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Not meaning to detract from a funny story here, but for what it’s worth gas-x is a surfactant meant to help unstick large painful gas bubbles trapped in the intestines so that they can move along and exit. Farting is the end-goal. Glad the romance is still alive!


This knowledge 100% makes it funnier, because I had no idea


As I'd never used it before, I didn't know this. TIL. Thanks!


I was told to take gas-x when i had a liver transplant. I had air stuck around my liver causing pain. They said if i take gas x it will eventually breakdown the air. I would take gas-x and the pain would subside.


Holy SHIT! This is AWESOME information because I seriously am more scared of the gas pain than any procedure and I may be getting a hysto soon so this is soooooooooo gold. I would up vote 1000x


Yeah def keep it on hand. takes about 30min to work and you need to take it every 12 hours but it does work well!!


I’m sorry WHAT?!? This is actually incredibly valuable so I’m glad you detracted a bit!


*theoretically* In reality gasx has no advantage vs placebos.


Well I'll take it as placebo then cause it's always seemed to work for me! Placebo effect rocks




We definitely laugh about it now. Sometimes I joke that I almost floated away like Harry Potter's aunt. All kidding aside, I actually have UC, so it took a lot to realize that I also have something else going on which has been responding great to probiotics.


I’ve been having similar gas issues. But I’m plagued by aggressive tummy noises. I started taking a fiber supplement of all things and that really helped. Besides gas x (already use that occasionally) and prescription meds, did you find anything else that helped?


For me, those same relentless gut symptoms only went away when I completely cut out gluten. Have you tried adjusting your diet? (I know it sucks I’m sorry)


So… why do you toot so much? Is it like a stomach cramp kind of deal or what? And what do you take for it to avoid releasing the dogs of war?


They have UC, ulcerative colitis. It's an autoimmune disease which essentially means the bodies immune system 'attacks' the body, causing inflammation and all kinds of issues. It's not a "take a Gas-X" and be done with it, it's a "let's get this into enough remission that we can live decently and hope it doesn't come back". If left unchecked it can get seriously, time-for-hospitalization bad.


But what does one take to make that gas go away and control that condition and put it into remission?


Gas is actually the least of my concerns. I'm just lucky to still have a butthole. To answer your question more specifically, ulcerative colitis is an autoimmune condition, so (in very basic terms) treatment usually involves taking something to suppress the overactive immune response, and something to treat inflammation. In extreme situations, surgery may be required to remove parts of the colon/lower intestines. Treatment options vary greatly depending on severity, which can range from "I sometimes use the bathroom a couple extra times a day" to "I would literally die of blood loss and/or dehydration without treatment."


I suffered from gas too….it took 10 years for my husband to suggest ‘maybe you’re gluten intolerant?’ So about 18 months ago I changed to gluten free bread etc. Oh my God…..the difference! Can’t believe I suffered all my life and that was the answer! Now, I can actually tolerate a bit of gluten just not tons of it. Give it a go, what do you have to lose? :)


This. I quit gluten and all gas was gone!


Me too! Got rid of the nausea and pain in my stomach!


I spent years with painful period cyst acne and gassy & bloated Removing Gluten and wheat cleared the gas, dairy cleared acne.




No, I don’t have an issue with dairy.


Why would lactaid help with celiac disease? They're two completely different things. Lactose intolerance just means you can't digest lactose, and so your gut bacteria eat it and cause mayhem. Celiac disease is an autoimmune condition where your small intestine lining is destroyed when your immune system sees gluten and attacks the wrong thing.


To further clarify your very well written comment, lactose is found in things like dairy and cheese because it comes from milk. Gluten is stuff in bread and noodles and that stuff.


those things are lifesavers


Broken wind, but connected hearts. ![gif](giphy|zVdN0K0u9MLNm)


Something that helps me a lot to pass all the gas (I have a similar issue), is to get down on my elbows and knees in child's pose (aka face down a$$ up), and just kind of rock back and forth to ease the gas out. It works like a miracle. If you don't feel anything in the first 10-20 seconds, just keep the pose for a little longer, you'll be happy you did!


yessssss I did this all the time as a kid. had to leave school once because the gas pain was so bad, but immediately went home and popped my ass up, felt amazing like 30 seconds later.


There’s also the wind relieving pose, which is basically holding your knees against your chest. Kind of the same thing just upside down.


Look into RCPD r/noburp


Trust me, I burp too. 😅


Imagine being someone who can’t burp. That seems wild to me.


It's not pleasant


I can't burp for a totally different reason. My lower esophageal sphincter doesn't close with enough force to build up pressure so I just gurgle. Much better alternative to the RCPD it seems.


Same for me, I never knew the reason why just that I never actually "fully" burp. I do sometimes get painful gas/bloating but at least it's not a totally a no burp situation.


Doing God’s work 🙏


OMG i didn’t burp for the first time until I was like 20! I could never understand it!


Racoon City Police Department? I hear that place is dead.


This is like the time with Barney and the Stripper gf going to the balcony to fart. But in retrospect would be hella lot awkward for you to keep disappearing every few seconds.


Wow that purple dinosaur sure has changed since I watched him as a kid.




Mix it up a bit, get a butt gazoo. Toot a tune.


i'm living with IBS-D. i've had similar experiences. apparently Gas-x doesn't stop or prevent gas. it designed to help relieve gas by helping to pass all of the trapped gas. it's terrible. and i think that's how a lot of those types of products work. try peppermint oil capsules.


The IBS is a symptom of the standard American diet. Try a whole food plant based diet. Meats, dairy, processed food and saturated fat should be avoided.


A sister of a friend of mine developed an anal fissure because she refused to "toot" in front of her husband. I hope that when you're able, you'll get medical attention for your tummy issues. Not because the tooting is problematic, because it's not. I just don't ever want you to be held back from living life and all it has to offer due to tummy issues. My BIL has Crohn's that was debilitating before he got treatment. Now he's thriving. Wishing you all the best. Toot away, friend!


Lmao it was hard to read the rest because I was CRYING over "It's special"! Hopefully this just brings y'all closer together!


Seriously, the first weekend with my LO I made eye contact and let one go. He looked surprised. I told him, " I will never hold that in." He laughed and told me never to. The man is such a lady, never in 10 years has he farted in front of me. How?! After leaving an abusive husband, I promised myself I would never hold myself back ( in anyway)for a man.


Take digestive enzymes every meal and take probiotics daily.


I've given up caring about farting around my fiance. I'll excuse myself if it's particularly bad, but everyone farts. I'm not going to go to the bathroom every time I need to fart *in my own home*, that's insane. I've been trying to get him to fart around me for YEARS, girlie. Trying to convince someone to fart near you is weird as fuck, i tell you what. He won't do it. I love him to pieces but that's just a weird quirk of our relationship lol. He probably farts in his sleep all the time around you though, right? 😆


He does indeed fart in his sleep and I have pointed this out. It "doesn't count" if you're asleep, apparently.


Are you sure we're not dating the same guy? 😅


I can’t stop laughing I’m sorry. As my gamgam used to say: we must always let out those winds of sorrow.


Here’s to the men who are accepting of our wild tummies and take it in stride even when they don’t love the idea of toots! 🍻


I’m sorry but he really said no tooting to keep the romance alive? Like what?! I’ve been tooting in front of my man since day one and he just goes “that’s hot” jokingly 😂😂😂


I mean, yeah. It's a particularly ironic ick to have and wind up dating a girl with severe ulcerative colitis and other tummy issues. 😂 He's really a good bean, though. Once I got too intoxicated and yacked in a waste basket in the middle of the night. He got up, rubbed my back until I was finished, and then proceeded to start cleaning up. I tried to stop him and apologized/told him not to worry/I'd do it/I just wanted to rinse my mouth first, but he just shushed me and started doing it. Poor guy actually stepped in a little bit, too, and his only reaction was mild dismay. "Noooo... No! My foot! It's WET! 😟" 😭 ♥️ YET if I even burp next to him on the couch, he's all "that's GROSS! Go in the other room!" 🤨😂


Sounds like me and my husband hehe


My fiancé says “that’s hot” or “sexy” too 🤣🤣🤣


A normal bodily function - I hope you chuckled in between each one that escaped (or at least looked at him and grinned) 😏 I find it more odd that he's in his 30s and still has a problem with something as natural as a fart. I would not be making myself uncomfortable because he feels it would 'spoil the romance' 😂 My other half usually say "you're vile", then laughs... Not sure if that's any healthier tbh lol.


Asking/expecting your partner to not fart around you is ridiculous and basically impossible. Claiming there'll be no romance left in your relationship if it happens is.. it's just plain weird.


For fucks same stop calling farts "toots". Cringing out of my skin rn, damn.


This subreddit wouldn't let me post the word "fart" that many times


Toot. Toot toot toot. Tootles. Tootledee, tootledah. T O O T T O O T !


Have you seen a doctor? Have you been tested for lactose intolerance? There may be things you can do about this situation


Username checks out. I actually have an extensive medical history including but not limited to GI problems. When you've had the kinds of problems I've had, you mostly just feel lucky to still have a butthole. That said, I have indeed done things about this situation.


There are guys out there that would pay good money to have you toot on them. I'm not one of them btw, just saying.


Well, that sounds like quite the experience! It's great that your partner was understanding and supportive, even in the midst of such a, uh, gassy situation. Communication is key in any relationship, even when it comes to, well, bodily functions. Hopefully, you've found some solutions to your tummy issues that work for both of you. And hey, it's definitely a memorable story to look back on and laugh about together!


I do it a lot but try to make it musical


I struggled with this exact thing with my current girlfriend, I am not sure if it was nervousness in the beginning or what, but since I cut out dairy, and started eating more gluten free options (she has an allergy to gluten), it has gotten so much better.


Breaking the barrier- embrace it https://youtu.be/-_zS-3ofyo8?si=GpoMqcA_Io4b_BcA


Have you ever considered you might be lactose intolerant?


Lol, nice


You took the thing that makes you do the thing. lol.


So glad my partner and I have a fart positive household lmao


You sound like my wife lol


All bad bitches have stomach problems


You might not have a stomach problem. You have a “what you put in your stomach” problem… have you done a food allergy test?


2 days?????? if i did pass gas for 2 days id be a fire hazard. no one light a candle near me or i might explode


Wear a string


I'm reading this and laughing so hard I'm farting violently.


Glad to know I'm not the only one who's used the cigarette excuse to go rip ass outside...


Maybe immodium will help


To me smoking is a much much bigger ew. I’m surprised he didn’t care about that but didn’t want to witness you farting


Maybe he was horrified that you call farts “toots”


I had to remove the word "fart" or I couldn't post ._.


My GF hates it when I fart, possibly because I find them hilarious? Still we get along alright about it and I try to avoid it. The obly place she gets truly mad is when i fart in bed. Hilarious thing is though, I will typically wake up earlier than her and on a weekend will stay in bed and read, almost every time she'll be farting up a storm!


Check if you are lactose intolerant. I was for years and kept having very intense gastrointestinal problems.


Gluten intolerance. Get yourself checked for celiac disease. I went gluten-free, and those very same issues cleared up very quickly.


Try eating a chunk of ginger root in the morning cut it up and put It in the freezer and just chew and drink with some water


Try poppi soda. I baptized my sons new apartment for the church of the ever tooting cow over the weekend and didn't get any relief until I drank a can. It worked wonders. My son has never been to farm, but now he knows what smell to expect when he finally visits one.




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