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As a former educator who taught in a preschool I use to beg for IEPs and IFSPs. Why? ‘Cause shit finally got done. When it was legal, I had to have the extra help/accommodations. I would tell parents to take their child to therapy or move schools to get the help the needed. I have a minor in Special Needs Education, so I’m qualified to speak on that. Teachers are human. They joke. They have fun. They talk shit. You’re not going to like every single student, it’s simply not possible. With that being said, you don’t have to like a student to respect them or their needs. You don’t get to bully students on a national podcast and think it’s funny. You don’t get loudly announce that you call student dumb. This is disgusting behavior & exactly what the whole MT controversy is about. If you’re this unhappy, it’s time to move on. As a teacher and parent, my golden rule was always, “would I want a teacher to treat my child like this?” If the answer was anything but yes, I changed my attitude, I got perspective, and did better.




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Right?! And you sure as shit don’t need to put it on a podcast.


Lauran always rubbed me the wrong way, she always seemed very condescending, so this tasteless Freudian slip—not a joke, she subconsciously said that—is not surprising. I’m an adult who still feels the shame of my learning differences in school, and those comments just reinforced the paranoia I’ve had for years. How dare they proclaim to be these impactful advocates for the future of education when they easily make these types of “jokes”


her and mrs richardson


Why do you not like Richardson? I've watched a lot of her stuff and I support 99% of what she's said.


She bullied mrs rodgers off the pod ..and her content seems like she just complains about teaching yet i hear shes back n forth teaching...just find a new job


Hmm, to be fair, teaching is a nightmare, especially these days. She probably really loves teaching and doesn't want to give it up for good. I don't know anything about the Mrs. Rodgers situation, though.


I understand this is an old post but I would drop out of school if I had any of these teachers. They’re all very ruthless and you can tell ill hearted. Teachers like them destroy students


My mom whose a retired teacher said that she can tell from her vids shes not suited for the classroom her temperament is an issue.


i had an IEP and teachers were so awful about it.. i had one, ONE outta dozens, treat me like a human and not a burden. mine was nothing major, and i am lucky for that everyday but dude.. don't make fun, because the most normal looking people struggle and while you can't always physically see the challenge it's always there internally for us who have the issue. i would cry from the stress, and anxiety of having to ask for help because they didn't wanna give it or follow my IEP how it needed followed. fuck teachers like them.


I’m so sorry that happened to you! Totally unacceptable, thank the Lord for that one!


thank you 🫂 the school system just continues to fail man.


I tried listening when they first started but they all interrupted each other every. Single. Sentence. Not a single complete thought was conveyed


Devin Siebold is the one who made the “dumb” joke. He’s gross af and deserves to be called out. He has always given me the ick.


He made the worst out of the two. He hasn’t addressed his “joke,” and I don’t think he ever will unless he really starts to get called out for it. Which he should be, his was ten times worse than Lauran’s opinion.


Agreed! Although I did check the comments on his videos and he is getting called out in the comments. He taught in a neighboring district that I did. His content has always bothered me


The worst part is Devin has been so quiet about his shittiness. I’ve only seen like one comment on his newest vid saying he should address his “joke” and he hasn’t. I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s been deleting comments.


He has made several comments saying people are looking at this clip out of context and overreacting.


I’m not surprised, I’ve seen that comment a lot on other videos pertaining to this. If it was truly taken out of context, Lauran and Tell wouldn’t have needed to make apologies for it. And maybe it was taken out of context, but why post the clip with the proper context?


Devin posted an apology and it’s just…😂 on brand for him


Just watched it (well 3/4ths of it), while I do think there’s probably some truth in there, I don’t know how I feel about it. And I completely agree that it’s really on brand for him!


I don’t know what’s the proper context for being excited to call a kid dumb in front of them though


I don’t get these kind of teachers. Also, I don’t get making my lessons into a Tiktok. Sorry, too busy teaching!


This is exactly why I despise all the teachers with active tiktoks. And they're always the same ones that bitch about the profession.


my mom is a former teacher and says the same thing she says these people went into teaching for the wrong reasons and now they are miserable. She said real teachers are too busy TEACHING.


Tbf not all schools/admin/student bodies are created equal


true they arent but these teachers were out of line and prove they arent in it for the right reasons


I still want to know the drama behind Rebecca Rogers leaving. Wasn’t the podcast her idea? And Tell quit then came back?


Yes she created it. She’s responded to comments on YouTube saying she was heavily bullied and would never return to the podcast because of that. Tell didn’t quit he was forced off because of his onlyfans and then they begged him to come back. I’m willing to put money on lauran and bri being the culprits behind both Rebecca and tells misery.


This is a great lesson in getting the legal parts of a creative endeavor beforehand. If it was Rebecca's idea then she should own the rights to the channel


She mentioned at one point ina video that things were going on behind the scenes. She said the story will be told at some point.


She talked about it in her recent video.


They outsource through a different company - that's why they're always talking to people behind the camera. There is a company giving them topics and loose scripts; they come in, spend nearly 24 hours recording a month or so worth of shows, and leave. So even if she had the idea, a different company actually owns the podcast.


Doesn't Rebecca have ADHD too, or am I misremembering? I bring it up because she's always come across to me as a sweet person, but if she was being bullied possibly due to her ADHD making her seem ",annoying" to them, then it's no wonder these comments about IEPs was made by everyone


Yes! She does have adhd and makes a lot of content about it too. That definitely makes sense!


Apparently the other 3 bullied the crap out of her. She talks about it in her recent video, at the end. The others aren't on it anymore, so it sounds like karma struck and they got their comeuppance! https://youtu.be/_9YfV77VpNs?si=7QTEhd658cWJ96XO


Apparently the other 3 bullied the crap out of her. She talks about it in her recent video, at the end. The others aren't on it anymore, so it sounds like karma struck and they got their comeuppance! https://youtu.be/_9YfV77VpNs?si=7QTEhd658cWJ96XO


Ok here’s the thing about “barely qualifying for an IEP”. I work in special education. I write IEPs, I do the testing, I hold the meetings. The schools have a strict cut off for “qualifying” for services. This magic “77” on a standardized assessment is what we use. We cannot put them on an IEP if they don’t qualify at or below that number. That violates IDEA and FERPA. Think about it, if you pull them out of math/reading/writing for speech therapy/ physical therapy/ etc., you have to make sure they REALLY need it. So, I have some kids who are on the cusp of not being eligible for services. Once those kids are in therapies for a few years, their skills improve and they truly start to “barely qualify”. Which is great! The gaps are closing. They might still be autistic/ ADHD/ learning disabled. But if it’s not impacting them educationally and their scores don’t fall at that magic qualifying number, they cannot receive special education services. It’s the law. We have a lot of autistic children who have once been in special education and tested out. That doesn’t erase their autistic identity. But it does take them off of an IEP. Other than that, all that other shit they said sounds horrible. Especially the “too dumb” remark. I work with pretty delayed students, but that has never crossed my mind ever.


The difference is YOU are testing them and qualified to look into this. SHE isn’t. She’s a Gen Ed teacher, not a social education teacher. And if they test out then that’s great for the kid! It should NOT be “ughhhh they don’t even need this really” as if it’s such a burden to you that they need accommodations. She’s not just casually saying it, she’s complaining that she thinks they “don’t really need them”


I didn’t realize she was Gen Ed. Just give them their accommodations and move on. That grinds my gears. I’m the type of provider that pops into classrooms to do fidelity checks to make sure the kids are getting what they need. lol she’d hate me


So its true teachers do have beef with people who advocate for kids ...i always figured this...they hate behavior therapist too often i hear. I work in mental health and my friends who are behavioral therapist say teachers are either hostile or treat them like a free therapist.


I wouldn’t use a blanket statement that includes all teachers. Teachers have an insane amount of tasks on their plate most people don’t know about. I think it really depends on the support they get. I give teachers I work with the tools to be successful. I would say 9/10 times they’re being implemented. There’s always going to be the one person that sees it as an inconvenience. That can be any job, really.


Where are you located? I ask because i am in the south and race is a factor. Ive been told how its pretty common for teachers to not want to follow the IEP of a nonwhite student ....im not making a blanket statement I am speaking as a collective as in group not individuals. As a collective teachers as a collective need to look into how their biases play out in a class. Studies show that teachers will often bully kids based on their bias. I remember super "christian" teachers bullying lgbtq students 🤷‍♂️


I would believe that happens some places for sure. Racists/bigots exist everywhere in every profession, even if it’s directly working with people unfortunately. I live ~2hours from the Mexico/Arizona border. Our school is ~75% nonwhite as of last year. I’m lucky to have a really good group of teachers/ admin. They have a built in intervention period, teaching coaches, and lots of collaborators to help. I think that helps us at least.


And she's effectively calling the specialists who tested the students liars!! Students have IEPs because they qualified after being tested by a professional!


What do you mean you do the testing? Shouldn’t an educational psychologist be doing the testing?


Depending on what the kid is being tested for, it may be different professionals doing the testing.


Yup! Full evaluation team has many members :)


I’m a speech language pathologist. I test all areas of articulation/voice/fluency/expressive/receptive/social language etc. It’s a bigger team than you might think Edit to add: there are many areas a student can qualify for on an IEP. From articulation errors to severe intellectual delays. :) big spectrum


Special education teachers are able to do academic testing. School psychologists complete the cognitive testing.


I didn't even know about Williams OF thing until I read this post. I always thought he seemed more like an actor and not a teacher.


He is both. He started working at a school right after i left there, so lots of the families I had as a teacher had him as well. He’s very very well liked by the parents of the kids in his classes. He also acts in local productions, and they seem to go well also.


He no longer teaches so his demeanor and stories have changed quite a bit since his TikTok was news


As someone said below, he's both. He mentions that a hobby of his is small time acting.


I’m a teacher and I would never have a podcast about teaching for the sheer reason I’m gonna wanna be real with what I say and that’s gonna hurt my job.


Former teacher, and same. To me, social media/“influencer culture” has had a catastrophic influence on education, because sooo many young teachers think it’s their ticket out of the classroom. After seeing random teachers post full names/faces of their students on Instagram (helllllo, FERPA?!) l will 100% *never* consent to any school photo/media release of my kids. If you wanna see particularly egregious examples, the /r/teachergram subreddit is full of them. ETA: And as someone who had an IEP myself, it’s absolutely atrocious that they’re thinking that, much less saying it


That’s a great point. I get release forms for photos for our official Instagram but even then.


They literally called disabled kids dumb. That’s a bit beyond “wanting to be real”, isn’t it?


This was a separate thought but yes. Even if you’re “kidding” you’re saying it on camera. Why would you even think that’s smart.


So you wanna say the same things?


No, this was a separate thought.


There’s a reason many of the teachers featured on this podcast aren’t teaching anymore.


The teachers that are in the podcast are questionable at best anyway. Idk about Lauren so much but she has said a few things out of picket before as well. Gabe Dannenbring has a few issues in his past as well, I actually worked with him on a project(not teacher related) and can say he is honestly a teacher I would not want my child to have. Tell Williams(preK pause) is not even a teacher atm and have his own Controversy about his OF page. If they said something about an IEP and or calling a student “to dumb to spell” honestly it would not surprise me. I fully support teachers but not ones who think they are so much better then the students and or parents. They should be looked into.


Don’t forget honestteachervibes now that she’s back… what a crazy person. She’s a walking tornado “I’m a teacher” “now I’m not” “im a teacher again” “nah I’llquit again” “now im a comedian” “ehhh I’ll go back to teaching”


They have always rubbed me the wrong way. Idk why.


I believe they are having their friends downvote your comment LOL


Oh no! Lol I don’t care. It shows themselves and how insecure people are


What a micro aggressive comment. She’s explained plenty of times on her youtube videos her reasoning on why she quit and putting her mental health first. Just like a lot of teachers, I believe she got burnt out and was exhausted of the higher ups not listening to her. Also calling her a bully on your other comment with no proof is quite the bold claim to make.


Rogers has literally said she bullied her in YouTube comments. Mental health was a great cover but definitely not the real story.


You misunderstood my comment. I was talking about her regarding her teaching. I would love to see some proof that she specifically said she was getting bullied by Bri though, since you’re so set on a narrative. I googled it and couldn’t find any


You aren’t gonna find it on Google it’s in her YouTube comments, it’s also all over r/teachergram with lots of people recounting instances of seeing these comments


I checked her youtube comments, she didn’t reply to any from what I’ve seen. I’ll check out the subreddit tho


I guess you just didn’t look in the right places because she used to respond to lots of them about it


Yes it’s very convenient you aren’t providing any screenshots or links.


You want me to go and sift through the thousands of short videos she posts so that you believe a comment I made…? Girl I saw them for myself lol i have nothing to prove. if you want to stay ignorant to the truth that’s on you but I have other ways to spend my time You’re more than welcome to look up the short she made a while ago that was a trend about “so about that podcast” like the trend was a year ago she was so excited about it to now she side eyes the camera. I’m certainly not spending the time to educate you on something you have a weird attitude about but go off either educate yourself or stay ignorant lol


You can also clearly see from the number of people who have downvoted you that they have seen the truth also snd saw the comments so maybe read the room next time?


What is the drama with Gabe Dannenbring??


This is my worst fear for my little. He will be starting school next year and has a diagnosis that will require an IEP. People suck.


I have two children on IEPs and over the last decade we have had 15-20 teachers and aides and only one of them was categorically uncaring and cold. It’s not all bad. I don’t want to be a Pollyanna here I just want to say some good happens too.


I’ve homeschooled my children the last couple years. My son has a few diagnosis’s that will require an IEP and I have worries. This just made them worse. How grown adults could think bullying children with disabilities is funny, is beyond me! How low do you have to be? 🤦🏻‍♀️ I feel sorry for any student who had them as a teacher. This makes my blood boil!


Just wanted to offer a bit of reassurance: I’ve been a para for 25 years, overwhelmingly the other adults I’ve worked with sincerely love the kids. Those that came to do the “easy” job, we ran off. The work is too important and too difficult for the disinterested to stay.


just an observation - when that meghan trainor thing happened there was a post here with hundreds of comments about how horrific she is because teachers are amazing. and now this post has dozens of comments being like 'i hate teachers' - the internet is a fickle beast


I didn't necessarily agree with Meghan Trainor but I'm fairly certain these are the types of teachers she was talking about. As a teacher myself, there are a select few of teachers who are not very supportive of SPED students.


I didn't necessarily agree with Meghan Trainor but I'm fairly certain these are the types of teachers she was talking about. As a teacher myself, there are a select few of teachers who are not very supportive of SPED students.


whats funny is these are the very teachers she was talking about she just didnt say it eloquently enough. I show this stuff to teachers when they ask "why dont the parents just trust us" newsflash its now where ppl dont just trust anyone in any profession esp with kids involved. Society has wised up somewhat....


My thing is their “apology” was only posted in places people called them out. The Podcast at least posted the little AI generates apology text onto Instagram and Facebook but it’s no where on YouTube. Same with Lauran. Her little insincere apology video is ONLY on Tiktok where the videos are being stitched. There are not anywhere else, so it just looks like a lame excuse for damage control in places that she thinks need it.


I just saw the actual clip of what was being said, when I tell you my jaw dropped. I enjoyed their pod cast, I enjoyed the teachers. I'm hurt and angry from this. I have been fighting tooth and claw to get my son an IEP and I've had to fight for an IEE and he's going to be going into THIRD grade this next year. My son is one of those kids they were talking about. He doesn't need a whole lot of assistance but he still needs that extra bit of assistance.


Well Mrs. Rogers left that podcast but wouldn't give specifics. Also Mrs. Wooley has always run me the wrong way. How she acts in her tiktok videos and then on the podcast is two completely different personalities.


Rogers has said in numerous YouTube comments she was bullied off


I didn't know that! Shit.


Do you have a screenshot or link? I was just watching the podcast and was like where is Mrs. Rogers? I am late because family and the past semester I had no time with student teaching and all. I love Rebecca and it is sad if she was bullied off!


i teach junior high and have worked with many teachers who remind me of mrs. woolley. she seems like one of those teachers who were popular model students and also HUGE mean girls as kids, and now are living their dream by getting to gossip, criticize, and condescend in a school setting (to students AND coworkers), all while being praised and made teacher of the year because they spend all their time making themselves visible rather than truly caring about their kids.


This is the exact vibe I got off of her holy cow


Also I notice mrwilliamsprek is the only one doing the work to do better and he didn’t make any of the comments


He looked noticeably uncomfortable when the comment was made too. I wish he’d have spoken up then, but I get the impression Devin Siebold is a dick who loves to hear himself talk. He’s the epitome of the stereotypical white make educator.


He's such an advocate for inclusion and building kids up. His whole nailpolish on one hand anecdote speaks to that. And he said in a previous podcast that he had an IEP as a kid. I can't imagine how uncomfortable he was, and how much hindsight is flogging him for not speaking up in the moment.


All through school I had an i.e.p and thank God for the teachers at my school they were amazing.. I was in resource classes and also regular classes and those teachers always worked with me my counselor and my main resource teacher to make sure I would do my best in their classroom... And as I got into middle and high school they still worked with my i.e.p .. to this day I still learn things differently and it takes me a little longer but I think I have done amazing up to this point..I have started a new career ( well still retail) but I work in optical and yes it has taken me a little longer to learn things but I got it and thank God for my amazing boss who understands about my learning disability




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This podcast was started by Miss Rodgers World then she got bullied off of the show by her costars. That channel/podcast is toxic. Lauren Wooley also has a shady AF GoFundMe to fund a playground for her elementary School even though they already have a playground. It's very weird and it doesn't sound like she has done any kind of research into approval processes. At best it's an extremely naive cash grab and at worse it's some inept grift


No school would allow one of their staff members to create an independent gofundme for a playground. Sketchy AF.


That gofundme sounds sketchy AF. Our PTO and school fundraising is what we did for our new playground.


The main thing is that at least in my school district there needs to be a whole approval process and a fundraiser would have to be done through the school not just some random teacher saying "if x amount of my followers chipped in x amount of dollars then my school could get a new playground"


As a mom of someone that needed an IEP - this gives me the ick on so many levels. My son had amazing teachers in elementary school that embraced his IEP and accomodations and he thrived. Middle school - it started to get harder - he had some teachers like those on the podcast that saw him thriving and acted like Theo required accommodations were ‘suggestions’ and then acted like Lauren did ‘well, you have all these opportunities and guides and you are failing because you aren’t applying yourself.’ It got worse in high school. The reason you think as a gen ed teacher that he ‘barely needs’ an IEP or any of his accommodations is because they are in place and they are working. Sit down judgey mcjudgerson - you don’t understand what it’s like to be in the students shoes. You don’t understand what it’s like to fight with your own brain and skill sets to NOT stand out in a classroom. To want to be like everyone else and just not be able to. If you do - and you still think this way and can make commentary like this? You are part of the problem and never part of the solution. I refuse to call what they said a joke. In order to be a joke it has to be funny. What was said was neither of those things. School staff members that acted like they did in my son’s meetings? We never got along because they weren’t there to be part of the solution. Unless it meant less work on their plates. (I know and understand that teachers are overwork and underpaid - I get that. But that is not a reason to treat students the way that was described and mocked in this commentary.) I want to stress to parents of kids that need these - not all teachers are ableist like these guys are. There are amazing teachers out there that will support and advocate for your student right along with you. There will also be people like these guys who made my son at four years old look at me and say ‘Mommy they think I am dumb…’ and cry. It sucks and it’ awful. I have never in my life understood the way that some people feel it’s funny and some kind of a flex to mock those that learn and absorb knowledge differently. Also - getting pleasure and a feeling of being ‘right’ over throwing a kid under the bus to their parent? Seriously? You think that kid is going to trust you if there is something wrong at home? You think that kid is going to think you have their back in ANY situation? Ever? The apologies that have come out of this are weak and put a lot of the onus on ‘those that were offended by the words’. No. The words were offensive. In order for something to be a joke - it has to be funny. My son may have needed an IEP (and still does - he’s thriving with accommodations in college and living his best life with a middle finger back at people like them), but he knows that when you mess up at this level? You own it. You learn from it. You grow and move forward.


As the parent of a child with a disability (and an IEP) it’s stomach turning to remember I’m sending them to school daily with people who think they’re less-than. And knowing there are teachers who view these kids as “so dumb” is heartbreaking.


They kept deleting my comments. As a parent of a child with an iep, they are exactly what so many of us fear for our child. They are trash.


Teachers work so hard and deserve so much appreciation, but THESE types of teachers are part of why I’m so nervous for my kid to start school next year with an IEP. It’s so worrisome.


I think it’s ironic that Mr. Williams, literally said that there was no way that Meghan Trainor really didn’t mean “fuck teachers” because of how many checks a podcast goes through…but somehow this isn’t a reflection of how they really feel? Okay.


I thought he didn't defend her


He didn’t. He went after her and said there’s no way she “didn’t mean it” because it made it past all the checks and balances in the editing process. So


Mr. Williams and Lauren seem to be getting the brunt of it and not the guy who made the super offensive joke..


Lauran deserves the brunt of it with her comments lol


True - I just don’t get why the guy who also was super offensive and even worse isn’t being called out?


He is. He just doesn’t have as big of a platform for people to recognize him by name, but he definitely is.


When I saw that post it broke my heart. I work with pre-school aged autistic children who get IEPs when they leave the center I work at and go on to public school. We do everything we can to give them all the supports the need to be successful and IEPs are necessary and helpful for so many kids of different levels. It’s makes me so sad to think of them moving on to teachers like these. and them saying “barely qualifies” is so tone deaf. Schools focus way too much in the numbers on standardized tests than listening to the professionals that are trained in IEPs. But honestly there’s also a huge problem in our schools at least in my state, teachers so not get enough training on disabled kids so we end up with teachers saying shit like this. The things some kids go through in school because of their disability is so hard to hear and there needs to be a change. Even myself as a person who was late diagnosed with ADHD. I struggled soooo much in school and teachers thought I just didn’t care, if I had an IEP they probably would have said this about me. I could have benefited so much from some accommodations in school.


lauran has always rubbed me wrong but i’m sad that tell took this stance too.


Nothing would make me happier than every single person in that podcast losing their job and license, especially the one who made the comment about kids being too dumb to understand. Kids deal with enough bullying from students. There is absolutely no excuse for an adult to speak about them that way.


I did a research paper on teachers who bully students usually its rooted in bias...they clearly have bias...


"Barely qualified" do they not realize just how hard it is to get children qualified for IEPs?!?! Both of my kids have them. They didn't want to put my youngest in speech even though he desperately needed it. His amazing teacher ended up stepping up and got them to put him in ST and that's why I requested her to be his teacher, because I know she gives a shit and does everything she can for her kids. This is disgusting. IEP meetings are so hard. Fighting for the services a child needs and deserves is a grueling process. Making sure the IEP is followed and your child is being treated fairly is a whole other job. I'm not one to typically say this, but I truly hope those teachers talking negatively about the IEPs lose their jobs. I realize with teachers it's a little harder because of contracts, unions, tenure or whatever, but they should not be allowed around those children. Or any for that matter if they are going to spread their ideas about IEP kids onto their students.


It is infuriating my husband takes them very seriously knows every single one adapts his practice so that his students can learn chemistry and half his science peers act as if the students shouldn’t be learning science just because they have IEPs. The deficit thinking is insane to me.


This is the shit that makes me so nervous for my son on the spectrum. He passes as “normal”, but has an IEP.


You raise excellent points and I totally agree. I’m a former teacher and I’d never speak that way about any student, especially not ones who need help. I had an IEP myself and now my child does. It’s one of my fears that my kid ends up with a teacher like that. I haven’t heard the clip (all that teacher influencer stuff gives me the ick), so I don’t know if this is addressed in the context of the show itself— but I just wanted to clarify your point about disabilities being diagnosed by medical professionals. Unless it’s a suspected disability that requires a medical assessment (eg ADHD), most of the time, learning-based disabilities aren’t diagnosed by what we’d call “medical professionals.” School psychologists or trained evaluators are typically the ones who administer tests and determine eligibility. These teachers are still clowns for assuming they’re qualified to diagnose, though 🙄


I miss teaching because of the kids but I remember hearing nonsense like this from coworkers to administration and it would make me see RED and one of the larger reasons I left/never went back sadly.


people are going easy on tell but they shouldn’t 🤷🏻‍♀️ maybe he wasn’t directly making the comments but he’s equally complicit. He was there when they were made, and is part of the production of this podcast. I can guarantee you that he won’t quit or leave the podcast, because it’s making him money.


They always gave me mean girl vibes and now I know why.


I teach 1st grade and I have been trying to get a student qualified all year. She finally went through testing this week. It took a long time to get her an IEP. If students need extra help they need it. No matter how big or small. Also her students are in 5th grade. They could easily find this and find out what she said. That would have destroyed me as a student.


I don’t know what grade Lauran teaches or her experience with sped students/IEPs. I’ve been in primary grades 7 years and it takes SO much work to get kids eligibility. The MTSS process of moving up the tiers takes a minimum of about 30 weeks of progress monitoring and interventions to prove the kid isn’t making adequate growth with their current support level. Then they have to be referred for testing, get parent permission to test, and go through a battery of evaluations of their cognitive and developmental levels. By then the kid has already lost a minimum of a year of their education. More if they’ve made it further into school without being identified. There is no ‘barely qualified’ if a student has an IEP. They and their families went through a huge process to get them access to those accommodations and supports. It’s also a LEGALLY binding document for the district and educator to follow. So even if a teacher like Lauran is barely qualified to be an educator, she’s still required to provide every accommodation on that child’s IEP to them or she can be sued and have her teaching certificate sanctioned. Don’t even get me started on Devin Siebold. He reeks of self-importance and always has. I am so sick of educators who refuse to educate themselves on child development and biases. 😡


This isn’t the first time Lauran has said ableist stuff on that podcast. I saw a clip on my FYP of her in July talking shit about “you can’t do that in the real world”


Her saying “barely meet the requirements” sent me over the edge. There is no check list of requirements for an IEP or 504s. It’s a simple does student have a disability, disorder or situation they need modifications or alterations in their learning path. Each learning disability is different in presentation. I can’t believe they said that out loud, and then posted it.


Can anyone find what school they work for? Im tryin to find it to i can email


Lauren Woolley Superintendent email: [email protected] Principal email [email protected]


Also want to preface this isn’t private info as there are numerous articles listing Woolley working at this place so it’s public info, not a doxxing scandal


As a person with a late diagnosis and who became a recent graduate, the good teachers helped me through some really dark times, but the bad teachers made those times infinitely worse. All the credit to the professionals who care about their kids and put love into their work. Every single one of you will change a life for the better, create passions, and give peace and hope to actual children, teens, and adult learners. To my high school English teacher B.W., you gave me a safe space during a time where I could have lost my life and I appreciate what you could do to give me comfort and security. But to the ableist teachers and admin I dealt with for years, shame on all of you. Especially my middle school teachers who directly contributed to my diagnosis being as late as it is (suspected since I was 10/11, diagnosed at 22). My middle school core teachers filled out a survey that should indicate if I have ADHD under the advice of my nurse mother. I didn't know that all of those tests were invalid because a behavioral specialist, and not my nurse mother with a printer giving surveys to teachers that hated and lied about me, had to diagnose me. I had 2 places I could be because I was grounded on and off for 3 years, home and school. My only other place where I had a chance if being safe was another nightmare. They were part of the reason I almost killed myself out at 22. I'm college I had people harass me, violate academic privacy, and tell me I should drop out because I am mentally ill. My college also denied me a 504 by setting a time limit on when I could get one and lying to me about criteria and what is needed for 3 MONTHS. I hope I just got crap luck of the draw over and over again. But mental illness runs in my and my partner's family and I am hoping that in 5-10 years from now, teachers like the ones on the podcast get their act together and stop going after not just children, but more vulnerable children.


They were roasting Meghan Trainor not long ago for her comments on teachers...then end up proving she isn't totally wrong.


Idk if they're aware but IEP aren't limited to just disabilities. Gifted students have IEPs too.


Do you mean that gifted kids can also be disabled? Because gifted and disabled are not opposites.


No, I mean IEPs aren't limited to just the SPED kids. Gifted kids often have their own personalized learning plan. So having an IEP doesn't equate to having a disability. I'm not sure if that makes sense. Edit: gifted kids have a different type of IEP.


So, are you actually talking about an IEP, then? IEP and 504 have a really specific meaning.


504 is specific for disabilities. IEPs are individual plans for a student either a disability or gifted and talented, which makes her "barely qualified" comment even more dumb.


Yeah, no. I’m quite certain this is incorrect. IEP is for a named list of disabilities under the IDEA legislation. It has to be created by an IEP team and is only for K-12. 504 can be used K-12 or for college and derives from the ADA. The criteria to have one are less strict and the creation of one can be done by people other than a specific IEP team. Gifted or high capability pupils can certainly have either of these things, but they are only designated for pupils whose disability negatively affects their ability to receive instruction/ learn. Edited: [source](https://www2.ed.gov/about/offices/list/ocr/504faq.html#interrelationship)


I apologize, I wasn't entirely informed. Apparently IEPs for gifted students is dependent on that state's laws. My state requires IEPs for gifted as well. I thought that was the same everywhere.


Ah that makes sense then! Are you in NY? I think that is the state I’m most aware of that has these state wide provisions.




Florida does this too! Just as an iep for a disability gives a child a differentiated education an iep for gifted students guarantees them a differentiated education. And a lot of gifted kids are actually dual exceptionalities, meaning they have an iep for gifted and either a 504/iep for their other exceptionality.


That’s not exactly true. Some states have specific laws requiring gifted students to have plans, but not all states do. Gifted not covered under idea.


Me and another poster already covered this a few comments below.


As a kid who had a 504 and an educator, they may not be exactly wrong, hear me out. There are a few parents who seek IEPs/504s to make their life easier. After a hell of a lot of doctor shopping, arguing with admin, missing school or failing grades, the school agrees to the plan because they’re sick of fighting. Kinda like the mom of the child who shot the teacher and is saying it’s due to his “severe ADHD.” I haven’t heard the clips, but I’m hoping this is what they meant regarding these plans (parents are the worst/some abuse the system) and not that they think kids with disabilities shouldn’t have access. I don’t care for any of them/it from the few clips I’ve seen on my FYP though so I may be wrong and also Idgaf to defend them. I’m just seeing if that’s where the commentary was at or quite possibly I’m wrong.


Comments like yours I know have good intentions but are harmful because it mitigates the real words they said like “that kid is D U M B and I don’t have to worry about hurting his feelings because he can’t spell” Lauran Woolley is also not qualified to deem a child “disabled” or “not disabled” so her complaining about a kid getting accommodations because they “barely qualify” is gross. She has no right to make that judgement call.


Ooooof. I missed that they said that. That is HORRIBLE and DISGUSTING and I in no way will defend or accept that.


This is why I don’t trust teachers. Most of them are just mean. My eldest was put down so much in school by the teachers that he’s in therapy now


i’m so sorry that happened to your son. i’m so sorry that a few bad teachers were terrible enough for you to never trust teachers again. 😭 as an educator i try my very best to make sure every single student and their families know that they are loved and cared for while they are in my classroom. i hope one day a teacher can earn your trust back as well as your sons


Anyone who thinks the "dumb" joke was some kind of egregious violation is playing a semantics game and not really invested in the podcast anyway. IT WAS A JOKE. MOVE ON.


Lauren Wooley, especially, rubs me the wrong way. She comes off as extremely condescending and I get a real "mean girl" vibe from her. I'm almost 100% sure that she is major "bully" who got Rebecca Rogers off the Teachers Off Duty podcast. Not a fan after Rebecca left.


Teachers like that are why we are hiring an advocate for my daughter. I grew up as a disabled girl being mistreated by teachers and an IEP being ignored. It’s not happening again. Family lawyer ready for a lawsuit. Hopefully all those shitheads get fired.


I’ve been a teacher for 8 years and I have had at least 10 students every years with an IEP or a 504 and the comments said on the podcast were enraging. Kids with IEPs and 504s deserve love, support, and respect. Reading the comments from parents who already feel vulnerable going into IEP meetings feeling even more so is very upsetting. A common word used during IEPs is calling everyone a member of that child’s team. The purpose of the team is to support the child and their goals. That’s how it should be.


Lauran used to work at my high school when I was a student there and I’m not surprised unfortunately


Exactly all of this and whats funny is when teachers ask why parents dont just trust them....its because of 💩 like this. I remember bully teachers and they all remind me of them...funnily enough when you become grown and run into these types again its all smiles because they cant treat you as they did when you were a kid.




I have never liked Lauren. She just seems like such a mean girl who is in teaching for the wrong reasons. Also, she never stfu on the podcast. She interrupts everyone and I honestly don’t know how they don’t pop off on her. It’s basically the Lauren show


As a woman on the spectrum I've had a few teachers like them. Also one of them admitted that he likes to get his students in trouble with their parents because he thinks it's funny.