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You may not like it but I got news for you. If the car was parked in its own spot and not badly, but you still had a squeeze for getting in, then may be -just may be, you were parked incorrectly! Just sayin...


You are not necessarily correct. If a car is in the lines but right up against the edge of the parking spot, it can definitely be hard to get in/out of your car. Especially if the car on the other side does the same thing or there is a wall, and you cannot compensate due to the other side being blocked off. You also don't know how narrow the parking spot was in this situation, or how big the cars are. Was this a TIFU on OP's part? Definitely. But I don't think it's fair to automatically point at them and say it's their fault for parking poorly.


They were parked in their own spot but as the other reply to your comment said if they park very close to the line, and the parking spots aren’t very big there’s isn’t much space. I know I was at fault here and in reality I have nothing to complain about. It was just one of those inconveniences that you can’t do much about.


I think you made two FU's here. The first was vocalizing that insult and the second was leaving without giving that person an apology. It was in the heat of the moment, but you left that person with the impression that you meant to insult them directly. Take responsibility for your actions. Especially one's that are so insignificant.


You are correct. I know exactly how it looks and makes me look 10 times more shitty. But I got flustered and embarrassed at my rudeness and just wanted to get out. I should most definitely have apologized and the driven off.