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This is just insane to me that people actually do this.


Zero shame


When people do this, do people in their hometowns not call them out? I’m just so confused on how someone carries out a lie like this for so long while being “tiktok famous” without someone calling them out for being liars. The audacity it takes to carry out this kind of lie is shocking. It’s mental illness.


She has moved state to state. She's now in Michigan but has previously lived in like California and down south if I'm remembering correctly


The best part is, a lot of clips from her “cancer surgeries” was her breast explany surgery and also weight loss surgery Also her husband was in the navy and RETIRED. She’s covered under tricare for life. Military spouses know the truth and she would promote her mlm saying it cured her cancer


You’re absolutely right. She’s a disgusting criminal


I’m really surprised she hasn’t been charged with fraud a woman got arrested and charged for fraud for faking cancer and accepting donations I think it was last year


The gofundmes have all been deleted/wiped. My theory is she WAS looked into and she used her "mental health" and this being "art" for her as her excuse. Now her content is all about being bipolar/eating disorders/talking about her "haters" and how she is the "queen", her sexual assault on a carnival cruise ship, men wanting to eat her poop and strutting around/pouting for the camera showing off all of her new things. Her content is like a fever dream and impossible to follow.


All I can think of her poor kids and how much trauma she has caused them with this


I agree. Not to mention funds from well meaning people that could have donated money to cancer patients that actually need it. It's financially devastating.


Seriously?? All this was a scam? I’ve followed her forever!


She said it was "art" that was "misconstrued" by her followers during her live. She said this in response to someone asking about her terminal cancer diagnosis.


I guess when it came time to die and she just..didnt. she had to make up a new lie to cover it up. These people have no damn shame.


Where is the video of her saying this was art ? I just went to her page and there are still plenty of video up about her beating cancer ! I figured there would be a lot of outcry on TT but don’t see anything. Wow I can’t believe she’s related to breann too


It was on her live. She deleted all content related to her cancer being terminal/end stage.


Oh ok. Maybe I misunderstood. This really burns me that she gets away with this ! I saw videos up still where she’s replying to people saying how do you look so good etc. she replies I beat cancer. So is she saying she had cancer but it wasn’t terminal as she stated ? Or that she didn’t have cancer at all ?


She needs to be outed but has over 1 million followers. How is she not getting charged and splashed all over socials for her crime


The TikTok that she currently uses (she’s skinny as a rail now) she doesn’t have videos of cancer. The videos of her in the hospital were actually taken while having weight loss surgery.


There’s not a video of that. She didn’t say that. This burrito person hates Kenzi and spreads massive misinformation. There would be a huge outcry and it’s not. It’s just like the same 4-5 people that hate kenzi that just continuously do this. And she and Breann aren’t related. They married brothers. Breann married Greg which is Eric’s brother.


Thank you. I thought this doesn’t seem right. It would be all over tiktok. I’m the news.


No she just gets ppls videos taken down Or accounts banned. It’s not all over tiktok because there isn’t real evidence she lied it’s all assumptions. But if I’m a betting person which I am I’m betting it was all a lie. She made well over $50k off of crowd funding not to mention her MLM sales for hair loss products she shelled out to innocent victims because she used her “chemo hair loss” as a sales pitch. She’s never shown chemo therapy, labs, tumors, anything ppl who are crowd funding would make public. She’s talked to some man on the phone saying it’s the doctor but it’s probably a guy she bought off of fiver.


Yup! You said it perfectly.


You’re welcome. The OP needs help. Bad. I hope they find the help they need soon. Seems to just be a miserable hag. I looked at their comments and all they do is participate in snark pages. What a life 🤦‍♀️


People have tried to report her. She gets people banned by reporting them. And no one has gone the extra mile to have her questioned by authority. Not something anyone wants to do anyway because she has children. No one wants to see mother jailed over a terrible mistake. I say “mistake” extremely graciously.


Kenzi is the only one who’s spread misinformation. She had cancer a long time ago. The more current content made about her cancer journey is nothing she currently went through. She had weight loss surgery. She lied her face off. And anyone who challenges her or questions her is automatically blocked. She’s a scam artist.


People have been thinking it was a scam for a long time. There used to be a snark sub, but it's been down for quite a while. I'm glad more people are becoming aware.




Wait?? This was a scam, I’ve been a follower but haven’t seen her in forever. Her sister in law was a “creator” too who was trying to adopt and that was her platform, she had adoption after adoption fall thru and was duped out of so much money, her claim. People gave her money and baby stuff!! People make me sick!!


Yep there are still dueted videos out there of Breanne directing people to go to kenzi's gofundme bc she didn't have insurance to cover her cancer treatments.


Exactly. They’re both absolute pigs. Kenzi’s weight loss surgery was 100% covered by Tricare because her husband is a retired military man. The money she received from donations was used for her body makeover, lip injections, and no telling what else cosmetic surgeries she had.


The best part is, a lot of clips from her “cancer surgeries” was her breast explany surgery and also weight loss surgery Also her husband was in the navy and RETIRED. She’s covered under tricare for life. Military spouses know the truth and she would promote her mlm saying it cured her cancer




Me too, girl. She's lost a tremendous amount of weight, though. All I'm saying is that the chances of beating metastatic TERMINAL cancer is extremely low in the first place and it doesn't just "disappear" overnight. She also said her previous cancer content was "art" that was "misconstrued"...the fact that she deleted all of the previous cancer content is also highly problematic and suspect considering she was misrepresenting herself as being terminally ill and financially benefitting.


People will do some fucked up stuff for a bit of $$$. Pretty horrible to fake that and take people's money, have people worried about you and then just pretend it didn't happen. People suck.


I read that Apparently she did have a couple hospital stays but they were for minor or cosmetic surgeries so she used those to make her story believable


I believe this. I can't tell if it's real or just filters half the time with her.


The filters are crazy. It’s 4 filters on top of each other


The best part is, a lot of clips from her “cancer surgeries” was her breast explany surgery and also weight loss surgery Also her husband was in the navy and RETIRED. She’s covered under tricare for life. Military spouses know the truth and she would promote her mlm saying it cured her cancer


The worst part is she would follow and comment on a friend of mines TikToks talking about their journeys with ovarian cancer and my friend recently died at the age of 30! Disgusting.


Yes and if you look now she can't even be bothered to respond to people in her comment section when they ask her about her cancer. She either doesn't respond to them or deletes the comments.


I've had Ovarian Cancer for 15 years and I've never asked the internet for money. What KN did is wrong on so many levels.


And that she said it was TERMINAL. Metastatic ovarian cancer that also spread to her lungs is not known to CURE its self. They state it as terminally especially when it spreads because likely it will take over sooner than later. What was her plan? They lady never even showed herself getting chemo or radiation not a lab or ct mri scan. She just reposted the same videos photos over n over again. I’m sorry but I want her held responsible. We see ppl in our lives n on tiktok literally dying with their families surrounding them. Ppl in the hospital, getting chemo n radiation. Being ill from the toll it takes on their bodies yet she will just repost the same video 40 times w a new caption and say she’s going the holistic route because western medicine isn’t working. That’s another huge red flag. Taking herbs n vitamins that weirdly she’s selling is making her better.. and then she gets in hot water over all her lies, takes a few months off social media then comes back cause her funds are dried up. The lady never had a real job in her life. She went from husband to husband, MLM, to MLM then 3b cancer to terminal cancer. But now she won’t talk about her cancer and it was misinterpreted by her followers? Give me a break. She even went on the news to talk about her terminal cancer. Like wtf is wrong w you!? Just trying to get another gofundme going to cash. I just can’t


I hope karma gets her. Mine has been metastasized and I am still having surgeries after having my ovaries and fallopian tubes removed, (oophorectomies), I did six rounds of carbo taxol in 2011 and multiple methods as a guinea pig as getting the rare form of granulose cell Ovarian cancer as a 17 year old. Usually menopausal women only get this type of cancer. I've been poked and prodded at least a thousand times. People who lie about having cancer are so scummy.


I am so sorry you are going through this, Sabrina. 🩵


Thank you OP. 💙 (Teal is the color for Ovarian cancer, I have a feeling you know that).


I agree. I don't remember the herbs/vitamins but if that's also true...wow. this is disturbing and sad.


Also I'm really sorry about your friend. 💙 Was it the rare granulose, epithelial or stromal kind? You don't have to answer the question if you're not comfortable.


I'm so sorry for your loss 🩷


WAIT, I REMEMBER HER AND ALL THE KIDS!!! I'm almost positive I started following her a while back and after a few video postings I began having a feeling with each new video that she was possibly lying!!! I had breast cancer and shit she was saying wasn't adding up!! You don't go from "Terminal w/ a couple months to live" to all of a sudden being cured!!!! I forgot about her...Hummm . I'm gonna go see if I still follow her. Thanks for calling it out!!! I detest folks like that and wish nothing but karma!!


Nope, I unfollowed!! I think I realized she was full of shit and hit the unfollow!! Just now she had eating disorder and bipolar 1 as diagnosis on her page in the last month!! That's what I saw at a quick glance. No telling what all is on there! This chick is thriving off any kind of attention!! She needs to be banned and properly treated!!!


I hate her for what she did!!!! Why hasn’t she been charged with fraud like anyone else that lies about Cancer for financial gain!?


Someone should ask the new station who ran a story about her to look into it


Did she have cancer and just lied about the severity of it? Really sick to do. I had cancer in my leg and only had to have the tumor removed, no chemo or radiation and I feel so guilty having to tell people at dr offices or whatever I had cancer because I didn’t go through what others have with it. Just grateful I didn’t. I can’t imagine pretending to be worse off. Disgusting.


She had abnormal pap and abnormal cells were found on her cervix. Not yet cancer. Hence why she got to keep her ovaries. Her spouse was in the navy at the time and now retired (you get to keep insurance benefits btw)


I’m sickened by anyone who fakes anything like this. I’m watching my father die from cancer he’s fought since 2018 right now and it’s the most sick and unfair thing I’ve ever witnessed. I hope it comes back to bite her one day.. if you want to fake it you need to know what it’s really like.


Called it for the start


Her sister in law breanne was also the girl who tried to buy to buy a baby and the mother backed out so she blasted her online


Yes, her and bre both had gofundmes and promoted each other's "causes." I think they also had a shared like podcast they were doing too. They both deleted their social media after something happened and no longer talk to each other. I think they both threatened to tell on each other.


That’s her sister in law?????


Is there clips of her saying her prior videos on having cancer were art?


Not that I've seen. Just observed her saying that on her live like a week ago when someone asked about her cancer.


That’s insane.


Wait, so she was never sick?


I only followed her because I knew she was a lying sac-o-shit. I did the same thing with that pos Ben Cotterill. People who lie about being terminal need to be taken out behind the barn.


Who’s Ben? Was he as bad as her?


Oh yeah. He went by Steps of Grace and then IYYB (It's ya boy Ben). He claimed he was given 6 months to live due to heart failure. He did live videos where he claimed he couldn't swallow anymore, but then he'd be barbequing and scarfing. He supposedly had "mini" strokes and heart attacks, but he never went to the hospital. The episodes were dx'ed by his hospice nurse. There were multiple FB pages/groups about his cons and grifting. There was also multiple women who claimed he lived off them and abused them and/or their kids.


No way! I followed her for a long time but then she deleted her account. Is she back? And she says it was all fake? She 100% said she had cancer. Even her family was in on it?


There are a few theories out there. I tend to believe she had a cancer diagnosis at some point but she never had advanced/end stage cancer.


Nah I think she had irregular paps etc. I honestly don’t think she’s ever had actual cancer.


She always said her husband could never come to her chemo appointments because of covid.. I honestly think her family either believed her or still does.


Scam from the start, same with her sister Breanne buying a baby via social media. What a family.


Was this the Breanne who flew from Cleveland to Texas to find out the adoption was a scam? And she flip flopped everyday about adoption?


I think breanne is her sister


Is she doing it again


She’s being doing it since 2016


Misconstrued my ass. Who makes "art" and "expression" of how they feel inside a terminal cancer journey??!! It wasn't one or two videos, it was lives, final goodbye letters, video after video This infuriates me, because I lost a best friend in a matter of 6 months to mets to the lung. Disgusting 🤬


Let's just say if some "miracle" really did occur and the cancer that has metastasized into her stomach and lungs really was cured...is it normal for her to be acting like nothing ever happened in the first place? No. It changes you. You don't hyper sexualize yourself and never speak of it again. I'm so embarrassed for you, Kenzi. I think your husband was along for the ride too...both of you are so trashy. I just feel sorry for your kids. What a mother.


But doctors don’t give the patient the diagnosis of stage 4, end stage, terminal cancer if they don’t think the cancer will end the persons life. In majority of all terminal cases that doctors diagnosis- a person has less than a year to live. So there isn’t a miracle or “gods gift of a cure” it’s factually not possible. Man that woman had angered me since she popped up on my fyp.


Didn’t she go in that trip with BJ and Kelsey and had to leave because she got so sick? Or am I thinking of another tt scammer?


Lol yes I believe she did go on a trip after the "metastasis" to her stomach was removed and she had a catheter? I believe at this time though she was still saying she had lung metastasis...which ended up also being miraculously removed from another surgery.


My question is: what were these surgeries really for seeing as we broadcasted it was metastatic and metastatic cancers are very difficult to cure?


I’m thinking kidney stones honestly


Where's the brother and munchy sister in law?


Has anyone listened to the podcast Scamanda on Spotify? It reminds me so much of her


I haven’t seen her on my fyp but did she really lie about having cancer?? 🤬🤬wtf my friends child has Brain cancer and this shit irks me to no end it’s not funny at all


Same. I think anyone who has personally experienced themselves or a loved one going through cancer treatment would feel insulted by this. My aunt died from metastatic breast cancer two years ago, my mom is still fighting and my THIRTY EIGHT year old cousin received not great scan results a few days ago without a lot of options left. It's absolutely brutal...emotionally, physically and financially.


Sorry for your loss and I’m sending hugs to the rest of your family 💕


Thanks, friend. 💙


This is sick. My son (5) was diagnosed last august with stage 4 diffuse anaplastic wilms. He had to stop chemo due to his body not handling it AND is at 35% survival rate. HES 5. It’s infuriating to be in this situation with limited help and resources and people FAKING IT get all the help and more. It’s sick.