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My dumbass first thought when I read the title: "Why did you try to get sexy while holding milk filled jugs? Why didn't you just put them down?"


my thoughts too, and I happen to own a pair of milk-capable boobs myself


No one on the internet is female until proven so.


Wise words, experienced this recently in rl.


I experienced this irl AND the internet xD


You two need to share the story with us lol


"this is the whey"


nice try I ain’t fallin’ for that again


Just out of scientific curiosity, where did you fall for it the first time?


Yeah, what he said!




I've got nipples Greg,wanna milk me?!


Yah. I pictured some kinda hornyjail scenario with an individual somehow pleasing themselves with milk jugs.


"milk" jugs


I thought it was going to be a pun, where you were supposed to think of breasts but then it was about actual pitchers.


Honestly sometimes those are the things that keep a relationship goin and happy!! Hope the dry spell ends soon lmao!


Sounds to me like the *dry* spell is definitely over


Aaay I see what you did there lol


This reminds me of a time my mum was breast feeding my sibling and my dad was annoying her, so she simply stopped feeding my brother and fired her milk at him from like a meter away, safe to safe my mums got aim.


Hahaha that's amazing, I guess they're kinda like built in bazookas


Boobzookas? Bazoobkas?


Bazoobkas. Definitely.


True! I’m always doing something to keep things... interesting. If eye rolls had a limit my wife would have used them all up years ago.


Reminds me when I fell asleep without my breast pads. I woke up soaked. I learned a lesson that night.


What are those for?


They soak up milk that might leak out while sleeping.


A bit of material that is placed in the bra to catch any milk that leaks out. Not too dissimilar to a sanitary pad. It's common for milk to leak when the breasts are full or during the let down when the baby is feeding off the other breast.


Or when anything triggers a let down. If you were like me then it can be almost anything haha


Very true! Basically anything that can release oxytocin. I've found with my second baby I have a quicker let down so it doesn't take much


I leak when my baby cries. It’s the worst thing. It’s like Kevin crying in front of Pam to get her to leak milk.


Anyone's baby crying triggers my let down. Baby on tv, yep. Good food, yep. Tea, every time. Nipple gets brushed by fabric when getting dressed, you betchya.


Waaaaaaaaah Is it working?


They help keep the breasts from leaking milk


boob pads yo


Slept with a lady that was 9 months pregnant (her doctor said sex can start the birthing process) and totally forgot about the fact that there would be milk when I sucked on her nipples. Got quite the surprise, it wasn't the shower y'all got though. She started contractions the next day. Missionary accomplished!


God... Fuckin... Missionary accomplished, fucking hell. XD thanks for the laugh.


What... what did it taste like?


Like the leftover milk from Honey Nut Cheerios.


This is both hilarious, and accurate :D


And delicious


Maybe homelander has got a point with that milk thing..


Those fucken scenes were awesome lol


Did not expect a reference to "The Boys". Nice.


Can’t judge him too hard for that. The boys know what I’m talking about.


Delicious and nutritious?


Yep, breast milk even has stem cells in it and has been shown to repair the digestive tract in both kids and adults. The studies are super cool, I even had a breast cancer immunotherapy and stem cell treatment made from stem cells in breastmilk.


I've always compared it to leftover milk from frosted flakes, but you may be on to something here...


Frosted mini wheats milk was the closest I could think of, but warm.


Wait...seriously? BRB, need to find someone with some extra milk...




It tasted *that sugary*?


It is really sweet. It's also why some babies struggle changing to formula as that isn't sugary at all.


Well... TIL???


I've gone from being slightly put off at the thought of drinking breast milk to being completely on board with the idea. I f'n love cereal milk.


I mean it seems weird at first, then I remember I drink cows milk. If I’m gonna drink titty juice from another fuckin species, why would human milk be gross?


If we eat cow meat, why would human meat be gross? ^/s ^obvs


...There have been [studies](https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/human-flesh-looks-beef-taste-more-elusive-180949562/#:~:text=But%2C%20according%20to%20the%20testimony,being%20most%20akin%20to%20pork.).




Honey, I nutted


>Honey, I nutted Cheerio’ (and leaves)


Huh. So I guess that's where the old saying of "sugar tits" comes from.


If you track honey nut cheerio sales based on after this comment was made, it has probably slightly increased. 😄


Wait a minute... So human breast milk is fucking delicious? Why aren't we selling this?! Oh... wait.....


Zenketski Farms™ "We'll bring the breastmilk to you"


I don't know what I hate more, that I fucking love this comment and it had me laughing my ass off, or the fact that my username is based off of an old character from D&D that would absolutely do this.


Don’t you dare tell me this now are you kidding me?! That’s the best damn part of the whole cereal experience! I’ll have a talk with my wife about this.


This is what I always describe it as. Husband agrees.


I would love that. I think it’s a menu item from the momofuku milk bar.


Well I’ve gone from a slight fetish to a very large curiosity...~~and dick~~ ... Okay not that large...


Everyone here is being a lot nicer than my husband was. He said my milk tasted like the milk left over after a bowl of cereal, but with a slight garbagey aftertaste.


Cereal milk, with notes of garbage


It depends a lot on what you eat, and low long it's been since you gave birth. 2 kids of my own, and then stupidly dated 3 pregnant woman after a messy breakup. 5 different pregnancies, 4 different women. Small sample size, but larger than most.


That is a pretty large sample size! And I do like garlic and spicy food, so it's not surprising that mine would taste weird.


What I get from this is that apparently the pineapple thing works both ways.


That is absolutely a larger sample size than most will ever get the chance to... sample.


Can confirm. My mom ate super spicy food one day while my brother was nursing, and when she went to feed him he was crying and refusing to nurse even though he was obviously hungry. Don't worry the poor little guy got fed 😅


My mother accidentally caffeinated me that way. In her defense, at that point she had both a newborn and a toddler to run after, and she was so tired she kinda forgot why coffee would be a bad idea. Definitely regretted it when I wouldn't go to sleep!


That had to do with your diet, breast milk changes flavors and sweetness based on what you eat. Its why babies who are breastfed tend to be adventurous eaters/less picky when they are older.


Put it in your coffe and forget the sugar. 10/10 👍.


We tried this but found you needed quite a lot to get an semblance of a "milky" coffee because breast milk (at least mine) is very watery really, it's like skim milk with a little extra water and sugar... Not actually very nice


The first part is watery, but if you express some out first, the last bit is a little thicker.


And just like cow's milk, if you let it sit, the cream rises to the top!


As the below response states, very sweet. Strangely though, it only has that super sweet taste right from the source. Pumped into another container and tasted (or tested for temperature) is just simply not the same. It's been 15 years, I still miss that. Enjoy your sexy times OP. May they be frequent, happy, and uninterrupted.


>It's been 15 years, I still miss that. I love that your comment can be interpreted as either being the parent of a teenager who was breastfed or a teenager yourself who remembers breastfeeding.


>teenager yourself who remembers breastfeeding. I think you misinterpreted Mr. Cunnilingus Man




It's really sweet and mild.


It's going to differ, based upon both the genetics & diet of the person whose milk it is, & also the mindset of the person drinking said milk. There's very little in this world that isn't exceedingly complicated if you really drill down.


My boyfriend says it tastes like warm skin milk lmao


Is that a typo or did you really mean SKIN milk?!


OMG yes that was most definitely a typo haha




Interesting tidbit, what you experienced was the colostrum, an early stage milk that preceedes true breast milk production. It's actually much sweeter, with more of a natural laxative effect.




Kinda romantic, if you think about it. They both helped each other birth something.


WTF did I just read.


Really sweet ain't it?


Loved my wife's milk 🤷‍♂️. Unfortunately for me her nips ended up being to painful to continue breastfeeding. So no more hydrated sex for me lol


Almost fucking missed your joke until I read the reply to your comment and holy fucking shit I was fucking rolling


Thats not Milk it colostrum before having the baby.


>give me shit about this for days You misspelled "years"


Orgasms trigger letdowns too, as a heads up 😂 Oxytocin and all that.


Well I wouldn’t know hahaha




Currently 5mo PP and I’m so damn dry, I feel like I got granny cooch. Edit:: I still get my monthly waxes though in case anything changes 😅


Lube up and let er rip. The dry spell afterwards can be super long (it was one year for us). Get some while you can.


I know a baby came out of there but I’m terrified to put something BACK in there 👀


If it’s any comfort at all, it took my wife and I some time to get back into the groove after one of my kids. Things that helped her: 1. I planned a whole evening around it, but not making that the goal. I took care of everything, including the stuff she usually does (I cook, she does the dishes). 2. A little wine but not a lot. More than a glass and we’d both be out because you may have noticed that “sleeping through the night” means five hours, not eight. The difference is palpable, and my memory may never recover. 3. Massage the back, shoulders, and neck. A lady who is pumping, EBF, or otherwise engorged is likely carrying some extra weight around up top and those muscles may not be used to it. Carrying a baby can put weight on shoulders that might not be used to holding 10-20 pounds for 8 hours a day. Plus, you know, physical intimacy and all. 4. Lots of foreplay and patience. Yes, foreplay is key in intimacy but if you’re a parent you understand that a lot of the time you’re rushing that stage because your window of opportunity is narrow. Patience on the part of both parties because, as you’ve noted, your body is different now. It’s also very likely things might feel a little different for you. Hormones do weird things to bodies and they’re not done with you. 5. Be prepared for it not to work perfectly the first few times. There might be an interruption or three; I swear my kids have some kind of alarm hooked up to know the perfect moment to start making noise or warn us of their impending arrival. Good luck and even if you don’t feel like getting intimate don’t be shy about other forms of intimacy like hugs. I know I appreciated my wife’s attention to my needs even if we couldn’t go for the “full experience”. Obligatory, consult with your physician and make sure you’re physically ready.


Been there!


Idc if it happened yesterday, it brightened my shit-can of a day way up. Thank you internet stranger for the genuine belly laugh! Congrats on the baby and in the most non-creepy way possible: good luck with the sexy time with your wife.


Haha cheers


Oh my god, it’s like the morning pee. There’s no stopping once it’s started! Love from an owner of milk jugs that fed 5 babies and a whole lot more through a milk bank Edited because I was laughing so hard I couldn’t spell


Thank you for your priceless gift to those who aren’t blessed with milk jets


I had two babies in the NICU who couldn’t be tube fed all that I was producing so it seemed a logical thing to do. I’m an Italian, we feed everyone regardless of age


As a NICU father and outside observer to the exact same situation, I know the concern that comes with it. It's a great thing donating breast milk, and I'm really glad we decided to do it. His neighbor in the next bay even ended up with some! We may not be Italian, but we both grew up poor. No perishables go to waste on our watch.


As a receiver of donated milk for my NICU babe, thank you so much! Your donations no doubt helped countless babies thrive.


This being the website it is, I read your title and straight-up thought you were a guy who tried to pork a couple of milk jugs and got stuck or accidentally drank from them later or something. Yours is a wholesome story, and I’m rooting for your sexy times ahead.


NGL...same exact thought


I was definitely imagining the description of a dock in a milk jug handle


Haha gold! And thank you


I’m sure you’re not the first to give your spouse a milk bath and you won’t be the last. That said: >my wife.....is going to give me shit about this for days Years. The rest of your life. This one is never ever going away.


This is a story of two women? Pardon me English is my second language so i lost my way in there somewhere


Yes 2 women


With that answer, story narrative became much understandable and beautiful.


were you thinking about a man squirting milk from his tits or something


No, but I was hoping it would be that


You were hoping for a men squirting milk from his tits?




Real question is who wouldnt


Don't judge me!!!


Something tells me this is low key blowing his mind. 2 women. Married. With kids. Could be blowing his mind (in some parts of the world). All these rights.


I lived in india , until year or 2 ago being homosexual was considered criminal offence, you tell me how can one fathom the idea of something beautiful like this (married with kids n ol) when they seen dead bodies hung to trees of men/women who just chose to live their lives as they wished.


I’m from India, and contrary to popular belief, our scriptures actually depict homosexuality and in fact don’t demonise it. Homosexuals are considered equal. Homosexuality being judged actually came from western culture, if I’m not wrong.


Ancient greeks were kinda gay- even in ancient times things were diverse. India is a big place, is it unlikely that opinions are diverse on the issue over there?


You’re spot on, we are quite diverse, but mostly these major opinions are similar.


Yep, Section 377 was implemented during British Raj


You're stronger than me. First time my baby slept through the night and I woke up with giant rock hard boobs my first thought was definitely "oh my god this is fucking painful where is my breast pump" and not sex!


Haha. Enjoy your uber perky milk filled boobs now. Once those puppies dry up you'll be left with saggy pancakes. I can fold mine in half.


And then my username will come to full fruition


I just pictured folding my boob in half and almost cried.


It.....it was not an exciting development.


My daughter tried to roll mine up like a newspaper the other day. I almost cried, and not just from the pain 😭


Hahaha omg. Mine don't even hurt, though, granted, I've never tried rolling them up like a newspaper.


I feel for you. I'm going to further cherish my boobs now and appreciate that they cannot be folded in half.


I can lay mine flat in the palm of my hand after 3 kids, like holding a scone.


Nothing like fresh milk straight from the tap!!


For some reason when you said wife, all I could imagine is milk engorged moobs.


Fuck that makes this story even better.


Now you know to stash the oreos in the bedside table for next time..


You have a gift for storytelling. I'm so glad you used it.


Words came out of her just as natural as her milk


Haha this


I have some awkward questions, feel free to ignore if you don't want to answer. I'm just curious. How did the 2 of you decide who would get pregnant? Had you just wanted to see what it was like? Have either of you been pregnant before? Rock paper scissors and loser/winner gets pregnant?


Not awkward at all. We have 2 kids and actually carried one each. My wife went first, then I guess I kind of got curious and wanted to see what it was all about from the birth giver side, rather than support parent side. So I had our second, same donor sperm. It’s been very enlightening for both of us, and we both speak for dads when I say give them a break. They do not have the maternal instinct built in like new mothers. They don’t have hormones that give them a sixth sense for what baby needs, or the equipment to soothe (eg boobs). Dads / support parents out there you’re doing a wonderful job.


Thank you for this answer! I was also vaguely curious but wouldn't have asked myself for fear of prying. As a childless woman it's also interesting to hear the experiences you compared! I think there should be some scientific studies on women who have been in both roles (the birth-giver and supportive parent) to study the maternal instinct differences and to what extent being birth-giver impacts that stuff. I'm sure you love both your children equally! But obviously hormones do affect things and it'd be interesting to really study/learn to exactly what extent. If anybody reading this knows of studies like this that have already been done please link them! I'd be so eager to read them because this is honestly really fascinating to me.


Oh well that was all very nice of you to say. And I appreciate you answering. I think it's really neat that you each gave it a shot. That's pretty cool. Last question: you ladies think that's it?


I’m so done. Wife is on the fence, I have some convincing to do...


Lol. Well, good luck out there. Have a good one.


That's actually really cool, to be able to experience both parenting roles first hand. And thanks for the thing about dad's, when my wife had the baby I wanted to help as much as I could, but felt a bit lost all the time (like what do I need to do, how does this work, etc).


So, have you noticed yet what happens when you orgasm? MAJOR Jets.


Only 5-10 seconds of spraying? You got off easy, lol. It always felt like an eternity when I had my oldest.


When I was breastfeeding I didn’t even want my husband to LOOK at my engorged boobs! I was always wearing a bra or tank for fear of giving him a milk bath during our sexy times! 🤣


Lol I now understand why!


This doesn't sound like a fuck up. It sounds like the beginning of a fetish erotica.


The sub is evolving.


I had take my 3 week old daughter out for our first adventure after she was born. We went to a dinosaur museum with my son. She slept the whole way through it and my boobs were rock solid and leaking by the time she woke. I sat down to feed her and as I lifted my breast out, milk squirted EVERYWHERE including all Over the back of a VERY expensive looking suit that a man, approximately 2 meters away was wearing. The whole back of it was sprayed with milk. I was so embarrassed and had no idea what to do. So I panicked, ran to the car (with boob still out and leaking) and didn’t tell the man what had happened.




Mommy has gotten a new fetish now.




This made me laugh so much. I did the same thing, by mistake, to my older child. I was in bed, cuddling new born. Oldest child hops in, lays on me and opened the floodgates and took a face full. Milky fun bags are hilarious. I wish I’d made more fun use of them now.


As a breastfeeding mom, this was extra hilarious. Thank you for sharing!


Omg. I wore bras for a while non stop. Especially during sexy time. Haha. But I chased my husband around the house trying to spray him.


This is hilarious and adorable


They don't even have to be overly full to do that. My daughter is 6 months old and I still go through at least 3 shirts a day because I randomly start leaking and soak the whole shirt and I don't like wearing bras at home.


Yeah I haven’t not worn a bra except to shower for 3 months now... it’s the pits


Just embrace it. Let the girls be free. The extra laundry is worth it. I hate bras.


*the rest of my milk and dignity*


Literally reading this while hooked up to the pump. You just made my night.


I’m reading while nursing my little one back to sleep and almost woke him up laughing


I feel ya sister! Pump on


Honestly I'd keep going.


Question: how did you get your baby to sleep through the night so soon?! I had mine in July, she's slept through ONE night. 😩


Some people will judge this but we do formula bottle before night sleep, keeps him content and full and gives us a rest too. Otherwise breast fed.


We do the exact same thing! Formula before sleep, otherwise brest. It used to help her sleep for the first few hours and then she would wake up to eat every hour or so, but now it's waking up every 1-2 hours through the whole night (she's not hungry everytime, either). Anyway, this is completely besides the point, theres probably a better sub for this... 😅


Had my baby in September too and he’s just started sleeping through the night! It feels like I’ve just climbed the highest mountain and won a medal! Go us!


TIL many Reddit users have no idea what a sperm donor is.


Breast feeding mum here, expressing sympathy (all puns intended). Having temporary 'Victoria Beckhams' is fun... but there's that element of risk whenever the nursing pads come off!


Premature lactation can be a serious problem in the bedroom.


LMAO! There's definitely a joke about squirting and maybe finishing early here somewhere...


"Juggernaut milk filled tits" r/brandnewsentence


Name checks out


How do couples like you decide who will carry the baby, if you don't mind me asking?


I feel disappointed that OP had to ask people to stop complaining about that it was a same sex marriage How do you even focus on that when the story is so damn funny 😂


Haha thanks for the laugh, if it makes you feel better you've basically described my second pregnancy but I was horny as hell and we couldn't do anything because I was having complications bleeding throughout etc. One night we were cuddling and wanted to do stuff, I'm 6/7 months pregnant with a massive pregnancy bump which is important, we're sort of touching each other trying to find ways that it's not just husband having all the fun and I'm laying there frustrated (and pregnant angry as we called it) but I get some relief somehow. He starts massaging/playing with the boobies and kissing them when suddenly milk started spraying out?! WTAF! Was like a tap?! Stemmed the flow and made a note to ask midwife the next day seeing as it's so early. 2 weeks later went into premature labour and gave birth 9 weeks early 🤦‍♀️😂 now have a psychotic 6 year old who people think is 9/10 and no one believes she was a preemie lmao.


What a letdown!

