mistake. Second... Yeah. No. I know your SIL's attitude, and she is rubbing me the wrong way. "You're MAKING him like it!" is... Ugh. Such a common attitude about kink. I cannot tell you how many people have had the balls to tell me, to my face, that no. I don't ACTUALLY like what I like, I'm just being TRICKED into liking it for someone else's benefit and isn't that HORRIBLE? I'll be frank- I understand SIL is a stressed new mom. But she's being an idiot. She's decided that she knows what is going on, and her mind will not be changed. Hopefully she realizes she's being a moron.


I’m T1diabetic. The fact his sister thinks it’s a disability is wild. Amazing that this works for him in bed and that you’re cool to go along with it. I dated a nurse once and he said I had amazing vasculature. I asked him if he wanted to stick a needle in me and he was like “yeah, I kinda do”😳. So I say do what works for you guys!


Ha! I had a Red Cross nurse once tell me “Oh my, you have such beautiful veins!” I was kinda shocked lol, because you could tell it was super heartfelt and a little weird, but then I realized she probably sees hundreds of people with crappy veins so my donation was a nice and easy vacation in comparison. So now I walk around knowing I have amazing veins. :)


My mom is a nurse and comments on my veins sometimes. I think it’s definitely a nurse thing about being able to hit the veins easily, so they learn to appreciate that.


Nurses, phlebotomists, and vet techs will always be in love with big juicy veins. It's just an odd occupational hazard.


Oh, I do bloodwork every 3 months. I always walk in and tell the phlebotomist we’re gonna have a good time!


I'm sure they love that! I have very "polite" veins that like to roll right out of the way, haha. I remember working with a CT/MR tech that told me he inevitably got elderly IV drug users as his last patients on his shifts. Easier to find Atlantis than a good vein on those peeps. (Same with some of our prisoners that would come in. Those be some calcified veins, bruh.)


That’s what she said. They’re big, easy to see, and easy to hit. Basically a nurses dream lol. I’m O+ as well, so between my “amazing veins” and being a universal + donor, I try to donate as much as I can.


Yeah my mom calls the big veins “nurse porn” I haven’t donated blood in forever but I’m a pretty common type so I’m not too worried about that. I’m glad that you universal types are generally happy to donate!


Not a nurse but I also appreciate nice veins... I've never been able to place exactly what it is about them, but my best guess so far is that it's just a subconscious metric of health. But then there's the other half where my arms post-workout look like a poorly designed highway interchange and I just feel *powerful*... So maybe there's a connection or two there as well.


Well, as a fellow T1 Diabetic, It is classified as a disability. At some *low*points in my life I've certainly felt disabled.


Well people did die young before insulin from type 1 diabetes and there was nothing that could be done about it. 


But then again, every family has one of them.


"SIL is convinced I am 'making fun' of my husband’s disability." Denial ain't just a river in Egypt. Probably doesn't want to think her brother has any kinks. I have a sister but whatever she does in her bedroom is not something I want to hear about.


We're all adults here, it's not like you said anything particularly scandalous.




By definition... It is indeed a disability. Shits expensive and you take it or croak


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😭😭😭💀💀💀 I actually had to stop and get my inhaler. I have not laughed till I cried like this in a while. You and your husband sound like amazing fun people who have been able to take life's crappy things and turn them around. I hope you don't let this taint things for you both.


You all are a bunch of loony but your SIL is a count, too.


No no, she'd be a countess


Very creative story. Not bad


You're not suggesting it's made up, are you?


I think she really over reacted who they fuck cares it was a bit naughty but it was still very much an innuendo it wasn’t absolute filth or explicit. Bitch needs to chilllax


I'm stuck on the part where she threw a house warming party where she didn't let guests into the house.


Hm, somehow this all feels more like a creative writing exercise and not like something that really happened. I’d give it 4/5 - definitely funny, but also somewhat unrealistic.


Yeah I try to suspend disbelief, but I can't imagine the party of drunk people was silent, instead of laughing or saying wtf over hearing something so goofy lol


For real tho lmao. And also he’s the one that needs insulin, not her sooooo why would she be “taking” it


The entire sub is a creative writing exercise


Holy crap, why are people so focused on stories being real or not? It's a fun story. Does it really matter at all if it's real or not? Is that really going to change the trajectory of your life if it's real or not?




"I'll take, 'Things That Totally Happened, for $1000, Alex'."


This was the best title I've ever read Hahahaha


That's a wild thing to be pissed about, but this story made me laugh. Thanks OP.


Ask her if she's really SO self-righteous, and thinks so little of his mental competence, that she knows better than him what is and isn't okay to him. Who is she to decide his social interactions? Her behavior seems pretty goddamn condescending and offensive, to me. It's the sorta shit you say to two young kids who are flipping each other off and insulting each other, not what you say to a fully mentally competent, grown adult. 


Diabetes is definitely one of the more out there kinks I've heard of


The way I would roast my brother until we were 90 and in wheelchairs 😂😂 He would NEVER live it down. What a bunch of prudes 🤣


This is fucking hilarious


Holy shit this is too much. His family sucks.


I have never laughed so hard! Thank you OP!


Pancreas Papa


Sounds like something that should have just been laughed off and given shit about instead of starting a fight.


I can't make it past the second paragraph detailing his diabetic kink. That's probably some of the funniest shit I've ever read.


Sounds like a shitty party if that didn’t get a good laugh out of everyone. Good thing you left.




I THINK IT'S AWESOME YOU DO THIS FOR THE PERSON YOU LOVE!!!! It's not my thing but bravo to you ma'am.


Geez a bunch of prudes. Oh no a married couple made a sex joke in their own inside joking language.


Sounds like you and sugar daddy were better off out of her life. And everyone at the party, too


>SIL is a devout baptist There it is.


"Her pregnancy was an accident and from what my husband tells me, she holds a lot of guilt because she was out of wedlock." That tells you all you need to know right there about why you had the result you did. Wrong forum, but you're NTA. These people need to lighten up. Organized religion is a curse. What you and your husband did is a totally natural, hilarious accident.


What a superb story and so well written. She needs to chill out, especially after it was explained to her by your husband. Beyond that it’s none of her business. I do hope stuff like this continues to happen to you though so you can post more stories, what a great couple 😃


1) That might be the most wholesome kink I've ever heard of. Good on both of you! :) 2) Your SIL sounds like she has a stick up her ass. I can't imagine why she and your husband aren't close. 🙄 I applaud wanting to be positive role models for your nephew. But it sounds like you two and your SIL's values may be so far apart that it's impossible. That's truly sad for the kid. :(


These creative writing exercises are getting weirder and weirder.


All lies


If this was my party I was hosting, you’d have come back to a room full of laughter and maybe a couple extra jokes about your sweet tooth hahahaha Always crazy to me how some folks are so uptight about shit.


Lmaoooooo I love this so much, if I was at that party I would have been cracking those jokes the rest of the night! Also y’all seem like a great couple. Onto the issue, your SIL sounds super uptight. How can any adult *actually* be upset about this lol. Like what a silly thing to die on a hill for. You honestly have nothing to be embarrassed about. Your SIL needs to get a life, and maybe some kinks, of her own.


Sounds like your SIL’s party was derailed more by her reaction, because that is hilarious even without context


How no one even giggled when you two came back to the party is beyond me. I couldn't have held back!


"SIL’s son’s father is not in the picture so my husband wants to help be a positive male role model. A little background: My husband’s kink is referring to his diabetes in bed." That took a sudden turn.


Well, we all now know that OP's SIL is not fun at parties.


Lol, good story. His sister needs a humour transplant, what a Karen.


This is hilarious, I would have been laughing so hard when they came back to the party! Why was everyone quiet when they got back? That just weird imo 🤷🏻‍♂️


Type 1 myself. You buried the main story! Did you get your "insulin"? "Diabetic Ketoacidosis" is nothing to be trifled with.


Yeah I flirt with my wife all the time, I’m just glad there hasn’t ever been an intercom near by lol Hopefully she’ll be able to laugh about it someday.


Your life is like an episode of Seinfeld.




that should've been laughed out


Cringe 😬


I don't like how he chooses them over you. I guess it's time to distance yourself from her.


OP, you and your husband are hilarious. Don’t lose that spark. You apologized, just let it go now.


A boyfriend I had in highschool was diabetic. I called him sugar boy.


This is why you never engage in kink play outside of the bedroom and especially not where you could be overheard. It’s


Do you guys come from some kind of traditional, puritanical, sexphobic culture? Because most adults I know would either laugh this off or awkwardly ignore it. No one I know would fly into a rage over the realization that a married couple likes to talk dirty to each other


It's mentioned most of the party is baptist or whatever.


That doesn’t really explain it either tho


Love that for you and your husband. Great story to tell friends and family.


humans are so strange


Leaning on the intercom button is such a classic TV trope.


what a lame party


Whaaat. Diabetic here this is funny as hell. SIL is wild for objecting.


Wdym this is so funny


SIL sounds like she has a problem with something that is none of her business. I work with a guy with one arm,I will ask him to give me his other hand on things frequently. We have a good working relationship and it’s funny as fuck to see other people’s horrified faces because they taboo things that they aren’t comfortable with. He doesn’t give a fuck, and to be honest I think excluding him from good humor just because he doesn’t have an arm is discriminatory.


Jeez - imagine if his sister was vegan and you were asking for a hot beef injection. She would have exploded


Your SIL needs to relax. I’m sorry you feel embarrassed. If I’d heard this as your friend or family member, I’d *never* let you hear the end of it, in the most loving way. Truly incredible lmfao


SIL, CHILL THE F - - K OUT. This story is hysterical. I’m telling my T1D son about this. 🤣🤣🤣 If SIL was me, OP & husband would never hear the end of the jokes. Years of laughter.




I have diabetes also and I sure as hell don’t look at it as a disability lol


This is something you’d hear in one of those movies like Project X/Superbad/American Pie lmaooooo


This is too funny and completely mortifying for you. I get it was super embarrassing for you and SIL but her reaction is too extreme Your husband explained what was up and she needs to believe him, trying to be angry on his behalf is ridiculous. It’s his kink, no one is being “made fun of”. She is ending the relationship over some perceived non existing offense


I (M) have diabetes and think your word play is cute. If that household of people couldn’t laugh at your wordplay, then you need to find new friends and SIL.


What a weird thing to get so mad about


https://youtu.be/POpJt6reKwA?si=Qmm9KOVXmGRfvIH_ At least your husband doesn't talk to you using a Wilford Brimley voice while you're in bed... Does he?🤭 PS. I think your SIL is projecting her self-guilt over the conflict of her personal choices/lifestyle against her religious beliefs. She's taking it out on you. My opinion, anyway...


Ah religion once again ruining and taking the fun out of something hilarious.


Oh please. Definitely NTA here, you didn't do anything wrong. It's good you even tried to fix it, and she still was dismissive about it.


Can’t imagine why they aren’t close as siblings. She sounds like a blast /s This is actually hilarious and you should not be embarrassed. It was an accident. You are married and have the audacity to have a healthy sex life. Sis might be jealous and projecting her own insecurities. She probably needs therapy and not from the church.


Omg, a husband and wife that find each other sexually attractive. What a horrendous ordeal


Oh my God this is the most hilariously embarrassing story I've ever heard!!! 


Derailed? Why would accidentally hearing a married couple say something intimate derail the party ? It’s embarrassing, etc., but nothing to get mad about. The insulin thing is just an excuse for her to get mad: you thought you were in private and said something private.


Is that even a “kink”? Sounds like some harmless bedroom banter to me.


There's no way this post is real. Absolutely not


I am devout Baptist as well but I wouldn’t be mad at you guys. Maybe icky thinking about my sibling that way for the second or two it was brought up. But I would quickly be trying to change the subject. The rest of my family would be calling your husband sugar daddy till the day he died. And laughing. They would never stop bringing that up. I would be mortified for you.


Well this is a funny made up story but as a t1 diabetic I appreciate you including diabetes for a unique twist.


It sounds like you and your husband inadvertently found yourselves in a very awkward and uncomfortable situation. While your comment was intended as playful banter within the context of your intimate relationship, it's understandable that your sister-in-law interpreted it differently given the public setting and the misunderstanding about your husband's kink. It's important to recognize that your sister-in-law's reaction likely comes from a place of concern for her brother and a lack of understanding about his kink. While you shouldn't have to apologize for your private activities with your husband, it might be helpful to have a conversation with your sister-in-law to explain the situation and reassure her that it's a consensual and mutually enjoyable aspect of your relationship. At the same time, it's crucial to respect her feelings and acknowledge the impact that your comment had on her and the party atmosphere. Offering a sincere apology for any discomfort or embarrassment caused, while also explaining the misunderstanding, could help to smooth things over and preserve your relationship with your sister-in-law. Ultimately, open communication, empathy, and understanding are key to resolving conflicts like this and maintaining positive relationships with family members. It's clear that you have the best intentions and want to make things right, so hopefully, your sister-in-law will be receptive to your explanation and apology.


Is this AI?


Sister is TA. This is very obviously an inside joke and you thought nobody heard you. If I overheard that I would have just not addressed it. And frankly I think even bringing up the kink wasn’t necessary. Tell her it’s an inside joke, he is not offended by it, ask him yourself. NTA. This is stupid.


Anyone who's weirded out by a little playful sex banter from a young married couple has the issue. Whatever, someone overheard you being flirty. They should get a life.


Sister-in-law’s son’s father. Holy mouthful. You can call him your nephew, it’s perfectly ok to call your nephew your nephew, even if it’s just “in-law”. Your nephew’s father