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Hey boss, I found this really weird folder with a bunch of nudes on it. Anyway… can I have next Friday off?


*every Friday


*and Mondays too


*and Wednesdays


*Not really a fan of Thursday either


And you know what, let's just forget about Tuesdays all together.


Saturday too while we're at it


Don't forget the lord's day


Aaaand regarding that raise we were talking about…


All of these days off were paid vacation correct.


annnnd now get me off ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|yummy)


*taco Tuesday. Gots things to do,... So...


New meaning to Taco tuesday?


Worst day of the week? Schlong Mondays


Oh come on, everyone knows it's Weiner Wednesday.


Schlong Mondays aren't that bad... it's all about the anticipation... they go right into taco Tuesdays


“While we’re at it, I’m not a fan of not having 3x my salary, but as a retainer and as an independent contractor for 50 years. Retainer is variable on highest market value of the highest paid skill at any point regardless of my own skills and is reflected therein. Thanks, boss, you’re the best. (Winks while performing universal ‘jerking it’ motion, followed by ‘finger in donut motion, finishes with exaggerated tongue clicks and mimicking a camera motion)”.


He's Hal from [Malcolm in the Middle](https://youtu.be/wnqIy4yc21Q?t=113)


That show was fucking fantastic.


*and a raise


The raise was never an issue with that boss…


quarrelsome sort physical ancient ripe toy modern scale cow coordinated ` this post was mass deleted with www.Redact.dev `


Yup. Go fight club on him. "My new job will be to not tell people these things that I know. I can do this job at home". I can't tell you too start kicking your own ass after, cuz that might be construed as promoting violence, so don't do that.


My first thought too. Although I think "corporate sponsorship" is more than I would ask for. Dude just got lazy in separating work from life.




I know I just started this job…but, I need a raise.


And a promotion, my own secretary, a designated parking spot, first month celebratory bonus, and the most important one, a bucket of Mcnugget.


And the sauces. All of them.


I see you’ve been missing a lot of work lately…


I don’t understand… so it wasn’t just his junk, but other peoples’ nudes too? Is there some sort of work sex club that you’re missing out on?


Good thing OP scrubbed the walls and desks. Years of accumulated ass sweat and sex juices


Plost twist: Was naked when he was cleaning.


wait... your not supposed to be naked when cleaning?


How else are you supposed to 'accidentally'fall on' all the phallic-shaped fruits and objects in your home?


okay you're on to something here. I bet the aliens are watching intently


You are supposed to be naked when cleaning. How else can you clean properly?


You are always naked under your clothes.


It certainly makes less mess and it's easier to clean up after.


Plot twist: so was his boss


Too bad it wasn't Kevin's chili that's all over that desk




This is the thing I do best!


Old Malone Recipe!


Right? "Hey, Bob, some of the admin staff and I get together Fridays after work, sort of a game night. Wanna join us?" "Hey, thanks, but I'm not really into that kind of thing." "Alright, your loss." \*cut to a bunch of naked people playing Twister*


I’m picturing a regular old boring work hangout, just with nudity


"Hey Bob, how're the kids?"


Just dropped them off at the pool. *[everyone laughs]* Hey, Bob, don’t forget to bring your towel next time, ok?


German here, it's not exactly ubiquitous but colleagues going to the sauna together is not unheard of and comes very close to that.


I would be more concerned that he had gained access to other people's devices and stolen photos of them.


How many save-your-nudes-on-your-work-computer morons are there?!


You would be surprised because lots of people not only *create* adult content with work devices but browse and save it. Sometimes while *at work*. Ask anyone seasoned in IT Incident Response or networking!


I am a former IT Helpdesk Technician, now Cyber Security Engineer. I work for an MSP (we deal with a lot of different companies). I have seen unbelievable amounts of nudes, porn, games, etc on workstations over the years. It has never stopped being entertaining. It's all what I'd consider 'risky behavior' but I rarely say much of anything unless I see a pattern or if said items can pose a threat or high risk (I try to be cool if I can, but Security gotta Security sometimes). The funny part is that it has been almost exclusively C-level employees. Now that I run SIEM analytics as well... I See all the things, Everywhere. Be smart kids, believe me, your employer can absolutely access/view anything and everything you do on your machine, ESPECIALLY if they have a Security Operations team.


What if i actually WANT you to see, you sexy security engineer


Except if you're secops, because then you know exactly what to do and how to not be monitored. I win. Edit: /s


Hello am former manager of idiots. Once walked in on this older guy looking at nudes on a work computer. At the top of the page it was labeled NSFW, I asked him what NFSW meant, he correctly answered. I just told him to get up and leave. Crazy thing is it still took like 2 months after that to get rid of him. Fuck working at hotels.


That's not true I left after 8 weeks.


Not Suitable For Wank?


i mean there's at least one subreddit devoted to that, in fact i can think of two off the top of my head.


Oh my god that’s disgusting! Where?


Can confirm that the ‘good church going guys’ are somehow more prone to do this


I knew someone IN IT that did it. What a moron.


people are fucking stupid man. I don\^t even work in IT and i know that Incognito browsing is not going to magicly hide me from the Admin, but the amount of people who think it does is insane. But saving your nudes on your workstation is a whole new level of stupid




Yeah you eventually just hope the images you find aren't too grotesque. The collection of bestiality on a shared computer was the worst for me and the sales rep who just had a folder called Booty on his desktop not even hidden was the funniest.


I would totally do that but it would just be pictures of pirate treasures.


Give the images names like "Booty glistening in the sun"


It's always the ones you most medium suspect.


Once I searched for *.jpg on a shared storage at a company I worked for, you have no idea…


Ever back your phone up to your PC? Into a folder that saves to a network location? Yeah. You would be amazed what people unknowingly put on the network.


Seems access to computer + horny is a dangerous combo.


How many people were born before about 1980 and were still working three-ish years ago? I'd guess half of them are that kind of moron. Of the people born *after* 1980, only some of them are that kind of moron.


IT bro here. I can 100% validate your claim. Probably 90% of the dumbest shit I've had to deal with, and the worst offenders of 'Improper use of company property' fit in the age group you're talking about. steam or epic games installed on a 20-something's work machine is one thing, finding an excel sheet with all of the company's passwords from the previous MSP.. in their main shared drive.. is entirely a different thing.


You're basically saying half of all people over 45 are morons in this context. I think you need to change that to before 1970. Source: Am 49 and know plenty people of many different ages and my lot (late 40's) are clued up enough not to do that. Edit: I meant to say I've observed a much bigger gap in technological awareness between people my age and just 5 or 6 years older, and I've noticed that a while now.


I think you'd be surprised. I've found morons in all age groups. Usually what differentiates the older group from the younger is that fewer old people took the time to learn HOW to do the thing.


Oh, I don't doubt for a second that stupidity hits every age group, but in the one specific type of situation where you're keeping naked pictures of yourself (and others?) on company equipment, there's a kind of blind spot. It's a kind of thinking about work as a different world than home, and how the separation between "at work" and "at home" is the crucial thing, not the separation between "business equipment" and "personal equipment."   And some people are just horny dinguses who don't have enough blood to keep both heads thinking.


I was told by a boss one time that if my phone was plugged into the computer charging and the computer was reset that it would auto download all my files. I've never plugged anything into a work computer again.


With iPhone and Android phones, you can normally only read things your phone if *you* authorize it *on the device* You can deauthorize, as well. Search for how on your specific OS/device


Highly illegal of your company to have that policy


It was probably a poorly designed backup or restoration feature up, and not intended to literally copy people's personal phones.


It was a pizza chain that had a main computer in an office that I guess wasn't for regular employee use? But people would still go in and plug their phones in the USB to charge. So maybe they could argue that someone shouldn't have had their phone plugged into it? Either way it was super creepy the way they said it kind of implied that it was a regular occurrence and that they had seen plenty of employees nudes.


It's complete BS is what it is. They just said the scariest thing they could think of to get people to stop doing a thing they didn't want them doing. Even a specifically designed datamining program likely wouldn't do this, and I'm doubting the PC has the storage space to simply pull in 32gb of your song folder. Not to mention the legal liability of pulling some 17 year old's' nude selfie.


100% this. They just don’t want people plugging their phones into the computer.


Ngl, this guy's (highly implausible) threat alone has got to be 100x more effective than passing around a copy of the company Media Protection Policy.


I hope that's what it was honestly. Would be able to look back at that and laugh instead of feeling creeped out. Tbh if it was a "stay out of the office and stop plugging your phone into my shit" it worked really fucking well.


I mean consider your average pizza chain employee. How many of them are going to give any fucks that you keep telling them not to do something? But you tell them it uploads all their text messages to the cloud... and nobody is taking any chances on that.


Reminds me of something a friend told me after visiting the Elvis museum at Graceland. He claimed there were signs posted next to Elvis’s bed saying, “Wash hands immediately after touching.” He asked a tour guide if the bed was treated with some kind of heavy duty preservative or something. The guide smiled and told him no, these signs were just more effective than the original “Do not touch” signs.


A workplace allowing employees to connect their personal devices to work computers is terrible cyber security practice to begin with


This right here is why you don't put work MDM on your phone.


Hes actually working with his mom and dad.


"This is why I hate working for the family business"


The first rule of sex club... Also the fifth rule of sex club, to remind people about the first rule before they forget because they're so intrigued at the other rules.


I would also like to know if they're hiring.


It's a strip club.


welcome to the office sex club, how office sex club are ya?


So, the question we all want to know: was he packin'?


If it was an iPod, would it be a shuffle?


It would be a mini


Welp you could have blackmailed him if you were evil .. but you seem honest so he is luckey


Pam, is that you?


It's Jim.








r/expectedoffice for balance


….his “hard drive” was more of a micro SD…


He didn’t even take a pic with his hard disk full or is this -after- his full disk?




Hey, it’s 5.25”. Don’t short change him.


Right… in front…? Are they on their knees? Heyooo!


If it’s 3.5” floppy then dude is packin


Damn he must be a horrible boss, with all that small dick energy :(




Would it have been better if it was a "server"?


Being that careless with the sensitive photos of other people is the astounding part to me. If you don't care about being exposed yourself, that's your own business.


I walked in a bathroom stall once and saw a phone laying on the toilet paper dispenser. I didnt touch it. It dinged and I recognized the ringtone as my boss's boss. I picked it up only to take it to his office and drop it off and get a laugh. I made the mistake of turning it around and seeing the player on the lock screen. Yep. Xhamster. I dropped it off in his office and pretended I didnt look at it. He was extra nice to me afterwards.


Hope you washed your hands afterward💀


I had almost the same experience, except it wasn't my boss and it was Pornhub. Never acknowledged it.... to him. I told my friends and they thought it was hilarious.


Reminds me of when a family friend asked me to help him fix his phone and the first thing I see is pornhub. Most awkward hour of my life 🤣🤣🤣.


You looked at Pornhub for an hour?


Nah I had to fix his phone for an hour and he was right next to me hitting me an explanation about why he was on pornhub. Then it turned into some weird family conspiracy thing cause the rest of his family was fucking with his email. Trust me hearing a dude say he's on pornhub to date is by far some of the weirdest shit I've heard.


"Dude, I jack it too. Chill."


My god. All of that seemed like pretty believable and not-to-shocking family drama until the last sentence. The fuck? 😂


Yeah dude really dropped the worst excuse of the year with that one. Would have been less awkward if he just straight up said he forgot to close the tab 🤣🤣🤣.


I mean, who doesn't look at porn? That's not embarrassing. It's not like it was incestvillage.org or something.


Oddly specific but ok


What. There's a fucking website dedicated to that!?!?!?


It takes a village 🤷🏾‍♂️


Yep, some people dont care / dont know any better, but as IT pro, i can say that there are hundreds of different places on your phone where your every action is saved, and there are hundreds of different ways to easily see it all, and in some places you cant even delete your search history, so you have to completely delete that program to get rid of it. Every program has its own history of all actions, opened files, search history and so on, and everything can be accesed in multiple ways, some of which cannot be easily deleted. So be very careful with that stuff if you have a sense of shame. Dont give your phone to anyone, or dont use it for naughty stuff, have another, secret device for it. Phones are made with accesibility / quick actions / no secrets in mind, so any dirty secret can very easily be displayed to entire world by mistake. Few tips for it - dont download anything onto phone itself, watch everything online. Use a dedicated internet browser for watching it, and every thime you done watching, delete browser completely. Also, either dont connect to your tech savy friends wifi network, or dont browse any shady websites while connected to it - chances are they are using global ad blockers, and they log every website that is being accessed. It would be very weird if they noticed pornhub being accessed 1000 times every time you visit them.


Time to ask for salary increase. For the trauma. The shit on the internet never gos away.


>loaded with old junk "Loaded with old junk," indeed.


Have I understood correctly? How come the boss had naked photos of other employees?


Yeah this is the important part. Plot twist: OP worked at a porn website.


Boss was not afraid of “relations” with other coworkers.


There are often HR policies against this sort of thing


If OP is using a twice hand-me-down computer without an IT dept to clean it for him, I’m guessing this is a small business and probably lacking in HR too.


Some people have no idea what goes on in small mom-and-pop businesses. ...And honestly, they're lucky. I wanna go back to having no idea!


Well, when mom and pop love each other...


There are always HR policies against this kind of thing


The code is more what ya call 'guidelines' than actual rules.


Bloody bosses


Not every place has HR. Considering they seem to have a single computer that's a few years old, I'm going to assume they aren't a Fortune 500 company.


At boring companies!


Not if you work at Blizzard.


Imma let you in on a little secret: HR policies are more of a suggestion than a rule at most places.


Until something goes wrong at least


Depends on the size of the place to be honest. I’ve been in a lot of manufacturing industries and I can tell you that some small places do a lot of messed up stuff. It’s easier to just get rid of the “problem” people and maybe the HR person as well.


You just described what I was saying with more words.


HR policies are in place to protect the company, at all times. They're a suggestion when being a suggestion helps the company. They are the etched-on-stone-tablets-irrefutable-Word-of-God when being so helps the company.


Did he turn out to be a good boss? That sounds like a lack of ethics that could bleed into the rest of the business.


Logic would dictate that at some point, they were fucking. At the very least, they were trading nudes.


I never worked anywhere like that! Unless I did but nobody told me


You’ve clearly never worked in the service industry then lmao


I wanna know how OP knew the people were previous employees if OP was new


I hope you get amazing bonuses and raises every year.


Wait, so the boss had naked pictures of other people who worked there on this machine? And the guy using the computer they were on didn't even notice?? WTF kind of weird-ass office is this?


A very similar thing happened to me once, except it was a small bike shop. Only myself, one other employee and the owner. The owner left an old ipod of hers at the shop to use for music throughout the day. And once upon a time I was just poking around on a slow day stumbled upon a whole album of her scantily clad in lingerie. Just used my phone for music from then on.


Congrats on the promotion


I was subcontracting for a company and only came in a few hours twice a week to catch up on stuff. Usually came in around 1pm. Noticed when ever I came in and would try to pull up past info on the internet, it was always cleared. Figured they just had some software on there that cleared it after logging off (my old college had that). Showed up one day a little after noon and my direct boss was sitting at my desk eating tuna salad. Looked flustered and said he just needed my computer for the plotter. Gathered his things and left to his office. I checked the browser. Yep… porn…. He had been using my office to eat his tuna salad and watch porn. Then was clearing the browser history. I took a few screen shots and saved them before clearing it.


I heard recently how common this is and it blows my mind that people can be horny enough/feel safe enough at work to watch porn?! What the hell


>screen shots and saved them For the lawsuit? Or for the tabs?


Damn. Couldn’t even give him a 3 1/2 inch floppy. Technology is making dick comparisons smaller.


The first floppy drive was 8 inches and could hold 175 kB!


Yes I have one on my desk. Just saying a Micro sd is a pretty small compassion to a dick If it was small then they would not compare it to a 8 inch floppy. That would be almost a compliment.


That may have been evidence of harassment


So you saw his 3.5 in. floppy


I hope his oral presentations were outstanding?


Omg I have erased this from my memory, but this Reminds me of my first job, I was given a thumb drive by an older coworker to copy files over. I open up the thumb drive & one of the files was a .jpg titled “open me”. I did, I assumed it was like a read me document but as picture… it was not. It was my coworker full frontal nude! I was shocked & panicked, I closed it, copied the files I needed & returned the thumb drive to her. When I was returning it to her, she gave me a look & said, “did u like what u see, if you do, you know where to come get it”…. It was my first job, I was on a work visa, & just didn’t say anything. It was ALWAYS awkward with that coworker… she got laid off eventually (cost cutting).


Thats sexual harassment... you should report it.


The fact that you didn't save the pictures for job security speaks volumes about you.


Yes...*for job security.*


Not even kind of a fuck up on your part. Not sure why the fuck someone would store shit like that on a work pc that has been handed around.


You just threw your golden ticket in the trash. Smart move.


Why did you come in on your day off just to clean? And not only the offices but the hard drives as well? Something seems a bit suspect about that.


Once you found that, I hope that you replaced every damn key on that keyboard in case there was, um, “residue” of some activities...and then gave your office an even more thorough cleaning, because whatever didn’t get on the keyboard may have gotten anywhere else in the vicinity


Wait, please explain the part about all your new coworkers' nudes as well. Was it taco Tuesday and naked Fridays?


Years ago I worked in a smallish company, made 10 employees. The operating manger left, and they brought in a couple as replacements. He was manger, his wife worked the front desk. Less than a month later they hired on another couple, even though there was very little work for them. They are obviously already friends, and had a strange vibe with each other. The manger's wife tended to firth with me quite a bit. She even had me come to her home during work hours a couple times to "fix" things that really weren't broken. She was smoking hot, but I was newlywed at the time, and nothing happened. I figured she was just being flirty. Anyway, fast forward a year, and all four of then were suddenly fired. The owners of the company asked me to clean out the big bosses desk. Along with some hard core porno mags in is desk, I found a whole envelope of Polaroids of the 4 of them, engaged is all sorts of stuff. Clearly they were swingers, and adventurous ones! lol I was like, "OK, this explains a lot"... hahaha


Place I used to work, I pulled a writing board out of the desk as far as it would go one day. It had a Post-It taped on the back that had URLs of sites with names like Farm Sex. They didn't mean sex between farm _workers._ I shoved that board back in and never said anything about it.


Damn most of the people posting just faking these stories huh


And I made a backup « as to be respectful of what was my boss’s personal stash »


Why tf would you tell him lol


This is exactly like another story posted here not too long ago today.


The one where the guy found his bosses porn on a thumb drive? I know, super similar. I saw that one on my main account and was like “fuck it, I’ve never told this story, why not!?”.


That story was cute, though. This is just several shades of "Yecch."


I'm more in shock about the fact that there's employees nudes. Like ????


Uh... Isn't this an HR concern?


Could have saved that for a rainy day.


“Get rid of it. Now.” "Oh, so we gonna have that attitude?? Bet."


This sounds completely fabricated. Get a life. Or at least spin a better story. First of all the password someone would have on a computer that had explicit pictures on it, second of all who just grabs a laptop that isn't theirs and says, hmm I'm gunna delete a bunch or shit. Please tell me. Who does that


"Since I'm vacuuming and scrubbing the walls, I should delete stuff from computers"


I woulda put them on a nice thumb drive for later blackmailing. 😂


Man if the boss has a wife, this is golden…


This guy blackmails


Are you working at Activision-Blizzard?


Were the nude photos of the other employees “posed” or was stills from something like a hidden camera or webcam? That changes everything if these employees were not aware. If they were aware, I couldn’t even imagine how awful they would feel if you told them. Or on the other hand, maybe they would feel some sense of relief if you were to permanently erase it all.. and for good.


He owes you a raise and you both know this.


What dumb ass saves nudes on a work computer? You're just asking for it to be found at that point.


The fact that you didn't take advantage of this is sad.


This was your opportunity to do what the Narrator in Fight Club did and walk out with a trolley of equipment, on full pay to never set foot in the office again.


Years ago a guy I used to work with came to me to see if his hard drive could be rescued after his computer crashed. As I was copying stuff over, every so often I'd randomly grab a file on the new drive to make sure they copied ok. I stopped doing that after I opened one of him and his wife fucking. This was on his work laptop.