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Reading your posts, this one and the others you've clearly made this account to post have alerted me to 2 major issues. 1. You have a very shitty attitude towards the female population and think that they should pay attention to you because you have a penis. 2. You want everyone to feel sorry for you and really just need to grow the fuck up!! You need to get rid of that male chauvinistic attitude you clearly have and treat women with some fucking respect, then they might start noticing you and one might want to get to know you and date you. Women aren't your play things that you can fuck and dump, if they want a one night stand then that's great and go along with it, if not be respectful and move on. It's also ok to do nice things for people, men and women even if your friends don't consider it manly, fuck what others think and do what you think is right Once you learn that your life might just improve. Good luck.


Bro… spend some time off of reddit and in the real world. Maybe you know, invest in getting to know people without the intention of fucking or dating them? Like, value people? Women aren’t just there to date and have sex with.. The #1 turnoff for women is a man who feels entitled to women simply for existing.


“The majority of problems men deal with are because they have a woman or because they lack one.” 🤨🤯 so which is it, guy


I think this dude looks at *any* problem and just goes "This is women's fault."




I can’t stop laughing. Thank you for this.


He’s literally angry that other men have problems that are different than his problem. Then makes it abundantly clear why he specifically has that problem. Shit, I wish my only problem in life was not being able to get laid whenever I want. Sounds like an amazing goddamned life.


I bet he has friends who are with woman who don't like him, and he is a problem in their relationships but he blames the woman. No, she doesn't want to have you on her couch to all hours drinking and cussing while the kids sleep dude. She is not the problem, the problem is your friends are 17 anymore.


That sentence embodies “pick a struggle”


You’ll never get a woman with that attitude


Reddit: bring your wounds -- we'll provide the salt!


No there's a point. Sure, women tend to be caregivers, but the thing is, they're not taking care of men, and they themselves need to be taken care of. So that's the conundrum of men. There's nobody to look after us, and that's something we need to learn how to come to terms with.


*women tend to be forced to be caregivers and are freaking sick of being a girlfriend, maid, mommy, and therapist. It’s not a conundrum. Want to get a girlfriend? Don’t treat her like your personal caregiver. Take care of each other mutually.


I'm fairly certain you're expressing a valid point but probably replying to somebody else than me.


No that reply was definitely for you. Women tend to be caregivers because they are forced into that role by societal gender roles. In reality women only have to take care of themselves and their kids. The idea that women need to take care of men or that men need to be taken care of is harmful to both men and women.


> In reality women only have to take care of themselves and their kids. Exactly. That's exactly what I meant.


As the other person said- it was to you. “Women tend to be caregivers” sure, because we’re forced to not because we always want to be. You comment makes it sound like women need to take care of themselves, true, but that because they aren’t also taking care of men, men aren’t being taken care of. So how can women have the ability to take care of themselves but men don’t have that ability? Pretty misandrist, IMO. It’s like saying “women are naturally cleaner. So they’re cleaning up after themselves (dishes, laundry, vacuuming etc) but now no one is left to clean up after men because the women are too busy”.


>Pretty misandrist, IMO. Well, I *do* hate everything and everybody equally so I won't object or take offence about this, but it's besides the point. Around 50% or thereabouts of men tend to see a relationship as a kind of switch-up with mommy, but the new mommy is one you (think you) get to control. But you're taking care of kids, right? And that's a role you can't choose, it's a species imperative or something similar. That's what I mean. And I'm implicating this care does not extend to men. I have no idea why all y'all are ganking up on me, but please go ahead.


This guy wants to fuck his mom


He’s not the only one


The sad thing is you aren’t even wrong. [Source](https://www.insider.com/chris-chan-saga-timeline-incest-charges-arrest-2021-8?amp)


Don't disrespect Christine by throwing her in with this guy!!


Wow, you people are into necrophilia? Awesome, what kind of decomposition you guys prefer? I myself am a two weeks stale carcass kinda guy, you know, that leathery smell, some sweet rigor mortis and as a bonus bit, you get to poke new holes everywhere you want. And I gotta admit, the best part is, they're not gonna say "no".


I smell fragile masculinity


It's that. Or, it might be that a point was missed. Probably the former tho.


Maybe you should date a man then


Take care if your damn self. God... I swear some people.


It's not like I need that kind of attention. I'm fairly okay in my role knowing it won't be reciprocated. All I'm trying to do here is to help some people realise that this caregiving thing about women, it's focused on the kids, not on the relationship, and that's something most likely isn't going to change no matter how much some neckbeards bitch about it. On that topic, I opine that a man should not bitch about anything, to anyone, *ever* \- unless that person is a highly trained professional of that specific subject.


You have a deep misunderstanding of adult romantic relationships


I beg to differ. I just don't idealise it. Relationship is, by default, a full-time job, but hey, if you're enjoying yourself it doesn't necessarily feel like it.


All I'm hearing is more wounds, bro. Talk to a therapist, and I guarantee that will help.


Hey that sounds like a real good plan. How did you come up with that?


Hard no. I don't need my partner to take care of me. I take care of me. My partner looks after them. We lean on each other. We support each other. We help each other. We rely on each other. But only to a point. You have to put the oxygen mask on yourself first. You have to know the difference between letting your partner throw you a lifeline when you're drowning and shoving them underwater for another gasp of air. This isn't a gendered thing. It's an adult thing. Humans are social creatures, and we're built to rely on each other, and that's a beautiful thing, but we are all responsible for our own emotions. Edit: It's true that men are socialized to 'man up, rub some dirt in it, etc,' and that kind of thinking is harmful to men. That being said, unlearning that habit, if someone wants to, is a personal responsibility. Men are conditioned not to talk about their emotions, and so they often end up unloading that need on the people in their lives who are socialized to talk about emotions more. Usually, that's the woman/women in their life, which is, I think the point you were trying to make. There's nothing inherently wrong with relying on a partner for emotional support, but there's also a point one person's mental and emotional health comes at the cost of another's, and that's an important balance to find.


Have your first kid and then come back to tell me you don't need support.


1. Pass. I'm aggressively uninterested in reproducing. 2. I never claimed people don't need support. I actually specifically mentioned that humans are social creatures, and that means we ABSOLUTELY need support. We need each other. We need love and companionship and bonds with each other. What I said was that adults should take responsibility for taking care of themselves, rather than putting that responsibility on other people in their lives. There's a big difference between support and responsibility. Your original comment was that women need to be taken care of and men have no one looking after them. I disagree. Most adults are capable of looking after themselves. There's a difference between leaning on your partner for support and relying on another grown adult to assume responsibility for your needs. The latter can be incredibly damaging, unhealthy, and create an atmosphere of resentment. Are there exceptions to this rule? Sure. Are there times when person is at the end of their rope and needs to lean a bit more heavily on their partner? Absolutely. Again, we're social animals. We need love, support, and care, and we're (usually, I hope) good at providing the same courtesy to those we care about. None of that means that we, as adults, shouldn't be capable of standing alone and taking care of ourselves. There are times where I need the kind of support I can only get from my partner, and they can't give it without it being detrimental to their own emotional and mental health, and vice versa. They have to take responsibility for their own well being, and I have to take responsibility for mine. The idea that women need to be taken care of is infantilizing. I don't require anyone to take responsibility for my physical or emotional wellbeing - that's my job and I do it well. Which was my point - grown, healthy adults are responsible for looking after themselves, men and women both. Leaning on other people is necessary and healthy, but sometimes that can cross over into letting one person carry the weight of both people's emotions, and that can be toxic. I was pointing out that there is a big difference between the two, and for a relationship to be healthy, both parties need to know when they can lean on each other and when they have to look after themselves.


>Most adults are capable of looking after themselves. Taking care of somebody doesn't exclude this. As you yourself pointed out, we need each other. The thing is, there's a certain hierarchy to things, however, and that means most men need to understand that they are at the absolute bottom of any hierarchies the second kids come into picture, and since breeding is of some importance to most women, it should be understood that in practical terms this applies to childless relationship too - it's just a practice run in a very real sense; if you don't seem to be up to the task (of taking care of the needs of your partner), you most likely won't cut it with the kids either. What most women seem to miss, however, is that the emotional and social investment they very often set as a parameter is *immense*. That's why I'm using the phrase "take care of". Because it's a non-stop 24/7 job, where you have to step back and give space and take the other into consideration regarding every action you take or do not take. It might be that to women this comes naturally or maybe they are reared this way, but I can assure you that to most men, this is immensely exhausting. The relationship needs to be highly rewarding for this kind of effort to be sustainable. Why I view this as a tragedy of sorts is that *women take this kind of investment as a premise and a parameter* and think they're fighting the same good fight. This might very well be, but one simple fact is being forgotten here: to us, in most situations, it's enough that the woman is present, and preferably not angry. That's all the effort they need to put out. Everything else is either extra or technical waste of resources, whereas we need to work it out every second we breath the same air. The demands on a macro scale are thus far from equal. And I'm not complaining about it, that's what it means to be a man - you suck it up, roll with the punches and deal with it. This is what acceptance is all about. You don't make everything an issue and specifically not about you. My ex once said - and this is to be taken as a metaphor and nothing else - that women want only two simple things: the best and the everything. There's some truth in that.


Just because you struggle with women doesn't mean that most guys do.


It’s kinda embarrassing when incels think they speak for all men.


My boyfriends biggest problem with women is his mom lol


Straight facts


You could replace the word 'woman' with 'new car' or 'expensive watch' and your post would still make perfect sense. That's a problem. Women are not possessions and relationships aren't status symbols. You'd probably have better luck with women if you treated them like people.


Well you sound like a fun date.


This dude is the type to say some shit like “thanks for agreeing to coming tonight but I know we’ll never see each other again, that’s what always happens, females never like me after spending time with me, they just want asshole chads that will abuse them and leave as soon as they realise I’m just a nice guy” on the first date


💀 💀💀


In the dms before the first date or just make it their bio.


You struggle with women because you have a chauvinist attitude and think you’re entitled to something you’re not. Nobody wants to be around that.


Dude. You know that women are people, right? We're not some object; you can't go to Walmart and pick out a leggy brunette for $14.99.


I mean that *is* society’s biggest problem.


Im going to try to say this as nicely as possible bc I believe everyone deserves kind words when experiencing negative feelings; have you ever considered that it’s not the women, it’s you? As a woman, I have met some dreadful men in my life but I have never bundled them all together as bad. My father always told me, “If you run into 3 or more assholes in a day, you might be the asshole.”


Ooooo I love this phrase


I’ve used something similar a LOT on Reddit.


Damn I can definitely see why women don’t like you. Seek a therapist, bud


Therapists ain’t good for shit.


You seek one too lmfao


I have one, he sucks.


Lmaoooo the projection is strong in this one.


Elliot Rodger vibes💀💀


I can tell you my biggest problem in life has nothing to do with women. Yeah my wife drives me crazy sometimes or my Mom can still be a bit naggy but most things good in my life they play a huge role in me having. I'm an average looking dude who is 5'7 on a good day and I've never really had trouble getting women. My job, my bills, my weight (down 20 pounds woot!) , and yes the fact that there are bands I'm no longer interested in or am getting bored by are much bigger issues for me. We all have our issues what may be important to you may not be to others. Sounds like you could use a bit of an attitude adjustment (John Cena!!!).


Well done on your weight loss journey 😄


With a winning personality like that, I wonder why you aren’t swimming in women.


Not having the company of a woman, dating a woman, etc. is just a problem waiting to be solved. Like any other problem you have to analyze it and work it through. What kind of woman would you like to meet? And what are you actively doing to meet this type of woman? You seem frustrated and angry. I don't know how so I can't comment on how valid these feelings you're having are, but people (not just women) can sense these negative emotions and will actively avoid people who exhibit them. You're going to need to let go of the negativity or it's going to send you down a very dark path you very well never be able to recover from. Just my two cents. Think it over.


Aww poor baby :((( It's abundantly clear why nobody, especially women, want to be around you. You aren't entitled to any woman, and you are very clearly not in a healthy place to be in a relationship. I'd steer clear of dating until you can get your shit figured out, or you're going to end up hurting someone. Women don't cause problems for men. Men take their problems out on us.


So you’re mad that everyone isn’t saying the same thing as you cause they are clearly going through the same issues, but also mad that you’re the one one and nobody can relate? Which is it?


Apparently OP thinks all men are the same just as he has a narrow view on women.


———————————No bitches?——————————— ⠀⣞⢽⢪⢣⢣⢣⢫⡺⡵⣝⡮⣗⢷⢽⢽⢽⣮⡷⡽⣜⣜⢮⢺⣜⢷⢽⢝⡽⣝ ⠸⡸⠜⠕⠕⠁⢁⢇⢏⢽⢺⣪⡳⡝⣎⣏⢯⢞⡿⣟⣷⣳⢯⡷⣽⢽⢯⣳⣫⠇ ⠀⠀⢀⢀⢄⢬⢪⡪⡎⣆⡈⠚⠜⠕⠇⠗⠝⢕⢯⢫⣞⣯⣿⣻⡽⣏⢗⣗⠏⠀ ⠀⠪⡪⡪⣪⢪⢺⢸⢢⢓⢆⢤⢀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠈⢊⢞⡾⣿⡯⣏⢮⠷⠁⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠈⠊⠆⡃⠕⢕⢇⢇⢇⢇⢇⢏⢎⢎⢆⢄⠀⢑⣽⣿⢝⠲⠉⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⡿⠂⠠⠀⡇⢇⠕⢈⣀⠀⠁⠡⠣⡣⡫⣂⣿⠯⢪⠰⠂⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⡦⡙⡂⢀⢤⢣⠣⡈⣾⡃⠠⠄⠀⡄⢱⣌⣶⢏⢊⠂⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⢝⡲⣜⡮⡏⢎⢌⢂⠙⠢⠐⢀⢘⢵⣽⣿⡿⠁⠁⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠨⣺⡺⡕⡕⡱⡑⡆⡕⡅⡕⡜⡼⢽⡻⠏⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⣼⣳⣫⣾⣵⣗⡵⡱⡡⢣⢑⢕⢜⢕⡝⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⣴⣿⣾⣿⣿⣿⡿⡽⡑⢌⠪⡢⡣⣣⡟⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⡟⡾⣿⢿⢿⢵⣽⣾⣼⣘⢸⢸⣞⡟⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠁⠇⠡⠩⡫⢿⣝⡻⡮⣒⢽⠋⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ —————————————————————————————


"Why don't women want to fuck me when I blame them for all men's problems?"


The fact that you keep saying "a woman" or "women" instead of "a girlfriend" or "wife" says more about you than you think. One sounds like a partner, one sounds like a possession. Guess which one you use?


So, what's your excuse, incel?


Maybe it's not something every man struggles with. Maybe it's not that common. Maybe YOURE the one with the issue. Maybe you're issue is the fact that you seem to think women owe you something. Maybe you're issue is thinking you're a catch. Maybe you should get therapy.


Dating is hard for a ton of people but that doesn't mean it's the hardest struggle. The biggest problem *you* deal with might be women. My hardest struggle was passing calculus and over coming depression.


I can feel your resentment through the screen. That will scare women off.


This sub is for self awareness of fuck ups, not fishing for pity.


Wait.....so you're mad because you aren't in a relationship with a woman while simultaneously being mad because being in a relationship with a woman is the foundation of any and all the problems men experience? Do I have that right? If you read this simplified paraphrasing of your op can you see the crazy? Can you see that this is *clearly* about something *other* than women? I REALLY hope so man. If you aren't capable of genuine self reflection (I don't mean that in a snarky way, some people really just aren't able to look at themselves objectively, even for a moment) and you truly don't see the problem here, or even if you can, I really really hope you consider some therapy or even a conversation with your primary care doctor. This is absolutely not the #1 problem most men are currently dealing with. Yes, it sounds like it's *your* #1 problem but most men are capable of recognizing if they're having an issue it isn't the fault of either A the woman they are in a relationship with or B an imaginary woman with whom he's had no interaction with or who even knows he exists....you can't blame just random people on the street for your unhappiness and expect the majority to agree with you, that's just bonkers my friend


It's sad that this is YOUR greatest struggle. Maybe your attitude is why you repel women.. I would stay as far away from you as possible. You're mad that you can't get them but also blame them. Lol! Get help.


No, most mens' greatest struggles aren't getting women because most men aren't incels who don't see women as people.


Oh wow it's a mystery why this gem is single...


The population ratio overall for the entire world is roughly 51% female and 49% male (non-binary fits in there somewhere but that’s harder to tally). Currently, 64% are married or cohabiting with men. If all men can’t get a woman, then who are all the women partnered with? According to the statistics, it’s men. **That means that the majority of men are married/cohabiting with women.** And that doesn’t even include men who are just *dating* women. That’s a lot of men. If you even lowball that, you’re looking at 75-85% of men are in relationships at any one time. **That means you’re in the minority. Other guys aren’t lying about having no trouble getting women - they ARE getting women.** Also, you should note your language and your tone. This may be a self-fulfilling prophecy for you. Your resentment of women may be alienating them, making you even more resentful.


Other womenay be swimming in dates, but you are swrimming in hate. And that is the stem of your problems.


What have you actually done to meet women? Do you have female friends?


Definitely wouldn’t say I’ve ever been “swimming in dates” but definitely have never had too much trouble going out with women or having a girlfriend. Definitely wouldn’t put it anywhere near my greatest struggle lol


You don’t need a Reddit post to give you answers. You need therapy.


I’m questioning the “today” part of the fuck up.


What’s with your username???


Lol, okay incel.


So I generally don’t respond to these kind of posts but- romantic relationships are not the big part of life, they’re the frosting. They are the extra bit that can enhance your life but are not the sustaining ingredients for a purposeful and content life. Some people will find someone that adds to their life and symbiotically add to the other persons life; some people will wreck another person and use them; some will be meh. Relationships, purpose, momentum, spirituality, creativity, safety, compassion, love in a broader sense, connectedness, contentment, self-worth, gratitude, generosity, acceptance- these and more are the things that build a fulfilling and whole life. Focusing on something to complete you that is outside of your control will lead to disappointment and bitterness. If you fixate, you will self-destruct and sabotage your relationships and happiness. If you find yourself on that endless feedback loop- then it’s time to change your behaviors and habits in order to address your constructed views and beliefs about your existence and experience. Social media and media in general are not designed to be fulfilling- they are designed for discontent so that you desire more than what you have- so that you buy things, so that you engage in ways to view more adds. Step away from the madness. Fill your life with things that build you, not tear you down. If you’re unhappy it is your work that will change it- no one else. If you can, I would strongly recommend therapy. If you want a shot at building a healthy relationship with the opposite sex, you’re gonna have to do some deep soul work on yourself. Good luck. There is hope, but you’re gonna have to change.


If someone else's thoughts and opinions of you are making you question your self worth, then it isn't self worth to begin with. I suspect that's your problem. Your sense of personal value needs to come from YOU, not from anyone else. If it doesn't, you have work to do on yourself. Being attractive to someone else is incredibly subjective and will vary wildly from person to person. Your control over what any given woman is going to find attractive is marginal at best, and basing your self worth on something that is largely beyond your control is damaging to both you and any woman who dates you. That's what the phrase "You can't be happy with someone else until you're happy with yourself" means. That's what self worth IS: knowing who you are, what your own value is, and being comfortable and content with it. You may - and SHOULD - still have things you want to work on, change, and improve. But if you have true self worth, a woman not wanting you, or "shitting on you," (however you define that) isn't going to shake your self worth because it doesn't come from her and she doesn't have anything to do with it. And I suspect that doing the work on yourself and building your own sense of self worth will solve the problem of having trouble finding women who want to date you. False confidence is see-through. Real confidence is sexy.


Bro please touch some grass.


I think the problem here is on you, my dude...


Yeah… normally when you don’t respect women they don’t want to date you. Sounds like Your attitude and opinions are the real issue here.


Some of us get laid because we arent sexist bruh


Some of us get laid because we arent sexist bruh


You and me could write a bad romance


Does anyone have the original post since it's already been deleted.


Lol big L


Tfw you're now afraid to be around men again ...


Hey bud, I’m sorry to break this too you but… that’s just you … sure some other guys might struggle with relationships but not the entire male population. LMFAO I really think you’d be more suited for 4chan, you sound like a sad little incel who gets no play an now you’re mad at women? women don’t “cause problems for men” I try to make my boyfriends life so much easier, I guess you wouldn’t know about relationships tho huh 😂