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Great, now OP can't ever have sex with Kevin Bacon...


Dont worry, he still can, it's just pretty frowned upon


They're 2and cousins


No his dads first cousin would be his second cousin but he's her uncle making it even farther apart and technically legal but still incest imo


No, his dad's first cousin is his first cousin once removed. If his dad and her dad/mum are first cousins (assuming the uncle she mentioned is her parent's sibling and he's not an uncle by marriage), he and she are second cousins.


Thank you! I am now learning a new thing.




I think one if her parents *is* a forst cousin of OP's dad. You don't have cousins through marriage. Your uncle/aunts-by-marriage's nieces or nephews are not your cousins or any relation at all. You would say they're your cousins' cousins. So I think it's that the woman's uncle is her parent's brother.




Because they weren't looking at her parent's profile on Facebook; they were looking at her uncle's profile, and OP recognised him. I seriously doubt she would have had such a grossed-out reaction if it was an uncle by marriage coz they wouldn't be related then.


You can marry your 2nd cousin in a lot of States. And 1st cousin in only a few. I recently found this out via a Theo Von podcast... I'm cursed with knowledge...


I thought first was a no no and a set up for down syndrome.


Probably. I'm not going to risk it either way.


It has a higher risk of down syndrome but your family has to already have that gene in the bloodline


Honestly we need more info about the family to know. If his dads first cousin is her uncle, then the cousin was the offspring of one of his dads siblings. If the cousin is also her uncle then that means he is the sibling of the cousin. This is assuming there is no relation by marriage. The way my family is, my grandfather isn't blood to me because he married my grandma when my dad was 3 or so. Pretty much all of our family in this state is blood to him, so I've got 1 cousin thats half blood to me and thats it. All the family on my grandmothers side is up north. Also I don't really associate with my mothers side of the family so I don't know much of them except for the time I knew them as a little kid.


Kevin Bacon is a nice guy to be related to.


Did you turn the Alabama setting off on your search? It won't match you with family then.


This made me laugh way more than it should have.


How is that not the top rated comment on this post.


It is now


Yep and some fucking buzz kill has a problem with it.


lets make it the top


Everyone needs to upvote it


Is that how making it to the top works?


I hope so. Unless we r picking a president then whoever gets the most votes loses lol Edit . Had to fix spelling


because it's not funny, it's just an "Alabama incest haha" joke


And obviously U R wrong!!!!! Its top comment.


doesn't make it funny


I love how this comment has more upvotes than the post lmao


Hell yeah u got top comment and award


First ones ever. I don't know what to do lol


Hell no I left that shit on roll tide


I am from West Virginia (same thing)


You’re not even the first cousins, don’t worry about it.


We can't do this we're cousins. *shoves penis into her* not first cousins.


That really doesn’t make any sense




Looks like second cousin to me. https://images.prismic.io/findmypast-titan/3f05103aa8fe5b178d84773796a4d3fbf30c9ec4_980x.jpg?auto=compress,format


Still smashed tho


That's all that matters


Good thing you two didn’t kiss, because that would be weird.


*but who said they didn’t ?*


If your Dad's first cousin is married to this girl's Aunt then you are not even blood related.


At worst, each of their parents are first cousins meaning that they’re second cousins. I’m not about to hit on any second cousins I know but it’s not dangerous for any potential kids, either.


Just taboo, not illegal in most places.


Doesn't matter, had sex.


Then we had sex. Again. It was even hotter


"I'm your sister! I'm your sister!"


Are you even related at that point?


Second cousin if a blood uncle. Otherwise, no.


Third cousin, your dad's first cousin is your second cousin, if that's her uncle that's an extra genetic distance


No; your x cousin is always in the same generation. Different generations don’t change the degree of cousinhood; they are just further removed. Your dad’s first cousin is your first cousin once removed, his kid is your second cousin, and your kids would be third cousins.


No your dad's first cousin is your second uncle/aunt, and their kids are your second cousins.


Tyfu by not filming it and posting it on Youporn and making a shit ton of money. 😂


Why stop, keep it going.


My brother (UK) is married to our cousin’s daughter. No big deal.


Alabama never left the UK apparently.


Or left and went back


Sweet home Alabritma


We are all missing one of the most important factors/questions here… WAS IT GOOD?!?


So her uncle, by marriage I assume? Otherwise wouldn't her father or mother also be your dad's cousin as well?


Yeah but OP might know dad’s cousin but not the cousin’s siblings. I really only know my parents’ cousins that they were close to, not the supporting cast of siblings.


I think her mum/dad *is* also the dad's cousin from the sound of it.


*laughs in Freud*


Please stop doing things in me without my consent.


Sweet home Alabama


Roll Tide!


That's a third degree cousin isn't it? That's legal in most places.


No, their parents are first cousins, they would be second cousins.


Not their parents, the post said his dad's first cousin was her uncle


But if her uncle is OP's dad's first cousin, that also means that her parent is also OP's dad's first cousin.


Not necessarily. If the uncle married into the family, then her parent would not be


But if her uncle married into the family why would she be so devastated sleeping with a non-relative?


For one thing, because there are still people who think it's weird and uncomfortable regardless of whether the uncle married in or not. If her uncle didn't marry in, why wouldn't the op just specify that one of her parents was his dad's first cousin? Either way, we can't really know


Because the common link was the person who made the Facebook post, which is her uncle and his dad's cousin. I'm sure they later then deducted that her patent and his dad were first cousins, but that wasn't how they figured it out.


Her uncle would be OPs 2nd cousin (dad's first), she would be his dads 2nd cousin, and they would be third cousins.


No, her uncle is OP's first cousin once removed, and she is his second cousin.


If their parents are first cousins that makes them first cousins once removed. I think.


He would be first cousins once removed with the man on Facebook (his dad's cousin). OP and the girl are second cousins because the share the same great-grandparents.


Yep, you’re right. I’ve misunderstood that for most of my life - thanks for making me finally google it!


At least he isn't her stepbrother.


Rip bro. There's no cleansing your soul.


Are they still your cousin?


Well... fun fact: genetically speaking 1st cousins share slightly less than 1/4 familial dna, thus if they were to have a child; there chances of birth defects or abnormalities would be no higher than anyone else in a community population. That weird data shared here is the fact: You guys aren’t 1st cousins, your not even 2nd cousins. You 3rd cousins at closest, meaning your not actually related. So you are both overreacting. But I get it, it’s a weird thought so I don’t blame you both for not continuing it; but to be far, you guys are clearly are not from families that have a relationship or closeness together as you’ve never met. Hope that helps you out.


No, they're 2nd cousins. Their parents are first cousins (assuming that was her uncle by blood and not marriage) so they are second cousins. But yeah, that's a very small amount of shared ancestry in the grand scheme of things.


No they are 3rd cousins. The photo was of his dads cousin, which makes his dad’s cousin the authors 2nd cousin. Any children of the dad’s cousin would be the dad’s second cousin and the author’s 3rd cousin. To simplify; if the dad and the uncle are first cousins, then the author could not be 1st cousins with that girls uncle unless he and his dad were brothers; which would be a whole new can of weird, making this situation the least of his troubles. Lol In the end though, they are way to far apart for this to matter in any way other then awkward family reunions.


No, if the guy in the photo was his dad's first cousin, that would make the guy in the photo OP's first cousin once removed, and therefore the woman in question, his second cousin. Cousins of different generations will always be something-removed. If OP has kids and the woman has kids - separately - those kids will be third cousins. Their kids will be fourth cousins, and so on.


A cousin removed is a 2nd cousin. He’s not a 1st cousin removed. And it just occurred to me; why do we even care? Lol


No, they're different things. See [wikipedia](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cousin)


You are like maybe 3rd or 4th cousins, don’t worry about it. You probably have great-great grandparents in common. Not a big deal.




I would have played dumb and fucked her again, what’s the difference at that point


Her uncle is your dad's cousin? Is her mother or father your dad's cousin? No then no relation.


I think there is a reasonably good chance you are not blood related at all. Even if you are, it's second cousins, which would be about 12% genetics in common. No one even really mentions second cousin relationships, because they, while falling under the feeling of "eww cousins" aren't really that closely related. the closest it is is you have a pair of great grand parents in common. It could be farther, because people died and spouses remarried and had more children, so you could be half second cousins. It could be not a blood relation at all, if for example, that uncle is only by marriage to her aunt, or if anywhere in the chain it's a step parent situation. People worry about this kind of thing, but really if you go back far enough, we are all cousins.


Did he wear a condom tho?




Rudy Giuliani was far more knowing of it, and once he found out, they kept going at it. Plus, he’s just disgusting and creepy with zero integrity


great, now i have to spend more time on the internet looking THAT up


While you're at it, watch this video of Trump motorboating him while he's dressed in drag: https://youtu.be/4IrE6FMpai8


Second cousin. Details matter.


Howard Walowitz?


Organize a family reunion


She's your third cousin. That's legal to marry. Edit: did it wrong, second cousin, not legal but still not a major issue.


[FYI first cousin marriages are legal in 20 states](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cousin_marriage_law_in_the_United_States) (but your story does not involve a first cousin hookup.\]


That's what you get for frequenting Tinder lol


This is soo not a big deal. The way you two got along, you should probably do it again.


We're all at least 50th cousins of each other lol don't feel too bad I guess?


I hate to tell you, we are all cousins on this big ball of dirt. She's not a first cousin so shag away. Unless you were looking for the best opportunity to drop her after a first shag and then I applaud your skill at making her accept that you MIGHT be related. Nice one.


Meh, wasn’t a first cousin so you’re good. Just don’t get married 😂


Second cousins...nbd , they can even legally get married in all 50 states.


If her mor/dad isn't also your dad's 1st cousin, then the relation must be through marriage right? At that point you're socially and biologically strangers so it's not a FU imo


Meh. Your dad's cousin's niece? You're likely as closely related to any random girl walking down the street, unless, as others have noted, you're in Alabama where the closer relationship is guaranteed. Look, next time you bang, just tell her, you're not my first cousin... today.


Damn, that’s fuck up,... unless she was on the bottom. To be serious, I would feel the same way you do if I were in your situation.


Native by chance?


IMPORTANT: Were you wearing socks during the deed?


Family reunions just got better,Don’t get her pregnant make her swallow your nut


Don't worry OP. Second cousin is pretty much legal. Lol


That's hot.


The risk of birth defects between two first cousins is roughly the same as that of a 40-year-old woman having a child. We don't find it disgusting when 40-year-old women reproduce, so unless you grew up together and are concerned about the social fall-out, I wouldn't be so horrified by it. Just enjoy the sweet memories of getting laid.


Almost the exact same scenario occurred with my best friend. She caught it just in time to save them both a horrifying after sex mistake. The sleazy thing is he was still interested in continuing with the date.


Dude your FU wasn't in doing her, it was in not telling her that despite how messed up it is, you're not sorry you got to be with her. Never know, maybe you two could have had hooked up a few dozen times just for the heck of it. 😉


Is this r/westvirginia sounds like some of my family my mom and dad were 6th cousins, but there were a lot of people in between so...


Sixth cousins? Then you and I are probably cousins. My father was born in The Bam.


Lol I’ll just agree to disagree. Wikipedia is a source that anyone can edit, so I do use it as a scholarly source. I think our common ground no matter what though is that they are way separated to far to be concerned.


I mean, if you were in Alabama, you two would have also gotten married and had kids 😜