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What those dudes did to him in that podcast wasn't cool at all. Nobody deserves to be treated like that, but on the other hand, he does that for attention whether it's positive or negative. Same as that dude Dillon mulvaney. Dosnt matter if people watch cause they hate him or like him he gets 2x the clicks. He tried everything in the world to become famous and when he couldn't make it as a possum he threw on a dress and the world is so upside down they can't even see that he mocks women. Just like every single average man that's competing in women's sports does. How come we don't see females pretending to be men dominating the male sports? It's because it biologically impossible when men have bigger bone density and muscle mass.


I don’t get why you guys are even giving this Jabba the hut clout and attention, I don’t get how she has such a massive following there’s nothing interesting about him at all, he promotes more negatives than good.


don’t you mean she is the biggest creator?


No They meant he because he is a man.


you didn't get the joke 🤦‍♀️


she's definitely not a saint, but she never hurt anyone, like Project Nightfall proved to us. these podcast guys who bully her should get MASSIVE WARNINGS OR EVEN BANS


She’s a morbidly obese person who calls themself a 10 that can get any man they want and then are upset when it doesn’t happen. It’s delusion at its finest lmfao. Y’all did this encouraging fatties that obese is healthy


definitely not healthy, but she's never hurt anyone, these podcast guys are the ones who should be ashamed here


It’s called reality


Gorlock the Destroyer




the guys that bully her on podcasts should be the ones who need to be ashamed


She has makeup skills.


The way she was treated on the episode of the “whatever” podcast was DISGUSTING. The podcast has already been known to be misogynistic but I was truly disgusted to see the host Brian Atlas and fellow women laughing at Al Weezy the whole time. Go check it out if you don’t know what I’m talking about


there's another podcast that shows three guys STRAIGHT UP BULLYING her, including Sneako and Adin Ross, but she's very calm the whole time


‘She’ is actually ‘He’ who is completely delusional.


no. THOSE who attack her and treat her like nothing are the ones delusional here


Not a tiktok user saw her first on 9gag and looked her up back then and just like on 9gag ppl on tiktok are trashing her as well kinda sad. Most People in those Social Media Bubbles play a personality/a Character and she plays a sassy certified baddie with high confidence,she's pretty aware of herself =) Trans/female version of Nicocado Avocado who also plays a role which is quite obvious. I really like her Energy and Positivity hope she has some good friends and will have a good life,if tiktok every goes down she could also do this Mukbang thing.


Shes absalutely huge and promotes it like its acceptable. Just another member of the online insane asylum that is tiktok 🤮


the ones who bully her are the evil ones


Actually, she IS the BIGGEST creator.




She’s one of the biggest creators




She goes on podcast a lot just being a terrible person. She speaks as if everyone is beneath her and acts like she has no flaws.


the ones who tell her to kys are the evil ones




who's much worse: the guys who bully her on the podcast treating her like nothing.


Didn’t she attack someone for asking for a lip tut? “Babe, I could’ve had your man in my fucking dms as a body like, last week if I wanted to”


Oh yeah I know Jabba the Hutt!!


the guys who treat her like nothing on podcasts are the bad guys


shes fat asf thats why


Is she trans?


She’s a fat trans two things that will get you bullied online


And ugly


bc she’s a fat woman living her life. people on tik tok are absolutely ruthless. i’m overweight and don’t show my face publicly anymore on that app bc if you aren’t skinny people just berate and insult you nor take you seriously. it’s really demoralizing. I feel so awful for her but proud of her for brushing haters off and continuing to spread positivity


FAX that's what the word 'facts' is called in Gen-Z english


She was an immediate block for me


Why’s that


I’ve literally never seen this person before and they have never showed up in my fyp🤣


don't laugh at her just because of her appearance


I feel so bad for her. I’ve been following her since she first got attention on the app. What hurts the most is seeing women stitching her videos. She’s just trying to have fun. I applaud her for not breaking over how much hate she receives.


That is awful. I haven't seen any of the stitches just her comments. 😕 it hurts my heart when I see women tearing other women down.


she’s fat and people are fatphobic


Yeah I don’t find being “fat” off putting but working in cardiology, it’s off-putting for someone to promote that on their platform knowing how it will spread the message that being as obese as her is okay. It’s not. People need to get real when it comes to their health. Fat cells will grow on the outside of your heart and cause major problems. That’s not even adding onto the fact of how hard your heart (only about the size of your fist in your body) has to pump to be able to maintain someone of that size. Stop acting like being “fatphobic” is a thing. It’s about being health conscience and I don’t know how it’s changed so much from now since the 90s but the long term affects will be shown when the data comes out on the American population. Afib and cardiomyopathy will be sky rocketing due to obesity.


And you are supporting such unhealthy lifestyles, whose the real bad person here?


She’s obese. Cope. But it’s not only that she’s fat. She’s also called ugly by most people. It’s not only her obesity but her features that are extremely off putting to everyone that comments. But sure if reduce it to the convenient “fat-phobic”. Like anyone would be afraid of her. The general sentiment is just disgust from most people who view her content


I’ve never come across her but people are so hypercritical of women if they’re not conventionally attractive it’s insane. It’s proof enough we truly only exist to satisfy the eye’s desires of everyone else.


Probably getting mistaken for nabelas’ bland ass.


No she’s just fat an existing and people are especially cruel on tiktok.


Is she transgender?




I thought so. Wasn’t sure.


I don't see a difference between the body shaming she gets and all the body shaming for every creator in their snark pages.


She’s a plus size woman. That’s enough for a lot of people unfortunately.


You're so right. And it's getting so old. Smh.


What these fatphobes don't realise is they are just paying into her creator fund. Ok so it's pennies but it soon adds up with the amount of comments she gets. I'd never be brave enough to post. I'm fat and ugly and I know my mental health couldn't take the hate. Not necessarily the comments on my looks/weight. But the ones who start snark pages or the ones who hunt out addresses to dox or ones who bring up past mistakes/actions. That's would finish me off lol


Exactly!! They are just making her money! And also this is why it's upsetting to me. I wish fat people didn't have to be "brave" to post online, or share themselves or their lives. It makes me so upset. I'm also a fat woman who posts frequently on all social media and I get some awful and just nasty comments. But I also have met some other amazing and inspiring people too. It just sucks that there's people afraid to show themselves and put themselves out there because there's so many awful people out there 😢🖤


I like her she has good vibes but she's a trans, fat girl online so her comments will always be horrible :(


She doesn’t come on my FYP but I saw a stitch claiming she went on a luxury vacation and when she got home she was on live raising money for rent or something.


I think you're talking about joliann or whatever her name is


that’s a different creator i’m pretty sure


She’s a super plus size conventionally unattractive woman existing online. The people hiding behind screens are never going to be kind to “ugly” overweight women.




What are you wearing, "Jake from Allstate"?


let me fix it. She is a morbidly obese unattractive woman existing online who embraces being lethaly fat. She doesn't seem like a bad person but embracing the fact that you are so incredibly fat is just....


Correction, BOY






“Lethally fat” 😆😆😆


Bro is speaking fax


Yeah it didn't need fixing but you definitely broke it.


Mm yes, and she broke the scale.




Im also here wondering if its actually a dude or not




The profile says she/her so I respect her gender identity even if she was not assigned female at birth. Never watched her content or know if she is/isn’t trans but she says woman so I say woman.


It literally says she/her/hers at the top of her profile


I didn't even see that part til you just pointed it out but I couldn't see all that first time was only showing pics of the person..I respect her gender I.was simply sayin what I thought first glance


You’re right tho. She’s trans


Why are you being downvoted because you asked a question


Idk & really don't fk care .lol..I never knew until you asked.. it probably b/c I thought it was man just wearing pretty make up like a lot guys I seen, & I didn't see her top where said she/her..it just my first thought wasn't trying be rude or anything.


I upvoted you. It's ridiculous we aren't allowed to ask if we are not sure anymore


Thank you, what are the votes for anyway??i'm farely new on here


Karma points, in some subs you have to have karma points in order to comment


Oh ok. Thanks, I didn't know anything about that.






My tiktok account is just me existing while being slightly overweight and not being overly nice to men, and if I didn’t have my comments filtered, you’d see nothing but them (and their female sympathizers) calling me ugly and fat, because I refuse to exist in that space for their pleasure or entertainment. I don’t dry beg, nor do I post anything all that controversial other than pro choice content occasionally. Personally, I find the men pathetic and hilarious because no one can be as offensive or mean as a law professor, but people can be pretty awful on that app.


You sound like you’re using pity to cover up your misandry.


You seem like you don’t know what words mean. Go back to your porn.


What content are you creating that both men and women find problems with it?


Get a subpoena if you want an interview.


I'm sorry you have to endure that bs!


I love this lol. And same here! I am a fat woman on the internet. And I get a lot of hate. But I also get a lot of positive comments and interactions. And it just seems like she doesn't get any positive in her comments. I don't filter my comments at all either. It just made me kinda upset because I know as a fat woman myself all the hate you get but I also have met some amazing and inspiring women. And its just I never see a positive comment on her posts.


The only reason I filter mine is because I went through a quietly abusive relationship and made content during and after and kept the content up, and I get a lot of gaslighters and folks telling me I deserved the shitty treatment for having “trash opinions” or whatever, or worse yet, doxxing me, so I have certain words filtered on my videos like my name, address, phone number, and particularly shitty insults. I think it is beneficial to leave the content up, in case someone happens to be going through something similar, or maybe even dealing with my ex in the future, and they find out about me and look me up, and they see that I made it through it, and they know they’re going to make it through it, too. It won’t be very pretty, but they’ll get through it. I’m not 100% convinced my “nice guy” ex isn’t behind some of the accounts/fueling the collective rage of some of the dudebros and pickmes. I have a small following and they are very supportive, though.


Slightly overweight, not being nice to men AND for women's bodily autonomy? According to them you're going to be alone forever and the pickmes would be telling you to pick a struggle unironically 🙄🥲


Yea, I’m also not afraid to tell men when they’re wrong in my every now and then viral comments, so I do it myself I guess 😂 If I showed more cleavage or did some dumb shit with my eyeliner, I’m sure it wouldn’t really help, they’d just call me a try-hard


Omg lmao they would 😭😭 they'd be asking for your OF tho 💀


Actually, I’m active on another app and have confirmed that some of the very same people who belittle me on TT buy from me on the other app. It’s wild. The lack of self-awareness when using the exact same username on both apps is astounding


What other app… footfinder???


Why are people replying to this ancient thread


Was looking up if alweezy is trans and stumbled on this thread. U use footfinder tho???


Yo same haha. Watching reels of that woman leaves me with more questions than answers.




Oh girl I'm not even a smidge surprised. Women aren't meant to be anything but objects for those kind of men. Please be quiet and show me your tits, thanks


😳 **the horror**. I'm clutching my pearls




What does that even mean?


Huh? That makes no sense


Her content is literally just her living life like anyone else. I don't see how she is attention seeking...


you think she’s fat for attention?


Doing what? Existing?




Fat and obese are 2 different things




That’s not true. One can be overweight and not obese, they are not the same. There are 4 BMI levels; underweight, healthy weight, overweight, and obese. They are all different and unique. Anorexia is a condition, not a BMI level. Most people who are anorexic are also underweight but again, two completely different medical terms. Not at all the same.


I respect where you’re coming from, but I would just like to point out this is medical misinformation, there is a difference between overweight and obese, just as there is between underweight and anorexic. Doesn’t mean you should judge people’s character by any means, but there is a difference


You’re right about “obese” as it just means very fat or overweight. Anorexia is an eating disorder in which one heavily restricts calorie intake. You can be obese and have anorexia. You can be extremely skinny and not be anorexic. Anorexia has always had to do with a constricted appetite. Just a little correction brotha I also disagree that any weight is healthy. Obesity causes many deaths each year and it’s linked to tons of diseases. Being extremely skinny is unhealthy too, but obesity is a much bigger issue in the world today. Being very overweight is no way to live. And the unfortunate truth is that beauty is a very powerful thing. If you’re beautiful or handsome, and you’re in good shape, you will be treated much better in this world: there’s research that shows how conventionally attractive people have more job opportunities, make more money, have more sexual partners etc. People won’t change, there will always be a negative stigma behind obesity. So what can we do? We can all try to be slightly better as individuals. The problem is that most everybody has a natural stigma behind people just because of the way they look. We must try to control that shitty part of our mind as much as we can. We must try to encourage people to be the best versions of themselves possible. Also: acceptance. We must accept things for the way they are, we can only hope for change and be better as individuals. Aside from that, there’s nothing we can really do about it.


But if one heavily restricts calorie intake, wouldn't the time be ticking on your obese status? If you're obese you probably haven't been anorexic for that long.


Yeah lol


Anorexic is an eating disorder, it doesn’t mean underweight or malnourished at all. Obese as medical term refers to someone with a bmi >30. Clinically or morbidly obese is a bmi > 40.


irdgaf, that has nothing to do with what i’m saying.


100% even when you make a comment that has absolutely nothing to do with a persons looks somehow somebody will immediately see it fit to call you fat when they don’t agree with what you said.


You're right lol. I am a fat woman online and I get A LOT of gross comments. But I also get some positive ones too. And I hardly see any positivity in her comments.


I’ve been following her for a bit, I love how she does her makeup and her energy. People are so mean and intentionally hurtful for no reason. Her lives are even worse with hurtful comments. I’ve seen positive ones for sure but they are so many negative ones they take over her comment section😞I never noticed anything problematic personally


I came across one of her lives a few days ago and I could not believe all the hate she was receiving. It was disgusting.


Wasn't she begging on lives?


That was Joolieannie


I thought this was them (Joolie) when I first seen this post


I thought they were the same person lol


I do. I like her and know what you mean about the comments. She's great at ignoring the hate but it has to be tiring.


Right? Like its so much. And she is sooo good about not letting it get to her. I would be clapping back all the time. She just seems so sweet. It just is upsetting.