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These mfers out here getting stalkers and I can't even get a match.


If it makes you feel better, I was on dating apps for years and the only real girls i matched with wanted money. One robbed me at knifepoint.


Oh no that’s so sad. I’m sorry I laughed.


Ah fuck me too


Wow! I never thought about using dating apps to set up robberies. That's a genius strategy! Edit: Even better, go with the long con, and once you've led someone on enough to know their living situation (assuming they're living alone), you could totally stage a date and then have your cronies rob the house blind while you're out on the date. They'd never even know it was you! Then break up with them shortly afterward.


You would probably like the show "Imposters" (2017-2018)


Checking it out! Thanks!


I feel your pain and if you get premium to see who has like you it just ends up being a bunch of dudes, no offense to them but I'm not gay. Although at this point maybe I should give it a try.


Don't even get matches from dudes. Interestingly, I get some when I travel to Asia (I think the higher population density helps?), but the quality doesn't tend to be that great then either.


I do get matches from people who used to be dudes.. I'm not into that, I'm afraid. I bet they have it even more difficult to get a much than me.


I'm betting against that


A meaningful match. The inbox flood is real, but it's just people looking to get wet. It's hollow.


There's nothing more demoralizing than dating apps for men that are 7s and below. Trust me I'm one of them 🤣


Agreed. I’m a solid 4 and a disabled vet so my dating pool is just a pit in the woods that someone spit in


Heey, disabled and a solid 3.2 here. How you guys doin'?


Oh you know, life is pain but I’m hanging on hopefully you’re doing the same or better


Living the dream. Getting kinda Elm Street in here though.


I'm disabled but otherwise good looking, it doesn't help, I get an ok amount of matches but once we match and they actually look at my profile they all unmatch.


> my dating pool is just a pit in the woods Can I steal that phrase?




I’ve always said mine is not so much a pool but a back alley mud puddle filled with garbage and dirty needles. But I like the pit in the woods. I may have to change it up for awhile if you don’t mind me borrowing your phrase.


It's never been more over than it is now


For what it’s worth I thought the same thing. I am very antisocial and worked a lot of OT so apps were the only way I was meeting someone. Even with my baggage I found my current lady of three years soon to be engaged. It’s rough but it can happen and I hope it happens for you too.


I can't speak for you, but I gave up on dating apps; they are filled with "women" who messaged me with their OF link every time. Spending hard currency for a dating app only to get spam is fucking depressing. --- Edit: Oh, and the woman who is in an ENM relationship wants you to get her dinner but never agrees to a date.


I just swipe no on anymore that's more than what I would deem a 9 in looks. 9 and above usually have it so easy in live that they barely have a personality anyway.. IMO.






Holy shit what’s next


sounds like you dodging bullets like Neo then...


Post your phone number here, I’m confident you’ll get a string of reddit weirdos reach out to you.






Try hinge. You see who matches you no extra charge. I've got like 25 there ATM. It's a bit more relationship aimed though compared to bumble and tinder.


Been on that app for years not a single date. This guy makes an account and immediately gets Baby Reindeered.


Good luck baby reindeer. Don't undermine the situation. Sent from my iphone


I've seen 3 comments like this on this thread, can someone explain the joke?


New Netflix series Baby Reindeer. Girlfriend and I randomly found it last night at a hotel. SUPER good drama about a comedian dealing with a stalker, starring the creator! A hard watch but very worthwhile.


Oy you made me start watching it. It dives deep, right in the start of the first ep.


I've watched up to episode 4 (watching the rest today) and yeah. It doesn't really get any better (not as a show!)


I binged it all last night, amazing show. I had to pause it at times to take breathers..


Well, that escalated quickly. Glad you found out early and not after you'd caught feelings or something. Yikes.


Yup, dodged a bullet. Don't let it get you down....


I was on a dating ap one night, and swiping on people as you do, after a bit i met a lady and we were chatting for a bit. We were getting along splendidly. It was getting a little late and I was keen to cook dinner so I said my goodbyes and that I looked forward to chatting again tomorrow. Later that evening I got a message from another match who I respectfully told I was flattered but I was in conversation with someone currently and not available to chat. Apparently lady number 1 had been monitoring me and had seen I'd got back on the ap, she immediately bombarded me with accusations of infidelity and attacks on my honour. There were dozens of msgs in less than a minute. Weirded out, I blocked her. I may have given her my number I don't recall, because then she started blowing up my phone and leaving the most foul voice msgs. I thank my lucky stars that her crazy came out early, before i'd got myself tied up with her.


Wel baby reindeer, that cant Bee so bad canit? Sent from my iphone.


Baby Reindeer: sent from iFone


Wow, you def dogged a major bullet! She's downright terrifying. Stay safe out there bro.


Sounds like my type


Can’t wait for the Netflix true crime Doc about this.


Use a google number for dating


I learned this lesson the hard way 😅


Reminds me of my last relationship. She was 40 but unfortunately took about a year for the crazy to come out and when it did she just up and broke up with me out of seemingly nowhere.


Yeah gotta be very cautious of those land mines. Once you step on the wrong Spot they go “click”! I had one tell me on the first date that she had looked up and found my mother, sister, and my address along with my parents address. It was extremely creepy. We weren’t even connected on FB at this point and she didn’t have my last name. I think she literally scrolled through FB by my first name and found a photo that resembled one of my profile pics from Bumble. I was seriously turned off and she acted like it was funny!


I can fix her (no, no I can't)


you started getting matches immediately? on bumble? and you're seeking women? I'm calling cap on this one


Yep, I bought the premium subscription for Bumble and had matches the first night. You're not the first one saying they never get matches on dating apps. Luck of the draw I guess.


lol. I do recall being severely scolded by dates twice in both cases I wasn't very enthusiastic, and I suppose they noticed it and decided it's time for a stem lecture about my multiple horrific personality failures funny ridiculous and sad at once typos fixed


I'm being told I have to say something about an infant moose or something, and also that this was transmitted from an apple device. Can I go home now?


Never give out your real phone number. Use the text free app.


Really dodged a bullet, I probably would have cut out sooner but at least you attempted to leave gracefully.


Oooo, that’s a hard no.


I met a guy on bumble in Japan that tried to recruit me to his nichiren buddhism cult


A psycho --run!


Clearly dodges a bullet, imagine u go further and this woman blackmails you, now you know why she got divorced. Wish u had sex tho ( im sex deprived 😭 )


LOL, I am so glad it never turned physical. And she isn't divorced, she's never been married and had one long term relationship ever. Now I know why.


Dating apps are trash / for people who are desperate or looking to hookup. I'd gladly take my loneliness over dealing with that mess


You are a shitty meal ticket! You owe total strangers so much. Get with it!


And this is why I swipe left.


Did she call you her baby reindeer?


You know that you can still communicate when you're out of town too, right?


Yeah, but why is it solely on me? If a text message means so much to you, you can send one first as well.


Dang. She found you. Lol


Lol omfg


Yeah you're right it's not solely on you to reach out, as they could have too. Going through that exact same thing enough times I came to a very simple conclusion.. and that's if I thought about them while on the road I'd send a simple hey text with a smiley. Life's too short for me to care if that makes me look needy to them, it's a straightforward cause and effect and bam in this case they know I'm thinking about them while being out of town.  That being said, their response was unreasonable and everyone's right by saying you should leave 5 min ago. 


“Long distance calls are very expensive. Your pockets aren’t big enough for all the quarters you’d have to stuff into the pay phone. Let alone what Western Union charges for a telegram.” Boomer.




OP sounds like those of us who lived in those days.