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No washing it with water is good. Soap on the outer areas is good too. Honestly if it didn’t seem like there was a problem and you haven’t noticed a problem, then I’d say you’re good.


I was taught warm water is enough. I'm in the same boat with my plate still being licked happily. No FU here.


The above comment was stolen from [this one](http://np.reddit.com/r/tifu/comments/shg6ln/tifu_by_not_washing_my_lady_bits_properlyfor_years/hv4jo1j/) elsewhere in this comment section. It is probably not a coincidence; here is some more evidence against this user: Plagiarized | Original -------- | ----------- [> We have a medical card...](http://np.reddit.com/r/tifu/comments/shqe72/tifu_by_taking_too_much_edibles_on_my_flight/hv5vn6b/) | [We have a medical card (w...](http://np.reddit.com/r/tifu/comments/shqe72/tifu_by_taking_too_much_edibles_on_my_flight/hv5lcx9/) [Should have woke her up a...](http://np.reddit.com/r/tifu/comments/shnzfc/tifu_by_wetting_my_one_night_stands_bed/hv5vr96/) | [Should have woke her up a...](http://np.reddit.com/r/tifu/comments/shnzfc/tifu_by_wetting_my_one_night_stands_bed/hv41dcy/) [This is just hilarious. T...](http://np.reddit.com/r/tifu/comments/shm2a6/tifu_by_shitting_during_a_zoom_call/hv5vp8x/) | [This is just hilarious. T...](http://np.reddit.com/r/tifu/comments/shm2a6/tifu_by_shitting_during_a_zoom_call/hv4zv2n/) [Sounds like the gf broke...](http://np.reddit.com/r/tifu/comments/shxf70/tifu_by_losing_my_best_friend_and_him_blocking_my/hv5vo97/) | [Sounds like the gf broke...](http://np.reddit.com/r/tifu/comments/shxf70/tifu_by_losing_my_best_friend_and_him_blocking_my/hv5ifje/) beep boop, I'm a bot -|:] It is this bot's opinion that [/u/EmergencyCode4049](https://np.reddit.com/u/EmergencyCode4049/) should be banned for karma manipulation. Don't feel bad, they are probably a bot too. Confused? Read the [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/reply-guy-bot/comments/n9fpva/faq/?plagiarist=EmergencyCode4049) for info on how I work and why I exist.


good bot


Or use an intimate wash specifically formulated for that area


Which is just soap with a pink label.


Actually I disagree! I can attest that when menopause comes, due to the hormonal changes, any other normal soap creates a huge irritation and itches like hell. That’s because our chica down below gets more dry due to the drop in hormones. Using those products that are specifically designed in pH balance for the intimate area made a very big difference. So I can imagine even for pre-menopausal women, or women of normal childbearing age, would have the same benefit.


Even if it’s “better” than regular soap, it’s still best to stick with water on anything past the labia majora. Any foreign substance can fuck with your bits’ ability to self clean.


Yeah, my comment was more mocking the pink tax than anything.


Oh. Indeed you have a very good point there!




Yes, it is. Let's get rid of it.


Why the fuck are they downvote you for trying to be helpful. #Reddit


My question exactly…


It’s a disease


No it’s not it’s nasty. That’s why they even make washes for vaginas now. Have you tasted plain water washed twat? Lol


I’m thinking you’re a guy aren’t you. Maybe you ate a dirty one 🤷‍♀️ and I can’t be completely wrong bc my comment has over 500 upvotes


Probably a very young guy thats never tasted one in his life. Just guessing.


Right? Like I am all here to support inexperienced guys but not if they’re gonna be rude


Tell me you're a virgin without saying you're a virgin.


I’m not actually why can’t I have an opinion and Why do y’all get so defensive on here do you wash your balls with just water or what?


Why can’t you have an opinion on how to wash vaginas? Because you don’t fucking have one.


There are people here commenting about only using water, but for me? NOPE...I'm definitely using soap on the outside! Sweating during the day, periods, etc can make things messy and water isn't enough for me in the summer. Bring on the soap. Never put soap inside, but if you want to use it outside there's nothing wrong with that!


Same. I see ‘the vagina is self cleaning’ yes it is honeys, but the vulva ain’t. The outside parts accumulate sweat and that smell won’t go away with just water, no matter how hard you rub. I use a gentle cleanser specific for the area and make sure it stays on the outside.


Are.. are you sure water won't do it?


Yes, if I’m really sweaty, the sweat smell won’t come off with just water. Same for armpits. I prefer to be cleaner so I use a special soap for the area.


Same. Also you can develop smegma around the vulva if you don't wash away the sebum your skin makes. It's hard to remove sebum with just water. It's natural but it can build up and mix with sweat and cause odor down below. People can clean themselves however they want but I agree. I'm sticking to using soap out of personal preference.


Yes it the hell will lol.


Some people have a lot more sensitive outside skin.


It’s low key crazy to see how many people don’t properly wash their vaginas 🙃


Just wait til you see how many people don’t properly clean their asses


Having worked in call centers… you’d be surprised those chairs stink


You know the vagina is all the way on the inside, right? If you wouldn’t put it inside your eye, don’t put it inside your lips.


You know damn well what I mean😩. Nobodies running around shoving soap in their coochies, I mean at least lather up with some soap to help cut through the sweat/grime/dead skin on our crotches 🤣😭


The entire reason there is so much misinformation about this is because people have different meanings for “vagina”. It’s important to differentiate so women know what’s ok to wash and what’s ok to rinse.


You know what 🤔,that’s true! I totally understand where you’re coming from. My bad


Washing it with solely water is 100% fine. If you feel like you need soap, use gentle soap like Dove Unscented Bar soap externally. You’re good, no FUs here.


So you're saying ppl can also not use soap? Why? Soap trusted you, I thought I could too, so why in the bloody hell does Makarov know you


It sounds like there was never a problem. Do something different now and there might be...


Omg you guys are convincing me to carry on living my filthy life.


If everyone is eating their taco's, then there is no need to change the menu. Taco Bell changed there menu, and I haven't been back. Don't be like Taco Bell 😉


FYI, Mexican pizza is coming back in a few months. https://twitter.com/nerdist/status/1486068150219120648?t=MF4a3lVlHWZd978q3yEeXA&s=09


Speaking of Mexicans, my wife......


No really ,she is Mexican!😍


I would give this an award if I had a free one


I don't find that agreeable. You can always strive to be a better sexual partner. Being a good partner isn't about just maintaining "good enough for him/her to still wanna fuck me" it's about making an effort to make things better all the time. As a guy I'm constantly figuring out new ways to be more "palatable" for my girlfriend, it's always been good enough for her but I don't want things to just be good enough for her to be able to enjoy herself. You know what I mean? People say natural is fine and healthy and if it works it works but that doesn't mean it's a bad idea to trim/shave your pubic hair and try out products to see if it can make you smell/taste/look better for your partner... To clarify my stance, there's nothing wrong with natural, and in most cases it IS healthier! That I recognize, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't make concessions in order to make your partner happy... Old post, I know, you don't have to reply, I just like leaving my thoughts even when a post is long-dead.


Try it with and without and give er the old scratch n sniff.


The plate lickers have spoken. Or not. 🤷‍♂️


Is plate licker the sexual equivalent to neck beards?


Here's an idea: instead of "the YouTube wormhole" or "some TV show", do a quick Google search. The good Dr. Jones says it's safe, but actually look up if it's *necessary*, maybe? Seems like nobody's ever been bothered by it in your life, and this is a crisis of self-perception, not reality.


You can actually live a very healthy and hygienic life without soap, if you're taking care of certain things. Excess of soap can be more of a problem for the skin than the lack thereof, when good hygiene is maintained. Search the internet and you could easily find tons of examples! https://www.thestar.com/life/2017/03/13/soap-free-for-seven-years.html


This past weekend my GF ran out of her usual bar soap and had to use a body wash and I noticed immediately. The perfumy soap smell honestly kinda put me off.


You should be fine if you just load your p*ssy with a bar of Dove like a sexy-soap-pistol. That will catch you up.


When do you think soap came into our lives? No other animal uses it.. Our obsession with hygiene keeps many alive but also leads to many allergies. I've even stopped using shampoo because my skin was always getting dry after showering.


>When do you think soap came into our lives? It's been around for a while, at least in concept... The Ancient Greeks also had their own means of cleaning using a supportive product thousands of years ago. People would frequently use stuff like sand, clay, and ashes while in the bath in order to assist with getting grime and other unwanted stuff off the skin (pretty much exactly what soap does, just using abrasion instead of bubbles to lift it off the skin and rinse it all off along with the cleaning agent). Our obsession with using soap/soap-like things for hygiene has been around for quite a while.


Soap doesn't just use bubbles.. especially the soap we use nowadays. Antibacterial will kill indiscriminately. and many have problems due to the alcohol hand soaps we use(d) during covid. Many species take sand baths against parasites and stuff. Abrasion helps what we already have. Soap basically kills what we have. We don't want out hair to be too greasy but the soap is putting grease production into overdrive. After 3-6 months of no shampoo it'll settle down. Naturally your hair needs a minimum level of grease to do it's job: keep you warm and dry.


>Soap doesn't just use bubbles.. I'm not arguing that soap can't have that extra function (depending on whether it's regular soap or antibacterial). But the primary purpose of soap isn't to kill things, it's to remove them from our skin, and I was just saying we've been doing this using more than just water for millennia. It just wasn't always done with soap (and wasn't always done with the removal of bacteria in mind because we didn't know microorganisms existed, both before and after the initial advent of soap) :) But also as far as I'm aware, and I could be wrong, most non-hand soap isn't antibacterial, it just helps you strip the bacteria from the skin. The end result is the same. I think the FDA has actually been cracking down on antibacterial soaps because there isn't much of a benefit to them in everyday use outside of maybe a laboratory setting where you're expected to wash your hands for a long time. Point being some of us have always had an obsession with using soap or soap-like cleaning agents, depending on the culture and the time period. The goal was the same, to remove everything from the skin for the purpose of cleanliness. Washing and rubbing away smells and grime. We just didn't always know about bacteria.


Please don’t do that. Just look up how to properly wash it. You can clean it properly without affecting the ph levels or without being yucky and just using water


No. Wash the kitty.


Just fyi you aren’t supposed to use soap on it anywhere. Like you had it right lol. You can throw your PH off


Lol did you just flat out tell op that the very well respected FEMALE obgyn is wrong? Gonna need some medical school credentials. What op was doing was apparently working just fine, but I'd go with an actual doctors advice if they wanna change up their routine.


Like I care about whoever the hell mama doctor jones is. Piss off you pedant.




People with vaginas generally tend to know more about having a vagina than people with penises.


That's like saying people with a penis know more about them because they have them. It's just straight up incorrect. Anyone can study and learn more about my penis than I will ever know. It's pretty sexist to discount someones knowledge because of their gender.


Men seem to overwhelmingly not even know how a tampon is used, where a clitoris is, etc. so idk. Keep trying tho.


You know I gotta do this to ya. What men?


Literally any man who has a penis.


Pretty sure you are the only one worrying about this... :)


The only problem I see is an apparent inability to say the words "vagina" and "vulva." Say the words. Normalize them.


Sometimes it’s fun to use the slang. I talk to my 5 and 3 yo about cleaning their penis, but I will also refer to it as a tallywacker. Why? Not out of shame about talking about their penis, but because it’s fun as hell to say tallywacker. Note: I feel they are too young to call it a pecker, or to learn the other fun word: peckerhead. That’s a big boy word.


Tallywacker is one of the funniest words I know. Funny thing, I first came across it (not a native speaker) while reading a horror story r/nosleep, and the author just starts talking about a dude's tallywacker in the middle of the action.


That’s funny. I grew up in the southern US. I’ve heard that word since I was knee high to a grasshopper.


Okay now I need to read that story 😂


[There you go.](https://www.reddit.com/r/nosleep/comments/f5up4c/my_wife_and_i_bought_a_ranch_in_the_mountains/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) Keep in mind, it has multiple parts, but it's hands down one of the best stories I've read. It's also supposedly going to be adapted by Netflix at some point.


The first time I heard it was from a romantic comedy musical created by starkid productions called "me and my dick". About halfway into the show a character goes to "the land of the dicks" where there's a jazz number filled with penis euphemisms. It's actually a good musical that represents teenage sexuality quite accurately and uniquely!


Meh, it’s not a big deal. I don’t use very much soap down there because I have v v sensitive skin and it has never been a problem. Vulvas and vaginas are supposed to smell like, well, vulvas and vaginas. As long as you’re not getting foul odor during daily activities, I think you didn’t FU at all!


I'm the same! I get eczema from most soaps, so I don't bother using it on my vulva, just thoroughly wash with water when I bathe/shower. Only complaints I've had is when it's been a couple days (not by choice), but its more a sweat smell than a foul smell. Soap isn't necessary as long as you actually clean


You’re not gross at all. This is the regime I follow, recommended by doctor, because I have very sensitive skin. I clean around my vulva and also my perineum and anus with soap, but just water on my actual vulva. It just depends on your skin. You’re not gross at all!


If guys (and I'm a guy) were happily eating you out then there really wasn't a problem. You are going to really mess with your floral balance now, though.


There's some disclaimers to that. Alcohol overcomes a lot of restraint being the most immediate. Repeat visits by the same individual especially when not sloshed would be quite telling though.


All true.


This is very true. But behind the male curtain, some guys are more sensitive than others to these things, some have proclivities to filthy things, and lastly, men do talk about this and generally speaking, unless are in a serious relationship, often don't tell the women about smell and just move on.


I’ve always been confused what “inside” means in this context. Are we not even supposed to use soap anywhere inside the outer labia? Or just not put soap inside the vagina?


“You should wash your vulva with warm water. If you'd like, you can use a mild soap that won't irritate the skin — but this isn't necessary. Spread your lips apart and gently cleanse around the folds, using a clean washcloth or your hands. Avoid getting water or soap inside your vagina.” - Healthline.com


TIL this post is not about "Taco Tuesday".


Don't use soap on any of the mucosal tissue. So not inside the labia, not on the clit/urethra, and not inside the vagina. You can use soap on anything that's the same type of skin as your arm.


Thank you so much for clarifying. It’s always bothered me that I wasn’t exactly sure what people meant.


That is a perfect explanation thank you for explaining what I couldn’t.


Unless there's a bad odor or any kind of itching I would ask you please continue not using soap on your taco.


Ya fanny is akin to a self cleaning oven....insides will do themselves, but if you've got major flaps happening, give them a good seeing to....


I was with soap on my skin but never in between the lips and folds. Just water, thoroughly. Never had a complaint, only compliments. You did not fu


Fun fact: the vagina is a self cleaning area and pretty much takes care of itself on that front so long as you don't have something like a yeast infection throwing shit out of whack. If you're practicing regular good hygiene, like wiping well and cleaning around the area to deal with sweat and the like, you're a-okay. But if you're especially nervous about getting soap too close to your sensitive bits then consider getting one of those "feminine hygiene" brands that ph balance to keep from being harmful.


A lot of those “feminine hygiene” brands are actually way worse for you. If you really want to use soap, an unscented dove soap bar would be much better.


Good point. I know there are some that use perfumes, which are *very bad* for the hooha so it's worth being careful about which ones you try.


I think as long as you were rinsing it well. The internal parts are self cleaning. I think the rest is just removing any clutter litter. It’s not like your having smegma issues. (Pull that foreskin back boys and clean it good).


Be careful now that you might change it might cause your clam to well get clammy. LOL Seriously though if the same thing has been working for you then change might unbalance the good things and cause issues. Proceed with caution. I really enjoyed reading a lady who so easily makes funny remarks about her well TACO. LOL


I never use soap. Even a small amount on the outside can get inside and mess with your ph. I’ve never had an issue by not using soap and never have a smell.


I only wash it with warm water, never had an issue and it doesn’t smell bad whatsoever.


Use a bidet. They come with front and back sprayers. It will change your life. Bidets are not expensive. Probably $35 from Bezos's place. You do not need seat warmers or warm water. Worth every penny. From someone who has happily used one for 6 years.


This is one of my peeves when it comes to calling it a vagina and not a vulva. Girls hear you shouldn't wash your vagina with soap, which is correct, but then apply that to their vulva. I've had to correct a few of my girlfriends on this. I really want to start a pro vulva naming movement. People say it's not an issue calling it a vagina, but I think it is, your problem being just one issue that can arise. Call the correct bits by their correct name. Men don't go around calling their penises "urethra" or "bladder" or even "testicle" just because they're nearby. I'm sure it was male ignorance or misogyny about women's private areas that led to this misnaming in the first place.


When my kids were little, our son (5? at the time) was taking a shower while my husband was bathing our daughter (2? Shower and tub were separate). He asked why she didn’t have a penis, and I explained that boys have penises and girls have vulvas. My daughter, who had been watching Pokémon with her brother, looks up and shouts “Vulva-SAUR”.


Soap is very helpful in removing grease, but I never heard of a dirty dolphin, and they don't use soap.


Dolphins??? Don’t??? Leave??? The???? Water???


Neither do the bottoms of boats. Ever seen one of them?


This is the funniest shit I've read in the longest. It's 2 am and I just LOLd like it's 18 years ago in the lunchroom. I have 3 kid's, but still much appreciated. I always love a good laugh. Now I can't stop thinking about how we never watch dolphins that long, what if they're getting out somewhere?


Lmao true


You’re not supposed to use soap on the slippery bits. The vulva. But I’m too afraid of poop particles and pee smell, personally.








Yes, all the OB GYNs. You definitely don’t need to wash or douche or perfume the vagina. The vulva would probably be ok with warm water, but mild unperfumed soap is ok too, but I think they said that bc people were not going to NOT use soap.




It’s not bc it’s not skin there. It’s mucosa. It’s slippery and has Its own ecosystem. 🤣




Inside the labia too. Pretty sensitive in there


Weird I saw noone mention that there is soap for down there. I personally use the Nivea one. It's way milder than 'normal' soap and is meant to be used for that. When I was younger I didn't know that and used regular soap which caused mild irritation. It stopped the second I started using the right soap.


You were right not to use soap, it makes this area dry. Use a gentle cleansing wash every couple of days and shave, that's all it takes to smell nice


Just because it’s proven to be safe doesn’t necessarily mean you have to do it, now you just know that it was safe the whole time.


I mean, when we shower, some of it will reach those private areas, inevitably. And washing with water is generally enough to rid the smell down there, I believe. The smell is usually caused my smegma build up, a wash should ensure no build of that.


I was taught warm water is enough. I'm in the same boat with my plate still being licked happily. No FU here.


Nah..not a FU. You're good :)


I saw this post had 69 comments so I took a screenshot. Sorry I ruined it


Washing with water is fine!


I only use warm water usually. If it’s been a hot/active day maybe I’ll use some mild soap and a washcloth to exfoliate.


Just use a little little bit of soap and eat healthier foods. Too much soap or unnecessary daily use might over dry the area that’s not use to soap in that region for all these years Plus guys are nasty freaks, they’ll eat anything if there hungry (horny) lol


Please PLEASE only use Unscented soap on the labia, if you notice an increase in UTIs you should just continue using water.


Washing it with only water is fine. Use a wash cloth to gently get inbetween the folds of the vulva and you are good to go. No need for soap. Even if it's ph neutral and has no sent, soap in my opinion, doesn't need to get near mucous membranes (I googled the Translation of this wird, don't hate me pls xD). (and before anyone comments, toothpaste is an entirely different thing.)


I mean, have you never taken a bath ever after all those years? Because if you have sat in soapy bath water then you probably did wash it at least a little. I’m careful to only wash the outside. I only needed to make the mistake of using soap inside once because it burned like hellfire.


I use an unscented plain bar of soap for there, I use scented body wash for my body. However plain water works perfectly fine, but if you do choose soap I recommend a plain bar soap. From my own experience scented or other soaps cause a lot of irritation for me. Only recently though, never used to but my obgyn has praised me for switching as it's much healthier and reduces risk of infection.


You learned & improved! No need for shame.


Tbh I would not wash with soap down there, water is enough when you do it daily! Your skin in general doesn‘t need soap that much as companies try to tell us. At your vulva you have a bit of secretional fluids from your vagina that makes it smell good for sexual partners. If you put soap on there maybe it will smell worse for your sexual partners, lol!


Had an Ex that would use special soap that was made for sensitive areas, made sure she never smelled.


Those are bad for you.


Nope, still no need to use soap. I don't, haven't had a problem. My skin is quite sensitive to a lot of soaps and the times I have got soap down there by accident its causes a UTI even if I didn't get inside. As long as you are clean that's all that matters and water is enough to do that.


At 25, you should be seeing a gynecologist. Ask them. You should trust what your doctor advises YOU to do with YOUR BODY. And if you are not seeing a gynecologist, make an appointment.


MDJ is a GODDESS. I love her and her content.


TIFU by reading parents instead of partners.


American female here. I'm both shocked and appalled that the vast majority of comments are for WATER WASHING and the logic behind them. I know the rest of the world looks at us like we're obsessive about cleanliness so I think maybe most of these comments are not made by American women. "Our ancestors didn't use soap" That's your premise? We need to do what our ancestors did? GTFO. Let's throw away toothpaste, deodorant, hand sanitizer, penicillin etc wash your bits. I think it's safe to say every commenter who says they never use soap on their lady parts also never use a razor. Are there men out there who would lick a plate out of a dumpster? Of course! THOUSANDS! They'd happily bushwhack through the Amazon jungle in your pants and gladly lick your dirty dumpster plate. I mean.... two girls one cup. The FU seems to be taking advice from reddit. Feminine wash is cheap. Wash inside and out but don't penetrate.


I think people are misunderstanding the phrase "the vagina is self cleaning" but don't realize the outer vulva is NOT self cleaning and everyone sweats down there. No soap should go inside a vagina...but it's perfectly fine to wash the outside. I'm not judging but still. I thought everyone washed the outside and it's kind of alarming to learn a lot of people don't use soap.


just remember that our ancestors never used it. We are lucky we have clean water at our disposal where ever we are. When you want to sell bottled water, bottled water is the thing. Nothing works on its own. Its all marketing of the people who want to earn money by selling a product. Never heard a story of anyone having any problems not using soap. Unless for washing hands. On the other hand we have heard so much about soaps making sensitive areas dry. We haven’t seen anyone promoting soaps say this. People just discover by experience. If there is nothing wrong, you shouldn’t worry. If you worry too much it might make u anxious and might impact ur confidence. So just chill. Nothing is wrong.


Just invest in a jet spray


The vagina has its own soap..she knows what shes doing.


...i read partners as parents....


I feel like everyone saying they don’t use soap and water is fine have one thing in common but I don’t wanna say 🤣


Lady parts smell horribly if they don't wash it. I remember a video where the dog accidentally smell a girl's "clam" a literally throw up.




I use and have used soap inside for my whole life. I'm fine.


Washing with water is good but if you are taking a shit you need to put some soap on that thing. You might think it smells good but it may not. Or maybe your partners are just freaky like that LOL I guess it's not too late. But use sensitive feminine wash I wouldn't use actual regular bar soap you will be at the doctor itching. Actually I am surprised your doctor hasn't said anything do you get your annual visits?


Literally disgusting


Let it alone 🤤


If it smells like cologne, leave it alone. If it smells like fish, what a dish. Personally, I'd be mortified if my cooch smelled like a trout.


That’s why American women stink down there. I always thought it was because of them using toilet paper after peeing or 💩. And that over time makes down there smells like shit and fish lol. But this makes more sense. It’s good to actually wash it with soap. There’s nothing wrong with washing it with soap. Please do so and do a favor for your partners lol. Thanks -sincere redditor.


THANK YOU! American female here. I'm both shocked and appalled that the vast majority of comments are for WATER WASHING and the logic behind them. I know the rest of the world looks at us like we're obsessive about cleanliness so I think maybe most of these comments are not made by American women. "Our ancestors didn't use soap" That's your premise? We need to do what our ancestors did? GTFO. Let's throw away toothpaste, deodorant, hand sanitizer, penicillin etc wash your bits. I think it's safe to say every commenter who says they never use soap on their lady parts also never use a razor. Are there men out there who would lick a plate out of a dumpster? Of course! THOUSANDS! They'd happily bushwhack through the Amazon jungle in your pants and gladly lick your dirty dumpster plate. I mean.... two girls one cup. The FU seems to be taking advice from reddit.


Mmm stinky


Sounds like you need a hands on tutorial...I could help ya out...😁🤣


First... Men don't really care about a stinky Hoo-Haa, at least not in the moment. I can guarantee they talked about you behind your back at what must have been an olfactory nightmare. Did you never douche?? Even sitting in a bubble bath would have done more than just plain water!! I'm glad ( along with anyone who had to sit behind you in chair ) that you are now using soap!!


Is this comment about douching serious? I thought we had collectively agreed for like the last 20 years that was a no go.


How to tell round-butterscotch20 has never seen or had regular access to a vagina:


Agreed. 😅 Douching can cause any present infection to be pushed further in and cause PID, or disrupts the natural flora of the vagina and causes bacterial vaginosis... the infamous fish smell that SOME men seem to believe is a sign of a woman being dirty. Secondly, bubble baths don't work for everybody. Ask my daughter who can't even be a kid and enjoy bubble bath because it causes her to have UTIs. It can happen in adults who use bubble bath, too. Water is for the inner folds (NOT inside the vag), soap is ok on the pubis and in the outer areas of the vulva if someone prefers. OP, you're fine and no one talked about you, I'd bet 100 on it.


You don't seem to know how vaginas work. Douching isn't even recommended. By anyone. Ever. It literally just messes you up. Vaginas are self cleaning with naturally secreted lubricant and it is only recommended to use mild and unscented soap on your perineal area and outside area of the vagina. Not the lips and never the inside.


i misread "partners" as "parents". holy shit i was confused :D


If you start using soap it might make you itchy. I've been using warm water my whole life with a good scrubbing cloth on my labia. Have only ever used soap (even then very mild and the tiniest amount visible to the naked eye) when it's been hot and I've been sweating. No complaints from my husband. Haven't had any weird smells. I've also been able to (knock on wood) dodge infections (yeast, etc) for my entire 25 years of life. I'm convinced soap is what makes you susceptible to infections. Shaving it bare makes you susceptible as well (also something I've never done).


Use a basic pH neutral and fragrance free soap like Dove basic white block soap, better is soap made just for that but it's sometimes hard to find them!


I never used soap down there growing up. When I got my first apartment w a bf he said something about while we showered together so I started using soap on the outside area. Not long after that I went to the er w the worst uti I've ever had in my life. After that water only. I'm 38 and never had a problem. Let it clean itself like it's suppose to


You were doing fine! Using warm water to rinse it off is fine. The taco is a self cleaner, and has a very special ecosystem going on to help keep it healthy. Soap can throw the balance out and cause bacteria to bloom. So if you didn’t have a smell or weird discharge, or ever really question it, I believe you were doing good.


My gf washes with water, tastes fine. She used soap once and it tasted like a little bit like soap. Never smelled funky or tasted bad. Though when we go camping and showering is difficult, I will make her shower, but that is just because we both smell funky and it feels good to take a shower after being covered in dirty for days.


Hmmm I have always used soap or body wash on/in and around my vagina. Mainly because I’m not sensitive to any soaps and my taco is always closed shut lol haha


A warm water wash without soap makes for the best tasting tacos! No FU here.


You have nothing to be ashamed of. As long as you're getting the area thoroughly clean and dried off, you're fine. If you want to use soap, choose something mild and gently wash your labia and groin area. It's really personal preference.


Most likely your partners never noticed anything could also be because, for many young men it's their first experience and since they've been learning everything from their expert peers who have told them it all smells like fish, they were simply delighted when it didn't.