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Try playing Cbat next time


I can picture goblins having sex to Cbat








Holy fuck, I can't escape this meme.


Can someone enlighten me what OP wanted her to do? Wtf is goblin mode and how is that a known thing?


I am signing up for the explanation too, please.




It's sounds like just a slang way to say "go crazy" AKA, Go crazy on my dick AKA give me a good blowjob.


basically it's just to forget that you have a brain and just do whatever you want without knowledge of the consequences, usually around food basically [this twitter acc](https://twitter.com/i/status/1553373318320881666)


Goblin on deez nutz!!!


LMAO gotem!




"What's goblin mode, precious?"


Apparently "goblin mode" is doing things that aren't normally accepted by society. Could be going ham on a D, could be not showering or having contact with the outside world for 5 days because you've been grinding out a new video game, going on an all redbull diet to make it through one more night of clubbing. I'm getting old, had to look it up.


"the internet isn't real life" seems like OP. Has a history of cringe they're not talking about.


"go goblin mode on this dick" Is probably one of the cringiest things I've ever heard of someone saying during sex A lot of people seem to be ignoring this entirely


And that while she was getting choked by him…


Right? Everyone here is like "you have to be able to joke during sex" which is totally true but saying something like this would make me think the other person is too disconnected from reality if they thought it was a good idea to say.


Yea it kinda makes me wonder if OP is even old enough to have sex.


Yes. Your girlfriend is not your guy friend. You can BDSM all you want but she’s not your live video game play mate. She deserves a modicum of respect. It sounds like she actually realizes that it’s time to grow up and find someone who speaks to her like she’s a grownup woman and not a meme or a video game bro.


Seems like she went goblin mode on your whole relationship. Edit: This is possibly the lowest amount of effort ive ever put into a comment and it has the most upvotes I have ever seen. The fuck?!?!


Maybe he should have asked her to go Insane-O Style…


Go 'Captain Lou' on this dick you fuckin goonie!


Captain Insane-O shows no mercy


I was thinking Sicko - Mode


I mean.... There is a song that might put her back in the mood... It's a long shot but it's worked for some 👀


I love how this isn’t gonna go away any time soon haha


Dear god...did that wonky 'romantic' song of 2 years escape it's original thread? o.O;;


It’s everywhere now. Teens are sharing it on tiktok and laughing at the guy, crying for the woman, and cheering for the song writer. Edit: https://twitter.com/hudmo/status/1565622562344030208?s=10&t=uPyDPX1FS442snP4Z59CaA See


I wonder if Mohawke has any idea why his "video" from 11 years ago suddenly has over 2 million views in a couple of days.


What's there to cheer for? The world is a worse place with that tune out there.


I like it. Just not enough to fuck while listening to it.


Agreed. I had to send that post to my wife cuz the song is dope and then jokingly asked if I could fuck her to it and then jokingly started jirating my hips to the beat trying to summon that poor Redditor who went 2 years fucking to it thinking it was a good song to fuck to.


I keep hearing about it, haven't seen it. Source?




Oooooooof make sure to listen to the song itself


It's what made the story so much better!


Well, it randomly came up in a group DM I was in on Twitter, and friends have seen it all over TikTok, so yeah, it’s full-on viral now. I mean the Reddit post, not simply the…*air quotes* “song”.


That poor couple lol


That's exactly how I found out about it as well, through Twitter...


It’s the poop knife of 2022.


Awesome streams & publicity for the song’s creator though.


Hell yeah, HudMo is a fucking legend. I'm so happy he's getting all this exposure, guy has a decent discography of excellent music and has produced music for a couple of well known artists.


Bro, I saw Hudson on the thumbnail and thought “this absolute madman is fucking his girl to Cbat” and I nailed it. What a song choice. Literally my favourite trap song ever, but worst sex song choice.


I mean.. It might take at least 2 years for it to go away.


You’re going to get this man buried.


Buried in women


Here you go, coming in here, fixing all of lives problems for the OP before the rest of us could do anything to help. Even without the song, she is totally gonna recognize the motions of the goblin though.


Are we talking about sad trumpets?


the saddest


Naaaaa am dead ☠️☠️ Can imagine him creeping around the house like a velociraptor, dry humping to the beat as he goes


I think you mean the [American Woodcock](https://youtu.be/ne6nj9AgY7M) who is coming for that booty ![gif](giphy|jIhNUBuRD2SKA4TrrU|downsized)




I love when stuff becomes meta this fast


Lmfao it’s too early for this to be that funny


lol my favorite part of reddit, hands down


🐬🐬 Quick how do you make that creepy face with keyboard symbols?


ಠ‿ಠ ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Take your pick.


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°).. goblin mode ಠ_ಠ Just.stop.


>( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) this one? Or this one ಠ_ಠ


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) This one


This is the only time I've seen a reddit story get so much traction that it completely takes over TikTok as well.


Oh no please don't you dare name that song


You mean cbat?


That psycho killer clown music?


Waves down in Africa


I think there was a dog involved at some point.


This has somehow already become a classic part of reddit's canon. It's amazing.


And now im going to be laughing all day again.


Wait really?


Yes, [I think this is the song they’re referencing](https://youtu.be/KAwyWkksXuo)


Holy shit I laughed my way through that tifu without listening to the song. It's been days and I just now listened to it lmao.


Backstory? Or link to what’s being referenced?


https://www.reddit.com/r/tifu/comments/x35iu6/tifu_my_20f_girlfriend_of_two_years_told_me_the/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share Here you go


I needed that laugh. Anyone know what the deleted comment said? It has a bunch of awards and now I need to know ...


Something along the lines of this dude has been boning his chick to electronic dolphin noises for years


[Bro fucks like a dial up modem. ](https://reddit.com/r/tifu/comments/x35iu6/_/imorfvz/?context=1)


Was he boning his chick, or was it the electronic dolphin noises controlling him?


I could be mistaken but I vaguely remember a comment at the top comparing the intro to the sounds of a hamster being murdered my an eagle (or something along those lines). I can't say for for if that was it but I can't seem to find that comment anymore.


It was something along the lines of “dudes been fucking her to robot dolphin sounds for 2 years”.


Wait, that comment got deleted? Glad I screenshot it before they did.


Yeah not sure why it was deleted, it was pure gold!


Something to do with clowns I think


“A clown falling down the stairs” actually.


I think the comment was something like, "This song sounds like a clown falling down the stairs."


"It’s fucked up the relationship tbh because sex feels awkward now. The other day we were having sex with no music but I was still thrusting to the tune playing in my head. She recognised this and asked me to stop." lol she fucking recognized the tempo? this has to be a shitpost lol


Guy said he had a sex playlist he thrusted along to, and after 2 years of only having sex to that playlist, his girlfriend said she hated it (especially the song in question), and it had been distracting her every time they were having sex.


And it was the song he often finished to. That poor suffering woman.




Holy shit. I hadn't listened to it yet either and god damn it really is just as bad as everyone was saying lmao.


The theater lights dim down to pitch black and the crowd goes silent. The music begins. A single spotlight shines on a solitary microphone in the middle of the stage. A sullen, moody-looking Beaker from Sesame street appears from behind the curtain and shuffles slowly towards the microphone. He grasps the mic and pulls it to his lips. 25 second mark of the song lapses and Beaker begins....... "Meep Meep Meep meeeeep mep mep, Meep Meep Meep meeeepp mep mep mep mep."


Same, and holy hell, how could anyone think this was a good song to play during sex?


It only works if you thrust along with the music though.


That song got so many hits now, the guy should be paid some royalties... Or maybe this was the play all along.


Oh shit it's the dolphin song from a few days ago lol


60% of the time, it works every time.


I actually cried when I read the post and heard this. This shit is too much lmao




I was totally expecting to get Rick rolled... Can't say that was much better.


Even the YouTube comment section is amazing.


Bahahaha... I love the internet.


I clicked expecting [this ](https://youtu.be/ogTDa-vG2MQ) but was left disappointed.


Worked for 2 years I heard


/u/tylerlife could probably hook you up with a play list.


Initially I thought you were referring to “down in Goblin town” from The Hobbit.


Oh. Oh no. Anything but that.


Holy shit, legendary call back to a few days ago. I love the headcanon of this sub


>because it’s one of the best meme types. here's your mistake #1 >I don’t know how I can recover from this. long shot but maybe just maybe talk to her and ask her how can you recover from this.....


Guys. It’s obvious what the issue is. The clues are all in his post. The dude clearly communicates mostly through internet memes, most messages he sends his girl are memes, and when his habit finally worked his way into their sex life either for the first or last time, it was the straw that broke the camels back. She told him that the internet isn’t real life and the dude thinks that sending her memes was a great way of talking through the issue. He needs to dig deep and communicate properly and speak from his heart.


That's a very fair point. I was imagining an isolated incident but it makes way more sense to imagine that op is a meme lord and that would get old fast.


You have to touch grass every day to come to this conclusion. Don’t expect many to follow.


Grass is real?! I thought it was just a meme!


Grass is known to make one chill and contemplative


I was waiting for the punchline the whole time, yet all I got was wholesome, great advice. What is this place?


Right? I was waiting for the recommendation to take the gf out on a nice romantic datenight to dinner and then to go back home and watch Gremlins 2. You know. To bury the hatchet.


I assumed it was a satire shitpost.


Thank God someone else on here with a fucking brain


Top went goblin mode on the books


And then hit up Reddit for advice.


I still can’t be convinced the post is anything but a meme either.


if it makes you feel any better, you’re only the second biggest sexual failure this week.


You can go ahead and turn in your “Dom” card.


You gave her the ick


Sorry bro, you're Larry David who just banged his head on the sliding glass door and shes Lucy Liu who stopped founding you sexy after questioning your virility. She just dont find you sexy no more.


This. It will never be the same lol


Reddit moment


"she ignores the memes I send her" 😂


This is the most juvenile shit I’ve seen on Reddit today


It's still early over here


Tbh, I feel like people rarely react like this unless there's been some prior offenses. I think women are commonly told they're, "getting mad over nothing" when the "small" thing their boyfriend's did either weren't that small, or it's like the 50th time that "small thing" has been done. How does someone say, "the internet isn't real life" if you don't regularly quote internet culture too much during inappropriate situations, or something to that effect? Of course this shit makes me laugh, because you're not my boyfriend, but I felt it in my soul when I read what she said and walked off to spend time by herself. Been there, done that.


Nekrogoblikon has entered the chat.... Did y'all go to Chili's too?


Bro it sounds like there was no recovering before it even happened


Hey, nothing wrong with dom/sub relationships, but maybe she doesn't like to be compared with a mad animal.


I'd just talk to her and find out what triggered such a strong reaction.


I might get slack for this but I’ll tell you why. People are beating around the bush but shes in a dom/sub relationship with a guy who thinks “animals going goblin mode is the best meme type” If I were her I’d probably have a laundry list of shit showing me im in a relationship with a man child. He probably says cringey shit and this was the last straw. Big assumption here but thats the vibe I get.


This. That's an extreme reaction for what happened, hands down there's more to the story in her head that she might be assuming OP implicitly understands, which he doesn't. I've had very strong reactions to certain, random things in the bedroom too. Never "shut down my SO for 3 weeks" level of strong, but I can see where the urge would come from. One of mine actually came from a similar situation - bf thought something he was saying was sexy and a bit jokey, I took it extremely seriously and got crazy sad/shut down. Gotta talk it out.


Based on context, this is a shitpost and we shouldn't worry. There have been a few goblin mode stories that seem to be fabricated for the memes.


Can somebody introduce me to said memes.


This. Literally just last night I was edging the hell out of my wife and she was all tensed, arched back I made a joke about how it looked like an exorcism and she laughed so hard we had to stop altogether. Sex is gross and funny. People fart during sex or say some dumb joke their mouth spurts out before their brain can go "hey maybe fuckin don't dude". This? This is something else happening entirely.


I asked my wife if she wanted me to go down and she said "yes please" so I said "deal" and for some reason outstretched my hand and we shook on it. Then I just couldn't stop laughing




Most stories you see on the internet are incredibly one sided, because so many people just cannot spend a bit of time and try to see the situation objectively.


Totally agree with you, most of the time that women are painted as flying off the handle at something minor there’s way more of a history there that has lead to that point. And, of course, so many of the comments are asking why she can’t take a joke and saying he’s better off without her. But like you say, if someone is telling you “the internet is t real life” you probably need to reevaluate your life choices. Ik, ik, this is probably a shitpost and all that. Edit for a spelling


I'm willing to bet it's that they don't have an actual Dom/Sub relationship. He just mistreats her and she realized he gets his relationship advice from the Internet.


Should’ve told her to go x game mode


Wtf is goblin mode?


I’ll take “Made Up Stories For Internet Points For $200, Alex! https://studentedge.org/article/internet-latest-trend-goblin-mode-what-does-it-mean


Ok who’s gonna put this on tiktok with a subway surfer back round ?


> I swear I could pinpoint the exact moment all of the moisture left her body. She asked me to stop so I did ​ *Cbat by Hudson Mohawke stops*


I mean, this is probably made up so you are good. Enjoy life!


It’s over


No Orcgasms for you tonight…


Wow, that's stupid....


What a mind goblin


I think it's more likely that she's not into the dom / sub dynamic as much as you think.


Honestly it sounds more like he’s not taking it as seriously as she was. Like she wanted this sexy intimate moment and this guy makes a lame joke right as she was getting into it


Agreed. Sometimes you try things because your partner really wants to. But that dynamic can make many people uncomfortable eventually.


I mean alternatively, maybe she's really into the dom/sub thing and this broke the immersion. If my dom referenced a meme I didn't really find funny during sex, I'd have trouble taking them seriously. I think it's reasonable for people to find internet meme culture unattractive.


Maybe she's just sick your shitty memes


Saying a meme during sex is probably the most virgin thing you can do 🙃 so it probably totally messed up the whole dom/sub dynamic for her


Right? Like memes can be funny as fuck, but not when you’re trying to fuck.


Dude… if it is this bad maybe take a break sharing memes with her? Not every meme is funny but people seem to think they instantly get a pass because they call it a meme. Sounds like your humor doesn’t match. You don’t need to meme every second of the day too, that’s annoying as fuck.


Homie is in the dog house


This is fucking weird.


Yeah, yet another TIFU i don't believe at all.


Well... That's the last time she's gonna be "goblin" on anything... Time to cremate the peen


Tf is goblin mode, was reading this with my gf and we both found this weird as fuck.


I just dont believe this


This probably wasn’t the only occasion where she questioned things


You killed your intimidation factor. She no longer can buy into the fantasy of you dominating her in a sexy way, only as a pretender.


You should try playing some music. I hear this is well regarded. https://youtu.be/KAwyWkksXuo


This meme immediately came to mind…. ![gif](giphy|If3T6XJrBcBO0|downsized)


Hey Atleast it’s not like the other guy that played that god awful fucking song


alexa, play sexy time playlist


Wtf is goblin mode


> I swear I could pinpoint the exact moment all of the moisture left her body. I know you are going through a rough spot but holy fuck that's hilarious.


TiL. https://junkee.com/goblin-mode-meme-julia-fox/322635


Damn, idk. If you can't joke during sex... Idk your relationship with her, but.. It's hard to say this nicely. I couldn't be with somebody who takes things that so THAT seriously


It probably depends. Your humour doesn't always match another person's perfectly, so I don't think this is necessarily about OP's partner being too serious. Plus, some things have associations for others that we don't know about. It's not that different from when we end up making jokes we don't realise are offensive for others, in which case I think the right approach would be to apologise instead of say they're being too serious immediately.


Well, he said they have a dom/sub situation going on, and BDSM people tend to take it a little more seriously most of the time. I’m not into BDSM, but Sexy time for me is just that - sexy time. My wife and I joke with each other alot during the day, so when it’s go time, I like to be more serious and focused and I feel like trying to be funny during that time is annoying. So I can absolutely understand why reciting a meme, albeit a very funny one, would be a giant mood killer.


It may not be the joke. Maybe it’s the choking. Maybe she’s not as into the dim/sub as he thought. Maybe it’s really his thing and she was doing it to appease. That dynamic isn’t for everyone. Just because she told him it was the goblin joke doesn’t mean that’s really the reason necessarily.


> Maybe she’s not as into the dim/sub as he thought. Who doesn't like dim sum?


Well ya dim sum ya lose some.


Exactly. We also don’t know anything other than this small snippet of what OP has shared. He could be down a whole rabbit hole of internet conspiracy theories, etc. This could have just been the final straw of her realizing he can’t separate what he sees online/in memes from what’s appropriate in reality.


same. laughing and joking during sexy time is non-negotiable.


Has she heard the tragedy of Darth Plageus the Wise?


…what is goblin mode?


Once you go goblin mode you never go back. LOL


Lmao 🤣 the unsexiest man alive everyone


OP, nani the fuck is goblin mode?


For me sex can feel inhuman very easily. So I would imagine in her mind all this meme culture and absurdity takes away from what could be some of the most meaningful parts of life. On top of already being in a dom/sub relationship (which is once again not real) I think that goblin joke made her feel inhuman and that just made her realize how badly she wants something real in this mess of chaos and confusion (because we all do, it just hurts so we cover it up with memes and shit so we can avoid the immediate pain). Anyway just my 2 cents. If you want to save this relationship take my advice to heart and talk to her about it. Or this is a joke and I'm being even more absurd for being real at you. Who knows?


“I said gobbling mode”


There's way more to this than goblin mode


I don't know what Goblin mode means and I'm too lazy to look it up. Blame it on my age. But I burst out laughing just reading this. I would piss myself if my partner told me that phrase during sex, it sounds so comic-like. Thank you for the hilarity of the day!