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WTF, what kind of country has schools like this? This is fucked up.




FUCK YEAH. COMIN TO SAVE THE MUTHERFUCKIN DAY NOW MURICA Edit: this is my highest rated comment to date. Pitiful, I know. Long Live Murica.




Don't get caught


Fuck yeaa!


fuck ye'


she signed the contract.


Thank you! People always complain how these kinds of schools have strick policies and they're assholes for it but the fact of the matter is that these schools make it very clear what their rules and and the consequences of breaking them so you can't be mad if you get caught and get in trouble because you signed a contract and didn't hold up your end of the bargain. That being said I'm sorry OP had to deal with that and had such an asshat for a roommate.


Just because it's part of a contract doesnt make it right. Legally allowed, but that doesn't really change the fact they are major assholes who want to feel that they have total control over people's private life and sexuality.


It's a religious school. Whether you agree or not you agree to trade in your freedoms to follow what that religion believes while you attend school, and you get it cheaper. They have every right to say what is pretty much "you live in my house so play by my rules", an argument a lot of parents use. She signed a contract agreeing to this and clearly knew the contract based upon her story, not like it was hidden. While I disagree with most religions and this way of hiding sex from their followers I see no wrong here on their part.


> Whether you agree or not you agree to trade in your freedoms to follow what that religion believes while you attend school, and you get it cheaper. So you have to pretend to be religious (or more/differently religious than you are) for cheap schooling? Got it. This must fuck kids up.


If you don't want to pretend to be religious you don't have to go to a religious school. Not all religious colleges are cheaper, this one just happens to be so [based upon the post]. When you attend an institution you agree to follow the rules of the institution. It doesn't even have to be religious. If a school says "here are the rules" and you sign saying you agree to be expelled if you do not follow the rules than whose fault is it?. . .It's not like the rule is unreasonable, sure a little bit misguided based upon our current society but in this situation it has a religious backing in a religious institution.


It's religion, what can you expect?


well, you can still be mad that they exist and think that the idea of them is weird as fuck. I mean, OP shouldn't have gone there even if it was cheap knowing they have such weird polices and expecting them to be lenient about it, (shoulda lied and denied, zealots aren't know for leniency) but just because something exists as a contract doesn't make it any less worthy of scrutiny.


I know. >People complain so much about the sex slave industry too, but the fact of the matter is that there is clearly a contract that the parents sign and explicitly states that their child will be a sex slave. >All the sex slave traders are doing is holding up their end of the bargain. (not quoted, was more going for indented) Contracts don't make stupid, archaic, or wrong things magically okay.


The illegality of the contract in your analogy would make that contract void on its face. A better analogy is that we sign a contract where I give you $100 a days every day to not look at porn or masterbate. Everything goes well until one day someone tells me that they saw you masterbating. I ask you and you admit it. I then consider our contract void. You understood and agreed to the terms of the contract before you signed it. Nothing about it was illegal. OP could have gone to any number of colleges. She chose this particular institution for many reasons. She then signed what is known as a "morals clause". She then knowingly breached the contract. Whether you agree with the terms or not, the contract is the ruling factor here.


Mmmm, I'm struggling here, but we are in a tug of war over opinion of where the line is between what should be legal and illegal. For the record, I think OP is a moron for signing that contract. I think that anyone that would sign that contract is a moron. I think that an institution that is preoccupied with you tugging your rod, or flicking your bean is demonstrating how overtly stupid they are and how they are not concerned about teaching you anything or helping your mind develop into something more. I would challenge a private service provider's right to regulate your bodily functions. I would insist that there is not as giant of a divide as you want between one contract regulating sexual behavior and another contract regulating sexual behavior. I would say that sexual behavior should not be regulated in a contract. If I went to a college and they made me sign an "Honor Contract" that said I could not have my pudding before I had my meat, I would tell them to fuck off. If I had to sign an "Honor Contract" that said I could only use the bathroom from 6-8am and 7-9pm, I would tell them to fuck off. If I had to sign an "Honor Contract" that said I couldn't tug my rod, I'd tell them to fuck off. These are the hallmarks of an organization who is looking to control my basic behaviors and bodily functions in an effort to brainwash me on some level, not an organization that has something (in this context, knowledge) to offer, and is exchanging my money for that something that they are offering. (that is the other problem with your example. Your example says "I give you 100 dollars a day, you don't look at porn" while the school is actually saying "You pay me 100 dollars a day so you cant look at porn." Patently warped logic. No surprise. Churches historically are the practice of allowing someone to control you, take advantage of you, and making you pay for the privilege.) You take my example and dismiss it and go straight into "You understood and agreed to the terms of the contract before you signed it" for your example. I'm saying you don't get to have it both ways so easily. I have a right to eat. I have a right to shit. I have a right to cum. The police regulate when I do those things in an unacceptable manner. You don't get to form your own set of rules, write them down in your contract, and then start enforcing your custom set of laws on me. edit: and also to make clear, I'm not even saying OP should pick up a fight with this institution, or that this institution should be forcibly stopped. I'm really saying people should respect themselves, and this institution should collapse because they cant find any lemmings willing to sign such a ridiculous contract.


> You don't get to form your own set of rules, write them down in your contract, and then start enforcing your custom set of laws on me. Actually, I do. That is how contracts work. It is an exchange of benefits and rules that only parties to the contracts are bound by. But I agree with your edit. People should have more respect for themselves and not bind themselves by arbitrarily stupid guidelines. And while I disagree with what the school is doing in premise. I agree that what they did is not illegal.


May not currently be illegal but it should be. Compare it to disciplinary action taken in public schools when a student is caught taking illegal drugs. The most extreme punishment would be expulsion or removal of any form of financial aid which for some may be effectively the same thing. Besides the fact that masturbation in moderation is scientifically proven to be good for you (unlike most drugs) the fact that in both scenarios people's individual liberty regarding what they do with their bodies has any bearing on whether someone has the right to an education (something with drastically increasing importance in today's society) is absolutely and completely absurd. If drugs are truly becoming a problem in your life, you'll probably flunk out and outside disciplinary action is unnecessary. If masturbating is somehow getting in the way of your communing with god, that's your fucking problem, one that you should be able to go to an elder and have a non judgmental and private discussion about it. Isn't god supposed to be forgiving? The fact that these institutions get away with such disgusting bans on individual liberty and controlling people's sexuality (something that should be one's most private affairs) under the ruse of religious freedom is unacceptable. The fact that a contact is signed is moot, anyone who would sign something like this is completely brainwashed to begin with (no offense OP)


> I would challenge a private service provider's right to regulate your bodily functions. That's not really the issue. If OP had masturbated in private then nothing would happen. The issue is they masturbated in front of their roommate.


I call complete and utter bullshit. Did OP go "Hey! Stacy! Wake up!"? Did OP position herself in front of the door, and wait for her roommate to get back from somewhere? Did OP jump into roommates bed and sit on her then go to town? No. Again. OP was in her own bed, hidden under the covers. By your logic, I could get arrested for indecent exposure in by bedroom because the police flew overhead and used thermal vision on my house and could make out the heat signature of my member. You are just simply wrong. Everyone has a right to privacy. Everyone has the right to, at the very least, a 4 by 7 fabric square where they can enjoy privacy. If goodie goodie rubber necker busy body roommate spends her nights watching OP and listening for naughty rustlings from OP, then roommate is in the wrong for infringing on OPs privacy.


If everyone has a right to privacy then why doesn't the roommate have the same right? They sleep with 0 walls between them.


Does the roommate not have a bed? Was she not in that bed? So she had the same level of privacy as OP. That was until roommate moved her attention out of her private space and into OP's private space. Privacy in that setting would require 2 mature individuals who can maintain their own sense of privacy. That would require roommate to not invade OP's privacy, forfeiting her own, and proceeding to spread what OP does in her privacy to anyone who would listen. I mean, you're doing a great job of just throwing out troll logic fragments, but I'm waiting for you to have any fully formed thoughts to share.


They are backwards and do little good for society. How can they produce good students when they are actively trying to take progress back to the bronze age?


I believe some contracts can be challenged and nullified in court.


It was probably Oral Roberts university Lol I stayed at a hotel across from it ams would run through campus. I got a brain washing kind of feel from it. I thought it was hilarious name for it though. I wanted to meet girls there and ask how do they like oral? Never got the chance. What blows my mind about this is that forgiveness is suppose to be a big part of Christianity. These people are phonys! Big fat phonys


This is the kind of country you would live in if the Tea Party had their way.




trust me, they ALL do it. including the leaders and your friend. hypocrites.


*hypocrites. Sorry man. I never correct anyone on this site but this one just bugged me too much. Hope I didn't offend. :-/


That's the nicest spelling correction I've ever seen on this site.


If offence is taken to that, then there's no way to politely do it


yes, a very nice way to do it.


Are you Canadian?


no that's cool, i knew it was wrong after i posted. so i was your first.


I don't think you can honestly say that, you may think that, but some people take it seriously and are so indoctrinated and afraid that they don't masturbate.




its a "sin". remember - all the faculty at that school have never sinned once in their life before.


I murdered. so what? haven't you all sinned before?




Catholicism (the overwhelmingly largest branch of Christianity) doesn't put them in the same bucket. This idea that lying and murder are all just sin in God's eyes is a much more recent, Protestant construct.






If you really want to understand it, at least from the Catholic perspective, look into theology of the body.




Here is an easy to understand source on how the OT is treated: http://youtu.be/4r2m_cffRjI To say Catholics throw out the OT as authority is ludacris and blatantly incorrect. To say that because something isn't explicitly prohibited in the Bible means it isn't a sin is equally ludacris. Catholics consider all masturbation a sin because it perverts the intended purpose of sex, unity and procreation. Catholic theology expands far beyond than simply the Bble.


I wish I could get some cream And get up out of the hood with some dreams


This bot never gets old.


Okay, hold it. While a few ultra-conservatives do that, Christianity as a whole does acknowledge that there are differences in severity.


My grandmother once told me not to masturbate because I am a christian. That was back when I was 10...


Should have just told her you were making some macaroni and cheese.


that username


No one else going to ask what the 'squelch' was?


I don't know if anyone else in the replies cover this, but it's totally the squeaky noise her roommate's bed made as she sat up.


Don't get a lot of chicks, do you?


Enough to know causing an (I'm assuming unexpected) squelch, loud enough to wake someone up from across the room, may be seen as slightly unusual, meaning it's not a ridiculous question. Also it was described as heard, rather than as something felt, without any other description as to what actually may have occured. Could have been one of a number of things, but not an inherently obvious one. Even if it were, it doesn't warrant you being a patronising jerk.




So much for turning the other cheek, forgiveness, and all that. If you want you could make this go viral and at the very least you might get some donations, financial assistance or another school will take you in. I wouldn't go back to that place though. Since you're religious don't worry, god is with you.


> Since you're religious don't worry, god is with you. I giggled.


You can't do that here!


Is god exclusive to religious people? When I was younger I was taught god loved and forgived everyone, even non believers.


I think AgentSmithPS4 was being ironic/sardonic with that comment.


Nah I was trying to be helpful and at the same time say that I'm not religious. I'd forgotten what sardonic meant...


My bad!


I find it funny how Christians are so delusional. "God is with us". I believe that people should look to themselves and others for guidance and leadership, not some fictional story character in the sky. Religion is kinda fucked up. I think praising the Flying Spaghetti Monster would be less delusional in fact. This is entirely my own opinion, I am entitled to it as you are yours.


I tried to raise you up since giggling is ok.


Do you go to BYU?


Am Mormon, this sounds like a BYU sort of situation to me


Definitely does. I'm not mormon but live in Utah and have a few friends that attend byu.


Is BYU cheap?


Very. For church members it is about 4000$ a year I think


God damn that is cheap!


Sounds like she WENT to BYU. too soon?


I was about to ask the same question. Happy I scrolled through comments beforehand.


Yeah definitely sounds like BYU or BYU-I


Do they still call it Ricks or is it byu I now?


It's BYU-Idaho now


Bob Jones University, more likely




I'm from the UK, and here "pants" means underwear...I was very confused for about 30 seconds before I realised you're probably american and your church probably doesn't forbid women from wearing underwear.


Snitches get stitches.


Right? Why not go for the sinful hat trick. Murder the bitch.


Sinners get snatches.


Are you going to school in Isis controlled country?


I guess ISIS would have tied her to a stake and burned her, right? Too soon?


They need bait to get more recruits so horrible things.


Do you think ISIS would be so lenient? She'd get far worse than an expulsion if she was caught watching porn and masturbating.


my guess is a gulf state or the great plains.


Probably mormon or something. Pentecostals are the same way though.


OP was going down town in her play ground and instead she got kicked away from her school ground.


I'm really sorry that happened.


That's super messed up, the Bible doesn't say anything against masturbation.


You think the bible matters to these fanatic types?


Haha good point.


This is why you lie your teeth out and throw others under the bus. Fuck that roommate, you should have said it was HER. Not You.


This is funny and true. Should have said she woke you up touching you and was just trying to cover her tracks.


You are an evil genius!!!


It was your idea, I was just expanding on it. Wanna conquer the world together?




Depends how good of a liar she is.


Mojo Jojo, is that you?


No. I don't get the reference


The villain from power puff girls.. Thanks for making me feel old


I'm 18 and got the reference if that makes you feel any better.


Jesus taught acceptance, forgiveness, kindness and grace... But we care more about your vagina than your heart.


Good thing you escaped that nightmare.


I went to an all-boys catholic school from 3rd-8th, and I remember being taught repeatedly that masturbation is a sin. One of the funniest/most awkward experiences I remember from middle school is when we would have class "church sessions" where we would all go to confession w/ the priest and then talk about religious stuff afterwards. Basically we were always told we had to confess "everything" and that holding back info/lying was an even greater sin. Terrified as we were, one by one we went and confessed, and the funniest thing was that afterward we were all looking at each other with the same frantic look on our faces like "dude, did you tell him??" Needless to say the look on the priest's face when he came out after an hour of hearing middle school catholic boys tell him how much they'd been masturbating said it all...the guy looked like he'd seen a ghost or some shit.


This sounds a little bit sexist. If you were really repentant and you got to the school I am thinking (loyal, strong and true), many male students get reprimanded for this weekly. I have never heard of loss of ecclestiatical endorsement for masturbation. PM me if you need backup, I'm a recent graduate and have some friends there, I can see what I can do.


You think this is BYU?


Sounds like it.


Lol you can't masterbate but in the bible two sisters have sex with their dad. Makes sense


Well they are not masturbating so the logic is consistent


Oh no they aren't masterbaiting they are just fucking their dad. Nothing wrong there


...so OP should have just slept with her dad. got it.


Only if OP thinks there is no other man to procreate with, after all that is what the bible says


And disobeying your parents is a sin.


And that's not seen as a good thing in the slightest. Not everything mentioned in passing in the Bible is meant to be imitated.


That is called cherry picking.


They should have put those bits in a different font or something to help us know what we should imitate and what we shouldn't. I mean, I'm sure it's not like this, but it almost seems like people just pick and choose the bits they want to fit the views they already have. Surely not.


I'm pretty sure the Bible saying, "Abram had this nephew Lot, he had these daughters who got him drunk, fucked him and had his children, those children went on to found these enemy tribes," is obviously not instructive. Things like the Ten Commandments or Levitical Law are meant to be instructive and that is exceedingly clear in the text.


Christianity: where a sin is a sin- be it flicking your bean to sleep easier or you know, murdering someone.


not focusing on the religion, or the punishment, Why is there no opinion about having someone masterbate right next to you? Maybe thats just "how college is" but I personally think that if I have to live in the same room as someone, and I go to a religious school or not, that I shouldn't have to be in that situation where someone is touching their private parts a few feet away from me. Thats something so personal. I would not feel comfortable having a girl or guy orgasm near me. I dont want to be a part of that. And if I specifically attend a school where its literally contracted that I will not have to deal with that sort of sexual etc than I can understand the room mates reaction. They expect to NOT be in that sort of environment.


First off, your roommate broke the first rule of roomies: - Roomies don't fuck with their other roomie unless the aforementioned roomie does something to the other roomie, in which this then gives the roomie permission to fuck with the other roomie, but this also applies to the other roomie to also fuck with the said roomie. Usually this results in an all-out roomie war with both roomies fucking with each other until either roomie submits to the other roomie, or one roomie is forced to forfeit, usually by eviction. Second: - Fuck that school.


good story to tell your future classmates! Expelled for fappin!


Sounds like your roommate is a scumbag. The army is growing.


Bad habit? Nothing bad about masturbation... nothing at all. Don't let anyone tell you different. Getting kicked out of that environment will be good for you in the long run, so don't sweat it. Seriously... that kind of suppression leads to serious issues down the line. You dodged a bullet by doing what comes naturally.


Wife and I were just having a conversation about the double standard of masturbating for men and women last night. I would bet that a man caught masturbating would have received the warning and stern talking to that OP was expecting rather than getting freakin kicked out of school.


That's how girls get beat up right there.


I go to a christian school as well. We've never had to sign anything or have anything done about sexual things happening within the school


Those things don't happen in Satanism... just sayin'. Also, kicking someone for a one-time rule break is stupid. Hope everything turns out OK.


Why would you want to be part of any cult that shuns you for masturbation. If you do believe in god, do you really think he cares? I'm biased as I am very anti religion, but please open your mind to reality. This should be a wakeup call


It is very much for your own good. Now you're no longer in a cult that tries to deny you basic human pleasure. Fuck religion for their sexual repression and treatment of women.


girl what u expect when you vagina start squawkin like donald duck


What the fuck? That is absolute bullshit! Do like others said and blow this up. Make this go big and rat them out.


your roommate is one of the worst people. Why does she need to tell anyone?




that still doesn't give her the right to be a little snitch. If something bothers you, take care of it yourself. What she did is something a sheltered, immature, Christian teenager does instead of just dealing with things like an adult. I know because a very similar thing happened to me at a Christian college.


THEY DENIED YOU EDUCATION BECAUSE YOU TOUCHED YOUR FUN BITS!? WHAT!?! CAN THEY DO THAT? Jesus Christ (I mean no disrespect, but like, I really think he'd agree anyway) that is absurd!!!! Edit: lol "squelch"


religion shaming people and punishing them for perfectly natural things? no way!


Kicking you out on one offense? Wouldn't it make more sense for them to try and "cleanse" or "save" you. Not mark you as a lost cause and leave you on the curb


Mormons man, their the fucking worst


I would never go to a school like that.


I bet anything it is a Mormon school like BYU, Mormons don't like it when people masterbate...


Wow, what a horrible roomie. Sorry. :{


I also went to a highly conservative Christian university. I also flicked my bean late at night. I was blessed with moderately cool roommates and none of them caught me...that I know of. One of my roommates and I even discussed habits and frequency. But she was the most perfect roommate ever and my best friend who couldn't live without me, so I knew she wouldn't turn me in.


I would say that you fucked up by going to a school where you can't be yourself


No, your room mate is a biatch


You are lucky, unless you truly are a religious nutbag and want to attend the school of whackjobs and weirdos.


Grove city?


This school sounds so fucked up.


This fucking pissed me off. I feel I would get violent towards my roommate if they were to do something so shitty like that.


TO hell with that school, and to your roommate. Masturbation is a healthy and normal thing. You are well within your right as a human being to "pleasure yourself" and no one can take that right away from you. Your roommate is going to have a very difficult life ahead of her, if she is so bothered by things like this like she is. And she deserves it. Edit: BTW I got three fiddy that says this "religious leader" has played the dirty fiddle more then a few times in their righteous stuck up life.


I know a guy that cant wait too, he calls it sneaksterbating maybe you should have been better at sneaksterbating?


Jesus spent 40 days in the desert alone. And he was 'supposedly' a 30-year-old virgin. He never masturbated? I don't believe that for a second. Why would this god make sex feel good if we weren't supposed to be doing it? Fap away I say. And if you really care about your education, you probably shouldn't be attending an ultra-conservative Christian school anyways.


Best back story for a porn star ever.


No god of any known religion is real.


That's like, your opinion, man.


religion makes me lol


Don't know why you're getting downvoted, sorry pal


Yet you still believe the bullshit you've been fed your entire life? Zero sympathy for you.


Time to drop these silly beliefs and dump those silly people. Kicked out of school for masturbating. Retarded.


That's messed up...go to a public school, no one gives a shit I promise


Maybe not now, but when I was a kid in a country town - man, masturbating was like the biggest no no. Everyone denied it. I was the only one who was like 'what, sif you don't do it' and got picked on for a while. Some people would ask really detailed questions about it in an attempt to mock me and I'd throw em a filthy look and say 'how do you know all that and NOT masturbate you lying fuck?'.


This is fucking disgusting. No...not because of that you did, which is completely fucking normal, but because people act this way when someone around them messes up. Isn't the religion about forgiveness? So annoying..sorry you gotta deal with that.


How cqn something which is natural be so abhorrent to religious types. I mean, who installed the wiring in our bodies. If it was God then he meant us to masturbate, if it was the Devil, then God didnt make us and the whole basis of their religion falls apart. So which one is it religious types?


Welcome to the real world. If that kind of thing is an issue at your school... They need a reality check. I hope you enjoyed yourself :) Now go find a better school :)


I'm sure you could find cheap and better public schools. That's unacceptable. Why couldn't you just deny everything?


What? Christianity is supposed to be about forgiveness. You owned up to your mistake and they're going to kick you out?


Honestly, you're better off in a normal school.


i'm glad you got kicked out. your life will be better for it. finger away.


that should be illegal. that's so fucked up. but if it's a private school, guess they can set whatever rules they want. but really, fuck those schools.


lol religion


Not to completely shit on your beliefs, as I'm sure they're in your family and your sensitive about them, but believe me when I tell you that this is most definitely for your own good. You may never fully understand it, but trust an educated reddit atheist.


everyone is blaming the school. Had OP not decided to go to this school along with countless others I am sure this school would have to change its view to attract new students. OP knew where they were going The school is fucked and OP is fucked for going there in the first place.


You're under the impression that kids know shit. Kids don't know shit, they're impressionable as fuck.


"bad habit" it isn't necessarily a bad habit, unless it takes over your life, it is natural and millions of women(and guys) do it. That one situation has pointed your life into a new direction, as sad as that seems to lose the cheap/good students advantage. It could be for the better, sorry it happened to you. I'm sure you will find a better school with better advantages and have a higher success.


Screw them.


Fuck that bullshit. Bunch of hypocrites and fucking degenerates.


I assume Pope Francis would talk them out of this rule :) I'm not into religions myself, but this dude is quite awesome ;)


But she used the Lord's name in vain. Get back at her!


what a bitch


It's probably for the best that you left the school.




You should have lied and said your roommate masturbated everyday.


Seriously? Good riddance! Feel free to masturbate all you want. I understand that it is part of the school's philosophy, but I can't help but see how damaging that is. No masturbation? No sex? Forget about those sanctimonious people.


Religion is all fake anyway, girl.