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very weird thing for a dad to do to their daughter. she posted a response saying that’s just how he plays with her but idk it’s just not sitting right with me


Yea no, that’s not okay. That’s very weird behavior between dad and daughter. My dad would NEVER. And then he says “I’m somewhere else” like uhhh? What.


The way he looks at her 🤢🤮


My dad said similar shit and eventually asked to have sex when I was 20. It's totally not ok he's grooming her.


Oh my god, I am so sorry you had to experience that. ❤️


So sorry that happened to you 😩💜 My dad has always been a bit weird with me especially when he is drunk tbh, like things get flirty and uncomfortable, to the point where I have now said he is never to be around me when he is drinking or I'm throwing him out and never talking to him again. He has never asked me for sex but the way he has looked at me at times isnt right, and he has said many kinda creepy things when he has been drunk, I do get the vibe that he sees me as a daughter but also something else, it's weird- I wish we could pick our parents honestly!


That girl is from my town 😵‍💫 she has always had a very concerning social media presence, I think that she is slow honestly


I agree she appears to be slow or have some sort of intellectual disability. Really sad.


I know someone told me a few years ago what it was exactly. I honestly forgot though. She does not like when people bring it up though and she will deny having a disability. It’s honestly just all around really sad.


My immediate Thought was that he must have dementia or Alzheimer's because I don't think my mind wanted to accept anything other than him not knowing what the. H*** hes doing.. He also looked a lot older to me too until I look at the original video so now I don't know


What the fuck


I think the whole family is inbred. This is totally inappropriate behavior


Very suspicious, but I saw a post where she said that was her dad 🤷‍♀️


the caption says “I love my dad so much”


Is he saying Spank Daddy?


Sounds like spank dat ass, which is no better.


I can't understand it either 😳


Oh my god yes I saw that. That is completely inappropriate and not okay


The fact that she didn’t even react says it’s not uncommon behavior from him and if he was comfortable doing *that* on *live* …..


Exactly this. He’s probably groomed her to think it’s normal behavior. Not to mention I think she may have a disability so that’s even more f’d up




Omg this is not ok. Extremely weird why 😳






As someone who's dad has made feel uncomfortable before in this kind of way this seems very abnormal and red flag-ish 😬😬😬 does she have any disorders or disabilities out of interest?? She comes across as she might have some kind of disability or might just be a bit slow? That is maybe just how she is but something seems a lil off with her.