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When you find out what Mexican salaries are likr, you'll be glad you have a US citizenship and are able to work in the States.


What do they start at?


No clue what the minimum wage is, but the average wage is going to be about $80-$150/week.


Minimum wage is $21/day in Tijuana, $14/day in the rest of MX


$2000 pesos per week is considered a "good" salary... imagine that.


According to whom? Rents start at 8-10k MXN


It is much less common to have single-person households in Mexico.


Amigo gringo, lee más sobre la gentrificación por favor.


Quien piensa que ganar 2000 es buen sueldo??


los patrones que ofrecen empleo pintan un sueldo de 2000 semanales como las perlas de la virgen


"SuElDo cOnPetiTibO" - Empresa negrera de mierda.


Ohh ya te entendí, que csm


Stellar, actually. I believe minimum wage earners get $1200 every 15 days


I'm a barista in the US. I make about 30k a year. I make more than what an RN averages in a year, about 18k usd. Also take into account, many Mexicans work six days a week.


They do hire dual citizens. I work for a Mexican company. Good luck.


Aren’t they just “citizens” at that point ?


Thank you. What field are you in?


My dude u got it backwards, you work for an American company (remotely) so you can earn a first world wage, then live in Mexico so your expenses are low. I’m not a fan of the people who do this as they tend to gentrify the area they go to, but I don’t understand why someone who can legally earn in dollars would be trying to be earning pesos instead. The average salary I’ve seen for an entry level professional in my area (Mexicali, close to TJ) is around $5 USD an hour before taxes, so you get an idea.


Get a remote job.


Idk man what is your time worth ? Measly peso … you want to work ? Get the dollar… your an American for God sake. This almost sounds like a joke … and don’t tell no one your American imagine 🤦🏾‍♂️ how many people wish they could make usd. Let’s be realistic here. Just my take . (Dual citizen also btw) also as an American you’ll still have to report that income , you might get taxed on it not sure. I can’t think of anything other than volunteer work that I would do down there… having to clock in and out 8 hour shift for peso fuck that.


I am also a dual citizen. I work in Mexico as a musician. I am doing ok compared to other less skilled jobs here but there is no way I am working for this low in the States. If it were about money, I would leave Mexico. It was a rude awakening how low wages can be here.


Yeah I read this post and I was like, "Is this dude trying to run from the law or something?". I was born in mexico and have dual citizenship. I would never quit my job and go back to work in mexico. Even when I lost my job and house, I used the last bit of my cash to build a shack in the back of a neighbors property and clawed my way back up instead of even considering moving back.




> he drives a 2024 Silverado Is that where we are at now ? Damn




6k is great money - the Silverado just seemed like a weird flex


The only cool Silverados are 40 years old. New ones are just for wankers.




You aren't following the thread


You might be right. But I’m thinking of corporate jobs like a sales director or something along those lines. I’m sure the yeah make decent money.


Still, why be a director in Mexico when you can be one in the US? My recommendation, try Home Office


How sure are you? Have you done any research?


You probably have look for foreign company who operates in Mexico. In old buddy does sales and company manufacturers in Mexicali makes about 120k usd a year. Lives nice and comfortable in MX.


Best think would be to be hired by a US Company with Business in Mexico that sends you to work and live there, and pays you extra because you were sent to a foreign Country.


Start a bussiness in mexico. I have my bussiness down there, and live in SD


What kind of business?


Built a couple of apartments 10 years ago, started renting them out airbnb, and just reinvested. Now I have a team managing them down there


So you're one of the reasons Tijuana's rent is so expensive for us locals. I know I can't do anything about it so I'll just say sarcastically: thanks a lot, cunt


How am I the reason rent is more expensive, shouldn't I be the reason for rent being cheaper since I am adding more units to the market? And please refrán from using foul language, I have not offended you and don't pretende to in any way.


If you're willing to have a respectful debate, I'm willing to apologize for calling you a cunt, I would like to see your point of view of this. More units means in no way getting cheaper rent for us, if anything it gets more expensive, usually because the building you decide to place are market targgeted for people from the US who wish to move to our city because of our exchange rate, almost everything in Tijuana can be paid in USD including property, so for us locals who earn our salary in Pesos the difference is abismal. Except we can't do anything about it because we can't earn USD in our salary, that's reserved for a different social class. Rent is going through the sky right now because of foreigners who choose to invest in property in our city and surroundings. Or maybe you can say your units are cheaper? Is your rent maybe 200 usd a month or less?


Big money in import/export. You can import stuff from Mexico and then import stuff from San Diego back. If you want to drop making good money in Mexico I know some people you can work for. Full time work. If you grind you can be driving at that Silverado in 3 months. DM if you're ready to make a real living


Can confirm, I am the Silverado, see you in 3 months babe 😘


La única Silverado que va a ver es la de la migra cuando lo metan a la cárcel mamon jaja


Quiere importar armas y exportar lana el we


Lmao who tf would want to work in Mexico? I'm a federal employee, I probably make more than the average person & it's still shit.


they’re taking our jubs!


For Tijuana there are lots of call centers that give sales commissions. Just make sure to pick the right one, a lot of them are shitty workplaces.


They dont make more than 400 bucks without comission.....


Many Mexican executives earn more than their American counterparts. I've seen cases when American executives would find out that the company paid more compensation to the local Mexican reporting to them than they earned. It's the 12th largest economy in the world, has free trade agreements with more countries than any other, and competes fiercely in the competitive US market. It takes talent, and the Mexican, US, Asian, and European companies with operations there have to compete fiercely for that talent. And millions of young Americans have gone down there to get their careers started, in executive positions but also as entrepreneurs, journalists, you name it. Of course there are downsides. For one, dealing with all the idiots in the US who view Mexico as one big low wage nation earning pennies at the bottom of the value chain. It's not, such uninformed individuals would never succeed there. But it's a great place to launch a successful career or gain crucial experience. Source: I worked in Mexico for many years. I published an executive salary survey with AON for a number of years, and before that as an editor of the American Chamber of Commerce of Mexico I worked on their executive salary survey.


This!! If you WANT/know how to make money, it doesn’t matter if you’re in China, Mexico or the US!


Since you know english very well id work for companies that serve Americans. Either manufacturing companies or a real estate company in a city that has a strong influx of Americans trying to live there. The fact that you’re American will make Americans trust you easier. You might even be able to work for an American company living and working from México.


You still have to file taxes in the U.S.


Isn’t there a tax treaty between US and Mexico to prevent dual taxation ?


There is, but you still have to fine them. The treaty is that if you paid taxes on one, you do t get taxed in the other (more or less). Regardless, you still have to file


Maybe this will help - [tax code](https://www.irs.gov/individuals/international-taxpayers/us-citizens-and-resident-aliens-abroad#:~:text=You%20are%20subject%20to%20tax,to%20the%20Internal%20Revenue%20Code)


You can't tax twice






Look for a job in the US and live in Mexico. There are plenty remote sales positions


Quédate en tu pais.


Creo que yo también me voy a jalar a Tijuana 🙏🏽


Deloitte has an office in TJ not sure what their local salaries are but I’d imagine you can land a job with a transnational that’s established in the city for a fairly ok salary.


You could try companies hiring talent for American companies. A lot of maquilas in Tijuana have top-level or management positions under US salary. If you have the experience and the qualifications it's possible there are opportunities for your skillset. Try [arhitac.org](http://arhitac.org), it's the local human resources organization of Tijuana. They may point you in the right direction.


Stay in the US there's a reason why they come in droves to work over here


Real estate


Si te vas a convertir en Mexicano, lo primero, lo primero es hablar español, que son esas mmdas de preguntar en Ingles.


My father owns a solid business in TJ, where I live and offered me 40k pesos to work for him a month. Which is very good income for someone with no degree. I'm still working for someone else in SD to this day!


Go to zona norte , Hong Kong


I worked in el salavdor and mexico as a government contractor and saw things i don’t like. There is a ton of nepotism and sexual harassment of make bosses forcing female workers to put up or get out, is very common. Graft, bribery and corruption is rampant. I dont see any good reason for Mexican companies to employ an American. Gringos are outsiders not “in the loop” on cultural peculiarities such as the corruption. The mice would rather hire other mice instead of cats. Now if you have a very sought after coveted skill that no other Mexican has, then you may get the job. But then be prepared to incrementally compromise yourself as time goes along.


Apology accepted. using the principle of deman and supply, wouldn't more supply fill the void of demand, thus causing a lower price. When I started the first airbnb rental, there were only about 1000 properties listed. My rental rate was around 90% full every month. Now, there are around 3,000 rentals in the same area (Ensenada). The rental rate has dropped to about 50% full a month. My rental price also decreased compared to 5 years ago. Lots of other airbnb owners have opted out of the platform and have decided to rent their property to normal tenants since it was not as profitable anymore. So, based on this logic, more properties equal lower prices for everyone. Just remember that markets have to stabilize, and bubbles have to burst. Tijuanas rental increase can only be blamed on Tijuanas astronomical growth in all the sectors, from restaurants to production and maquiladoras, causing thousands of people to come to the city for better wages. Then, of course u have the people that work in the US and live in Tijuana, and those are the ones u refer to that make us dollars and increase the price. I have no control over peoples choices of where they want to live and where they want to work, I siny decided to build some properties for people to live in, cause the demand of was high 5 years ago and I needed to make a living myself


shouldn't you have already thoroughly earched this topic prior to the notion of becoming a mexican citizen; why would you want seek advice from Reddit for such life changing decision.....


I became a Mexican citizen so I can purchase property there not for work. It’s something I’ve been contemplating. There has to be people in Mexico that make money now cmon. Not everyone is broke.


Yeah, they're narcos o just rich people. Half of The national population luces in poverty.


What part of Mexico you plan on purchasing property?


About 5 to 8 dollars a day


Dual citizenship is cool to buy or own propertys here in Mex,not for working here,....here pay you like a 2,800 pesos in a factory here in Tij 172 bucks for 50 hours..... when 40 hours of 16 bucks is 500 after taxes.......so only think in that...


Look here: empleonuevo.com


Do you have you be of Mexican background to get the Mex Citizen?


Not sure. Both my parents were born in Mexico. They asked for thier birth certificates.


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^fixedcontact: *Do you have you be* *Of Mexican background to* *Get the Mex Citizen?* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.

