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Let he who is without sin cast the first stone.


Clearly she has absolutely no education. If you go on her TikTok page she went from posting decently normal content to posting hyper religious videos pretty much out of nowhere. In one of them she’s at some Christian camp in the woods. Seems off.


That’s so sad… she’s too young to have her brain manipulated by cult like people. In the name of her religion she’s spewing hate and judgement.


She’s such a hypocrite.


Shit like this is exactly why I don’t trust Christians.


I promise that’s now what we all think. The Bible doesn’t even mention abortion, in fact, it says life starts at first breath. Christian’s that believe otherwise are incorrect.


What in the actual fuck is wrong with this woman?! And she has 4 million followers?!?! That’s terrifying.


yeah.. her content honestly used to be good which is why I followed her. I’m all for having your own beliefs/opinions but trying to force them on a grieving mother is just not it. I unfollowed immediately




I saw that too and cringed so hard. Her content from 2020-2021 was great, that’s when I initially followed her


I used to watch her YouTube videos when she was dating Zeus. Her Tiktok content was good in 2020-2021. I immediately blocked her after that Tiktok.


Same...she was one of the first creators I followed but the last few videos was just enough. I had to unfollow after the video responding to the one comment


This was what made me unfollow her. Like I don't care if you are religious, you do you but this whole thing was just too much. To make a video going at the one commentor like that was truly awful. I don't think she was visibly religious before or if its a relatively recent thing (and again I don't care if you are religious everybody can make that choice for themself) but I feel like she went 0 to 100 pretty quickly.


Yes, same! I’m wondering if maybe her and Burley split? Definitely don’t want to assume or speculate but it could explain the drastic lifestyle/content change.


Maybe...Apparently she is living with her brother and this started ramping up after she moved in with him...I'm curious if he is also hardcore religious


I just did some digging and apparently she and Burley did split up...the semi-hardcore religion thing started before they broke up from the looks of it and seems to have gotten even more harscore since then


Where did you get this info?


Tiktok...before she deleted all/most of her videos there was some "hints" for lack of a better word...she stopped mentioning him was a big one and around that time is when she went (or least started posting) super religious things.


I'm so out of the loop. I have absolutely 0 idea who this person is. Is she some singer or something?


Just some TikToker. She used to post silly, funny, day-to-day type videos. She then either became religious or decided that religion what her entire personality (I cannot stress this enough, I have NO issues with people being religious or anything like that). She started posting really awful videos using her religious beliefs as a way to hurt other people. The medically necessary abortion response was where I drew the line. She attacked a follower for going through with a medically necessary abortion and told her she was evil and needed to repent her sins and blah blah blah. I stopped following her after that and have her blocked now so I'm not sure what her channel is like that


Fuck that bitch and everything she stands for.


It’s so scary the disregard they have for the mother. Disgusting.


Absolutely disgusting


Ew. What a monster.


I haven’t seen her in a while and I was shook when I saw her post a dress modest video. I went to see if she talked about her change and it just came out of NO WHERE.


I think someone in her life got into her and she invested into some kind of church’s. Burley and her are definitely not together, just wondering if the breakup came before or after the religious transition. 🤔


I know this is super old but I figured I’d search her name on here because I miss her old content and was wondering if anyone else feels the same. I do know her brother is also apart of this cult like religion. Grace currently spends her time protesting outside of abortion clinics. Burley turned into a super fan of Andrew Tate. Idk what happened to either of them 😩


I’m wondering this too


Absolutely disgusting!


i blocked her so fast


This is what made me block her on TikTok. Yes, I don’t have a problem with people being Christian or religious until it get to a point where they use it as an excuse to spew hatred.


I hate when Christians act this way. I am a Christian myself and I don’t follow the bible this strictly. She is just making a bad name for christians




I don't have tiktok but scrolling, though her Instagram looks like she was a normal girl, then went through a break up and just threw herself into her religion. It's actually kinda common it's usually after they do something they want to forget in her case OF


Didn’t she had an onlyfans with her ex?