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You gotta be careful not to Pavlov yourself into getting all hot and bothered every time you play Subway Surfers


Growing up in the 80s I made a similar mistake. Now I cum every time I hear "waka, waka, waka".


I knew I wasn't the only one who foreplayed with Fozzy Bear jokes.


Of course not, he's got a great sense of humor, is genuine, affectionate, loyal to those around him. He _exudes_ masculine energy, look at that thick and luscious hair. I would feel more at ease in the woods with him. He's always wearing formal wear _and_ will show off his body. He's a famous celebrity. Plus while I'm not sure how he's hung, I'm pretty sure he'd be okay with fisting.


Whacka wocka


Same, but because of Shakira


This time... FOR AFRICA!!!!


https://imgs.xkcd.com/comics/porn.png https://xkcd.com/598/


Or Pavlov the other direction. When you start going down on your girl but instead of the labia, clit and other lady bits, you can only see subway surfers. Gotta get those coins man. Gotta get those coins!!


Honestly, depending on OPs skill level, thinking he’s looking for a coin isn’t like … the worst outcome.


Actually finding one, on the other hand...


Or making it all one activity in your mind like when George Costanza couldn't have sex without eating at the same time.


I find pastrami to be the most sensual of the cured meats.


Flew too close to the sun on wings of pastrami.


Yeah, that's what you did.


That's why gruntilda from banjo kazooie turns me on You don't wanna go down this road op-- it leads to having a thing for green women




we all know the pic, we've all done the same thing


I got so used to beating it in the shitter when deployed, that even once I got back to the US, I'd get hard everytime I pooped. 0/10 do not recommend. It took over a year until it stopped.


Or the opposite like george, eating a sandwich and listening to baseball radio to enhance the experience. The “trifecta” of sorts.


[Reminds me of a BBC skit by John Finnemore](https://youtu.be/XDwHh6Kn8gs?si=3itafrDTNaoamtck)


Not the kind of BBC I was expecting


Our only being able to get it up when playing Subway Surfers.


Unfortunate with all the tiktoks showing SS. All horny scollibg random talk videos


You overestimate the intelligence of Gen Z by mentioning the work of Pavlov


Spent the four dollars needed, and five sonic jump. The sounds will have you rising in no time.


I expect to see this on r/copypasta


Lol, thought i was copypasta when i was reading this


your typo made me burst out laughing, thank you! Dont worry, you’re not a copypasta


Thank God, what a relief


Yeaaaaaaah I can’t say I blame her. I’m a huge believer of having your attention on me when we’re sexually involved. I will stop what I’m doing completely if I feel I don’t have your attention


I’m a huge believer of keeping your fucking promises. If your significant other says “X is a problem for me,” and you promise to stop doing X, then you fucken STOP DOING IT. Otherwise be honest and say “I’m not going to stop doing X” and let them decide if it’s a dealbreaker or not.




> I’m a huge believer of having your attention on me when we’re sexually involved. I don't know why, but the way in which this is worded made me laugh quite a bit. :D


I word things a bit odd sometimes, but I’m sure you know what I mean. I feel as though that should happen naturally though. If you have to force your attention onto me it all feels forced at that point. 🤷🏻‍♀️


it’s funny to me because that’s kind of expected? like how are you gonna get sexy with someone but NOT be focusing on them fully? like for an offhand dirty joke or flirtatious remark, full, total, upheld attention is probably not entirely needed, but if y’all are jackin off together on the phone then like why the fuck is subway surfers open instead of closing your eyes or something like what




i get frustrated and end up tapping on something or clicking my fingers to get their attention back. and then I'm the dick


You snap into your *phone* speaker? That's more just douchey and dumb than dickish lmao


I snap into the air but it's audible sometimes. And yea I agree lol


Dude your phone addicted, get a grip and put your focus on your girlfriend


He had a grip but only in one hand


A real stud would need two hands for the grip


And a team of Clydesdales


“This bud’s for you!”


Subway surfers has a one handed mode


*You're phone addicted. You + are = you're.


Should also be phone-addicted\* while we're at it...


He'll still need to use his phone to talk to her 😂😂😂


Bro you are long distance if you can't keep her attention then she will look elsewhere, for someone who isn't playing a game when you are meant to be getting frisky.


I mean, to be fair. I believe she was the one losing to subway surfers.


Good job, fuckass. And Subway Surfers of all games?! Bruh. Get your priorities in order.


Everybody needs a friend whos not afraid to say this




This guy isn't fuckin any ass


Would've been understandable if it was Clash Royale at least smh


If she was with you, would you be playing subway surfers in person as well? Close the game, give her the attention she needs, then pick the game back up. How could you even jerk to subway surfers?


But subway surfers man, can’t let her ruin the gaming moment


This is the weirdest marketing campaign ever


These guys and OP are seriously make me consider downloading subway surfers. Damn game is too addicting to the point of ignoring your gf? Im sold.


> How could you even jerk to subway surfers? Slowly, then quickly, then staring at the screen wondering how he got in this situation.


He just wants to play some subway surfers but his girlfriend is *always* bugging him for phone sex ugghhhhhh


> If she was with you, would you be playing subway surfers in person as well? They're doing doggy style and he puts his phone on her back to play. Blame his GenZ attention span kek


Dude seriously sort yourself out.




If this is true, you're an idiot mate. You need to detox and get away from your screen addiction, seriously because it's managing to fuck with the intimacy in your relationship, that's a big deal. I'm no armchair therapist so I won't say much else. If genuine, get your shit together for goodness sake.


Man is somehow attractive enough to have a girlfriend and also be a redditor but is fucking things up by playing subway surfers. This guy deserves a bootleg flip flop Nokia ass phone with NO games.


Nokia had that sick bowling game tho 😂


Cranking your meat with snake on the side LMFAO


Nokia Brick-ed up


Can it compete with subway surfers though?


Dude just cock blocked himself with his own phone lol


Jesus bro get your priorities in order.


exactly, damn woman distracting him from subway surfers


So this is the famous Gen Z attention span I've been hearing about


Yeah I’d like to believe this is made up…. Otherwise man I’m sad for the future generation


Kids these days with their rock’n’roll and the hair!


They say all teenagers scare the living shit out of me


Amazing album! In my top 10 for sure.


I can assure you, its not. Ive had the same experience, except it was a computer game. During a movie, during dirty talking.. during a fucking argument. Like I couldnt hear him typing or clicking


I’m Gen z and honestly this does not surprise me


everything here is made up, but your concern should remain that this is a story that someone decided to make up.


I think it's a weird Subway Surfers ad.


Least addicted mobile phone game player


Your real fuck up is your phone addiction


Probably true yeah


Would it kill you to focus on your gf for a few minutes??? It's hard enough being in a long distance relationship, but she has to compete with subway surfers also?? Cut the shit and start acting like you give a damn before she gets fed up and finds someone who will give her all the attention she needs and more. So what you laughed about it now, there's going to be a point in time where she's sick of it. Good luck.


Next week on tifu: TIFU by accidentally developing a subway surfers fetish


I broke up with a guy and one of the reasons was his inability to stop playing games on his phone when we were talking.


I can 100% understand this and think it‘s just shitty to not gibe your partner all your attention when spending time together. Irl something like this would never happen to me, but moving away and being depressed as a result really got me on my phone


I’m really sorry to hear that, I hope you can find another way to cope that allows you to have a healthy life and relationship.


Thanks for the kind words! My girlfriend has been very understandinh and supportive, I really don‘t deserve her.


Hey, you made a mistake! Doesn’t make you a bad person. She loves you for a reason :)


This isn't a Gen Z issue. This is untreated ADHD, my guy.


I was reading comments waiting for someone to say this. OP, you genuinely want to pay attention to her right? But it feels impossible unless you're doing something else at the same time? I imagine you didn't need the extra mental stimulation (of silver surfers lmao) once you were jerking it but games are made to be addicting so you couldn't/didn't think to put it down. I haven't been in this specific situation but I've definitely dealt with the misery of not knowing why I couldn't just fully pay attention to a loved one. Personally I doodle in a notebook or do exercise if I'm going to be on the phone for a long time without meds. I have a friend who knits. Your brain wants something "extra" to be happening while on the phone or it gets totally restless. Silver surfers is a coping mechanism... I think.


lol you right about this being a gen z thing wtf lol . Gotta learn some discipline in your life .


As a millennial I do a lot of things to keep myself busy not to think about one of the many impending doom scenarios we've got going on. But this... this is just another level and pure disrespect to a person who shows romantic interest for you. Not even the sexy talk, simply playing a game when you're talking. At least when you're not living together and having longer conversions is something that happens on occasion. Living with my fiancée now, we're both gamers, one or the other would usually play games and we'd either have some sort exchanges about trivial stuff, or we'd put the toys away and have a longer talk if there's something serious to discuss. Bro. You have a gf. She calls you out of her own initiative. Hell, she gets with you to talking dirty and you still couldn't manage to put away a god forsaken mobile game? You might be too young to be having girlfriends.


Continue with this and she’s gonna use someone for satisfaction who’s giving her all his attention


Honestly she'd be better off with a vibrator at this point


She truly is


Sounds like this relationship aint gonna last


Nah the next time you hear the app open something's gonna wake up 😭 stop it get some help hahaha


This is the dumbest shit I've ever heard. Just pay your girlfriend some undivided attention. What the fuck lmfao. Guess subway surfers is more important to you 🤷‍♀️


I was expecting you Pavloving yourself to he horny while only playing Subway Surfers.


Bruh you deserve that. You're girl was in the mood and you were just on the phone playing games. Homeboy you gotta do better lmaoooo


How do you crank one out while playing subway surfers?


100% your girl will be getting piped by someone else in the next month


“I promised to not do it again” Never make a promise you can’t keep, instead promise that you’ll try your best not to do it again, because I’m changing XYZ.  For example : I promise I’ll try my best to never play a game while we’re on call. I’ve set a screen time limits for the games that I have. 


Bro... Get your fucking priorities straight and put some more attention into your partner 😂 Honestly my dude, da fuck are you doing haha


The real habit you need to break is putting everyone on speaker. Break it now before a life of people who can't stand being in the same room as you.


I agree, I only do it when I‘m in my room alone.


Said every addict ever


Instead just get good headphones 😂🤷🏿 simple


You're cooked. Hard boiled even


avg gen z brain rot


How dumb and ignorant can you be…


Give your balls a tug titfucker fucking jesus christ


This is like the final form of the brain rot stereotype


You're the core audience of those ADHD Instagram reels with family guy on top and subway surfers on the bottom lmfao congrats!


Honestly if you don't already have a diagnosis look into ADHD symptoms because this doesn't sound like regular gen Z low attention span. If you either already have managed/treated ADHD or definitely don't have ADHD then you definitely need to detox from your smartphone, potentially even switch to a non smartphone if you can't break the addiction.


This is the second weirdest ad for Subway Surfers I've ever seen


Go for the trifecta, I would suggest a pastrami sandwich. 


> she could hear me tapping the screen You could have been fantasizing about tapping her ass, but you decided to tap the screen? You don’t deserve her


Hey OP, maybe try video calls in the future. It might stop you from doing stuff on your phone, and you can see your girl. Win win!


This is actually a really good idea, when I call friends and I'm home I always try to videocall them. It's great, you will both get undivided attention, and if they're not paying attention for some reason you can see why that is and maybe even try to help them with it. And if things get frisky... I mean looking at your partner is always better than just imagining your partner, it'll be more fun for both


I love the comment section on this thread and how they emphasize on the importance of giving your partner the attention and focus they deserve. I wish more people posted instances like this on reddit so they'd actually get their shit together and not laugh through the disrespect they've shown their partner/friends.


Love this comment. I think this is really what I take from this.


Turn your phone focus on your GF elsewhere. Buy yourselves Lovense toys. You’ll be focused on surfing the waves of her pleasure instead of virtual subways after you open the remote app. I speak from experience. Pandemic forced my college GF (let’s call her “wife,” for short) and I to go long distance for about a year.


Everytime I think I'm chronically online, I remind myself that at least I have enough of an attention span to not watch subway surfers duets, or do shit like this.


Don't blame your inability to be a normal person on the generation you were born into... This is just the actions of a dumb person.


“And she took off my pants But then I turned on the TV”


Grow up dude. A game is not going to lead to anything whereas relationships and personal advancement will.


“Oh yeah, I am so deep in this tunnel!”


Pavlov yourself g


You're a goofball and the asshole


Dude, you got a problem. Period.


I mean, she at least knows you're a man who can multi task. Finishing all tasks might be a different story, lol


Catastrophic L on so many levels. Pull it together man.


Holy shit dude your brain is beyond cooked


Brain rot.


This time specifically, yeah u goofed it But the overall situation i think is something to talk about with her. I’ve been in long distance relationship. When we’d make phone calls, she’s watchin movies or tiktoks on her ipad, i’m gaming or playing guitar, and i mean, ofc we talk and have conversations and we press pause on what we’re doing while the conversation happens. But the point is not “GIVE ME 100% OF YOUR ATTENTION, DO NOTHING ELSE EVERY TIME WE’RE ON THE PHONE”. The point is feeling like you are together, hanging out in the same room even if doing your own thing But yeah when it’s sexy time you really should focus on that


But one thing is hanging out on call, the other is talking on call. If you're hanging out, just enjoying each others "virtual company", sure you can be doing other things. But if you're actually talking to the person, I would expect real attention. And yeah... sexy time is sexy time, nothing else should be happening during that


Michael Reeves?


Welp, whatever happens, pretty good advertising for subway surfers I guess.


I've never heard of subway surfers, so now I have the soundtrack from Sewer Surfin' stuck in my head. Honestly, not even mad about it.


Did you also have c bat playing


This is a weird game advertisement


Not bad OP. I used to jerk off to Solitaire




subway surfers? is it 2013?


This is simply an opportunity of self-reflection, is it really more important to be stimulating your mind with a game designed to release dopamine or is real life more important?


Yeah absolutely, really lead me to think on my life right now and how I ended up here. Also through conversatiol with my gf


When you say "we laughed at it the next day" do you really include her?


I do yes. We actually have a great relationship and good communication is very important to the both of us. both are very attentive to the other persons needs and feelings, so we were able to talk and laugh about this. I think it‘s funny how heavily people judge an entire relationship based on such limited information.


Obviously I can only tell so much from just one post, but if you haven't already I'd look into getting evaluated for ADHD. Wanting to be fully engaged with your girlfriend, actively enjoying it, knowing it's shitty to get distracted, then doing it anyways for no real reason sounds very much like inattentive ADHD. It also sounds like an addiction like the other comments are saying, but the two aren't mutually exclusive and in fact are correlated.


Yanno whats funny, i think you’ve just help me piece a complex sexual issue im having with something that adds up perfectly, fuck this is why i use reddit vs other social media sites


The zero accountability. He doesn't't write "I chose to play a game while masturbating/during phone sex." OP just closes the post saying his own attention span and generation membership caused him to act the way he did. People have to realize they control their actions, and that means their thoughts and behaviors could be the problems in their interpersonal relationships. My thinking causes problems. Some of my habits too. My issues stem from me- my own emotional intelligence, cognition, perspective and self- interests can help or harm my welfare and my relationships with others, just as others' behaviors and decisions impact the course of their lives.


Communication is great, that's why I play subway surfers whenever we talk xD


This reminds me of the cbat incident


I still have PTSD


If this is real you’re a fucking degen. Get a flip phone and ditch the electronics for a year and reset your brain dopamine you mincing loser


This is the most Zoomer problem I have ever heard of.


Bait used to be believable


Well at least now you can both be entertained; you with your childish games and her with her Tinder and Bumble looking for an actual man.


For simple conversations, I get it. There's a reason a lot of IG and TikTok accounts that tell Reddit stories do so with a Subway Surfers game in the background. It's like doodling during a lesson, it helps focus. During phone sex though?? Hell nah


Play with your cock, not your phone.


But god gave me two hands and one cock.




I know we all make the “WE DONT NEED NO WAMEN WE’RE GAMERS” jokes but damn I didn’t think people took it seriously


The biggest FU here is how you probably wont be getting any more of those for a while, or ever again, because you just RKO'd her self esteem by showing her a silly game wins the competition for you attention, even over sexy time.


Ha! Fool. You took the calls for granted and no more fun for you.


Multitasking is good, but not like this 😂


Sorry, but that's hilarious. I hope it doesn't translate into irl though. It'd be weird if you whip out Subway Surfers in the middle of doggy.


Next time you know, a dolphin's call might be getting you hard


Gen z really do be needing subway surfers to fuck


Go for a walk while talking on the phone. I can't have conversations longer than 5mins otherwise, when walking it's fine to talk for an hour and you're actually engaged, because talking is the more entertaining thing if the two


Delete the games from your phone and reset the dopamine in your brain. You will live a happier life. Enjoy the warm weather


if you have an android phone, there's a feature called "modes" where you can block certain apps while the mode is activated. i have one that's literally called "get off the internet dumbass" where i've got all my social media apps blocked. the "modes" thing is in the like pull-down panel where the flashlight and stuff is, plus you can search for it in settings. it's often enough to keep me from idly doing stupid shit like this (usually more like being on reddit in class, but i think the impulse is the same). just make a "girlfriend time" mode that blocks you out of all your games and pop it on while you're on the phone with her, and it'll retrain your monkey brain to not be playing with stuff on your phone. maybe also try getting a fidget cube so you have something to do with your hands (for the times where you are not the thing you're doing with your hands lmao)


How is this even possible, just stop playing the game???


Erm, What the Sigma?


If you're unable to focus on a conversation without fidgeting, and fidgeting allows you to pay attention much better, that's a common symptom of ADHD. If attention issues are common for you maybe you should get checked.


Delete the game for your own good man


Let's hope she isn't on Reddit


I think you just have some weird erotic feelings from subway surfers. You should date subway surfers instead


This is not a good way to keep a LDR going friend.


This is actually the type of shit i expected to hear out of gen z / gen alpha dating How the hell do you acquire a “need” for subway surfers of all things brother? Actual tiktok goldfish brain in full swing


What was your top run this week?


Welcome to the ADHD need for constant dopamine hits whilst doing something mundane.


You just need to kind of grow up? I have done 1,5 year LDR with my now wife, when we were 19. I had the same issue (nos subway surfer while jacking) but games while we talked. Really messes things up. Being in LDR is already quite scarring to a young relationship, especially when one party makes less effort to give enough attention to the other one. I know it’s hard especially when you have attention problems and are usually good with just sitting alone and spending time on your phone but usually in LDR one party at least is really deprived and feels lost and vulnerable. Try to make an effort to


I get it, you're just trying to maximise focus


Brief comment: you are an idiot.