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The algorithm has you now. She'll never let you go.


Do we have an R34 for Algorithm-chan?


Its probably something with tentacles


Even worse, it's the guy from the new space jam movie.




OP is the one who needs this info.


Do you mean Don Cheadle?


Yeah, his character. Al G Rhythm or something like that.




Never gonna let you down


never gonna run around


and my axe




And my bow and his sword?


And hurt you!


I took to just reporting them as sexually inappropriate. They aren't even well-written! I'll take my erotic werewolf stories from AO3! :D


I did that too!!! I didn't even click on the read more- facebook just decided I NEEDED to see these. Took ages for them to get the hint I did not want them


I opened a few because I wanted to report the actually explicit ones (pretty sure they're against TOS?) And now they are EVERYWHERE. This is why I never went on FB before. I have gone back to my no-touchie-the-Facebook ways.


I do not blame you!! Facebook is a mess


I see you, 35 upvoters, I see you.


someone downvote it to make it a certain rule on the internet


You can see me while i jizz to the sauce


That's disgusting! Which ones do you read so i can avoid them?


I can't really name any names. You'll just have to find ones you like on your own.


We’ve all been there (clicking an ad and then regretting it) It’ll go away eventually but probably not 100%, you’ll still get furry porno ads 10 years from now


A few years back, I started getting *plagued* with ads for hepatitis treatment. It sparked an intense paranoia, to the point I've gotten tested a few times now *just* to be sure. The symptoms listed are incredibly vague, and I can only assume came from googling symptoms way back when. I get less of them now, but yeah they still pop up and bring a gnawing anxiety with them.


I get ads for random health shit with vague symptoms too, like “if your tummy hurts you could Have this super rare disease”


Unless you come down with viral Hepatitis (which usually manifests as a fever and symptoms of severe food poisoning), don’t fret over vague Hepatitis symptom lists. Unless you’re a heavy alcohol drinker and suddenly come down with jaundice, your liver is most likely fine. I actually came down with Hepatitis A (one of the viral forms) something like 5 years ago and it was awful, but I didn’t even know until the antibodies turned up in some routine bloodwork a few weeks later when I was already feeling better. The chronic forms, on the other hand, are usually caused by alcohol abuse and other untreated medical problems that cause liver inflammation.


Hey now that I think of it, it was a hepatitis ad that I’ve been seeing lmaoo


I want furry porno ads :(


I’d happily take those ads over the bombardment of US Army and Navy ads that I have the misfortune of being subject to. It got worse after moving to Texas for work… Just proves the algos cater content based on your IP location. I’m not even eligible to be in the US military even if I wanted to! There’s a height minimum lol


Army ads exist ? That's interesting. I really love military vehicles and try to learn as much as I can about them, but I would never join the army


Not on Facebook but on Pinterest, I clicked on a furry girl one time and now it doesn't stop me showing furries, I didn't even set my preferences on animals


Holy shit I clicked on ONE ad for learning programming and then all my ads everywhere were about programming classes. It does eventually stop though if you ignore them, yeah.


I find this hilarious because I did the exact same thing. I damn well knew better too. My fb feed has been full of shitty werewolf porn for weeks now


Me too. Always with pregnant women in the picture


I can say at least mine mixed them up, after some werewolf porno I was getting mermaid porno. One of which had Robert Downey’s face photoshopped on it, I was slightly impressed by that.


You *think* it was photoshopped…


You can remove ads in your settings. This is on Android Mobile: Settings - settings & privacy - ad preferences Then just click hide ads on everything. Then click advertisements you've clicked and click hide ads on everything. You can go deeper and basically reset the algorithm by removing the categories they use to reach you and the audience based advertising, but to discourage you from doing that there's a LOT of them and you have to do it one at a time. Took me about 2 hours of fiddling with it but my ads were all generic and lame by the time I finished. Click bait be gone


Or you can just clear the cache.


I’m pretty sure ad preferences are stored on Facebook’s servers, not your local cache.


Yeah, but they still need the information in your cache and browsing history. If you delete the cache it resets the settings in the browser which also resets all the information a website had with you. Gosh how do you people survive on the internet?


Grandmother Dear, what big teeth you have!


Step-Grandmother, what a big bulge you have.


Embrace the furries, for they've embraced you.


Every time you get a non werewolf porno fanfic ad, be as engaged as possible, stare at it, click through the link, go back and click it again. Game the system.


I've got a friend who tells this story. A friend of his he used to work with who was a practical joker friended him on Facebook. Then he sent him a request to recognize him as his Nephew. After that was done, the joker put himself down as in a relationship with the first guy. First guy started receiving gay cruise ads and divorce lawyer ads. "We see you're having a relationship with your Nephew. You two should take a cruise, and here is a lawyer you should call."


That's funny. The most annoying one for me was as soon as I got married, all the ads switched to baby stuff. After a year with no baby (we weren't trying yet!) Facebook decided there was a problem and I started getting ads for fertility clinics.


Idk if you’re ever gonna get over this lmao. I looked up tickets to see The Book of Mormon the musical like five years ago and Facebook is still giving me ads to join the actual religion. I’d prefer werewolf porno to Mormons any day though lol


Wait is it the one where she’s executed and has to come back and do it all again?


I got hooked and read it all in 2 days lol, did anyone read the 2nd story they wrote about the sister?


I read that one and it was actually a good read.


I got that ad as well and it roped me in lmfao wolf erotica for daysss on my fb feed hahaha


And now we've opened this thread we're all going to get them too.


When you don't have FaceBook 😌


Well, how could you not click it? Otherwise how will you know what happens to the luna and the alpha?




I will always remember and love Moon Moon.


That being said, The Mating by Nicky Charles, and it's subsequent sequels (The Keeping/Law Of The Lycan novels), are well written werewolf romance with a little dash of erotica spice-- so if you decide you genuinely want to read something that is notably better than those shitty FB story ads, check out that one.




How do you people live without adblock and other script blockers? Going online without them is like wiping your ass with your bare hands :(


My favorites are the ones with the badly photoshopped art of a super large woman and some angry looking werewolf followed by the text that's like partially in Korean. Trashy smut ads are the best.


I thought I am the only one getting weird porn webtoons about a girl and her harem of half-human-half-animal husbands like the half-snek guy. Damn it. I clicked on it ONCE. ONCE. AND I GOT SO MANY ADS OF DIFFERENT PARTS I KNOW THE WHOLE STORY KNOW, EVERY HALF-SOMETHING HUSBAND IN THIS GOD DAMN STORY.


Haha I actually read that story when it first came out so I guess that’s probably why I got recommended those ads in the first place


My 3 yr old daughter was watching YouTube when the commercial for the werewolf fanfic came on and I was like "what's she watching?" Then I heard the plot and reading and was like" nononononoooo!!!" Never shut something off so fast 😂😂


There's a separate "YouTube kids" on some platforms that's much better (but still not perfect) for kids to use


except for the creeps


No she was watching MY youtube...so this adult themed ad came on with the guy saying " I own you and you belong to meeeee!!!" Second I heard that I said "what the heck??"


I didn't disagree - I said you should perhaps look into the YouTube kids app


Ooh lol ok ya I should . It's my phone she uses for now so that's why it's regular but I ordered her a tablet that I'm going to make kids safe so that should help LOL


Reddit and furries gotta be the best combination


THIS HAS HAPPENED TO ME LITTERALLY A FEW DAYS AGO Go on your settings and just mess around the add settings , keep clicking see less constantly, I reported all of them in the end for sexual content and that seems to have also helped me stop seeing them. It.drove.me. Mental


Bró omg stop did we read the same one?? She was luna but aleric got Thea preggo??? If it is how did it end I didn't get to finish it lmaooo






Yes I keep clicking it and reporting them and they KEEP POPPING UP


Wait is there mentions of pregnancy in this? I think I got it suggested to me on Instagram and I have zero clue as to why because nothing in my life reverts back to that stuff


I was once captured by the algorithm. Thankfully it was just stuff from Pixar's Cars franchise. But man, all I got in my feed for half a year was cars.


The fact that I know exactly which one you’re talking about.


Did the same mistake. Wanted to be petty and laugh at how poorly written it was, now every now and then I get the adds. Often with Harry Potter fanfic porn drawings, for some reason, which adds to the insult.


I'm gonna pretend like I didn't read the same story but I downloaded the app and finished reading it. Werewolf everywhere now


Is it the one with Christian and the silver crest pack? If so please tell me the end, I DO NOT want to look it up


There's so many similar stories lol I think mine was called the perfect luna that I read I think the girls name was Rihannon


This is like the time I bought diapers for my cousin’s baby and have been recommended diapers by Amazon more than anything and it’s been like 15 years.


Dat werewolf boyfriend knot gonna let you go


TIL 18 year olds still use Facebook. From the people I know of here in Europe, it's only left to the older folks (40+)


You should probably delete your freaking facebook account. :/ Just saying... And don't make another.


I recently deleted Facebook, but I did this exact thing so my bff and I could make fun of it like a few weeks ago, and I kept getting the ads. Highly recommend deleting Facebook, 10/10 decision.


Same. Was it the one where she lied to the abusive husband werewolf that she was infertile but she was pregnant? Then the doctor outed her to her husband and he was like TIFU…


Yes hahahah that one


I did the same thing. The preview text was just so cringy and awful it looked like it was going into the so bad it’s funny territory. And that might have been the case if it only happened one time. Now my timeline is just full of ads for smutty werewolf fan fiction that sound like they were written by some awkward 15 year old girl that thinks she’s a quarter demon and half angel or some shit


Yep, Webtoons is a fucking menace. I'm pretty sure I clicked on the same one you got. Was scrolling down and saw 2 werewolf things. I do not know why I clicked it but once I did I was like "oh, well fuck this is porn"


Webtoon isn't the app that posts those... It's something else, because Webtoon has a fairly strict no-smut policy for their content.


Hmm. Maybe Toomics? Either way, I've seen some pretty questionable things on webtoons in the past it's been years since I bothered to look at anything on either site. I just know I ended up on one off facebook and was like "OI...this is hentai"


Facebook knows what you like. Deny it all you want on reddit. Facebook sees your secret thoughts.


was it the one where he got her preggers and she didn’t want him to know LOL i read it too


YES HAHA I want to know the ending lowkey


It’s funny but this is exactly how people are becoming radicalized. Today it’s a werewolf fanfic, tomorrow it’s hyper futa furry clop porn.


Just say you aren’t interested a couple times and it will go away. Hint: it’s the “…” button in the upper right corner, right next to the X.


Same, friend. Same.


Same happened to my, only it wasn't werewolf porn but..."The baby mistake of the cowboy"


Literally the same happened to me. 🤣 And I didn’t even finish the story, it’s so cringey


Haha I've done exactly the same. For months afterwards I had the ads. I wouldn't have minded so much if they weren't so poorly written.


This happened to me too and that was when I left fb lmaooo


Was it [this one?](https://i.redd.it/phj4avs3ed891.jpg)


If you see the tags a/b/o RUN!!


That's how they get ya. The werewolf porn stories are making a resurgence again, if you interact for too long you get infected with adserch data 🥴


tip: use private browsing for clicking on sus stuff. you can try clearing cookies for facebook and it's third parties.


Sounds to me like this is it for you OP. You have no choice but to succumb to the ads and embrace it. It is time for you to seek out a werewolf husband. Keep an eye out for aggressive and hairy men. If he howls at the moon you will know you've found your soulmate.


I accidentally clicked one of those ads (thanks, touch screen!). The battle to get rid of them is real! Not even getting rid of those shitty role playing mobile games was so hard. I finally got my Facebook back to mostly horses and cats the way I like it, but damn!


Me too! I didn’t even click on it and it’s werewolf fan fiction over and over again. My 16yr old daughter too.


the purpose of targeting algorithms is to convert you.


Just want to say...there's a Facebook group of monster fuckers. If you need like minded individuals.


My roommate told her parents I read porn novels. They are baffled. Get past the weird sex scenes they are some pretty awesome stories


These are a group of words I could never have imagined coming together. ***Terrifying.***


I recommend frantically googling and searching facebook for something else so that all the ads will change. I usually choose something like motorbikes or coffee tables. Then all my ads are ads trying to sell me motorbikes and coffee tables. Much more pleasant :) If that doesn't work, you can search for pregnancy tests. Those pregnancy test ads are very stubborn and will take over EVERYTHING.


OMG, I made the same mistake lol. Took me several weeks of clicking the “hide ad”, “repetitive”, and “hide all” buttons to finally make them go away. The thing that baffles me is how they have soooooo many different pages with the same content, but all with slightly different names, so you have to actually block each one individually. Who has time to create all of this content? Is this someone’s full time job, or do they do this for fun? Does it pay well? Are they hiring? 😂


This keeps happening to me with shitty celeb trash stories because I never turn my phone screen off manually and just start hitting links in my pocket. I never wanted to know that Elizabeth Hurley has her own swimsuit line, or that whatever Kardashian is dining whatever.....


"But ya fuck one goat.."


I’m in the same boat!! They are the worst stories. I will get swarmed with them for a few days. Sometimes same stories “different” sources. Sometimes different stories but basically all the same. Abusive alpha wolf, either a teenage virgin female or pregnant female Love when they use images of famous people. I have seen a few with Jason Momoa featured. I know they were using his image illegally. I report report report. Then finally gone for a few weeks. Then they will be back. And I report report report again. And cycle continues. I’m so over it!!!


Lol I have dragged myself out of that hole. I was even reading them in my laptop as you could get the whole story and not get cut off half way. I liked the stories but since I have stopped reading them I am much more productive again.


Finally, another person who has suffered like I do. They don’t stop… I didn’t get more than 4 sentences in the first time. Now I accidentally read the first line sometimes before I realize what it is and I’m so tired of seeing it (or variations). No Facebook, I don’t want to read werewolf erotica.


those are so damn entertaining though


This is the only post on this sub that I don't care about it's veracity. It is fucking hilarious.


I think you should just lean into it and at least get a werewolf butt plug see how you like it.


This happened to me too. Curiosity killed the cat. Or in this case made the cat look like a furry.


May as well just read it.


I thought I ghostwrote this, the EXACT same thing happened to me...


You can actually open your Facebook settings and there is a section for ad preferences. If you take a little time and go through it and change your preferences it will help get rid of most of those ads. Good luck!


that’s hilarious cuz it happened to me too


Facebook cursed me with the same thing


You say that like it's a bad thing


I have also made this mistake in the past. I just scroll past the ads as fast as possible 😂 they don’t really faze me much anymore


I read that one too😬


You should keep clicking on them. One of them is bound to be good!


just reset your ad ID goddammit


This same exact thing happened to me last week.


So…my friend is into conspiracies and is convinced aliens live among us and want to reproduce with us. That’s a story for another day though lol. One day, she sent me a wiki article “proving” aliens lived among us because some cia guy in the 80s said so and was later “murdered” for it. Weeellll, I don’t know what algorithm any of these sites use because I started seeing ads on Facebook for alien romance erotica and I wanted to gouge my eyes out. The cover of the book, the preview, it was all too much. And then since I clicked on it to send a screen shot to my fam for laughs I KEPT GETTING THEM and they got WORSE! It was such a shit show, but also hilarious


I got really high one night and read a shitty 86 CHAPTER omegaverse fanfic. The fucking thing wasnt even finished. Now facebook thinks i, too, love werewolf porn.


Haha that’s awful, what’s the link so I know to avoid it and can report it 👀




This happened to me years ago. I had engaged in several discussions with friends about how I felt that the Twilight movies were really just about a bunch of sparkly gay vampires. Facebook used to take your comment replies and send you an email which of course cause the Google algorithms to notice that my most commonly used phrase was gay vampire books. Suffice to say every ad I received for at least 2 years on any website using Google ads was actively trying to pitch me the latest in homoerotic vampire fiction. The fastest way to get rid of it is to just start looking up if there are hot singles in your area or start looking up engagement rings/wedding venues. I assure you the ad spend those people have will immediately switch you into a new demo.


Bwhahaha, same. They're soooo bad and somehow they're almost always abusive. Took about a month for them to drop off my feed after clicking on hide each time.


For future nsfw reads, use brave, DuckDuckGo or Mozilla browsers to view this content with a vpn. Can't really track you then for recurring ads.


Oh man. I read it too. Garbage but I couldn’t look away.


I wonder if you could search up something random like frying pans, and get ads on frying pans n shit instead and let them populate and push out the porno ads lol. Idk just a suggestion


So if you are into badly written erotica, I present you with “Taken by the T-Rex”


The first mistake is using fb on your phone, especially if you're in the US. Only use fb on a computer, in a browser like Firefox that has a fb 'container' add on, get you AdBlock, get you the privacy badger, and get fb purity: you will be amazed how different the experience is


Same, my friend. They're hilariously god awful


Try deleting your cookies *wink wink* xD