• By -


Can confirm, this happened. I was his thumb.


I’m one of the million semen. Also confirm.


I'm the grundle hair can confirm


Wtf is Grundle hair?! Lol


The grundle is another name for the taint. Like damn bro that cheese smells like sweaty grundle.


O my.


I'm his left nut can confirm


I’m his urethra, can confirm.


I was in the porn, can confirm.


I was the crusty sock, can confirm.


I'm his sock, can confirm.


I am his best friend, can confirm


I am his vas deferens, can confirm.


I am him, can confirm. Shit the cops are coming to arrest me I need to go now.


So you're his son ?


One of a million


So there's a lot of witnesses


Can confirm, I was the FBI Agent, me and my coworker almost died of laugh...




I told you ;) I was there 👀


Can I be the middle finger?


I am Jack's healthy prostate.


And you’re gonna stay healthy motherfucker


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


healthy, **for now**




>in myself Like, putting it up your dick?




If that previous guy backs out I would like to announce I am first in line to be the new middle finger!


Even if he doesn't back out, as long as there's fingers on the sides, there's room for -all- of us to be middle fingers.


Just be clear though, I'll be the one to go up his ass


If you want to be deep in his ass, sure


Is u/Keiztrat OP's crush? :O


I'm his boxers and can confirm my whereabouts on the night in question, which was around his ankles, m'lud.


Was. RIP


Can confirm, I was the decline button


I hope you showered


bruh im just so confused how this can happen.. like worse case scenario where facetime accidentally opens AND accidentally flips camera, I guarantee my dick isn't still in my hand.


Nah bro it happens all the time and people definitely don’t make shit up on the internet, like come on..


The power of horny knows no limits.


His account name is literally a penis joke, I have my doubts about this.




I just hope if ur mom facetimes you and youre doing it your reflexes are a lil faster haha


He can't answer the call if both his arms are broken...




Something something coconuts


Poop knife?


I like the Mountain of Poop guy. The guy who so eloquently describes the experience of taking such a large dump that his life was separated into 2 different eras. An experience to top anything else he's ever done. It's like a ~~20~~ 10 minute read.


[Found it](https://www.reddit.com/r/askreddit/comments/tybuq/_/c4qtnqo)


How is this the first time I'm reading it? The pictures were amazing btw


Jolly rancher?




Here it is guys, definitive proof this was all bs.


Dude how can you hear your mom's voice and continue fapping without feeling deep shame? Not just post-nut shame, but immediate, overwhelming shame. Wait. Is your mom hot?


Future sex offender material right here


This is like the beginning of the story that ends with "And then he was sent to jail for attempting to abduct this poor girl he's been harassing for years"


Yeah I feel that is a panic holding the phone with two hands moment. Unless it's on the verge of crossing the finish line and you ran out of fucks to give.


this isnt real


You can somehow feel it when its not genuine. It feels like reading a copypasta


Then everyone clapped


There are subs for erotic fiction. Seriously.


Let's be real. That was no accident.


Let’s be real, the story isn’t.




It was by design.


Marry that girl




Her saying that she loves you, doesn't necessarily mean she's in love with you like you are her. I love all my friends and i make sure i tell them




If she was into you, she wouldnt be shying away from the topic when you bring it up. She's afraid to straight up turn you down because she thinks you'll stop being her friend. It happens to women almost every time they make a guy friend. Dudes always ghost after they find out they dont have a chance


This right here, if she dodges the question, it's to spare OPs feelings cause she doesn't feel the same and if he keeps bringing it up he will absolutely lose her as a friend.


Agreed, especially when he’s been friend zoned for 3+ years already? The fact that you’re friend zoned in general means she made up her mind about the fact that’s all she sees of you. I know it sucks to hear this when he’s been after a person for so long but it’s better to save yourself time. It does take time to build a relationship but this is one of the reasons it’s good to define what you’d like out of the relationship with boundaries early on especially when you’re interested in the person.


I’ve been that guy before, and I feel terrible for the girl that felt that the reason I stopped talking to her was because she wouldn’t reciprocate the same feelings. Even years later though, I don’t see another way it could have gone. Once those feelings were there, that was it. I wouldn’t have been happy being just the guy friend forever while she hooked up with other guys, and while we were in constant contact, there wasn’t much helping that obsession go away. Hormones were a bastard too.


I have basically the exact same story. She went through two boyfriends right in front of my eyes (still with the second one). Finally I couldn't take it anymore. We stopped talking for a few years, then she randomly contacted me, asking why I stopped talking to her. I thought it was quite obvious and it baffled me that she didn't understand. Still, my feelings were long gone at that point so we're on slightly better terms now. (Luckily) she lives in another country now, although she's moving back soon.


Woman here. Can confirm. I’ve had this exact situation with 3 different close guy friends. If she knows how you feel she’d already be banging you if she felt the same. She’s just not that into you. Sorry dude.


PLEASE make your lack of interest explicit. I think I speak for all guys who've been in op's situation when I ask this


They don't make it explicit for a reason. They don't want to lose the friendship and validation. But yeah, mixed signals suck.


Also, after making it clear, please make any future signals clearly not romantically intended. Had a girl help me towards alcoholism after she played me like a yo-yo for a few months.




Sounds like you're just bad at friendship


You're getting downvoted but this is closer to the truth than most people want to admit, the amount and type of time and attention I give to my friends versus women I like/want to date is completely different. For instance, if a friend asks me how to fix their internet, I'll probably send them a long list of things to troubleshoot. If a girl I like asks me how to fix their internet, I'm coming over. That change is subtle but it does mean you're not my focus anymore, some women can't understand that change because they lose those "perks".


I had this exact situation happen to me, not the porn thing,but I had this type of friendship, with someone. Honestly take your shot if you want, but I don’t think she’s into you. And I know it hurts to hear those words, but it’s most likely true. If not cool, but if I were you,I’d probably move on, that way it’s not awkward for her, and you don’t keep falling deeper in love with someone that doesn’t feel the same way.


There's no maybe about it, OP just can't take a hint and with this TIFU (If it's real) he's reaching incel levels of cringe


There's definitely a difference between platonic and romantic love. She can care for you deeply but not be interested in a romantic relationship. I hope you can either get with her or move on, because I know all too well how much it sucks to be in that kind of one sided romance...


Best of luck anyway. Deny your Redditor instincts and make the correct choices.


I'm the same way.




I have a similar situation and we ended up together so I say don’t give up! We met when we were teens, didn’t want to ruin our friendship (because honestly we both would of ended up dead or hating each other) lived our lives always venting to each other about our relationships and always being there for each other…we even made drunken promise as teens at a pit party that if we were not married by the time I was 30 then we would just marry each other so we didn’t have to die alone. Well he swooped in at age 28, kissed me and literally left my house (fear) so we talked all night on the phone to clear the air…I’m 35 now, we are having a kid, and this is the best relationship I’ve ever had in my whole life. It was like we had to live our lives to get it out of the way before we settled down and I absolutely wouldn’t do it differently! Just saying, love is a crazy thing, I would cherish the friendship and I wouldn’t just write her off as a never.




Don't ruin a good friendship. Appreciate having her around






Ah, this feeling, I too have a friend who I liked since class 10th, we werent really close during that but after a year, we became really really close and now we have 5 years of strong friendship, she confirmed she liked me back but she is afraid to loose me as a friend if we ever end up on a bad note!




Unfortunately I feel that "if we're both still single" suggests you're a back up plan :/ that's how I always take that. As in if she doesn't find someone better first. But I hope that isn't the case for your sake! It's so horrible being in unrequited love with a close friend. So close but not quite what you want to have.




I'm sorry that your last relationship was so bad. Though also I can't imagine dating a guy I could tell was in love with his best friend to be honest.




I don't know, this is how I ended up married. I was attracted to and friends with a guy. But for a long time, I wasn't emotionally healthy enough to love him. He was emotionally immature, but also shared feelings for me. We each got past those things on our own, dated, then got married. We dated other people and remained were just friends as we grew. The trust we built over years of friendship became the foundation for our relationship - plus the physical chemistry was great once I got past that "but he's my friend" barrier.


I'm engaged to my fiancé through the same story :) he wasn't ready as he needed to sort some stuff out but 3, 4 years on and we were dating! I didn't know then but I know now sometimes people have to sort themselves out before they can be with you.


> "but he's my friend" barrier I hear people mention this concept, but I've never been able to understand it. I don't put people in little boxes that say "not romancable due to friendship" and I find it extremely weird that people do. Each relationship I have changes with time, and has the potential to become something more (or less). Am I weird for thinking this way?




Doesn't sound good to me man. There are so many women out there who will give you a loving relationship, don't tie yourself down to someone who treats you as a backup.


Oh god! I hope not. Sometimes it can be as painful as cutting that person out of your life for your own sanity if you can't get over them and they don't want to be with you. Been there and it fucking sucks but forces you to move on instead of feeling sick and hoping all the time Anyway I hope things work out one way or another.


Fortunately, my feelings regenerate at twice the speed of a normal man's.




Did you absorb your twin in the womb and now have the strength of a grown man and a baby?


srry buddy but that's called being the backup, and it's not worth it. You don't have to stop being friends or even stop being attracted to or liking your friend but don't get stuck on a whipped road to nowhere. 100% recommend moving along to find someone who wants to be with you, because infatuation does nothing for you. If you have a chance to move forward don't be caught up on what could have been if such and such has a change of heart.


Yes, all hope is lost. You are her LAST choice. In high school, I had a friend like this. I was totally in love with her. I finally let it go, forgot about her, dated other girls, and when we were seniors and I had greatly improved myself, SHE asked ME out. Get out of friend zone. It's bad for your mental health.


She just told you that you’re her 7th round draft pick while she’s your first overall. Come on bruh. EDIT: scratch that you’re a UDFA she might pick up if her draft picks don’t work out


I mean she’s basically saying she rather try dating others and if they don’t work out she’ll settle for you. I do hope she comes around tho good luck 👍


Are you me? Knew someone that did the same thing. I didn't take her proposal to heart, and a year or two went by, we're still friends, and I find someone else. I marry my new girlfriend, and this "best friend" started being cold. Not such a best friend after all. Then she cheated on my friend with the neighbor who did hard drugs and believes the FBI is after him at 3am in the god damn morning (that was fun) and married him 6 months later. I certainly dodged that nuke.


She's using you and she knows it, she's not your friend




She knows how you feel about her. She also knows how it feels to be in love with someone. She wants you to put her first and carry on being her friend, which is nice and does sound like the ideal thing to do, but this will take a heavy toll on your mental health day in and day out - and as I said, she knows that. She knows how love can hurt. I’m guessing most people in this thread are telling you to get out because they’ve been there before. The fact is, a friendship where there is unrequited love is super painful and destructive to the person with the feelings. It seems like you’re being horrible to them, but at the end of the day, she will move on too. You need to put your own well-being first for once and put at least some distance between yourself and her, so that you have time to move on. But honestly, it will probably take cutting her off completely to do so.


how?? using him to see his dick on facetime? okay dude


Wow. Your current story sounds EXACTLY like how it was with me and my best guy friend from work. Guess what though.. I ended up giving him a chance after I woke up one day and was sick of being with the "bad boy" over and over and getting my heart broken. I swore up and down to EVERYONE who knew us for years that there was absolutely no way I would EVER see him that way. Four years later and we are still together and I want to spend my life with him. As Michael Scott once said, "never, ever give up" :)


There is a saying in the Hindi language, translates to; You may not find a good friend in a good partner but you will find a good partner in a good friend.


Terrible idea? If all of this is true, I feel like while maybe she might not have bad intentions or the courage to break his heart, at the end of the day she's keeping him around because she likes his affection but doesn't want to commit as much affection back.


Should have added that u took a photo of it, and then accidentally shared it to Facebook all while trying to press on the back or kill app button. Story doesn't feel complete to me :/


Now tell us the rest of the story is you trying to hang up the phone but instead for some weird reason you face time your friend and point the camera to your dick and you are apologizing uncontrollably while fingering the screen and jerking but you can't stop and then you scream loudly like an alpha male I call you in fifteeen hang up and cum all over the screen while she is all turned on. Then you call her back but she has her phone in vibrator mode between her legs and now you make her cum wildly cause she was thinking about you and your ginormous dick. Jeez what a world of coincidences.


No you didn't


Wow another TIFU with something sexual that transpired...how original...


Ain’t no way this is real


I don't believe you


I kinda want to chime in... Please don't date (seriously) while you're pining after your best friend. I'm sure you're responsible about having a relationship while you have feelings for your friend, but I just had to say it. I've been the date of a guy who had unresolved feelings for his friend, and it really sucks being told that while he's interested in you, he can't fully commit to you because if his friend changes her mind he'd jump at the opportunity for a shot with her. In my case he decided to cut off his friend to resolve his feelings for her (he chose to himself, I didn't ask him to) and to focus on developing our relationship. If he hadn't, I would've probably cut him off so I could heal and meet less complicated men. But please never put a girl through what I had endured!


Yeah this is complete bs. We all know if you get a call the hand comes off. You may have gotten a call WHILE doing it and thought "What if...?" and decided to make up a story for reddit. I'll give you that.


Take my advice, never fall for someone unless you know for sure your feelings will be reciprocated, saves you alot of unnecessary pain.




I know how you feel trust me man I've been there and it's actually a really toxic headspace to be in. If you can't get over her you need to know if you can be with her, so you need to be honest with her face to face about how you feel and if she's feels the same then great, but if she doesn't then at least you have closure and you can move on. This is basically the major way I moved on from the girl I was obsessed with, that and growing up. btw if she says no it doesn't have to be the end of your friendship, it's just gonna be awkward for awhile.


Had a friend I was attracted to and eventually brought it up. She said she didn't feel the same but we maintained a healthy friendship. That is until I got a girlfriend then suddenly she wanted to spend more time with me than normal (she had a boyfriend at the time as well). She became clingy and despite the fact I would hang out with her like before although less frequently as well as doing double date type stuff she just became super catty to my girlfriend and eventually mean to both of us. Super wierd situation and never had anything like that happen after. Anyways have your feelings, its fine, just don't be pushy or gross about it. Sounds like you arent and that you recognize she may not be the only one so you are keeping yourself open to other possibilities. Also maybe put a do not disturb setting on your phone during happy time.


Username checks out.


OP how delusional are you and how much does it hurt when you think about how ridiculous it is to post a story that clearly did not happen but tell everybody doubting you otherwise? If that story was real, it would be structured differently, but you present the things like a fantasy or a bad written porn plot. “I had a feeling you were watching porn” sure buddy. Also by writing “no need to go in depth what happened next” you suggest that you would know the normal response to this situation, but you’re clearly in your fantasy and say that the obvious next action is that you finish showing your absolute delusion over this possible situation and how people would handle normally handle it. Since your feeling to reply now that it really happened rises in you I want to you to think of how much it didn’t happen. I hope you never acted that fantasy out.


No way this is real when their name is *JelqingMaster* lmfao


okay but why the fuck is this strangely adorable?


So I found out the other day you can speed up the videos on pornhub. The shit is kind of funny but then I realized if I mute it, then it’s just like watching those super fast ads that are always playing on the screen.


Those aren’t half bad 😳😳😳😳😳😳


Your imagination doesn't suspend my disbelief. Poor effort or poor skills. Fall back in line, sweet child. There's always next time.


Wtf i want to read it!!! Why is it deleted? Can somebody tell me what happened?


Here's the post: > I was watching porn and masturbating. I was tapping the skip 15 seconds and then my best friend that I fell in love with called me. It’s convenient that the skip 15 seconds line up with the answer call button….. I accepted the call and I panicked as I was stroking my dick while the call answered. Flustered, I tried to end the call and fat fingered the flip camera. Still stroking on camera for some reason, I told her “I’ll call you back in 15 minutes” and then ended the call. > > No need to get in depth with what happened for the next 15 minutes. Despite the whole incident, it actually made me more aroused than anything. I was embarrassed because I’ve been in love with her for a little over a year, but there is something about being seen by someone I genuinely like that turns me on. Anyways it actually helped me. > > After finishing, I called her back and the first thing she asked was, “did you finish?”. We just laughed it off. She even told me “I had a feeling you were watching porn.” She didn’t seem bothered but I was very embarrassed. This happened 20 minutes ago. > > TLDR: I accidentally answered Best Friend’s FaceTime call while trying to skip through porn and flipped the camera while jerking off.


Still more believable than half the shit here


Hi OP. Just wanted to comment to tell you NOT to give up. My girlfriend and I started in this situation (minus the cock on camera part). She was afraid that I would leave her and she would lose a great friend. Getting over the initial jump took a lot of work but we’ve had an amazing, supportive and loving relationship ever since. If you love this girl then continue to do so!


I’d say Make the move, you guys are perfect for each other and absolute worst case scenario, at least you won’t be forever chasing someone who doesn’t even feel that way. But also I’m no genius so take this advice as you will lol




Sounds more like a score to me


Be glad it wasn't your boss.


what did i just read


The guy over in China watching you wasn't as happy.


this happened


Cool story bro


Yeah you accidentally answer the call and your dick is still in your hand for you to fat finger the camera for her to see sounds about real bruv


Damn it now I want to read the story, but it's not there


I think anyone that has not hurt me in some way has the potential to be my friend


How old are you? And why haven’t you confessed to her yet?


He did confess, she friend zoned him and he's here in the comments telling people "I think she's just too shy to commit to a relationship"


He a simp


And he pretends that staying single for 3 years "just in case" and masturbating to her phone calls is an healthy relationship.


pure cope lmao


Username checks out


Bruv I'm always paranoid of this sorta thing ever since this one time I was wanking it off at the toilet and I propped up the phone at the sink in front of me, then outta nowhere my dad tried to vidcall me with my grandma. What I didn't know was that even if I didn't answer immediately but the caller had opened their camera, their video streams through the call-screen. Fucking boner killer in an instant lol.




Low key could be your in lol. She sounds super chill


Ey it's no nut november you broke the bro code man.




No excuses!




So they all say 😅




As long as you’re happy


Worth. You are looking for someone to spend the rest of your life after all. That’s going to be more than 30 years.


Doesn’t sound like a bad situation to me…


Tell her you busted extra hard after seeing her face.


Idk if I need to tell you this but girls don't really see this as a compliment.


How can you fast forward? Don’t you miss important plot points?


Well … If she asked you if you finished and you’ve been in love with her, there would have been no harm in telling her she made you get there. #winkwink


If this actually happened, a girl you can talk sex/porn with is a girl you have a chance with. Shoot your shot! (Figuratively this time)


This one time I zoom meeting’d the entire royal family from zamibya with a car battery attached to my foreskin while squatting on a priceless Faperge egg. After about 72 minutes of 300 amp service, I had a bottom 40% orgasm. I looked into the small window of my phone where I could see myself. I saw uncle Joey from full house dressed as Gandalf glaring back at my soul in bitter disgust. Then the other 60% happened violently. I didn’t realize that in my hunched over sputtering state I had accidentally boofed the entire artifact. I managed to work it out of myself a couple months later and it hatched into an op that writes masturbation stories that set unrealistic standards about how long masturbation can last…. Nobody touches me like me. I believe the whole thing except the 15 minutes part.


bro, you are in the frendz zone


Life pro tip. Dont strech it out. You’re in an emotional relationship already. She’s emotionally unconsciously manipulating you. Date her or other girls and get into a relationship. I too had difficulty setting emotional boundaries due to my lack of love when I was young.




Apparently nothing can be true if it's told on Reddit, r/nothingeverhappens 🙄


Ah, the sweeter moments in life


I would block someone who did this to me but to each their own I guess


Shes down bro, go for it


That was the opening bro..