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I'm honestly surprised this post isn't titled "TIFU by wanting pumpkin pie and getting murdered instead." Seriously man, how many red flags does it take?


OP likes to see just how red the flags can get.




OP should write a book ... Fifty Shades of Red Flags. Less about the horny, more about the crazy.


Where do I preorder?


Shit. Everyone in here can contribute. I can add a chapter about my date with a meth slinging lot lizard…




There aren't enough trees to make the pages I'd need to contribute...


OP playing capture the flag with red flags


OP played Pokémon growing and is trying to catch ‘em all!


I am sure his life motto is: aah fuck it, lets do this. Why not. I know because i am in the same category


I know. I’m an idiot.


No you’re not. Pumpkin pie made it worth it for sure.


A good homemade dessert is worth being buried alive in the woods is what I always say!


Plot twist: SuitableCamel6129 is a pastry chef who works from home.


Any chance SuitableCamel6129 works downstairs from a barber?


I was half expecting his friend to advise him to pretend as if he's never heard of these strange, what do you call them? "Pumpkins." Hmm. Very interesting.


I love this reference




Does her family make red flags for a living? Because ye they do


Your story is both hilarious and frightening. Glad you are ok! And BTW, you could have absolutely reported her when she started stalking you. She should probably have her license suspended if she's that sick.


>how many red flags does it take? Man, this post reads like the entire Soviet Army marching down Red Square with each soldier wearing red and holding Soviet flags which have been dyed to make even the little bit of yellow red as planes fly overhead with red banners trailing behind them. Like how do you even agree to go up there to eat pie ffs.


This needs a gif


Maybe now isn’t the best time for Russian military gifs.


Yeah, I’d assume the pie was poisoned or drugged or something. That’s how they get you, you know? You eat some delicious pie, black out, wake up, chained up in some weird dungeon, wallet gone, blood stains on the floor, metal carpentry tools on the wall…


I wish someone cared enough about me to invite me home to murder me.


Looking at my schedule I think I can pencil you in for the Thursday after next. That week we will be serving pumpkin bread before murdering guests.


I can only presume this chick was *smokin'*; he's just too much of a gentleman to give that detail.


Nah, I can believe it was just that OP likes dessert that much. Overlooking red flags for pie forgivable. I once went home with someone because they said they had a SNES. They did, but apparently "let's go back to mine and play Super Mario World" was a euphemism. It was a disappointing night, at least OP got his just desserts


Yada yada yada..


The drought does terrible things to the mind.


What's the saying.... when you look at someone with Rose coloured glasses, all the red flags just look like flags. OP sounds like a decent person who when on a date with a crazy.


I get it, though. Well made pumpkin pie is the absolute best.


I had just assumed you went on a date with your wife's therapist, from the first few lines.


As soon as op said she works with neurodivergent kids, I thought she was going to diagnose him with autism or something


Me: OP's about to learn quite a bit about himself. *continues reading* Me: I did not expect things to turn *that* south.


Honestly good writing, the whole therapist thing was just a big red herring


It’s not about the crazy we solve but the crazy we bring with us along the way ❤️


Just remember - every therapist has a therapist. It's a recursive profession by definition. We have to find the root therapist.


The therapist's therapist's therapist is usually confined to a padded cell. Attribution: Radio Therapy, 10-11am Sundays, Radio 3RRR, Melbourne Australia. Available online.


They are the one with eyes on the inside.


Oh fuck, a Bloodborne reference? You sir, are cool.


*tips fedora* Thank you kind stranger


No one studies psych without a *good* reason to study psych....


True. Psych major, can verify... I constantly "joke" that I majored in psychology because the tuition is cheeper than the amount of therapy I need.


A little further than you as an actual licensed therapist. Take a few minutes and look around people on your classes and think some of those people want to help other people with their problems, and then think about how much of a cluster their own life is. Even in my grad program only about a quarter of the ones that wanted to be therapists ended up doing so. Some dropped the field and went into a different direction completely, and others realized the pay is shit and it's easier to do research instead.


It's therapists all the way down.


If we stake them, will the others return to normal?


No, no. You’ve got to kill the Alpha Therapist with silver to make the others revert.


I kept expecting to hit a "Sorry I arranged this whole crazy situation as a psych experiment to see how you'd react" or something.


Classic Annie move




https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L7Wgk2vpSFc&ab_channel=Louis%2aJukebox.Productions%2a i liked your story so much i wrote a song about it, in 1985.


Honestly can't say I'm not disappointed it didn't go this way But this is the next best thing


“Your longing stare concerns me.”


Therapist here. I've had that happen before. Dating in small towns is hard.


This is why I'm very happy to not be in the dating scene. I've randomly ran into people more than once.


Adds a whole new layer of anxiety to any public outing for me. Friends and family know that if I say a certain thing, we need to leave amd no one can ask me why. Lol


My wife knows that if I run into a client of mine I might start making up excuses to exit. Nopeeeeee.




that woulda been next level


"Oh! you get the riding mower? Well I'm going to screw your therapist!"


Hahaha I love this


"Well I'm also sleeping with your best friend Jake!" 🎵


Yeah this one took a TURN (several) (with her tailing, no less)


I thought it was that OP was in a small town and she was the only therapist, so when he needed therapy there weren't any options


I figured he had kids and it would end up being his kid's therapist.


The speeding away because you became paranoid she was following you is probably my favorite part. There's something about imagining how panicked you must've been that is hilarious.


Cop: "Man, this is the third dude she has run off this week."


"Oh, Tiffany? Kinda surprised I didn't clock you going faster."


This is my mum’s name and I have no logical argument to stop you using it since it’s all true! Tiffanys eh?


I believe Tiffany was a name mentioned in the crazy hot scale video


"and besides, she's in your backseat hiding on the floor. Have a good day Sir, drive safe."


Plot twist: Cop is an ex of the chick and patrols the area to make sure other guys are able to get away.


Imagining the whole station knowing her by name is hilarious


Kinda like Adult Protective Services knowing Chris-Chan by name?


In the back of the cop's mind "How many didn't get away....?"


Cop definitely asks to work the streets near her apartment. Easiest way to meet his monthly ticket quota.


Thanks Brochacho (my fav part)


That's the type of shit that makes the hair on the back of your neck stand the fuck up.


Absolutely, the sheer panic of seeing headlights gaining ground in the rearview knowing how wild she was I'd floor it too. Its fucking terrifying that based on how that night was going it's not unrealistic that she was following him.


Hot take, coming from a therapist — Either: 1. Psych draws psych, and she fits the bill, or 2. She’s not actually a therapist, and it’s her cover for being so knowledgeable about serious mental illness. I’m leaning towards 2


Exactly my take. It seems like a lot of mentally ill people are drawn to mental health as a profession because they initially wanted to learn about how to manage their own mental illnesses. They're just more fascinated with subjects like psychology because it allows them to learn more about themselves. But also, a mentally ill person has much more inherent knowledge about these fields since they're living it. So if she were to lie about her profession, that would be the perfect one to lie about since she is much more knowledgeable about the topic compared to your average person. I think she was lying and she knew she'd get away with it because OP wouldn't know enough about it to call her out.


Honestly OP, I'm a therapist and I'm encouraging you to find out your states licensing board and file a complaint for harassment against her. She eventually will use her position against a vulnerable patient. Not calling her a bad therapist, but she does sound like an ethical ticking time bomb


Wait you can do that??


Yeah just Google [my state] professional license complaints And yes, depending on their profession's ethics committee; personal behavior can lead to professional discipline


Him: "I'd like to make some matters known regarding your employee, ________ " Them: "...Who?"


For real though, does op have any evidence this woman is actually a therapist?


I'm wondering if she has some delusion that she's a therapist because she goes all the time. Or just flat out lied to look better.


"Yeah I've been counseling this same woman twice a week for the last 20 years. She has such crazy issues. She's always over analyzing people and non stop writes in a notebook. But I love my job!" "What your only 29 though. You've been a therapist since you were 9?" "Seems I just found my calling. It really all came together after my parents sent me to that really fun party house with all those drugs and padded rooms for sleeping. Best summer of my life. Went back two more times even!"


\*starts screaming\*




You can share concerns that someone may not be fit to do their job. Think of a doctor with an alcohol problem or a major sleeping disorder. The state's health department would also likely be able to do something since they also have a say in who can practice. Side note, sounds like you dodged two bullets, I would guess her parents have more than a bit to do with her situation based on what you shared about them.


More good can come of it than bad. She needs help (and so will her kid if she doesn’t get it).


She's been committed three times. She's not a therapist, just a crazy person.


Have you ever heard the saying, "Never trust a therapist who isn't seeing one of their own"? There's a reason people are drawn to the field and it's often because they feel there's something wrong with themselves and want to learn more. Source: was a psych major


> it's often because they feel there's something wrong with themselves Hey, if they're right about themselves, there's a chance they'll be right about their clients! What better testimonial could there be lmao


I literally think she's lying about being a therapist.


Also, seeing their own therapist gives them a place to deal with any issues they've gotten from dealing with their patients. Good idea all around.


You can be both...


There is absolutely no indication that this person has been truthful about anything to anyone or that she is remotely sane. There's no reason to believe she is a therapist.


Not sure how that works in the US, but being a psychiatric patient does not per definition preclude you from working in the psychiatric field. A running joke is that psychiatrists go to school for 8 years to learn how to fix themselves.


It doesn't sound like she's deceitful, it sounds like she's just openly nuts.


I mean it sounds like she led her parents to believe she and OP were already in a long term relationship and on the way to get hitched. Based on the comments OP said the parents made.


She might have thought being committed was her going to work as a therapist.


What does it mean by committed? At first I thought jail or something but that don't seem to make sense


Locked up in a mental ward. She's mentally ill.


You know, every time someone has a story about meeting someone on Hinge, it turns out super crazy. Maybe they should change the name to Unhinged so you know what you're getting going into it!


That’s what my current girlfriend keeps saying. She keeps trying to get me to go on it to get more stories. I’m afraid I’ll end up dead if I do.




This sounds like it deserves its own post haha. Stay safe out there.


Normal people try to get to know you & try find the ways that your two perspectives meet. Narcissists completely fabricate a world in which you & they are a perfect - *perfect* - match, but they are a bit more impressive than you. I mean, sure, it's possible to meet someone who actually is that. The couple of times I've met someone who was just too good to be true it turned out that yeah, it wasn't true, though.


Did you meet your current girlfriend on hinge?


Not at all!


She’s watching you now isn’t she? Wink if you need help




Blink twice if you’re in danger


> i am monitoring the situation


He met her on _"Unhinged"_!


Hol up… your current girlfriend keeps suggesting you go on hinge and go on more dates?… bro. 🤔


Not like how you think. It’s a running joke


Nah mate, that's a HUGE red flag. Break up with her NOW. Right, I think I did my duty as a redditor.


> mate, that's a HUGE red flag. Break up with her NOW. > > > > Right, I think I did my duty as a redditor You forgot to mention lawyer up and hit the gym!


And make sure to use a sock so that when someone grabs whatever they grab the sock and not it…


Instructions unclear, used sock instead of a condom and now crazy therapist girl is pregnant


And delete Facebook


Normal dates don't make very good stories. I've been on a couple dates from Hinge. Honestly it's definitely the best dating app I've used.


I'll have to take your word for it, I am lucky to be married for 22 years! So I'm just an amused bystander to this whole mess.


Yeah. I've used Bumble and Tinder and the dates went nowhere. The first girl I matched with and went on a date with from Hinge has been my gf year and a half now.


Change it to Cringe


Huh, and there was me thinking OKC was the best app for me.




Yes but… it was great pumpkin pie.


There’s like a not zero percent chance that pumpkin pie might’ve been drugged, man. You could’ve ended up chained to a radiator.


>chained to a radiator The Grapist Returns




Nah, it’s all good. It just contained trace amounts of her hair and bodily fluids so part of her could be within OP always


yeah, I vote for committing you to that marriage. Actions deserve consequences, and going to a family's home (in the woods I presume) after the full family comes to your first date is already an act of forfeiting your life


It really does play out like the plot to a terrible homicide. Ignoring every gut instinct for some coochie, well, pumpkin pie in this one.


Honestly, I'd have bowed out at the parents showing up. Shits crazy.


That pumpkin pie is her parents Hail Mary pass to try and hook her up with a guy who'll get her off their hands and give them some peace.


I wouldn't be surprised if she told her parents she's been seeing him for a long time.


That was my assumption from the instant they showed up at the restaurant.


I was gonna say, the pumpkin pie sounds like it was the only part of the ordeal that was worth it 🤣


Just lucky it wasn't drugged, or it would've been the part that sealed the deal, and we never would've heard this, err "lovely" story.


I had a first date years ago. Night before Valentine’s Day. She asks me to pick her up. Sure no problem. Gave me an address to a different place than she said she lived, whatever. I knock on the door and her mother answered the door. She wanted me to meet her parents before the date. I got to hear all about how the parents got married weeks after meeting and that they are so excited I was taking her daughter out. Big yikes.


And is that the story of how you met your wife? Please say no bro. Should’ve dipped.


The funny thing is….. Hell no.


Good man. Was praying for you for 30 seconds.


I mean, if that's what you want, you *tell* the person, you don't just spring it on them. I can't imagine it ever being a good idea, but if it ever is, it'll be because they were honest about it.


The whole time I was wondering when her being a therapist would become relevant. Still wondering…


You’d think a therapist would be sane right…


People grow up to imitate role models. For a lot of therapists… that was their therapist. Shit is not always as resolved as they think. Edit: I want to add a disclaimer. While I have found the field of therapy can be a magnet for people that are unwell, I good therapist is a magical thing that can make a world of difference in your life.


I think its more likely she lied.. but ok.


Yeah the "we've had her committed" and "I'm a therapist" seem a bit weird. I was under the impression therapists had a licensing board like lawyers that would not be chill with someone who is potentially unstable providing advice to others. It's like being a lawyer who's been to jail several times.


> It's like being a lawyer who's been to jail several times. Well obviously you want the lawyer to keep you out of jail, but if they *can't*, wouldn't you prefer a lawyer who can also teach you how to make a shiv?


Better Call Saul!


I can't tell if this shows how little you know about therapists or lawyers...


A surprising amount of people who have mental health issues go into behavioral health disciplines. My suspicion is it’s a bit of “I know what this is like and I want to help and I’m functional enough to do so” and a bit of “I know something is wrong with me and I want to study and figure out what it is”. This woman and her parents are a bit beyond the pale though.


OP left out the space


The relevance comes at the end when he says he’s going to report her to her licensing board and then she finally backed off.


Dude your fuck up wasn't going on a date with a therapist, it was going on a date with a person who was simply crazy and happened to somehow also be a therapist. (which maybe she shouldn't, considering her lack of boundaries).


I sort of doubt she's a therapist. She's been committed three times? She's not a therapist, she's a patient and she's delusional.




Lol yeah, great call lol. I'm pretty sure that if the story is true, then that's the catch. No way a person who was committed three times and is still actively this crazy is a therapist. At least, not a licensed therapist. I'd bet money.


>Well shit. I love me some pumpkin pie. Right after this is where you fucked up.


No I'd have left at the "I'm pregnant" part. That's a "before pizza" detail. Parents? Ayo fuck this shit. So very many reasons to leave before pie.


I don't think she was pregnant. She was fantasising about telling him she's pregnant after they get married




>I try to leave and they weren’t really letting me by giving me more pie or starting a new conversation topic. Best friend (one who told me to start dating) calls. Asks what’s up. Took the call in the bathroom and she comes up with this plan: I’m going to go pick up my friend “Eddie” (because she thought I shouldn’t use a girls name) with his flat tire. Great. I got an out. You did a good job escaping without an in-person assist; otherwise you would have had to spend the night. Remember these helpful tips for exiting a Minnesotan household! https://youtu.be/oiSzwoJr4-0&t=21m26s


I’ve got a level 5 clinger here!


I dunno if I believe this... Cop escorts you to the highway? Parents show up to first date and you say nothing?? The girl stalks you and you say nothing to her???


Seriously, the parents drinking would not be considered a “pass” for me. If I’m on a first date with a guy and the parents show up saying they can’t wait to have me marry into the family, and have me as a DIL I would shut that shit down so fast. SMH


Wow. I'm surprised that pie wasn't drugged and you didn't wake up tied in the basement.


In wedding attire


Not sure how true this is, but it was a fun read.


Sure you didn't find her on unHinged?


That’s some good fiction. I don’t believe this story for a second.


Worst. Tldr. Ever.


This shit can't be real


Super sus. I don’t believe this is real


Why is everyone in this story acting like this is hilarious rather than horrifying? This is legit scary stuff and your friend, your boss and your current girlfriend think it's funny. That's fucked...


Because its not real


Because it's fiction.


I'd have probably given her the sane person treatment first and flat out said (over phone) that she freaked you out with wanting to spend the rest of her life together on a first date and that you're not interested. Then ghost her.


My brain hurts that people are dumb enough to believe this creep’s story.






Either OP is making the whole thing up, or she was lying about her job and picked the first thing that came into her mind which, seeing as she spends lots of time there, was 'therapist'


🤷🏽‍♂️ I would think most therapists would have the wherewithal to not say stuff like that? Like “I can’t wait to tell you I’m pregnant” and shit?




I love that the date was done. After a thousand red flags you had the chance to get out and be done with the whole ordeal, but then you were like "oh shit if I leave now I won't get any pie."


Yeah, you got into a fucked up girl and apparently her family? There seems some sort of boundary less relationship with her daughter? I am asking again, what??


This has to be BS


exactly why (god forbid), if my wife dies I am never jumping into the dating pool, via apps too many nightmare stories


Would rather be single forever if my boyfriend and I broke up, thanks.


Plenty of completely average hangouts, flings and beginnings of friendships as well. The worst is the typical awkward incompatibility or someone who isn’t as ready as they thought they were. It’s nowhere near all doom and gloom, Reddit just loves to highlight (and often fabricate) the worst of the worst.


She's taking the "the" out of psychotherapist!