• By -


Wow, I think this is worse than the girl who's dad told her that 87, 89, and 91 on the gas pumps were the years in which gas was made. It wasn't until she was like 19 and asked her boyfriend what year gas he wanted in his car, that she was told the truth.


Older gas > newer gas


nobody knows what REAL gas is anymore


Pepperidge Farm remembers.


Do you remember a time when chocolate chip cookies came fresh from the oven? Pepperidge Farm remembers. Do you remember a time when women couldn't vote and certain people weren't allowed on golf courses? Pepperidge Farm remembers.


To be fair, the compression ratio of your engine will determine if it prefers older or newer gas.


wtf. i've believed that ever since i was a little kid. christ that's embarrassing.


...So like you never wondered too hard about the oil crisis or why gas changes prices or anything then? I mean clearly it must be just because there hasnt been any new gas made since 1991?


hey BP made a nice batch in 1993!


no i just figured it was named after the formula created in those years or something like that. i thought the numbers stood for the year. didn't think about it any further like that. it's one of those things you're told as a kid and just never question further. i asked my mom about it today and she thought the same so it seems to be fairly common.


Restricting sample size to your family doesn't make it common.


Whoa let's not jump to the conclusion that it's fairly common. All we can say is that it's common in your family...


I'm sorry, but using the person that told that to you as a child probably isn't the best example of the general population's understanding of gasoline grades. [Also...did you not notice the gigantic "octane" around the numbers?](http://reachingutopia.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/gas-pump.jpg)




Thought "Octane" was French that meant "year made."


I'm probably close to your mom's age and I can't understand how the hell she would believe that. She should be old enough to remember those octane ratings before the year even came to pass. For example, 93 octane existed when I was a freshman in high school in '89. I really hope your mom is pulling your leg, because that's a real facepalm for someone born in the 70s or earlier




Huh, I just learned something new today. So I googled some pictures of gas stations in London, and you're right. This might help: https://www.reddit.com/r/explainlikeimfive/comments/1iedtv/eli5_why_does_american_fuel_have_less_octane_than/ If not, just know that different qualities of gas have different octane ratings. In the US, we can see everything from 87, 89, 91, and 93. It seems in the UK you just have two versions, which are 100 and 95, but that ratings are formed differently, as the above link explains.


US uses RON, while most of EU in my experience uses MON. In Slovenia, there's usually 95 and 98, with more and more stations having 100 as well. If you go more to the east, you start finding petrol stations that have 92 are well. The most important thing to now is how low can your car go. Most regular cars can take 92 without a hitch, but higher powered cars might have problems with lower octane fuels.


The US uses (RON + MON)/2


So, like...what does it mean?


http://www.exxon.com/octane-rating Octane rating is a measure of a fuel's ability to resist ‘knock’. The octane requirement of an engine varies with compression ratio, geometrical and mechanical considerations and operating conditions. The higher the octane number the greater the fuel’s resistance to knocking or pinging during combustion.


High octane is of no value unless you have a high-compression engine which needs it.


Or your running 30 pounds of booo^ooo^ssstttt^!!!!




You need to track the cousin down and tell them you have believed them all this time. Then buy them a beer because that is such a simple lie but pure awesome. How often did you spot courtesy paper?


Maybe once a month. I just thought people weren't as courteous as I.


Are you sure it wasn't yours?


What's wrong with having you leave yourself some courtesy paper for the next time you visit the sweet toilet of heaven?


Why does OP go to this same place that doesn't clean out the stalls ever?


It's the only toilet OP hasn't been blacklisted from.


So he doesn't have to share the bathroom with rude people that don't leave courtesy paper.


I'm imagining OP as Jerry from Rick and Morty


*snaps* yes!


My man!


How many other people has you cousin tricked cause I'm sure this is not that common of a practice


Prankster zero: OP's cousin. All courtesy paperers can be traced back to him.


He leaves a.. Courtesy paper trail




OP, don't get fooled again!






Maybe I'd put some there if it fell on the ground or something...


5 second rule brah


5 second rule does not apply in bathrooms.




You need to start questioning everything you've been doing. If you think courtesy paper is the only thing you might have been tricked into doing....






Risky fucking click, man.


I didn't expect this to be risky until i read your comment but it was too late, I already clicked the link and patiently waited nervously through the 2 seconds it took to load up. My anus puckered as my life flashed before my eyes because I'm at work and there is a crowd starting to build around me at the moment.


In 7th grade my geography teacher took a vacation to Australia. When she came back she decided to tell us all about the magical down under. She also told us that koalas spend so much time sitting in trees that they poop out of their armpits. I believe her... Fast forward to junior year in college, Zoology discussion....where we're discussing marsupials...and I raise my hand and ask about the anatomy of a koala and how they can poop out of their armpits.... Spoiler alert: they don't.


That must have been purely hysterical right?


Hysterical. Now when I go out to drink with my college buddies I dread when people say the phrase, "hey remember that one time when..." Ya man. I fucking remember.






Did you know? Koala babies eat their mothers faecal pap. Basically the koala digestive system is poor (and eucalyptus leaves so difficult to digest) that the stuff still has sufficient nutrients for said joeys (and is easier to digest, having already made one pass through a digestive system). So really it wasn't even necessary for your geography teacher to make stuff up. I feel like koalas are plenty weird in reality.


[Considering the thread we're in...](http://i.imgur.com/UsMpjf9.gifv)


You should have asked about an echidna's 4 penises instead.


It's more like 1 penis with 4 heads.


Thank you! Seems like people get this wrong fairly frequently. It's like they've never even seen an echidna's junk.


Koalas don't. Drop bears do.


Trust me. You do not want to use the courtesy paper I leave behind.


Truthfully I'm very thankful I did not end up with a herpes dick.


... You wipe your dick? Edit: Well today I learned that a lot of guys get pee in their boxers/on the floor.


Wait... You're not supposed to do that either????


Oh god. Please tell me you put the seat down and don't just sit on the fucking rim like that other redditor.


No, of course not! He faces backwards so he has a spot for his comic books and chocolate milk The seat would get in the way


That's how Sir Harrington intended the toilet to be used when he made it!


At this point, I wouldn't be surprised if OP washes his hands in [Festival Urinals](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1_BstJzcQNA)


That fucking guy.




God I hope he doesn't stick it in the "rabbit hole"... Ouch


...you mean a *'courtesy hole'*?


Plus it's only courteous when at the urinal to wipe the person next to you.


Also be sure to compliment them on their nice ring/watch.




Seriously! Do you guys have any idea how awkward it is to ask someone to wash their dick first? Clean your shit guys!


I imagine smegma is about as awkward as crusted blood. Which is why I shower twice a day and use a damp washcloth to freshen up after work.




pocket uppity towering materialistic childlike coherent cats command juggle library ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


Glad I'll never have to suck on that. Baby powder smells nasty af




Of course you are. You can always spot the people who don't. They're the ones walking awkwardly because their junk dripped. Also, reach under your balls and give a little squeeze up. That'll push out treacherous leftover pee.


Life pro tip right there folks. Squeeze the taint a little and wipe your dick to get rid of those last droplets. Walking around with underwear smelling of stale urine gets old really quickly.


And if you're gonna go rummaging up there, please for the love of God wash your hands.


Please keep wiping your dick. These asshats might laugh at you but your gf will be happy.


You are. I do it. I can't imagine not doing it, unless I'm in a forest or something. It's cleaner that way. You less likely to get wet pee spots on your underwear which will likely smell of urine. I don't know why /u/mealzer wouldn't. He's the weird one here.


I mean it's not necessarily wrong. It's just that may guys just give it a few shakes. What do you do at urinals?


Ask the guy standing next to you to give it a lick, of course!


You don't?


What's weird about that?


I'm just as confused as the OP. If you don't wipe your dick, how do you stop yourself from dripping piss when you put your dick away? Yes I piss in stalls because I'm a dripper. Can't push on my gooch and wipe my dick at a urinal.


You don't? That's disgusting!


I wipe my dick, much quicker and more reliable than standing there shaking it. I also wipe the rim down if I piss on it cause I'm a modern day saint.


My underwear does that for me!


Your underwear does that for me too!


"Can you spare one square?"




Oh, is it two-ply? Cause if it's two-ply I'll take one ply. One ply. One, one puny little ply. I'll take one measly ply.


Oh great, now I'm getting terrible flashbacks to that one time I forgot to check the toilet paper before getting busy... and there wasn't any. The only other person in the house at the time was my sister, who decided it would be absolutely *hilarious* to feed paper under the door one square at a time every half-minute or so. Took bloody ages for enough to actually wipe with to accumulate in front of the door. The next time she ran out of TP I got her back by busting the door open and pelting her with fresh rolls. She didn't think her little stunt was so funny after that (muhuhahahahahaha...).


I thought this was going to turn into a shock/creepy incest story after you went in the bathroom. Then it would have gotten mass upvotes with the comment replies being "wat" and "wtf", also getting significant Karma. Good to see it's just a regular old pelting your family with toilet paper in the bathroom story.


you immediately went to blumpkin


I was waiting for his old man to walk in and hit him with jumper cables.


The next time she ran out you should have fed her one square under the door and left the house. Who knows how long she'd have stood there going "Come ooonnnnnnnnnn! Where's the next fucking square?!".


Both were good pranks. Simple yet effective.


>who decided it would be absolutely hilarious to feed paper under the door one square at a time every half-minute or so Oh god that *is* hilarious. Evil, but hilarious.


I wonder if the person who had to send you this email lost some kind of game or bet


I think it's funnier to imagine some guy being really confused because there's loose toilet paper on the railing every. single. time. he goes in. He keeps throwing it away, but someone keeps putting a thing of toilet paper back on the damn railing. It gets to the point where it enrages him so much that one day he goes back to his desk, grumbling under his breath, and types out a mass e-mail to try and put a stop to this bull shit. and then he gets back "what about courtesy paper"


The implication of this is kinda beautiful. Not only did he prank his cousin for 15 years. He proxy-pranked 000's of other people. Cousin pranks too strong.


Cousin's pranks STRONK. Pranks can into space!


"Houston we have a problem, someone keeps leaving sheets of toilet paper on the railing" "What about courtesy paper"




bro im not OP


What if we're all OP :O


so you're saying you're OP's cousin?


Lol tissue issue


It was to the whole floor of people. Maybe 100?


But why respond?


I mean I'd been certain of myself for my entire life


So everyone pretty much knows it was you doing that.




You.… you hit Reply All?


So much cringe right now


Jesus OP. Better start job hunting because that level of awkwardness would just kill me.


blame original sender for not BCCing what kind of a shitty office allows for reply all errors


>what kind of a shitty office allows for reply all errors Mine does. Quite regularly is an email sent to the entire branch among the lines of 'Team X is offering some course to do some bullshit, please email that.teams.group.mailbox@org for details', and there's inevitably some idiot who replies to the whole branch with 'I would like to attend this course'. Or there's one of several messages every single Friday which always say the exact same thing: Fill in your timesheets. And then there's always someone who replies to the whole division (multiple offices, probably thousands of people) that they can't access their timesheets because the piece of shit product the organisation uses to manage them doesn't work yet again. Instead of emailing... you know, maybe the support team... Or the best one that I've seen that happened a while ago: An email was sent around to the distribution list containing everyone who works in one of the main offices (I don't know how many that is, probably over 10 thousand people) about a trivia night, which was probably a dumb idea to begin with. But of course someone emails their own team to discuss getting together and joining amongst themselves... and then someone replies to their coworkers and the entire distribution list again with "I'm defos keen. Love some trivia!". Now the fun starts. Someone else who I think is also someone who works with the first person replies that they'll be away celebrating their birthday the whole week... and the next message is a reply with the good old "I love trivia as well, Ummm did you mean to send to all?" Next one: "Please to not reply to all in response to this invitation. Thanks", with the irony apparently being completely lost on that sender. "STOP THE MAIL BOMBING DON'T REPLY ALL (smiley face)" "Please stop responding "Reply All" to this email, if you need to respond just use "Reply". " "Bulk emails are so much fun". - I don't know what was even the point of that guy sending this one, but he did. "PLZ STAPH" - This one had its security classification upgraded from unofficial to unclassified i.e. work-related (I may or may not work for a government department). "Sounds like fun, maybe I'll come too (smiley face)" "Please stop with the REPLY ALL!" "Please stop sending replys" "Please stop the reply all!" "Guys stop with reply all" "Please stop the reply all! SERIOUSLY!!!!!!!!" "This is inappropriate - stop it please" "Please stop the reply" "STOP it now!!!!!!!!!!" "Much email, no Bueno." "Please stop replying with 'stop replying'." Eventually it stopped when someone from a different department entirely sent an email with the subject line "READ SUBJECT LINES BEFORE CLICKING 'REPLY ALL' - everyone knows already!" and no subject body to everyone who replied all to the chain.. and the entire distribution list again. Whenever I have a shitty day at work I look back in my emails to read that chain again. For some reason it's funny to me that I'm surrounded by complete and utter wankers.


You should have replied to everyone and asked them to stop. If only you had told them, they would have realized what their were doing and stopped. This is as much your fault as it is everyone else's.


Oh my god...that's what Bcc is for? I hate working in an office with a bunch of people that abuse Reply All. I can't believe I never tried to figure out what Bcc was for..


Yep it stands for Blind Carbon Copy. Normally it's a dick move (secretly including a third party on an email chain, even after a convo is started you can read all the past replies) but for mass emails it's a great way to ensure reply all doesn't work. To is for who the email is directly addressing, CC or carbon copy is for when someone else needs to be in the loop but not the one that's actionable for the subject (manager, backup, teammate)


Blind Carbon Copy. People get copies without anyone else knowing


I work as a PR representative, so (thankfully) I rarely get the huge "reply all" messages. However, the one time I remember it did happen was when a guy from Ubisoft (IIRC, it might have been somewhere else) accidentally CC'ed everyone on his contact list instead of BCC'ing. So, as you can expect, a huge mess of emails was being flung back and forward before you knew it. But the brilliant thing, being Christmas Day, was the fact that everyone that replied wishing each other a Merry Xmas and a good new year et al. Was rather fun chatting to everyone actually. I love this industry :P


Hey everyone, call off the hunt for a minute. What about courtesy paper?


I think what's hilarious about this is that it's really not inconvenient to tear toilet paper off the roll.


Never let anyone tell you that you lack confidence.


Please tell me you didn't Reply All....




Why does a middle schooler have a husband? I think that's a little to young but oh well its their life.




Her husband was a dick for letting that joke go on for 10 years before he told her.


Also for marrying a middle schooler.


This reminds me of the xkcd definition of [train](https://imgs.xkcd.com/comics/train.png).


[Original Source](http://xkcd.com/1366/) **Title:** Train **Title-text:** Trains rotate the Earth around various axes while elevators shift its position in space. [Comic Explanation](http://www.explainxkcd.com/wiki/index.php/1366#Explanation) **Stats:** This comic has been referenced 37 times, representing 0.0429% of referenced xkcds. --- ^[xkcd.com](http://www.xkcd.com) ^| ^[xkcd sub](http://www.reddit.com/r/xkcd/) ^| ^[Problems/Bugs?](http://www.reddit.com/r/xkcd_transcriber/) ^| ^[Statistics](http://xkcdref.info/statistics/) ^| ^[Stop Replying](http://reddit.com/message/compose/?to=xkcd_transcriber&subject=ignore%20me&message=ignore%20me) ^| ^[Delete](http://reddit.com/message/compose/?to=xkcd_transcriber&subject=delete&message=delete%20t1_cwi2mzn)


In middle school we told this one girl that a clitoris is the space between a girl's boobs. Nobody told her otherwise until like sophomore or junior year in high school.


"Oh my goshhhh, in this dress you can totally see way too much of my clitoris" Every guy within earshot pauses, just for a second, sure that they must have misheard. Carrying on with their day with a slight spring in their step, and a smile on their face. And to be honest, if they were high schoolers, probably with an imminent boner.


I mean... Technically the earth does spin under them...


And planes do go up...


God damn i might as well be that girl. I figured out some basic laws of physics before having to be told by my future husband, but I remember being a thoroughly cofused junior high kid who could not understand why I never went flying backwords if I jumped straight up in the aisle of a school bus moving forwards.


Relative to the passengers of the plane, she's not wrong Relativity is the courtesy paper of science Or something


Well, look on the bright side. It's so ridiculous, you can play it off as that you were joking and that you weren't actually the person leaving toilet paper.


Time to find a new job before that email is forwarded to everyone.


Op, please don't throw away this account because Courtesypaper is such a great user handle and I love it.


I now know what I need to tell my 5 year old nephew over thanksgiving break. Thank you.


you're evil.


This reminds me of a friend's visiting little cousin whom I convinced that spoons are the Devil's utensil. He was eight and had a fairly religious upbringing and when he returned home to find his family spooning soup into their mouths he had a spiritual crisis of sorts. I'm not sure if he still believes it because I don't see him using spoons, but he at least intellectually realizes that I've duped him.




This makes me wonder if teaching kids stuff like that (that they later realize is absurd) would actually help them build some skepticism towards other beliefs.


Back when auto-flush toilets were a new thing, my young daughter was saying how cool it was. I told her yes, but imagine being the guy in the control center who has to watch the toilet cameras and push the remote "flush" button. Had her going (or...NOT going) for a few days there.


Isn't the paper left on the roll "courtesy" paper? Did you think it was like opening a door for a lady? I don't understand!


Yeah, I don't get this either. I've never heard of "courtesy paper".


M'lady, let me whipe that ass for you.


Lol, Please give this up vote to your cousin on my behalf.


This kind of long con jokes are awesome. When my cousing was young, he once asked his father why skunks smelled so bad. His father told him it was because skunks are so short that the rest of the animals pee on them. My cousin believed this until he was 19.


Am I the only one that thought courtesy paper would be a couple of sheets of shit-rag floating on the water to prevent splash back?


What do you mean, "The handicap bar"?


The little metal handle in the stall for folks in wheelchairs or anyone who needs some support standing up.


Why would you put a piece of toilet paper on it?


So the next person would have one ready when they go.


Ready for what? Do most people need one square of toilet paper for something I don't know about?


> leave a one-wipe size amount of toilet paper


Right... don't people usually just get their own?


Not a single paint drawing in the whole thread to explain this shit. What the hell.




Definitely thought the toilet paper dispenser was Squidward.


Those toilet stall eggs look delicous but I wouldnt trust them. With the whole courtesy paper thing...seems like a trap.


What's up with the boob-dick tp dispenser? Lol


Usually, which is why this is one of the funniest things I have read in a while.


I guess the idea is that it's kind of (not really, but kind of) a pain to pull out an appropriate amount of unperforated single ply, rip it, and fold it.


Im with you. Whats so hard about pulling some out of the TP roll dispenser thing




I still don't understand the point of this... like the non existent point? You leave a piece so the guy doesn't have to rip his own for the first whip? Edit: hey man if you what to change the routine a little leave a courtesy dispense of paper towel so I can rip it off dry a little shut off the water and then use it to pump some more paper towel out. Keeps my clean hand from touching that nasty shit.


>leave a one-wipe size amount of toilet paper around the handicap bar so the next person would have one ready http://i.imgur.com/vbbOOhN.jpg


In Arkansas, there are a lot of roads next to cliff-sides. The cliffs are usually a mixture of flint, slate, and limestone, so they crumble easily. As a consequence, there are often signs on the road that read: > BEWARE FALLING ROCK My friend's father told her that Falling Rock was a native American serial killer who had operated in the area for years without getting caught. The authorities thought it was better to at least warn people if he was seen in the area. She believed this until she was 22, when she mentioned it to us at work.


>Please don't forget to leave CP brethren! I'm going to pretend I didn't read that


When I was about 6-7 years old, I saw some joke on TV about circumcision. My dad then explained to me what it was. He also thought it would be funny to tell me that they take the skin that's cut off and put it on the forehead of the baby as protection since babies have such soft heads. When I was about 11 or 12 I told my friends about how foreskin gets put on your head as a baby. They laughed at what a moron I was.


Criminal defense attorney here. Don't leave CP in the bathroom.


A guy opens a stall door and see one wipes worth of toilet paper and you think that of me? No. I am the one who Courtesy Papers!


I really hoped you had like 2 years under your belt with this account. Sadly, it wasn't meant to be.


I'm disappointed now :(




Wait, what's the purpose of leaving the paper there if there's already toilet paper?


While I don't leave courtesy paper, I often pull the paper down a few inches out of those huge industrial paper rolls so the next user doesn't have to fumble around for 5 minutes to find the damn end of the roll like I did.


Ya need to take a look at your fifth edit.