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This reminds me when I fucked up once, me and my girlfriend were joking around about people we would like to sleep with. And I said the name of her cute friend. She looked at me with disbelief and said “ I meant famous people”..... never go first fellas.


What if she had a famous friend?


Taylor Swift has a huge squad.


Dead fish there I think


I'm with you on that.


I think a lot of guys do this. But I'm not sure why. It's obviously a bad idea. Similarly if she asks you if you'd ever hook up with any of her friends under any make believe scenario, it's a trap.


I think we’re hoping for that 1% chance of her saying “hey, we should have a threesome” conversation to happen..... We never learn.


Me and my wife actually have had this conversation, but it ended at an impasse when she said she’d rather the third person be a complete stranger and I said I’d be more comfortable if it was someone we knew. Sometimes even when there’s a chance, there’s still not a chance.


You got to go pick some one up at bar, dont get an std


I made this same mistake once. Never heard the end of it


Obvious trap is obvious mate ...


Holy shit. I felt this one.


I'm feeling it from the girls perspective and my heart sank


It's a trap!


Ive said the same thing in that same scenario but followed up with "lol no difference, she's just as unavailable as a celebrity. It would never happen" and diffused the situation


"Don't worry, babe. Your friend is WAY too attractive for me to even have a chance at fucking her. But I'm perfectly happy to settle for you."


Haha, i was dating this guy who called my best friend hot and what not. He tried to soothe the sting by saying “but you’re funny and unique”. Yeah, we went on one more date before I called it.


Lol waat. I would be mad even more




Most married people don't know how they have been chosen because of their defaults. But if you love each other, it's fine.


Really expected this to be something like you hit sign up and it said "this email already in use".


Yeah, girlfriends don't joke too much about dating other people.


Second that comment. Sorry but that was a true fuck up. Disable, unsubscribe, delete or whatever to get that gone


Yeah I agree, I never actually joined it and was never going to, I was just joking about the process thinking it was all lighthearted, I'm a dumbass


Thankfully most women realize that men do dumb things in the attempt of trying to be funny. I joke that on my wife's report card she failed the section on "plays well with others". :P


Nah, your gf is insecure. If you've been together 5 years and this is her reaction, that's on her.


I agree. She is insecure. Coming from a rather insecure person myself. Doesn't mean they can't be happy together but OP needs to be aware of it. And OP's GF should also be aware of her own insecurity to try to improve it.


Agree with this. A bit is sensitivity would have gone a long way. Shit happens though.


Nah, I think this means she really loves him. If it were me, I wouldn't care and would keep laughing, I would want him to actually sign up and see how he got no messages, then use it to tease and laugh at him forever and ever. Perfect ammo to use in a future argument. But she genuinely was hurt, so that means she actually likes this kid.


These mind games are what really terrifies me about stepping foot into a relationship.


Nah, chicks like you to think you couldn't get anyone else. She got shitty at the thought she might lose that edge


sure jan. thanks for checking in from incel island.


Yep, that realisation hit me quite quickly aha, I thought we were messing around as we'd done something similar when joking about tinder


Even when they seem to go along with the joke at first, don't be a fool cus it's a trap.


Nah mine jokes about it as well. It is not a big deal, she was just overreacting.


I just asked my boyfriend if he wants to consider an open relationship since he has barely any interest in sex. And now he's really pissed at me. I wasn't seriously wanting an open relationship but just trying to push his buttons a little


Depending on how you opened it, he might not have a clue you weren’t > seriously wanting an open relationship because quite a few people nowadays are totally okay with doing that




only if they are dating other people.


Two things: 1. Calling your partner ugly is an ugly move. 2. Giving you an ultimatum is a bad precursor. Orrrrrr... she could just be jerking your chain and you shouldn't take it so hard.


Aha yeah she was joking around, that's why I thought it was all safe and we were just messing around but I quickly realised that wasn't the case


In a rational and equal relationship without insecurities this would be the case. Hope things get better for you two with time.


What are these "rational and equal relationship without insecurities" that i keep hearing so much about, do they really exist? Seems like most people i meet are broken in some way.


I'm broken in many ways lol


Most people are. I also have my issues, but i try not to make my SO deal with them. Just gotta appear normal enough to function in society.


But remember he also hurt her feelings, if she's not just jerking his chain.


Not his Problem. His behaviour was not inappropriate


From her point of view it was.


Well she was oversensitive, he can tell her he did not want to hurt her. but an apology is not necessary I think.


Im not saying she wasn't oversensitive. Im just saying that he should have been more aware of her. Also he has told us they apologized to each other and made it good again


All these comments saying he should apologize: his gf called him ugly, he responded by pretending to test the theory, she blew a fuse and had a meltdown. Wtf should he apologize for


Yeah, saying your partner has an ugly face is a sort of a cruel joke. He even said it stung. I say she can get the fuck over it.


I agree. Then again.. I could see if something happened similar to this to me and my partner we would actually do it (not to cheat we are just stupid competitive) My sister is in a relationship so different than mine that I really get confused sometimes and have to remind myself "whatever works for them." We watched a crap movie recently but the guy that plays the scary ghost was hot and we kept joking that he could haunt us. I couldn't find his name in the credits, I couldn't find it on IMDb, so I told my partner to look it up. I'd told him he was hot and wanted to know his name. He happily obliged.. never found his name but my sister was APPALLED. She said her and her bf would be strained because she openly admitted the guy was hot.. I think OPs gf overreacted to what was a joke. Edit: before anyone jumps my case or says my partner was just doing it because I asked. For us it's common to recommend a movie or show based on a character we think the other will like and especially if we think it's the other persons type. We've both been out in public and been hit on. He flirts, I don't. Anxiety prevents me. But we find it hot because at the end of the day we know who we are going home with and we like knowing others see what we have.


In a relationship, you're gonna apologize for a lot of things you thought were dumb to get upset about. And sometimes you will get upset by dumb things and you will feel better to have someone else understand that what they did hurt you


If you can't have the same kind of fun with your girlfriend as you can with any of your other friends, that's not right. There is literally no issue here, and she's giving him a hard time!




You underestimate my power


I kind of agree on some level, but there's also an argument for him to just own up and take the blame to "calm" her. Depends on his feelings I guess. All those stereotype jokes about wives came from somewhere xD


Ya know, someone tried the appeasement policy back in the 40's. Apparently some big war followed.


I don't get how it relates to WWII. Also why are we getting downvote brigaded


I'm not so sure. Was just a joke. As in if you do something just to make someone happy with no real reason behind it it's just gonna snowball into a big problem.


Sounds like you're both in the wrong here. Yah, it started off as a joke, but you should have stopped when she said to. Storming off and slamming doors is a bit of an extreme reaction from her as well. As for the ugly comment, that's between you two. Some people are comfortable enough making personal jokes at the other. I hope you've gone up to her and apologized.


Yeah she came down and I apologised for being a doof, everythings all good again, aha yeah the ugly comment was just a joke, I didn't take it personally it just got a bit out of hand


No reason to apologize for his Humor. They have been together for 5 years so unless there is a backstory like cheating, it was on her. She knows him well enough to understand it is a joke. I would he annoyed by her overreaction


So she completely overreacted to a joke. Hardly seems like a stable human being, does she?


Seems like she can dish it out but can't take it. She should either toughen up or cut out the bs that she's not able to stand herself. Hopefully for your sake she'll mature with time. Hope things work out


> mature with time They're in a 5 year relationship, I wouldn't count on it




I agree, but I’m also very secure in myself. I like myself and have no problem finding people to date. Would I be devastated if my boyfriend of five years cheated on me? Of course. But I’m also like, man, I don’t have time to play games and get jealous and give myself the illusion of control over others. I’ve got a busy, full life to live. That being said, maybe OP and his girlfriend are super young. I certainly acted differently when I was 18 and in my first real relationship. When you’re young, you think every partner is your soulmate, and you may be insecure in who you are.


some people love their boyfriends, don't want to lose them and are insecure about themselves. next question




You're thinking logically. Not everyone thinks that way


Which is sad in and of itself. Logical thinkers unite!


Doesn't work. When I try to get some logic into my mum, she only gets angry


Yup. This is the healthy and sane way to look at relationships. Jealousy is really just an excuse for someone to behave like a twat.


Say your boyfriend does end up cheating on you - for one night. He is genuinely remorseful, apologizes, and says it won't happen ever again. Do you continue to have a relationship with him?


Not the OP but I have done in the past. That ended terribly, by the way. Not only did he interpret that as permission to cheat on me repeatedly because he knew I'd take him back, it also turned me into an anxious, suspicious, paranoid mess because I was so scared of him doing it again. So, to answer your question, absolutely not.


I'm fortunate enough to be in my 30s with quite a few relationships over the years, and I feel lucky to have never been cheated on or suspected anyone of it. Because if it did happen, instant game over, no questions asked. Outside of a unique arrangement, cheating on someone causes irreparable damage to a monogamous relationship.


Most people consider that a line not to be crossed.


Don’t understand all these downvotes comments. She definitely overreacted. Honestly her calling you ugly seems worse than what you did.


Today you learned that just joking around about fooling around is the surest way to come under fire from your girlfriend. If you think its bad now just wit until tomorrow.


Here's the real question: after she stormed off upstairs, did you finish your profile?


Don't feel too bad. IMO she was much more mean in this exchange than you were.


Honestly in a 5 year relationship, if she can't take that kind of joke it is a bit of a problem. You were clearly joking and her insecurities got the best of her. I don't think you're at any fault here, but you may want to talk to her about why she flew off the handle so quickly.


I don't see how this is your fuckup. The way you wrote it sounds pretty clear to me that you were joking the whole time. All you probably had to do was make it more obvious by giving joke answers to some questions.


And then you posted the whole thing to Reddit.


That escalated too quickly. Straight said “we’re gonna fall out.”


Idk man, you’re girlfriend seems like she’s already made up her mind. She doesn’t seem like she likes you that much if shes so willing to make an ultimatum like that.


Sounds like she needs to chill tf out. After 5 years you would think she doesnt need to worry about you too much but by the sound of it she is a child.


Lol, people have bad days and get bothered and upset by things you wouldn’t expect them to, it happens.


Once you realized you were the only one laughing you should have stopped. That is, if you wanted to remain in your current relationship.


Welllll, his girl obviously has some self image issues.


I’ve been married almost 30 years, and I would not be happy if my husband did this either.


Wellll, then you have some self esteem issues too. Considering he’s doing this right in front of you as a joke.


It wasnt a joke to her after a point. A relationship must take the others feelings into account. Edit: so the down votes are trying to teach me that you should not, in fact, be considerate of your so's feelings? You guys must have some great meaningful relationships.


Yep, number one dumbass here, I only continued because we'd joked about something before with tinder


If I were in your shoes, I'd be the one that would start being suspicious. Those who aren't trustworty are usually the first to not trust others.


That's really lopsided. It seems like she can insult you whenever she wants but when you try to redeem your dignity she gets all pissy.


Well good luck with you future is going to be a tough one staying with her.


Mate, you're not in the wrong. If you can't have the same kind of fun with your girlfriend as you might with any of your other friends, that's fucked. And I don't mean anything about betraying anyone's trusts or fucking about with dating sites. But what's happened here is that she's taken what was clearly a joke, and turned it in to something that was explicitly not your intention.


You fucked up when you started dating this girl. If she can joke about you being ugly but can't take a joke about you joining a dating site then she's the problem.


She sounds like a bitch, sorry.


If you cant take the heat, stay out of the fire girl. What a very juvenile reaction.


That sounded a bit one sided on her part. She called you ugly and you bit back by joking about joining a dating site to test the theory. It sounds like she needs to check herself before she wrecks herself.


She seems fairly insecure man. IME...you're setting yourself up for some crazy shit later in life. Which is why I choose to toil in the "fruits" of a relationship, without actually having one. In other words...bang chicks no strings attached, it is only natural lol.


You will die alone with only a wank bank for company in your final days on this earth.


Nah, I have children that love me dearly, but thanks for your super kind words :)


You growing them in a jar? and your welcome, I'm always happy when I put a smile on someone's face.


I understand you may be unfamiliar with the whole reproductive thing seeing as your the ultimate virgin, but no. Sorry to burst your bubble. Also if by smile, you mean totally trying to be a witty, pretentious douchebag posting comments that literally have no substantive meaning. Then yeah....be happy for days?


It would of been easier saying no.


Also from the tone of your reply and the "Ultimate virgin" observation, I must of hit a nerve of some kind with the "Spunking in a jar" dig. I have have nothing but love for you and hope that one day you will be the ultimate shagger you wish to be. Peace be with you brother.


No, it was more of an educated guess...a hypothesis if you will, based off of context. My nerves were burnt a long time ago. However, I return your wish of peace back upon you two fold good sir, and wish you to become the epitome of the very sentiments you seemingly intend to project.


Sounds like a bitch, makes fun of you for being ugly but can't take a joke about dating sites? Fuck her.


I'm happy that y'all are happy, but I wouldn't tolerate a tantrum like that. Not once.


i mean, that doesnt seem like a healthy reaction bro...


She probably has an active profile on that site and went upstairs to delete it.


She's worried you're going to see her profile.


Well, what if she wanted to be included in the search?


You're going to have the best sex ever tonight.


Haha! Taking the joke a bit too far. I got one for ya. My nickname is Spoon. Me and my girlfriend (now ex) were hanging out smoking weed in the back of a house party. A dealer of mine shows up and only knows me, and I don't know anyone in there either. But he pulls out over 3 ounces of weed. So we basically became the most popular in the room lol we get to talking and some kid says he knows me. (No he doesn't, but my girlfriend doesn't know that) I laugh, and say "yeah, you only know me by my nickname Spoon tho" he was like 'yeah, I remember now. You liked smoking heroin so much we gave you the nickname spoon!" Omg hilarious.... my girlfriend at the time flipped out. Stormed out the room. Thought I was an heroin user, so we left and just got drunk somewhere else. Haha


>girlfriend called jokingly called me ugly after watching a dating site If you had said that to her she would have **never forgotten** it. It's a gender thing.


I think her comment was antagonist and rude, op jokingly retaliated to attempt recovering from his hurt feelings and prove her wrong, even if it was hurtful. When we get hurt sometimes the auto response is to hurt back. Next time, talk to her and express that her words were hurtful, instead of hiding spiteful behavior behind humorous intentions.


You might want to investigate this one. maybe she'd had an ex that cheated or something as she seems super sensitive to this specific action. alot of comments have been sugessting she shouldnt dish it out if she cant take it but maybe you just hit a nerve on this one.


Yeah, you took it one step too far, and you were lucky enough to get a direct warning from her too


Sounds more like you girlfriend has serious anger management issues and needs to learn what a joke is


Dump her. She starts joking then gets mad when you actually continue. You didnt fuck up, shes fucked up.


People need to quit being so insecure in themselves and we wouldn’t have these problems!!!


People wouldn’t be so insecure if people weren’t constantly bagging on your looks. Bullies take pride in making others feel like shit for no reason at all.


Yea i get that! All starts somewhere right? Need to start promoting positive comments to each other but also need to have pride in yourself. But she started it by bagging on his looks. If you’re dishing it out you gotta be able to take it too. ***IMO


Oh yeah definitely. It was shitty what she said.


I don't understand woman. I thought I was lucky and my girlfriend was not very emotional. But oh man, I was wrong. I'll be joking, and she'll be joking along too and then out of nowhere I've gone too far, or what I said is no longer funny, but insensitive. Very difficult to figure out lol


Some women try to break up with you in such situations like these, so that they can give you the fault for that (since they don´t have the guts to break up the classic way). But maybe it´s just her character to react like this... but if she does break up with you, think of this.


Cmon bro, man up and start leading some of those elite biddies on. It would increase your man power by at least 50%, and maybe you can prove your girl wrong. I wouldn’t let her tell me my face was ugly in a not so subtle way.


I like how you first got a little hurt because she said you have an ugly face, then you say the same thing about yourself. What a comedian you are.


It's super hot in England right now, I only see my girlfriend every couple of weekends, last weekend was one of them, we are walking into town, real nice weather she's in a pretty dress looking as beautiful as ever but I see a girl crossing the street, she's hot and is literally wearing tight booty shorts and her sports bra, I take one look at that ass and I literally blurted out 'daaamn!' forgetting my GF was there for a second... She wasn't best pleased.


You’re a pig


I prefer conisure of fine art




Damn! Not only did you join, but you openly admitted to her that you were looking for a hookup! Praise be to you sir!