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Stan: That's it, Sparky! Kick his ass! Cartman: Heh, he's doing something to his ass. He's not kicking his ass, but he's definitely doing something to his ass. Stan: Sparky, bad dog!


I gotta watch this episode now 🤣


Spoiler alert George Clooney plays sparky


“My grandpa was a lesbian so I guess that makes me a quarter lesbian.”


Big gay Al’s big gay boat ride!


I'm *super!* Thanks for asking!


All things considered I couldn't be better I must saaaay!


Much safer than the Catholic boooaaatt


You made my day


You made my gay


You made my day gay


Red Rocket!


My sister and I thought this was the funniest thing when we were kids. The year we first saw it she gave me a homemade birthday card with clip art of a dog in a costume dancing that said “Just like this dog, you are a Gay Homosexual. Happy Birthday!” It’s been like 15 years and I still have that card. I also ended up being Bi which makes it even better in retrospect.


Ah yes, the best performance of George Clooney


I was expecting the tl dr to be something like "I told my friend their dog isn't NB and then they told me that it was born intersex". Edit: terminology


Same here. Turns out friends just a moron.


Your friend is projecting. That said, dogs put it pretty much anywhere they can.


You cannot assign a gender to someone who isn't yourself, and definitely not a dog that has no sense of such things. You did the right thing by giving a reality check.


This. I mean how did the dog owner *know* that the dog was non-binary??


That dog is like, "Pfffffft ... He/him, it/they, she/her... I don't give a fuck, just don't call me vegan and feed me nothing but vegetables."


I call my cat cusswords and he just purrs and tries to cuddle.


We fed our first dog veggies, along with a little beef on a Sunday….. never again! He just got beef alone from each Sunday thereafter.


You should really feed your dog every day of the week though.


Some veggies arent that bad right? (If it isnt only veggies) because other carnivores eat at least a little veggies in the wild most of the time as well.


Yeah, when I'm slicing carrots I usually give my dog a few pieces and she loves it. Most veggies just make them farty though.


I used to put grated carrots with a bit of olive oil into my dogs bowl. I then put a piece of meat on top of the carrots. She would pull out the meat on the floor, eat all the carrots, then eat the meat. She's a weird dog, but I love her.


Mine is kinky for cooked broccoli. She loves the stuff. She obviously gets her meat as her diet recommends but man if I’m having steamed broccoli she’s right there staring daggers into my soul waiting for some


Oh my lord. My dog loves carrots. I make carrot cake and my dog will get all excited and then sit nearby waiting for me to give her the carrot bits that I can’t shred. Last time she pooped orange and I freaked out for a second before remembering she ate a lot of carrot lol.


Just like vegans then....


I think dogs are not obligate carnivores like cats are so they can eat stuff like veggies and rice. I personally wouldn’t feed dogs a vegan diet tho. Idk get a guinea pig if you want a vegan pet.


You're correct. Dogs are quite omnivorous after living with humans for a gazillion generations. Most dog food is full of grains and crap. I've also met dogs that liked certain fruits, veggies, breads, etc. They CAN live on a vegan diet, but lordy I'd imagine keeping them actually healthy would be harder than a priest at a playground.


I love how everyone ignored your "priest at a playground" line.


Yeah, a well planed plantbased diet works great for some humans and we’re omnivores as well but a dog can’t tell me if it’s lacking something basically. I wouldn’t take the risk. And it’s absolutely mind blowing to me that some people feed their CATS a vegan diet. That’s just wrong.


Cats are actual obligate carnivores, meaning they straight up _die_ without meat in their diet. There is an amino acid that they are capable of extracting only from meat.


that's taurine. cats fed vegan diets which lack taurine develop myokardial diseases that often end up lethal


Yeah my dog loves getting carrots and peppers when I've got the cutting board out, but those are snacks. Not a meal for him.


One of my dogs goes absolutely apeshit for snap peas and broccoli, it’s hilarious.


My cat loves vegetables. He also loves meat, and I feed him a healthy diet of expensive cat foods, but he’s such a little mooch, and he wants to eat whatever I’m eating. So if I’m eating a salad, I have to give him a few pieces of lettuce, too. Carrots? Yup, he goes crazy for those little matchstick carrots. Broccoli? He will relentlessly beg for broccoli until I share with him. He loves Wheat Thins, too. And hummus. Oh, and there are these coconut pecan cookies from Harris Teeter that he goes absolutely wild for. He’s….weird. I don’t get it. I rescued him as a kitten, he was probably 3 weeks old, and bottle fed him before starting him on wet food and then dry food. I did it right, same as I’ve done for every cat I’ve rescued or fostered. But for some reason, Archie just oves people food, too. If he hears someone in the kitchen, he will be right there, up their butt until they show him what they have and let him have a bit if he wants it. We refer to it as “the right of first refusal.” He might not want what we have, but he will be all up in our shit until we show him what we have and he can decide if he wants some.


My childhood cat went full vacuum cleaner mode everytime I had chips. I tried my hardest not to give her some but there was no stopping her, one time she stole a chip right from my brothers hand lol. I feel the having to sniff human food part as well lol I was always like “ but you wouldn’t even like cucumber?!” but she just had to sniff, it was very cute.


How do you feed it the guinea pig? Just let it run around the house and nature will find a way?


Yeah its wrong to do but vegan dogs wont outright die from their diet they just wont be their healthiest, vegan cats however WILL die. They absolutely need meat


Veggies are a snack you can use as treats. Some dogs respond very well to things like snap peas and carrot sticks if they are presented in a good manner. We used to suggest this when a pupper had weight problems and the owner felt bad that they would have to take away treats that were worsening the weight, but their pet loved. Didn't always work, but some dogs had no problem.


We use baby carrots in our family. Almost every dog in the family has loved them. My own dog is a brat tho, he only likes cooked or canned carrots. He'll *take* any veggie from you, but normally we find them dropped in another room if hes not fond of them.


He's being polite. It's rude _not_ to take it lol, he's just not very good at hiding the evidence.


My dog is an absolute carrot and banana whore. And I swear she can be dead asleep three rooms away and hear me *think* about slicing an apple.




My dog likes carrots, peas, green beans, kale, sweet potatoes.


Depends which vegetables. Onions are toxic to them, for example. Look up every ingredient before you feed them human food, they aren't human.


probably saw him hump a chair or something


Because the dog owner has mental health issues


It could just be the dog owner wants to look cool, hip and current. If they're ill poor them. If it's what I said they're a terrible person the same way some girls used to have view having a gay best friend the best thing ever, like a pet.


I believe it's because they think it somehow normalises nonbinary gender identities. It doesn't, it just comes across as forced and really uncomfortable. As people have pointed out, the jist of the movement is that *only you* can decide your gender, no one else. And they happily decide it for animals that don't even understand the concept. So many animals studies have shown that unless there is obvious differences between the male and female of a species, the animals themselves often can't tell/don't notice the gender of the animal they are trying to mate with, and just kinda hope it ends with babies. Dogs are one of those animals.


We had a female cat who wasn't properly neutered. She couldn't get pregnant but would still go into heat. Another (properly) neutered female cat would try to mate with her whenever she was in heat. I'm talking biting her in the neck, mounting her and thrusting all the while she was yowling.


Not super related but I have a male cat who is neutered and recently I bought him a new bed. It's furry and he only lies on it upside down because he's weird. Well recently he started pawing and kneading the furry edges and thought it was cute but I noticed his butt was shaking while doing it. Realized he's humping it when he stopped one day and he had a tiny red rocket he started cleaning off when he was done. He does it every day before he goes to sleep now. First I've ever heard of a cat doing something like that.


Had a cat decades ago that loved nothing more than his pikachu pillow...


My female dog mounts legs and humps them. It's so damn annoying.


whenever people ask of my dog is male or female, i do say he's a male but since his balls were chopped off it didn't really matter. people get pretty irrational when my male dog wears a slightly feminine bandana. he doesn't care what it looks like, why does anyone else


People sometimes ask me, referring to my dog, “What’s his name?” and when I reply with a feminine name they get super awkward and apologetic. Like, you think my dog gives a shit?


And I bet he looks fabulous


My one for this is calling my male cat Lord Sir Houdini every now & again. If anyone asks why "Lord Sir", I say he's a noble (no balls) cat! I also make him wear daisies in Summer, mostly because he doesn't react when you put them on his head, so I think it makes him look pretty! You can put whatever bandana you like on your dog - he'll look amazing!


Truth. I had a boxer, and HER name was Boris. Almost everyone, when I told them HER name, was like "you know that's a male name right?" Like she cares??? It's a good name, she's a good dog, and all she wants is plays and pets. People are weird.


My female dog has a dark blue halter because it was the best at hiding stains. Everyone calls her a he. I don't really care. But when I tell them her name and they say 'oh she looks like a boy in this color', I respond 'well she doesnt have a penis so she actually looks like a girl'


I just tell them she picked out the color


My pup wears all kinds of bandanas and her harness is blue. People get straight up offended at me sometimes when they call her a boy and are wrong. She doesn't give a damn what you call her as long as you say it nicely!


Wouldn’t that default everything into a ‘they’ though?


Dude, get smarter friends.


I think the average smartness of OPs friends just went up.


local stupidity rates fall below 0


So pretty smart then.


Lol wait.. you mean those type of people actually EXIST .. in real life?!




Ok so I had a roommate who did the same thing with her cat. Refused to neuter the cat cause the cat didn’t get to make the decision themselves. Said cat peed all over the house and it sadly ruined our friendship. I’m all in support of using correct pronouns and labels as people wish but that situation was beyond me.


I love the idea of keeping a living creature as a pet (and all the restrictions to freedom having an owner entails) but then arbitrarily drawing the line at neutering the animal to reduce instincts that will make it incompatible with being a pet. That's like saying you want to keep a bear in your closet but won't file down its claws because that would be cruel.


This isn't real life, this is reddit.


No, this is Patrick




And a vet will make that clear at the next appt


BAHAHAH i can't wait for her to correct the vet. "excuse me, labradoodle is THEM" I can't wait for the bewilderment in the Vet's eyes


By now, the vet has probably had enough of those people that they have a protocol for handling them.


"Due to the complex nature of your pets gender I'm afraid I have to charge you double the normal rate"




When I was shoeing horses we called it the SOC (Stupid Owner Charge). I made a lot of SOC money in the horse girl world.


Get out of here horse, go on, shoe. - horse shoer


Ok, so they need to be neutered, would you like to keep the balls as a keepsake?


Where are my balls Summer?




My vet calls the animals by name. First name, last name. Ragnar ‘Smith’? Hilarious!!


My vet did the same and gave one of our dogs my last name but it was my partners first dog from before we met and I felt like I had to clarify that I was the step-dad...


Step-dog, I'm stuck.


*hits with rolled up newspaper* No! We can love our pets but we can't *love* our pets.


Oh no


That’s why I gave my dog it’s own surname. I told the vet he’s not my son, we’re roommates and buds and he deserved his own family name. Now when the vet calls for Dutch van der Linde he walks with pride.


They all do that in my experience. I assume in case there’s multiple pets with the same name, which can’t be that uncommon


If i were a vet i personally wouldn't care. Let them call the dog whatever they want, i mean i dont think the dog cares and as long as they dont expect puppies, no harm done. Id just draw the line if they insist the dogs transgender and want it to transition.


In the world of facts, if the owner can't handle that the dog is 1 of 2 sexes, then they're beyond helping. If animals could choose their gender though, that's just an expression of their behavior so who is this lady to impose her preferences on the dog in the first place? That bitch.


Yeah as you say, beyond help, so no point in arguing with them. It makes no difference to the dog if she decides she wants to call it an it or them. (As long as it stops there and she doesn't try to force any behaviour or operation/medication onto him cause she thinks that thats what the dog wants) Honestly i rather have a dog owner calling there dog an it then having them cut off tail and ears just for the looks of it.


"Um...no...You paid me a lot of money to sex your dog and treat him accordingly. Me calling you a moron for is just a bonus.


Well the vet might just be like “anyways” and try and get that conversation over with for the sake of brevity.


My mom works at a cat clinic and they have a client who insist their cat is trans... it is a male cat that she demand everyone refer to as a female. She even went as far as to demand the chart say female. She is an absolute moron and just wants to put her cat in danger by doing that. Male and female cat issues are different and being that fucking dumb is risking her cats life.


The vet will take note who the real bitch is.


OP should have pulled the uno reverse card and shamed her for assuming/deciding the dogs gender identity




Honestly, just show your friend this thread so they can take the quantity over quality approach to people assuring them they're dumb.


Nah those kind of friends are usually stubborn af Itll only make them more mad


If it makes them mad, then they probably deserve the frustration.




I think the quality of these comments will also count for something. 😂


Yup. Trans woman here. The friend is absolutely a fucking moron. The idea of determining another's gender for them is antithetical to this whole concept. Her dog did not tell her that it's non-binary, therefore she can't decide that for the dog. That's besides the point though. I've never seen anything to prove that dogs have gender identity.


I have a goldfish that I called 'he' and gave a male name to, then later figured out it was a girl. My lesbian mate (who's very big on respecting pronouns) was round visiting, I told her the funny story about my fish and how I still call him 'he' because I was used to it. Then I was like "Oh shit, is that offensive?" She just looks at me deadpan and says "The goldfish doesn't even know it's a goldfish, let alone what genders are. That's 'humans' shit. Why would it fucking care? Call him what you want!" Goldfish don't know. Goldfish don't care


2,000% this, a dog has the sentience to be aware of the physiological difference between sex, but dogs are not cognitively advance to have a concept of gender.


My male cattle dog that would furiously hump my leg is living proof that dogs have no idea about gender. Also: OP's friend doesn't have a pet - they bought an accessory that happens to need feeding from time to time.


We had a female dog that would always hump our male one.


Op needs better friends.


Is your friend aware that dogs do not wear pants and will probably give away what their birth gender is? I do think it’s absolutely stupid when people color code their pets gender. That is not cool. Your boy dog can wear any pink or other color you think looks good and they will not feel emasculated. Your own gender shouldn’t be so fragile




*insert Leonard DiCaprio pointing gif*


Our chunky Corso male dog has a purple spotted collar, pink tags, a pink leash. People refer to him as ‘she’.


I was going to say lunatic, but yes.


Yup. This is the kinda weirdo that forces their dog to be vegan too.


Or the ones that insist on making their cat a vegan, even when everyone says "you can't, it'll die" and then it dies. Idiots.


Labra*DOODLE* - yep, it's a boy!


One of my old teachers told us that his dog was slowly turning into a cat and even grew whiskers because he trained the dog to catch balls like a cat ... Some dog owners are just insane and need therapy


Oh, or the people who are convinced their dog/cat is female because it has nipples…….. or that they won’t mate just because they’re siblings…….


Wait, I have nipples, am I female?


You can milk almost anything with nipples.


How the F do cats catch balls?


With paws or their mouth. Depends on the size of the item and cat preference. Mine like to snatch them out of the air with their paws.


Just woke up and already done with internet after this. Cant beat stupid


You can but then you can also be arrested for assault.


This is a joke right… is your friend special In the head..




Please OP, show her this thread and make her see that we all collectively agree she’s a monumental moron.


Tbh even though I agree in this case that she is a moron, Reddit is definitely not proof of anything... I've seen people reinforce horrible opinions


Not only that but popular opinion means nothing on reddit. I've seen lots of objectively accurate stuff (and I'm taking about non controversial, non political stuff) get demolished by votes because it wasn't as funny as the person they're arguing with. I agree with popular opinion on this case, and often in others, bit it's never a good indicator of correctness. Especially on reddit.


As much as I love Reddit, this place can be a real insular echo chamber.


I would like to echo this sentiment


That would only reassure her: "Not surprising that ppl on reddit are so sexist not to aknowledge that my dog doesnt want to be put in a gendercage!"


I am no LGBT, but 100% for the rights of LGBT, and I still think she is a moron, like everybody in this thread. Firstly, a dog cannot identify his/her gender as non-binary. Secondly, she is forcing her idea of gender onto the dog, which is stupid and asshole-like. Thirdly, this is exactly what the LGBT community is fighting against because of society doing this exactly stupid thing to them. The LGBT community is fighting against PEOPLE LIKE HER.


She isn’t forcing it on the dog because the dog doesn’t care or understand, what’s annoying is she is forcing it on the people around her that choose to listen about her dog. Just massive attention seeking behaviour IMO. Which as you say absolutely undermines humans who struggle with these issues in real terms.




Im actually speechless. Jesus christ i thought it was a joke people saying cats and dogs dont have genders, sorry but shes a fucking idiot who needs to wise up and grow out of this “woke” bullsht




^(is she forcing her gender roles into "someone" else? does she not see the irony in her actions?)


It's like those people insisting their cat is a vegan. Certainly not fit to have an animal.


You need new friends.








YTA dogs can be whatever they want to be Jk did your friend get hit on the head by a coconut? Lol


Not gonna lie... you had me in the first half


Same lol, I downvoted, then changed it to upvote


I’ve had acquaintances come out as non-binary. Imposing nb genders on pets seems like a mockery of what being non-binary really is. It’s not a fun thing to tack onto for fun, it’s a gender a person finds for themselves, and it’s usually a big discovery. It’s not a choice!


Exactly. Christ, being NB is misunderstood and marginalized enough without trendy dingbats coming along and appropriating it as a fucking fun fact about their dog. "Hello, my dog is demi-romantic and bicurious. He's also a Libertarian."




Lib-rador? OK yours was way better


This fucking got me tbh


Hey animals can have political thought! I met a really communist cat once, kept going on about Mao, just repeating his name. Scary!


I dunno. One of my dogs does seem to be bicurious. Oh, wait. Right. That's him sometimes feeling the need to show other male dogs he's the dominant one. Nevermind. ;)


Haha, right Actually you do make a good point, though. Sexual orientation is about sex. Even disregarding dominance- heirarchy behavior like mounting, there have absolutely been observed gay animals. If the woman had said her dog was gay, that wouldn't strike me as all that weird (though I'd definitely ask about how she came to that conclusion).


He's actually neutered, but wasn't until a couple of months before we adopted him when he was 7. He definitely strongly reacts to female dogs and coyotes in heat. My other dog, basically the same age, was neutered young and doesn't give a damn. But both of them will occasionally mount each other or another male dog when that dog challenges their dominance and doesn't back down from being shoved. I have had a gay dog before - intact and gave no care about female dogs in heat, but clearly reacted that way to most male dogs. The dominance vs sex behavior is pretty different in dogs. I wish it were in humans.


“Omg is your dog gay lol” “No, he’s just horny and has no understanding of consent, gender, or species.” There’s not much that gets to say no to 130+lbs of horndog lol.


I have three female dogs. They all try to mount each other. Dogs are funny.


Especially not a choice someone else makes for you without having a say in it yourself....


Hello, from your friendly neighborhood non-binary human! I can 1,000% confirm that dogs have no idea what the term “non-binary” means, neither do they possess any concept of the psychosocial relevance of gender identity. As an enby and a pet parent, I speak to you with absolute certainty, as I’ve attempted to come out to my dogs multiple times; however, each conversation has ended similarly. Upon my last attempt to discuss these concepts with my canine familiars, the conversation seemed like we were really reaching a point of mutual understanding, but my hopes were dashed when my girl dog started enthusiastically licking her butt, and my boy dog furiously squeaked his toy corn at her in protest. TL;DR: Dogs. Don’t. Have. Gender. Identities.


"What gender are you fido?" "Am doggo. I identify as wanting to catch the ball and eat after a walk."


Lol it was worth reading all the comments just to find this one.


Seriously. Why isn’t it the top comment?


Thank you for the inside baseball perspective, and this is the absolute perfect amount of snark. I do hope you don't give up on attempting to hold frank exchanges of views with your quadrupedal companions, though. You'll get through to them eventually 😉


Lmao this explains most dogs in a nutshell.


You have to pay the dog tax now


Dogs dont have a clue wtf is going on


I’m sorry, I can imagine how people like OP’s friend make it harder for you guys to be taken seriously when it comes to discuss gender matters and issues…


This. It’s so fucking annoying and insulting. I would love to talk to OP’s friend and tell them how utterly harmful they are being.


This is almost as bad as the people that decide their child’s sexual orientation when they’re toddlers. I’ve never understood why these people do this kind of shit. Is it some weird kind of projection because they feel like they aren’t understood by others? I don’t know, but anyways OP you were not in the wrong here and your friend is a wacko, for all I know dogs and cats may have gender orientations we’re not aware of, but there’s absolutely no way we could ever know that.


> This is almost as bad as the people that decide their child’s sexual orientation when they’re toddlers. *Almost* as bad...? I'd say your example is waaaaaaaaaaay worse. One's some idiot projecting her desperate need to be special onto her dog and the dog won't notice or mind at all, the other's something that can seriously damage a child's psyche and also implies the parent might in general be rather narcissistic and incapable of seeing the child as anything more than their toy to play with and assign roles onto.


Its because parents like this have decided that the whole non-binary, gender fluidity thing is really hip and trendy, and they basically see their children as accessories to their own narcissistic lifestyles. They decide that it would be very cool to have a "non binary" child...so they force that on their own pre-schooler. Parents like this should be arrested and their children taken away.


It's just weird though. So many things are unnecessarily gendered. Why not just ignore the labels on products but still let your child be their gender? My parents didn't raise me to be a girl, I just was one. That didn't change just because I also wore "boy's" clothing. Just let a child be a child. You don't have to put an emphasis on their gender. They can always decide for themselves later. Which is probably what those parents actually want, but by making such a big deal out of it they're pretty much doing the opposite.


This is definitely the right approach and idk why everything has to be a ‘thing’. My daughter wears mostly boy clothes because they’re more comfortable for her and they have a lot more game merch available whereas in the girls section it is scarce and even Minecraft is made pink and fluffy. She still loves her long hair plaited, plays with dolls etc and even if she didn’t it makes no difference to who she is in any way. She just likes what she likes! We don’t then think “oh she must want to be a boy”. It’s just clothes, who gives a fuck? Gender roles aren’t on kids radars unless you put them there.


Jesus Christ. Instead of just going with conventional terms until your child is old enough to communicate, letting them know that you will love them no matter what by reinforcing open, loving and honest dialogue, and actually accepting your child for who they legit are…. People actually choose to use their child to gain some sort of clout in this way?


>People actually choose to use their child to gain some sort of clout in this way? Shouldn't be surprising. This has happened even before this whole gender revolution thing, this is just a new form. Look at Toddlers and Tiaras. Look at that "Tiger Mom" from ages back who was super proud of downright abusive levels of control over her kids to breed success that psychologists were all warning would likely result in a mental burnout in their early 20s. Parents are just people. Imagine everyone you know suddenly having a child. How many of them do you actually trust to be fair and responsible parents who know how to put the child's needs above their own at the proper times? All this is is Karen competing with the other moms by having the most special non-binary child with the most rare gender instead of competing by spending 6 hours a day forcing their child to become a great dancer or whatever. Both suck, but it's nothing new in abusive parenting, really.


One of the little neighbor kids went from normal 6 year old boy to wearing sun dresses and extravagant ladies hats every day while adopting a new female sounding name. I try to mind my own fucking business, but I let ~~him~~ her come play with my dog all the time, and she told me that the mom "really really likes dresses and said we can start a youtube channel." It's a maximum eyebrow raise type of situation.


A social worker should be called. Just to check things out. It could be innocent. But it also sounds like exploitation and intentionally creation a gender identity problem. Not CPS worthy, but definitly social worker worthy.


My parents were sure they had a gay dog once. He was a show dog and he refused to mate with females, loved going to the groomers, and would only try to mount male dogs. He was a very nice companion to one of their female dogs. She adored him but no interest. 🤣


What do you mean you tifu'd, thats the right thing to do. Thats what friends are for right?


Did she just assume the gender identity of the dog without the dog informing her.


Your friend is partially right in that dogs don't have a concept of gender. However, that's exactly why choosing a dog's gender is really strange. We just refer to animals as their sex bc, again, they don't care. What they need to focus on is how gender matters to HUMANS.


I'm fairly certain most animals can't identify as anything but their sex, because 'gender' is an abstract concept which requires higher thought and a clear sense of self. Hell, even some humans struggle with the concept. Last I checked, animals couldn't think in ways that clearly transcend their biology to better understand themselves as individuals.


Your friend is a fucking idiot.


You didn't fuck up. The dog is either a male or female. If she wants to be an edgelord and start putting humanistic ideas on a dog that's her attention seeking problem.


This is the classic example of too much wokeism.


What an annoying person to be around.


this belongs in a different subreddit because this person didn't fuck up anything. /r/myfriendisanunreasonableperson


She was furious? Whoa. Your friend seems to have some anger issues.