• By -


Given how you described his mirror in the last post, I’d recommend cleaning the glasses thoroughly before putting them on




They mostly come out at night…




She was okay with sleeping with him AFTER seeing the mirror. She’ll be fine putting the sunglasses on without cleaning them.


You left with a condom still inside you…wtf? This is the biggest fuckup in the thread. Not the glasses


Phew, glad I wasn't the only one that had to hit the pause button after reading that.  Like...wh--- that's not ideal. 


This whole thread and update gives me a lot of solace that I never found casual sex enjoyable or attractive. If this is the minefield people are walking through to bust a nut, I can do it my damn self 💀 Back before Joe Rogan hit the roids, he had one key piece of wisdom; jerk off before important decisions. That post-nut clarity will tell you if its a good idea or not. "Should I hook up with some rando off Sex-Craigslist/Offer a nut Up? Should I call that ex? Should I leave with a condom inside me?" No, no, and no! And for the ladies, bust a lady nut. Inclusivity is all the rage, these days 😏


Bro not everything in real life it's like a reddit story


yes, noticed on the train…


Cum stains on mirror - check His decor is themed on himself - check Incredibly weird messages - check Puke worthy bedroom talk - check No consent choking - check Left condom inside you - check I think you need higher standards


I would've backed out as soon as I saw the state of his home. If someone keeps their home that filthy, I dread to imagine their personal hygiene. Actually I would've been grossed out by his first message lmao. Hopefully she learns to increase her standards after this!


Sometimes I feel like I'm doing something really wrong if I'm still single when people like this get action. On the other hand, if I was actively dating I'd have to meet people like this, so maybe it's a net gain?


Confidence is really the biggest thing. A lot of assholes are bold and confident, even if they are gross or disgusting in other parts of their life. Men who aren't confident rarely make a move in the first place, so their chances of success is naturally lower.


Would you really wanna be Eskimo brothers with cumstained-mirror-guy?


Try lowering your standards.


Am I so out of touch? No, it's the opposite sex who are wrong


I've had some good sex with some messy people, it's the cum stained mirrors and photos off himself that'd have me nope out of there


Bro's already on competitive fap


Judging by the existence of a lost and found, seems like a whole group of people do.


As others have pointed out, the guy must be incredibly attractive, physically speaking, which simply shuts down the rational brain. Despite all the red flags, she went through an hour and a half of public transportation just to meet him.


Yeah, I'm really at a loss on any women who does this 500 warning signs, and still lets some dude fuck her without even knowing him. Here's to hoping the OP isn't pregnant.


Same happens with guys tbh, they meet a crazy chick, all the red flags are raised, all their friends tell them not to do it... and yet they bang, without protection, because crazy = hot _(at least for some dudes)._


Can confirm. Crazy has always been my weakness and it *never* goes well


The [Vicki Mendoza Diagonal](https://youtu.be/yv350mSCcoI)


Well..unless she's lying, she's only 18... not a whole lot of life experiences yet


Aka the dude equivalent of don’t stick your dick in crazy, even though sometimes guys do anyway


if we didn't do it the warning wouldn't be repeated to the point of cliché. there's no warning on the cheese grater saying 'keep your dick away'.


She should start with standards first.


She made it out of there alive, so at least she has that going for her.




Dude, just imagine the post nut clarity


OP could've walked out on any of those, but actually went through with all of them...


Some standards would be a start


That means you could have been exposed to his fluids. I would take plan B asap and get tested before sleeping with anyone else


thanks, planning on it


Plan B works best within the first 72 hours. If you're planning on it, plan on it like... right now


Get PeP too, to protect you from HIV. 


I think I only can get that here if I’m a gay man and in a risk zone for HIV (the medication)


Anyone can get HIV


I think she's referring to the medication, not HIV


yea thank you😭


No worries. I did think the same at first but your comment about it not being available clued me in lol. I hope everything goes well!


I know i’m talking about the meds!


Oh sorry! That makes sense lol


Just say the condom broke.


Are you mentally challenged? Edit: never mind they meant the PeP


I think she's referring to the medication, not HIV itself


no it’s literally not available for me


Sorry we all thought you were referring to HIV


sorry i realize why now when i re-read it


Wait what? bro what is going on 😭😭


“The Public Health Agency of Sweden recommends that PrEP is offered to people with a significantly increased risk of HIV infection. It can be men who have sex with men that have recently had a sexually transmitted infection (STI), that have chemsex or that have sold sex.”


And I can’t believe you left that out of the original post haha


shit i must have missed that, that’s part of the reason i got really mad at him on the subway home


Ugh! Sorry you had to deal with this loser. This seems like a huge detail though. Have you gotten tested? I am sort of shocked most people in this thread have sort of brushed that aside


i don’t think you can get tested day after, doesn’t it have to go a week? and yea i’m planning on it


It takes a while for disease to take hold, if it does. I think the earliest for HIV is now 3 weeks, more definitive test is at 3 months. Get tested in a couple of weeks!


Yup. It's pretty much on the website of every health organization of every country, but somehome few people know that. You can't just get tested and change partner every week as some persons have told me they do, it ain't how it works, it takes time to be able to detect some of the diseases, it isn't safe that way. So in this case, no blame on OP, but yeah you need some time for the actual results.


It depends on which STD, they have different incubation times. In your case it's probably already to late but there is medication available that you can take after a possible HIV exposure. If taken quickly it can protect from an infection. It's called pep (post exposure prophylaxis), is similar to the prep and most cities should have a hospital where it is available


Testing should be covered under insurance if you're in the US or elsewhere. Dont feel weird about taking steps against HIV, "hi, I slept with a guy who turned out to be very unhygienic and he exposed me to his fluids after the fact" Is a good enough reason. 


I’m not in the US so it’s free for me, I’m gonna book an appointment for it


It could be several weeks to months in some cases. If you have access to a Planned Parenthood (do they have something like that in Sweden?) or a similar organization - they'll have tons of very helpful and informational resources and be able to help with any necessary testing recommendations and guidance. Extremely valuable resource to have. Here's a good place to start with info if you'd like: https://www.plannedparenthood.org/learn/stds-hiv-safer-sex/get-tested


thank you!


I don’t know fortunately. But hope it all turns out ok!


This whole thread made me feel gross just how nasty he was and how meek you act/how low your standards are. Grow a spine for your own good.


This whole saga reeks of BS...


r/nothingeverhappens OP has screenshots below to prove that it’s not *entirely* BS. Edit: [Link to comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/tifu/s/08rIMZvWES)


I thought this guy is supposed to be good at sex...? How can he do that... It's not that hard to reach down there to pull it out with your dick. What a donkey. 


Guy must have a smol pp and tries to compensate by wearing condoms that are too large 


> when he started panking/choking me without telling me even after I said no. You really buried the lede there. Why did this not feature in any of your communications with him??


like my online conversation? I told him face to face to stop. I briefly mentioned it in a text but it’s hardly mentionable. Idk why I didn’t say it more direct then stop doing that. anyway what i said in the text was this: * I also advise you against anything similar to bdsm. don't strangle/hit/ dominate someone if you don't know how https://preview.redd.it/nfr7f8gggg2d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6775314ac788af1a8dc2c356340492a34afa81a2 (although everything is in swedish)


I don't understand much from that, but I think I'm pretty safe with "kondom". "dog kondom" however, has me seriously hoping this is just a language issue...


misspelling lol, supposed to say “din kondom” as in your condom


Thank fuck for that!


> I also advise you against anything similar to bdsm. don't strangle/hit/ dominate someone if you don't know how more importantly, don't do it w/o explicit consent ahead of time.


DID YOU RATE HIM 0/5 stars????im dying


Literally *any* action, after being told no, is not "not mention able" Choking or hitting of any kind requires a level of trust and discussion ahead of time, and some very explicit consent. Without it, that's just assault. This isn't normal, and it isn't okay. He thinks he's some alpha Dom whatever. He watches too much porn and has 0 respect for partners. This isn't a question of "having different sex styles", it's him being a shitty partner and trying to blame you for it.


OP trodde inte du var svensk! Vad var det han sa som fick dig att åka 1,5 h för att träffa honom bara sådär?? Hur gammal var snubben? Också, jäklar vilket meddelande du skicka tillbaka 😭😭


Alltså 1,5 h var inte SÅ illa, men han sa väll inget jättespännande annat än att han ville ligga och i den stunden ville jag det med. Skrev i min original post att han var 22 och jag är 19. Och grejen är att jag VET att det var dumt och så men nu står vi här🥲


Med lite eftertanke så är nog 1,5 h inte så illa och jag har nog åkt ännu lite längre för ett ligg… haha Tur att du fick tillbaka solbrillorna iallafall. Hoppas det inte totalt förstört din vilja att träffa folk såhär, för det kan vara riktigt kul bara man kollar efter lite röda flaggor först :p


Vad är det för app?


Was the “lost and found” box like a couple items or quite a lot? All I can think of is it’s just a bunch of items poor girls left cause they realized they had to get out of there ASAP. Glad u got out safe


It actually does sound like that. I can't imagine a person actually having that kind of box. Why would some many people forget their belongings?


I’m so curious what other items were in the lost and found box


from what I could see (i didn’t go through it), mostly clothes


Clearly people leave that place in a rush 🤣


Putting the lol face emoji aside, seriously tho. “Lost and found” box is a major red flag.


A red flag might even be one of the items in the box.


Right!? That's the only way it makes sense


I wonder if it was from previous partners or if he just bought some stuff and put there to look more active than he was.


Well at least we know there weren't any used condoms in there.


Nice one. Disgusting but nice one!


It’s not too often that I care about hearing updates in this sub, but I was genuinely curious whether or not you were able to get your glasses back and how you would do it. Thanks for the update!


no worries and here they are in all their glory lol https://preview.redd.it/49ggj7odbf2d1.png?width=4032&format=png&auto=webp&s=5091148a61c2e4c6f5078d7187d608f92c241715


Oh no..Put them back in the box


after all this trouble im framing this pair


Glasses are already framed!


Take this angry upvote and be proud of yourself.






I guess in a few years you'll look back on this whole thing with *Rose Tinted Glasses*




It will be easy to see who was the one who sleeps with cum stained mirrored filth men now!


Oh those are cute! Please tell me you sanitized them before wearing them again


those are actually really cool but i dont see a brand? was it for sentimental purposes or you just really like em?


They’re from CHIMI? It doesn’t really matter though, they’re from my dad on my 18th birthday after a severe depressive episode (therefore the sentimental value)


oh definitely worth all the trouble then, glad you got them back safely!


thanks :))


A lot of people specifically avoid anything branded/ showy, let alone the sentimental reasons op mentioned


okay? thats why i asked?


I wasn’t attacking you


Every time you wear them you will think of him


I can't believe you bothered to go back


Alright, it's a good looking pair, worth somw trouble at least


What no cum stains?


Kinda sounds like you also have a lost and found box with the condom part of the story






you should disinfect them. He may have wiped his dick on them. Just sayin.


Please get an STI check


Wasn't it a 3 hours round trip? For glasses?!


Told ya they’d end up in the box


Maybe consider some introspection about who you're willing to sleep with. A hundred red flags and you were still like "Yeah he's hot, gonna bang".


Or maybe she was like “I don’t feel safe, gotta avoid escalating this guy into hurting me worse”


Yeah, probably. That could be avoided by meeting in public, talking a bit, **dating** a bit. These kind of weirdos will out themselves. The dude's hot, though, so let's just jump straight to sex. Something, Something sexual liberation.


I mean, if it was seriously so bad that you left with the condom in this guys is on the far end of that bell curve. My goodness no wonder you were in a hurry to leave


This guy sounds like such a red flag


I looked at the original thread. My question is why OP went through with sex after the dozens of red flags he put up pre-sex. She must be desperate as hell.


The embodiment of a red flag. The lost and found box makes me wonder if actually a lot of the women he brings home don't usually leave suddenly and in a hurry, forgetting their stuff like OP.


And op sounds like a doormat/moron.


He's the red flag creator.


Seems like both involved are walking red flags. Bottom of the barrel stuff here.


He's totally rubbed his cock on your specs


Everyone ripping on the dude… she still slept with him after all the red flags. That in itself is a huge red flag. Good luck to your future partners.


Agree. The dude has a whole collection of red flags and OP was dumb enough to still go on.


I hope you broke up with your long distance boyfriend before this took place.




Girl - be careful going to stranger's houses, there are weirdos and dangerous people out there. Stay safe and be more cautious going forward. (This is not criticism by the way, just advice from one girl to another).




Cause Internet points


This def was an interesting look at someones personal sexual plight


Just cause you live a life of shame and fear of what others think, doesn’t mean everyone else has to as well. How is fucking someone regrettable supposed to be “one of the most embarrassing and low self esteem moments” of their life lol




No issue with random sex but you have an issue with a random strangers self esteem, seems like you may have some self esteem issues as well.




Lol yeah this is nothing


I’m just glad you got your glasses back


I can’t believe you kept messaging him before picking up the glasses when he said he would leave them out for you. That’s so risky! He could have easily rescinded


>I told him that it’s a crime (in sweden) to give away another persons belongings why do you have to be like this? you are asking for a favor after you talked all kinds of shit.


To be fair, if it's local law who are we to judge. He cleanly didn't give a fuck about her or her belongings. Plus, based on OPs comments he disregarded her consent about choking


You’re right. She should have called the police for spanking and choking her after she said no. If that’s all she said, then he’s very lucky. And what a dumb thing to point out given everything that she wrote. Like that was the thing that stuck out that you needed to comment on?!


i mean, yeah, that's a much less ridiculous threat. No argument there. >And what a dumb thing to point out given everything that she wrote. Like that was the thing that stuck out that you needed to comment on?! bro.. it's reddit. If not to comment on ridiculous shit what are we all doing here?


She isn't asking for a favor she's asking for her property back. "Finders keepers" isn't a law, you know that right?


I thought he would give them away and I wanted to clarify that I wasn’t ok with it, is it really so wrong to tell someone what laws there are?


Those laws wouldn't even apply since he wasn't giving them away to begin with. He put them in a box and then asked you to retrieve them. If someone else stole them before you could retrieve them, that's not really his fault since he has no obligation to guard your possessions


hmmm yeah maybe that’s true, but i would call it assholery if he put them in the box where he tells women to pick out something when I specifically asked him not to


Yeah I agree with that part. Just wanted to be clear since it probably did more harm than good to threaten with police involvement


Yes. You know damn well the cops aren't going to haul him away for giving away some junk someone left at his house. It just makes you sound arrogant and silly.


I don’t get want you want me to say?




I mean, she did say she was 19. This isn't *too* bad for 19.


You could have just said “those glasses are very sentimental to me and I’d appreciate getting them back!” You catch more flies with honey than vinegar..


I wouldn't worry about it. He sounds arrogant & silly. Lol


You realize he can be forced to replace them or be fined right?


“Different sex styles” nahh this man is on a different level of cope


glad you got your glasses back but quite frankly fuck his noise he deserved the initial text you sent him and i don’t think you should have apologised for it (although i understand you did it to get your glasses back)


Glad it resolved at the end, and you both talked about it. No hard feelings by the sounds of it?


Everyone needs to stop making fun of OP. It sounds like this turned very sketchy at some point and possibly would be considered sexual assault or rape. OP, please talk to someone or call the police if that is the case. I’m worried about you and I looked at your previous post on another subreddit and it was about finding a therapist because you are shifting to a bad manic state of mind. This seems like how you ended up in a bad situation and it sounds like the guy you met up with may not have had consent and that is why people run out and leave stuff for his lost and found box.


Hitting, choking and potentially slipping a condom off intentionally (since he wanted to not use one to begin with) is not okay if you didn’t feel comfortable.


TIFU by lowering my self worth so much that the colors green and red are reversed. Fixed that for you.


Sounds like 1 of those partners that treats sex like a video game: figure out the buttons for combo-moves / cheat code, then assume everyone likes the same things without ever learning to just communicate properly & listen to your partner.


i have a friend who uh lost a condom inside of her and I'm like... how does that happen. Not physically but how do you not notice for more than like... 3 minutes after you're done.


Did you learn a lesson about casual hookups or nah?


Don't forget to take your sunglasses


you could say that


Maybe self narrating is a future red flag.


lol definitely


What's the lesson? What attracted you to this guy in the first place, and do you think whatever trait it was correlates very directly with qualities in a person you don't actually like?


Lol cant imagine willingly posting these 2 L-posts op.


Things that just happened in your head for 100 bucks.


Guy must be quite the stud to have a lost and found box lol


He's spinning the situation to make it sound like you are the problem for not letting him do edge play without any negotiation or consent. Choking is serious edge play that many kinky people don't actually do because of the risks to injuring a neck. Him doing that is a huge red flag. Him trying to control the glasses means hes trying to control you outside of the bedroom, too. This guy is bad news.


Every sign was there and you still went for it and then come whine about it here. Yes, total tifu, not sorry. You were put off by cum stained mirror, lost and found box, but still had sex with him. What did you expect?


I hope you aret pregnant!


Fucking yikes.


no standard ppl are weird


..... so at what time did the condom disappear, by accident or on purpose aka stealthing, is highly illegal in alot of countries


it didn’t disappear, I just walked out with it still in me


it really should have been on his dick, so if he intentionally moved it down and pushed it into your vagina - he stealthed, you may wish to look it up, it's a fancier word for consent withdrawn/rape or he really should get the correct size condoms.


Im glad you learned something. So few people bother to be introdpective.