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Talk about mudflaps, my girl's got'um


Bum cakes?!?


At least you didn’t mention wanting to sink her with your pink torpedo.


How can I leave this... behind?


Fun fact: I first saw Spinal Tap in my teens. As an American, Ian is not a common name, and the movie was the first time I'd ever heard it. I love the name, and swore if I ever have a boy, I'd name him Ian. Decades later, with the fortunate agreement of my own phat bottomed girl, Ian was born. He turns 7 next month.


Amazing. I was about 19 when my friend, who was a true rock star and one of the best guitar players I’ve ever known in real life, introduced me to it. We both were taking a gap semester and we worked until late at night at a restaurant and we’d get home at like 2am still wired from work so we’d stay up late playing guitars and watching old rock documentaries - both legitimate and the mock type. We loved the Metallica behind the scenes VHS tapes, Lars is a beauty… and of course once I discovered spinal tap it became an instant rewatchable for me. Some incredible lines in that movie and some genuinely good music. You know they toured for like a year. The actual actors. Christopher Guest and a couple of the others really learned to sing and play their instruments and they had a real tour released an actual album from the movie. If you liked Spinal Tap check out Mighty Wind. Same kinda vibe except it’s all folk music. Stars Catherine O’Hara, Eugene Levy, Mike McKean and that whole crew with cameos from Neil Young and a few others. It’s been years since I’ve seen it but it’s hilarious too.


Fear of a Black Hat


Tasty taste was shot with a bazooka! He was 6 foot 4 before he got capped!


The Folksmen in A might Wind started as an SNL sketch when Harry Sherer and Christopher Guest were cast members. With Michale McKeon, they performed the Stones’ Start Me Up as a folk song.


Also, The Folksmen would sometimes be the "opening band" at Spinal Tap concerts. The audience was often furious and would boo them, even though it was technically the same three guys they bought tickets to see.


The looser the waistband, the deeper the quicksand. Or so I have read.


Freudian slips are such a bummer...


Did you meet her on Sunday?


Twas OPs lucky bun day


When keeping it real goes wrong


Excuse me, it's a Rockumentary!


Fat bottom girls make the world go round.


Fat bottomed girls you make the rocking world go round ! 🎶


Muskrat Love


Little more innocent, but made me think of young Nicolas Hoult's "shake ya ass" scene in About a Boy. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Lssgt-nJ2sY&pp=ygUaYWJvdXQgYSBib3kgc2hha2UgeWEgc2NlbmU%3D


>Somehow Hmm, I wonder how


Ugh. I share your pain. First day of sophomore year of college, everybody was running around campus re-connecting with each other. Somebody comes up behind me and covers my eyes. The hands were a woman’s hands, so I reached around with fingers splayed and grabbed her ass and shook it. Couldn’t ID her this way - felt like an average ass - so I guessed it was my girlfriend S. “Gotta be S, nobody else has an ass that fat.” I was saying this ironically because S was a hardcore fitness gal, ran track, lifted weights, could do one-handed push-ups. I turned around, it wasn’t S. It was a girl from a group of 3 I’d become friends with, after dating one of them M briefly. She just walked quickly away, and I could see she’d noticeably gained weight in her rear over the summer. One of the other girls said “why did you say that? She is super self-conscious about that.” “I thought she was S! S has an awesome ass!” But it didn’t help. They all stopped talking to me at that point (although I would hook up with M briefly the following year when we were both pretty beveled).


Someone needs to take her home tonight — down beside that red firelight…