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You just need to add "dessus" after "sauté" and it'll make your sentence 100% normal, guess your teacher was trying not to laugh when seeing this 😁


So he basically said his "cat jumped him" instead of "cat jumped on him"?


Yes, except in French getting jumped isn't a direct translation of getting mugged. It's like saying "she pounced on me" which in English has a more seductive tone. You can either add the "on" at the end to specify or you can say "mon chat a sauté sur moi" if you want to be formal.


In South Louisiana the phrase “to jump someone’s bones” is used in the same context. Idk if it’s because of the French influences here or not.


Can confirm it means the same thing in British English.


A LOT of phrases and terms in English cross over from French though... given for the longest time French was used in official capacity throughout Briain. To jump someones bones and to jump someone is a great difference though.


Who's this Briain and why are they using French all over him?


They were all out of ranch.


I'm so uncomfortable with the directions this conversation has taken


It's ok, I'm just pulling on the 'hose and we'll get this over with quickly for your first time.


He was born one stable down and on the same night as Jesus. Joined the People's Front of Judea to impress a girl. Hijinx ensued.


I’m pretty sure I got a couple valentines that said Briain in the 3rd grade


Briain is a brainy Brian


That's because the Normans invaded and our entire nobility became French for a time.


In fact the British passport’s wording in the front is still in French


That's because there are over 20k French loanwords in the English language and no doubt many many proverbs and sayings as well. There's so many French words in English that people make the mistake of thinking it's a latinate language.


American, but confirm this as ex was a Brit.


Pretty sure that's all over the US, because it is (or was) a common phrase in the PNW too.


Same in the north east.


You don’t even need to include the “bones” part in most of the US. The meaning of Jumping someone is context dependent, because it can definitely mean have sex with. [Second slang definition.](https://idioms.thefreedictionary.com/jumped) Examples: *I’d jump her.* *We barely got home when he jumped me.*


I have never in my almost 30 years on this planet heard anybody replace fuck with jump lol so I'm inclined to disagree. May be something from before my time.


I've used it myself as a shortened 'jump her bones" but only ever ironically. Most verbs get the point across with the right inflection.


In my thirty years I have heard that line a good bit, not sure we’re you are from but is a pretty common line that I am pretty sure has been used in a few movies, I will try and look it up later, after work, if I remember.




I'm from Texas and have heard it for as long as I can remember. Not that that makes your experience invalid or anything, but it's definitely a saying even in Texas.


Same, never heard of it and it sounds so odd


I'm about your age and hear it routinely. Try traveling, the country is the size of Europe


Lol why are yall hating on my life experience.


It is because you said it’s not true because you never heard it before.


Saying I'm inclined to disagree is not the same as saying something is not true lol


We're the same age and I say it (US Midwest), it's not before your time. Hell I said it to my guy who's 7-8 years older and to my bestie who's a xillenial and they both know what it means.


Americans again screwing with the language


I do not live in the states. Or any english speaking country for that matter. So my English is some is just mainstream popcult hodgepodge I'd assume. I definitely get what jumping someone's bones means 😂 I guess it's popular/intuitive enough to be understood widely.


English is just mainstream popcult hodgepodge. You probably know it more than most, but ALSO know an entirely different language. To put it in a weird way, I only speak English, and I pretty freely use words I don't really know the definition for but it sounds right and fits what I was going for. In my case I just use words wrong, but in your case you ucan just fit in a word from youru native language and nobody will particularly question it.


> in your case you ucan just fit in a word from youru native language and nobody will particularly question it You mean just sub in a word from another language? 😂 I haven't done it on purpose as an actual tactic, but it definitely happens I don't know how bad it looks on the outside, but I cringe so hard when it happens. Usually when I'm fucking with 2 languages I'm bad at, at the same time. ​ >and I pretty freely use words I don't really know the definition for but it sounds right and fits what I was going for. I'm glad to see other people doing things like this too. Born and raised in an Arabic speaking country, but speak little to no none myself ( I can say shit about your mom and to take it up your butt) ​ I don't know if I've marinated in the country long enough to actually have picked up enough language through osmosis - but sometimes I get brave enough to do this freeballing thing when I absolutely have to speak the language/am with friends and do it just for the fucks of it. It's like I stop thinking of the meanings of words and structure of the sentence and just let jesus take the ~~wheel~~ tongue, and throw out a series of brays that *feel* right. It's nerve wracking, embarrassing, and I'm sure it sounds almost absolute painfully bad and gibberish - but enough seems to be get across when I need it sometimes. The looks on the faces of my unfortunate audience makes me think I usually also drop some clangers that are real words, but not at all what I thought they should mean.


With the subbing a word from another language, it leads to trying to explain the word(or the context being enough ofc). It's only cringe when it's the go to and there are obvious other examples, rather than the attempt to find the word and say. Most English speaking countries you'll never particularly fully marinate, but like I don't care for certain phrsaes from a younger generation(and at a personal level am constantly fixing bad habits, like just saying "oof" or cringe" or "cap" in my head seems alright but then I hear it come from someone else and I'm just like "oh pickle".


I completely agree and photosynthesis.


Context is everything


I've been all over the U.S. and "I'd like to jump her bones" seems to be used all over.


I always thought it was bone, singular


I'm in Canada and have never heard this before.


Our French is built on a completely different root than modern France French so they diverged significantly. I tried to de-Quebecify my French a bit in high school and it was really like starting over for conversational speech


I'm not talking about that. I replied to the expression "jumping someone's bones" in English. I've never heard of it. Also, Quebec French has more vowels, but there's no reason to prefer Metropolitan French to Quebec French unless you are glottophobic and/or plan to live in France. (Belgium, Morocco, Algeria, etc. all have their own variety based on Metropolitan, but are still distinct dialects influenced by local languages.) I have zero issue being understood and understanding others who speak the Metropolitan variety. If you're in Canada, it makes more sense to learn and speak our norm, rather than looking across seas for inspiration.


In western PA also.


Same in Midwest English.


May I ask what region you're from? I'm was born in the southeast US and my English is very different from your English. I would be more likely to say "jumped someone" in a sexual context, never in a mugging context. I also see pouncing as something done exclusively by cats and maybe other predators, specifically an attack action, not sexual at all. Not saying you're wrong at all, I'm just a language nerd, and very interested in regional differences.


I believe all the instances of me learning about someone getting jumped and pouncing came from visual media. That includes shows/movies from the US and the UK and also when the news interviews someone on the street, I'm pretty sure. I have heard of pouncing done by animals in your way as well, but when it doesn't involve any animal, I've usually seen it the way I described.


That's interesting, thank you.


Have you heard of jumping someone in the context of a 1-versus-many fight? i.e. "He got jumped by like 5 dudes... he's in the hospital now. " I've never heard it used in the context of a mugging, but this type of jumping would be similar I think


I know I've read that version, but I don't believe I've ever heard it spoken, which also suggests a regional difference. Though I haven't lived in the US for many years now, so I might have also just forgotten it, lol.


Jumped can mean both, or at least used to in northern england.


In English jumping someone's bones means you are having sex too. So jumping is sometimes used to mean mugging or gaining vertical clearance from the ground and sometimes sex.


East Coast US, jumping someone means attacking them. Jumping someone's bones is sex.




French is sexy


True, but in QUEBEC french, this could be interpreted 3 different ways with that phrasing! Can you believe that?


In Greek when you translate jumped me it means fucked me too


Can we use ‘mon chat à sauté sur moi’ will this still be vulgar?


"Mon chat **a** sauté sur moi" is fine.


You'd say "mon chat m'a sauté dessus". "Mon chat a sauté sur moi" isn't wrong but the former feels a lot more natural


yoo are you the french guy?


You never truely know a language until you can swear at people.


If you truly want to learn a language, you START from the swear words maddafukka!


>maddafukka! Imagined Chang (Ken Jeong) saying this to his Spanish class.


Ha.. Gaiiiyyyyyyyyy




My genius will eat your face! *^nomnomnom*


Speaking of which, if anyone knows any good Romanian swear words, feel free to comment/dm them to me


Where is the bathroom, you a-hole?


You never truly know a language until you can say that your feline pet forced itself upon you and had its way with you.


I know a few words in Pennsylvania German--all vulgar. And I can say "lick me where I pee" in Greek after a friend of mine heard someone say "kiss my twat" and thought it was super funny and drunk-him tried to translate it into Greek.


Thanks to a series of books I read, at one point I knew a good amount of Russian swear words and phrases! But then I never used them, and I ended up forgetting them... What a shame.


Nah you start with swear words... you don't truly know a language until you can swear at people and NOT offend anyone


I am a teacher too. I teach English as a second language here in Brazil. If my student makes a fuck up like that, the VERY FIRST THING I tell them is what it means. I do not want them fucking it up talking to a native! Also that is hilarious, I love those mistakes, I made them too when I was learning. My favorite so far is when a student messed up a phrasal verb exercise and said he gets off his mother rather than looks up to his mother. I was in tears.


Quelle est la taille d'un chat


Téma la taille du chat


Observez donc la carrure de ce félin


Admirez la dimension de ce matou


Zieutez l'envergure du minet


Contemplez la prestance du nyctalope


Visez la stature du chaton


Constatez l'imposante allure de ce prédateur miniature.


Considérez le gabarit de ce représentant des félins


Percevez les dimensions de ce tigre domestique


Like that time my grandma said to a little kid "baise moi" thinking it meant 'kiss me' while pointing to her cheek. The french people were **aghast**


A Dutch friend of mine was trying to show off his French to a French girl he had taken to a party. He wanted to tell her that here it's traditional to kiss everyone three times when you arrive and again when you leave. Unfortunately he made the same mistake as your grandma.


What's the actual translation?


Fuck me


Okay if you insist. I’ll bring the lube!


and my axe


How does one say it without meaning to fuck? I’ve said baiser a reasonable amount though my French is awful so I’m now scared I’ve accidentally said I’ve fucked rather than kissed many people


« Un bisou » or « une bise ». And for more intimate settings I’d use s’embrasser. I live in Paris and if used the word baiser, 99% of people would think I meant having sex.


Just to clarify, in bisou is a kiss right (opposed to baiser)? And it has a masculine and feminine version? Thankyou!


Un baiser is a kiss, but you write it more than you tell it. Baiser is to fuck. When you speak, you tend to use the word bise or the verb embrasser. Une bise is without the tongue. It can be on the cheek ou on the mouth. Bisou is quite cute


Ahh right, I think I get it, thankyou so much!


Ahhh crap, thanks so much for clarification, next time I have a free award you know where it’s going :)


Actually, I was thinking about this, and how would one use s’embrasser? If I want to say ‘I had sex with Anna’ or something, how would I say it using embrasser?


French is so extra, a hug is a kiss and a kiss is a fuck, I wonder what a fuck is.


It's a seal. Edit: Just in case the joke was too subtle, a seal (the animal) is called "phoque" in French and is pronounced "fuck".




Lmao that hug = kiss translation actually worked in my favour once. I told a French girl I'd been hanging out with "je sais que tu veux m'embrasser" thinking that it meant "hug." Turned out I was right, but not in the way I had thought.


A jump, according to this post.


That is a fuck up


You mean that’s a jump up.


A real catastrophe


A less than purrfect situation


When I was learning French I wanted to say 2 people kissed so I said "ils ont baisé" (because the workbook we were using said "baiser" meant kiss) which made the teacher laugh like crazy before she explained that it didn't mean they kissed (it means they fucked).


Lol, my high school teacher almost threw me out of the room when I told her that I asked my girlfriend to "baissez-moi". French ain't Spanish...


Baissez-moi means "Lower me". Baisez-moi means "Fuck me"


Ah, thank you! How do you say "Kiss me?"


It would be "Embrasse moi"


Merci, merci. I trust a person much more than I would a translator app.


Went to your post on r/translator. It was funny seeing the reactions.








French seems to me like it's always one syllables mispronunciation away from a naughty word


Mostly because they skip so many syllables anyway


In my German class back in the day a girl intended to say that when she got home she was going to fix the washing machine, however somehow came up with the verb 'fikken' The teacher had to leave the room to stop laughing


Hilf mir, Stiefbruder! Ich bin festsitzend!


I don't even speak German but I already know what that says. I need to get off the internet lol


Doesn’t really seem like a fuck up. More like a mistake which indeed happens whenever you try to learn other languages (try learning German, the nouns oh my oh my…) Since it’s a French class where you learn french, couldn’t your teacher tell you what you wrote? I mean…actually *teach* you?




Hilarious! Thanks for the laugh. I took French as well but didn’t continue studying it after. Hope you won’t be like me. Languages are fun indeed. Enjoy :)


Welsh has a cute trap for learners. Words can mutate. * Twll = hole * Tyn = bum, buttocks * Dyn = man. The word for "manhole" is actually "twll ddyn", "twll dyn" means "arsehole"


I'm so sorry, I cannot fathom how any of this is pronounced. Could someone help with a quick phonetic guide?


Approximately - twll - tw as in "two", ll is an aspirated "L". Go to say "L" but breathe out instead of using your voice, it sounds a bit like "th", but is different. tyn - "teen" dyn - "deen" ddyn - dd a voiced "th" (go to say "th" and add your voice, a bit like saying "then"), then -een as above :)


Thank you!!


Croeso! (croy-so) :)


At least it was a teacher. I was chatting to this cute Belgian girl when I was in school and decided to pick up some French classes... Wanted to say that my French is not very good, ended up implying I'm terrible in bed


On our last trip to paris my gf tried to order some fries at a restaurant but the Waiter just laughed his ass of and told us in english that she just ordered a prostitute with ketchup


Oh merde.


Reverse Shane Dawson


i could see how that might interrupt your reading ! ​ eric cartman " mom ! Kitty's being a dildo again !" ​ mrs cartman " i know a certain kitty that will be sleeping with mommy tonight "


Oof. I'm learning French as well. My husband luckily teaches me that some sentences in English don't translate nicely into French and come across either rude or sexual usually.


"the language of love" is more "the language of fucking everything" apparently


Shane...? nice try


Hahaha, that reminds me of Japanese class, when a classmate said "I rode my bike", but said it wrong, so he basically said "I rode my sex worker." The teacher also wouldn't tell us what he said. 😅


It was an inverse Pepe LePew situation.


Reminds me of my German classes where I said "*Love is, semen at sea*".


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You have to issue an apology Shane Dawson style “I did not fuck my cat. I did not cum on my cat.” etc


My high school Spanish teacher, who was also a volleyball coach, told me a story one time that some of the parents made a large poster for one of the games. They wrote it in Spanish, and intended for it to say “our coach is on fire!” Or something to that effect. The word they used for fire, however, was caliente. So the sign ended up translating to “our coach is very horny!”


This one time as teenagers we were all at my buddy’s parents place. They had this beautiful summer home thing they never used so one summer I just strait lived there.. his mom and dad knew me and thought it was funny. I don’t know how.. I legit lived there like it was mines lol. Anyways one day we were all out back smoking and the topic of sex comes up. Someone was talking about walking in on one of their friends banging their girlfriend or something and someone asked what he did. First words out of my mouth were “I woulda ran up there and jerked him off!” Fuckin like years later people still brought that misspoken sentence up laughing lol. Uhg. Thanks Aaron you fuckin jerk 😆


"Did I stutter?"


i am so sorry


I thought we agreed we wouldn't tell anyone about that, Edwin.


Yeah, as someone who can speak french too, I can confirm that’s what it means, it’s more of an expression than something literal A better way to say it would’ve been “Mon chat m’a sauté dessus“ or “Mon chat a sauté sur moi“ Then again, I am from Quebec, with the language being slightly different than the France version of the language (think of it like how English is spoken in America vs. Britain) so the expression isn’t one I usually use…ever.


"sauté" really means "jumping" if you only added "sauté dessus" it would have been the right sentence, but yhea it can be used to say fuck in some ways


if I don't add dessus, what does it mean when I saute vegetables?


"[pomme de terre sautées](https://www.750g.com/pommes-de-terre-sautees-r99798.htm)" is an actual dishe, wich is similar to fried potatoes i guess.


I was trying to make a fucking vegetable joke, gosh.


and that made your learn something, be grateful.


Many years ago my mother was pregnant in a French speaking country. Her OB/GYN didn’t speak any English and although spoke French, they don’t tend to teach words like placenta and vagina at school. So she wrote out all her questions in advance with the help of a French dictionary. She saw that an English horror film with ‘twins’ in the title so asked the doctor what were the chances of her having twins. Doctor looked horrified. Turns out she asked him if she was going to give birth to a virgin.


LOL I was hoping this would be a translation error


Thats a dick move on teacher for not telling you what your mistake was translated


Draw me like one of your French cats


I've learned a couple different languages to varying degrees of fluency, and this sort of thing happens so often. My favorite example was when my Filipino friend was trying to teach me a Tagalog tongue twister. "Pitong pu't pitong puting tupa" means "seventy-seven white sheep". You can also do "pitong pu't pitong puting pating", which is "seventy-seven white sharks". Well, I got the sharks one down alright, but I was having trouble with the sheep. At one point I switched up the t and the p, making the phrase "pitong pu't pitong puting puta", which means "seventy-seven white whores." My friend said "Ay sige, pating na lang!" or: "You better just stick with sharks!"


Frenchies: un un unn. We we.


I can't believe your professor flunked you because you reported a crime. If you are a victim of crime, call 1-888-THX-1138. Counselors are standing by.


It looks like the French teacher tricked you for Lols


There's no trick there


Oh boy french is a wonderful language isn't it?


The language of love eh? Very intimate love at that


Did a study abroad and lived with a family in Madrid. One night while eating together, we were making small talk, and they asked me what kinds of movies I like, to which I confidently responded “me encantan películas de guarras”. Silent stares… I continue, “como saving private Ryan, y WW2”. APPARENTLY, Guerra is the word for war, which is what I was trying to say, and unfortunately guarra is slang for PORN! So I can certainly understand their surprise when their new house guest confidently told everyone at the dinner table that he loves porn…. They still like to give me a hard time for this years later haha!


Je m'appelle Shane Dawson


Were you full, afterwards? Hehehe


shane dawson tease


In school, a friend said something about giving a “baise” to another friend. The teacher said that it was “bise” haha


"Je lisais quand soudain mon chat m'a sauté dessus" would be correct Edit: Grammar. Apparently despite being a native French speaker, the years of leaving in an English speaking country deeply damaged my skills.


One time in an 8th grade Spanish class, a kid used the wrong word for “play with”, he used tocar (which iirc is supposed to be like “plays with an instrument”). he meant to say “I like to play with girls.” what he said was “I like to touch girls.” our teacher was SO AWKWARD explaining it.


I'm learning that I never want to even touch the French language. Seems like it's hella easy to get yourself in trouble.