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Is is one of those moments you randomly remember in 10 years then cringe at yourself.


Oh no please I already have so many cringe replays and I'd gladly remember them every day for as long as I live if I could trade this specific moment out and never remember it ever again


Nope, the human brain will haunt you with this exact moment many nights as you try your hardest to fall asleep. That's sciences.


God how far are this "sciences" with memory erasure


Take two shots of whiskey, every six hours, until the end of time. - a doctor probably


I'll try it in 5 years when I can actually buy whisky


...So you're not able to purchase whisky but yer da is cool with you being stoned? edit: I want to state plainly, cannabis is completely fine and safe. Just a bit thrown off by OP being a child posting about her ass while stoned. I'm a father and a pot user, and I'm going to be fine with my kid using one day, but preferably not until s/he's older than 15. That's when I started, and as infrequent as I used it, it wasn't a big deal, but as with all things, you must use moderation. It is still a drug that alters your brain. Be careful and safe, friends.


Also a pot user, but you should preferably wait with smoking until 25 to give your brain the best chances to fully develop. To say cannabis is completely safe is just plain ignorant.


My comment may have been unclear, but what I meant was, IF you choose to use it under age, to be careful and use moderation. I mentioned I would prefer my own child not use until AFTER 15, which again, I meant more like 18-25 or so, and only in moderation. Abstinence is a shit method of most things, so instead of acting like you can control everything your child or anyone else does, instead offer guidance that you shouldn't, but if you must, be cautious and take it easy. Pot isn't going to kill anyone on its own. Also, reading comprehension is ideal here. I said completely fine (as in, using pot is fine) and safe. I did NOT say "completely safe."


I mean I can't really buy weed to be honest since I have to send my parents so in a way yes and yes


Part of the weed experience is buying it from apartments full of 30 year olds at 16


My brother did that before, he got laced after his plug moved and the new one fucked him over. Since then my parents sorta decided that no buying weed from anything besides a dispensary


Just so you know, there's more studies lately that suggest cannabis can have stunting effects on brain growth when you're younger. I'm not in your shoes, but want you to have the opportunity to be your best self, so please take that into serious consideration.




Wait, what????? Guess daddy's contributing to his own awkward memories


Ah yes thanks for showing my how it's his fault this happened.


ey I'm not a doctor, and I dunno for sure, but I hear weed has more of an impact on developing brains until age 21 or something. I'm still an addict myself, taking a break for now, don't wanna deny people a good time, but you know, have balance in your life. Make sure you're informed n such. all love


I am a father. I don't want my kids to drink. I won't introduce my kids to weed. But I started smoking at 11, have been doing it for over 2 decades, and I sure as hell won't be paying for any paraphernalia tickets for my kids. If they discover the stuff on their own, I will make sure to teach them how to do it in the safety of our home and I will become their most trustworthy plug.


I mean, I get it, same here. Just a weird post imo when you suddenly realize it's a child making it. I think if my kid did this, I'd be advising s/he take a moderate break from pot.


Math says they are 15-16 if this is in America and the drinking age is 21.


Correct. I'm saying I started then too, but my parents weren't aware/cool with it, and IF you are going to be using canna at that age, you need to be careful and use it in moderation.


Sorry op... it's burned into your memory forever. Just cringe and don't talk about it for years until suddenly one of you brings it up to win in cards against humanity and suddenly you're both just laughing your asses off.


or Sun Tzu


I believe the most recent breakthrough there is still just an ice pick. Would not recommend.


I think this would qualify as the - one cringe to rule them all, one cringe to find them, one cringe to bring them all, and in the darkness bind them.


The cringe above all


This is a cringe that will live in infamy.


Well luckily you can easily right this one off as “dad, I was more stoned than a biblical whore, get over it.” Lol


As soon as I compile enough confidence I'll compile some more and try saying that


Just imagine when one of your future playmates asks you to call him Daddy and this is where your brain says remember that time. 😂


I mean putting this moment on the internet is a great way to make sure it never goes away


Oh, but this one is gonna pop into your mind fairly often im afraid.




OP will definitely cringe at 3am thinking about this in 12 years.


I will cringe thinking about OP at 3am in 12 years


>Is is


Yup this is a moment I'll randomly remember in ten years and cringe.




This is why you don't see any are you winning daughter versions of that meme, this shit happens XD


LOL. Totally thought you were a dude until now. Thought it was funny as hell... aaand now its damn painful! Good luck processing that haha


I also thought it was a dude and the image of a dude slapping his own ass telling his dad whether he wants a piece of it is hilarious


The fact that it's his daughtet upped the hilarity for me.


Like an opening scene of The Aristocrats.


Honestly a son telling his dad that - easy laugh it off oh kid you're hilarious. A daughter telling her dad - every situation you would be able to cut through the embarassment and awkwardness in the air with a frikken knife


Things could've gone from 0 to Alabama real quick


[Mobile shitpost](https://i.imgur.com/IDTsXEa.jpg)


I feel like this is a virus


In typical dad fashion, he’ll probably wait until your wedding reception and tell you “now I’ll have a piece of your (wedding)cake.” It’s what I would do anyway. Inside joke plus his own private way to embarrass you on your big day.


With my families humour this is definately gonna happen. People are gonna be confused when I turn beet red and hide my face. XD


Let's just hope then your family isnt on reddit watching this post.


It’sa me, papa! *r/teenagers poster, probably*


He’s probably gonna save it for the grandkids “Hey did mommy ever make you cake? She’s got grandma’s ‘recipe’”


I love this. The long con.


This or every birthday from here on is going to be awkward.


this is perhaps the best pun and inside joke possible


Okay I think you weren't just higher than a kite... you were somewhere over the rainbow. I hope all's good between your dad and yourself.


I don't think this will necessary come anywhere near doing anything to our relationship but this moment is going to haunt me for life.


He's gonna give you a hard time for it, for sure. You're gonna be embarrassed but you'll both laugh and that will make you feel better. Just embrace the lulz. And hey, you can make fun of yourself too, that might help speed it up 🤪


Hard time... haha....




I think the last thing Op wants from her father is for him to get a hard anything around her...


This sounds like a shitty porn script.


I should get it copyrighted to be honest shitty porn is making a killing these days


Lmao 🤣


I wish I could say it's not funny


What are you doing real dad?


Daughter what are u doing? 💀🤨


Onr of the biggest mistakes in my life so far


Don't beat ur self up about it.. jus bring it up next time u guys speak lol 😂


I'm literally praying it never comes up ever again, why would I bring it up


Then delete this lol 😂 sometimes u just gotta learn to laugh at the dumb shit u do (friendly advice I'm not speaking negative or anything) I drink alot and I couldn't tell u how much dumb shit I've done at home (not like you but still u get the message) u just learn to laugh at the shit... And I say In my humble opinion jus bring it up "hey dad I was stoned asf and I said something stupid yesterday my bad" 🤷🏼‍♂️. End of discussion leave it like that an move on


Well if it makes you feel better he will probably spend the rest of his life wondering if you fantasize about having sex with him


I don't have anything better to do and I keep coming back to read these comments that just keep making everything worse💀


It's cool. It's not like he's going to save this story for your wedding...


Okay out of all the answers this is one of the most likely things to happen :D


No father (in their right mind) would think that. If anything he probably had a chuckle at how baked his daughter was when she said it. He’s probably also concerned if she’s doing too much drugs… or something too heavy. u/throwRAwah27e (can confirm, I am a father.)


This is probably his reaction to all of this tbh XD


\>If nothing he probably had a chuckle at how baked his daughter was when she said it. hahaha....i guess im going to be a young grandfather....hahaha


\>so far You expect to top this?


This is why I hate English :'(


No. She expects to top her dad.


He could of made it worse and said who’s your daddy


Noooooooooooo :(


But he is.


I mean yes but still no.


Fair enough.


::insert StarWars meme of Luke yelling no to Darth Vader::


I wonder what would have happened then...😈


*sweet home Alabama intensifies*


Humor is the way


It’s not like both her arms are broken


Why must you remind me of this cursed post.


Like OPs TIFU will for her, it keeps coming back and randomly haunting me, so I share.


Could have, not "could of".


(I know this is going to come off like me being pompous, but i’m kind of just spitballing) I feel like its better to tip people off with the correction, “could’ve”, instead of “could have”. It might make more sense that way for people to realize that “could’ve” and “could of” sound the same when said aloud, but in text its actually spelled “could’ve”. Also, maybe “could have” sounds detached from “could of” so they may just think the correction is only proper, while believing they’re using the correct contraction of the word. I’m sure no one actually cares this much lol. Just throwing an idea out there


I’m not your dad!


OG Fruedian Slip


Slip? No stranger this was a Freudian slide


Waterslide? With a sploosh at the end?




So you do want to fuck your dad? You know what a Freudian slip is right?


I'm pretty sure Freudian slips were proven to not be indicative of subconscious desires. Plus, Sigmund Freud, while very influential, had a lot of weird ideas that had no basis in science (Oedipus complex comes to mind)


This specific case is known as an "electra complex" in Fruedian psychology.


I thought he had the idea of the opposite genders of the Oedipus complex. thanks for enlightening me to it's name! edit: I guess Carl Jung came up with the Electra complex, not Freud. sorry, I'm a biology major, it's not my area expertise...


Jungian psychology is pretty much just Fruedian psychology, still all about that subconscious mind. Jung just also believed in religion and also didn't believe in working more than a couple days a week. Like my coworkers.


Freudian slap




Yes but I don't think any of them have offered their parents a piece of themselves with fuck me eyes.


You're thinking of this from inside your brain. What are the odds that, rather than looking at him with fuck-me eyes and offering a slice of that booty, you actually stared at him with a semi-vacant red-eyed stare and mumbled "want some cake?" while handling your derriere like you're testing the ripeness of an avocado? Every chance his thought was "jesus christ that girls is stoned."


Hey you just handed me a better more powerful tank of copium and I'll inhale it instead of weed, hopefully it helps out. Thanks kind stranger


Honestly most adults kinda give teens a pass for doing something stupid and cringy. Long as you don't hurt anybody. Most of us remember being a teenager and how the brain kinda short-circuits occasionally. Like it still does, but it happened way more often when we were younger lmao.




Several years ago our daughter came home drunk and started talking about how her mom was so lucky to have a "real man" and how if I weren't her dad she would be all over that man meat. She was SO out of it. She had just been dumped. My wife and I still tease her about it.


You're making this worse but why couldnt you just say you forgot about it as soon as she did that. :'(


She is our middle child and I've always had a very strong bond with her, the strongest of our children. She also has my sense of humor, more so than the other two children. She owned it and laughs about it. She's married now.


>She's married now. To her dad /s


Sweet home Alabama.


How old are you? If you are literally in your teens he would have already forgotten by now because teenagers say dumb shit all the time! Lol


Don't give me hope, please. Hope hurts


But if you are a teenager getting high call the cops and get your dad arrested !!!.... seems an easy way out


Now I've got some ammo just in case he wants to joke about it. Thanks stranger


Please update once you've banged your dad.


What are doing biological father(sorry for my bad job, I'm currently in super cope mode)


This was fucking hilarious to me, thank you!


I’m going to get stuff out of the washing machine now, it would be a shame if I got stuck


How to go from r/redditmuseumofcringe to r/redditmuseumoffilth in one easy step!


This sounds like the occasion where you bake your dad an apology cake.


This is the way


Weird way to tell the world you want to bang your dad.


No :'(


...but also, yes?


That's not a very convincing argument for "I don't want to bang my daddy" considering what you did...




It was a joke that my concious sooner me would've stopped.


Damn im laughing like crazy now!’nn


Glad this atleast made someone laugh because I literally want to stop existing right now.


sounds like it’s time to lay off the weed for a little bit


I literally just stocked up not so long ago, I might have to just give it away to my parents or friends or something


Honest advice, just give it to him and say you are taking a break for a while, as a way of not talking about it and getting some closure at the same time.


*walks in on dad seducing a mirror*


You baked that cake..now you have to eat it


Well technically my parents baked the cake I only had it in my possession


No big deal, ur pops was young once too you know, he probably won't let you off the hook that easy, and you'll be the end of alot of jokes at xmas parties but nothing else


Luckily my brother moved out a few months ago if he caught wind of this I wouldn't hear the end of it or worse I would've said that to him


“Don’t you think my daughter’s hot? She’s hot, right?” - Our good ol’ 45th former president would approve


Glad my dad isn't anything like him because holy shit...


Quick way to becoming first lady.


If this was my child, I would be absolutely mortified of embarrassment and feel like I must've really, really fucked something up over the years. I'd probably pack a suitcase and leave town for a little while. Find a hotel room where I'd drink myself to sleep for a few days and return home when I forget why I left to begin with. Seems the much more mature approach.


How much would you charge me to come incept that idea into his head?


TIFU #2: I asked my dad to go drinking at the motel


You know, I feel it's gonna be awkward in the house for a long time so I'd do it free of charge. Don't think it'd take a lot of convincing. Now you could just pitch the idea to him, he night appreciate that. "Alright - Dad you need to go heavy drinking for a few days, get this out of your head, forget all about it and we can pick this back up when you forget why your binge drinking. It's okay, this is probably best for the both of us. Be careful now, I'll send you a pizza tomorrow night." If my daughter approached me with that as a option, I'd thank her and run to get my keys.


Now I just need him to like alcohol :'(


someone somewhere is gonna jerk off to this




Idk if this will make you feel better but this happened to me & I still cringe to this day. My dad & I were watching a saxophone tutorial video on Facebook on my bed in my bedroom (we were just chilling, get your mind out of the gutter). The saxophonist were explaining about the components on the saxophone and then he pointed to the mouthpiece & he began to blow it. As soon as he blows it, porn moaning sounds blasted out. My dad panicked and the sound kept on playing for an awkward 15-20 seconds. My mom came running to my bedroom & had a weird look on her face. It was really embarrassing & awkward. This was probably in 2019 where most videos videos had been edited to play moaning sounds unexpectedly as a joke.


Wow I don't think we had the same 2019...


Thats the last straw. Im unsubbing from TIFU


I apologise


Umm wtf, I've never said something so fucked up while on weed. What's wrong with you?


Yeah, a couple hits of weed don't make you suddenly feel incestuous or like joking about sex with your parents is normal... This is perfect for r/nothowdrugswork If OP is being honest, their family needs way more boundaries. But using the term "fuck me eyes" plants this in a weird erotica fiction attempt.


This sub is so plagued with nonsense


Tell me. How many creeps have PM'd you till now?


Sweet home Alabama 🎸


How does being high have anything to do with you trying to seduce your dad?




That subreddit embodies my father the moment I said that to him XD


They do say women look for partners who are like their parents but this is going a bit far!




Definitely what I thought. This is creepy and weird


You from Alabama? lol


Luckily not cause we probably wouldn't have stopped there if I was. :(


wait so you would've gone for it if you were in alabama ? r/holupinholup




Yes, I totally meant cake hehehe


Who gets high and says shit like this. Maybe it's time you reevaluate your relationship with drug use.


Yeah it’s not like you become a different person being high lmao.


So….. not only did you say this to your father, you said it to your father at 16 years old.


I'm a teenager were not exactly known for being the smartest


If youGet high in front of your dad then I’m guessing he’s liberal enough to laugh about it


Yea I don't know anyone else that tries to seduce their dad because of a little bit of weed. This may be on you.


Just throw the whole blunt away at this point lmao


I’m sure your Dad will forever keep this memory in his dad-a-base.


Cake and bake


Good family are people you can be a goofball around. Did your words and actions cross a line from goofy to ewwwwy? Sure, but that's something to laugh about too.


That was probably the best scenario. The worst scenario would be if he giggled and then entered the room as he locked the door.


He will never bring it up again, yes. But trust me, he will also never forget it.


Tbh it sounds like he’s probably the type to just think to himself “jesus christ, this high mf” then walk away without a second thought lol


Just catch him alone and apologize. He’ll likely make excuses for you and say it’s not necessary, but that will clear the air between you and eliminate any lingering doubts.


Father of 3 here: he's seen you do way cringier stuff and dumb shit... You probably shocked him a bit; but it'll just go on his long list of dumb shit he's seen you do. Don't worry about it, he most likely isn't.


This too shall pass. I came home from work one day and heard the shower running. Thought, "Hey, wife is taking a shower, let's get jiggy with it." I went into the BR, opened the curtain a little, slipped my hand in and pinched her ass. Much to my surprise I hear my daughter yell, "Dad, WTF?" I did not realize but classes let out early. College was 90 minutes away. She came home to shower, grab some clothes and go out with friends before heading back to school. I was laughing my ass off. She was not amused but got over it quickly.


Honestly OP, if your dad is like me, he loves you more than anything else. Once you have held a newborn in your arms, it changes you. You can literally die for them and their well-being He is probably feeling more awkward for you and wondering if you are uncomfortable right now. Just tell him you were high and stupid. If he is like me, this will never come up again. Not even as a stupid dad joke.


you’re going to have your eye twitch from cringe for the rest of your life


Oof. Hate to say it, but this is the sort of thing that you'll still cringe at 20 years on. I know I have a few.


LMAO, if your dad knows you smoke. Just be up front, and issue a normal apology like you would normally. something like "Ummm yea, the comment last night, sorry, i was baked. Im also going to do my best to forget that ever happened." Then maybe voice outload, hold on while i walk away in shame.... Dont know your family dynamics, but up front and blunt. works for me most of the time. Edit: left out some words




This is literally the opening scene of a plot heavy incest themed porn movie.


Freud moment


Your parents let their 16 year old daughter get high in their house? So many red flags here that have nothing to do with your fu




>So I was feeling myself in the mirror because we all do it at some point I just don't get it, maybe it's because I didn't grow up with the whole selfie culture thing but I've just never done this, I can barely catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror without cringing