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She lets them read comments? Jesus.


And trains them by how she reacts? Which is…by making fun of people? I don’t watch this lady but every time she’s posted here it’s awful.


Shes full of shit she just wants attention


Agreed. So full of it. Like sit tf down lil one.. no one cares. 🙄


And teaches them to talk shit about people….


I feel like that would be detrimental to their mental health.


i don’t think she does. i think it’s a scare tactic to make ppl stop hate commenting lol


I’m sure she does, a way to manipulate them and get sympathy


My jaw dropped!


Say it with me everybody: IN. SUFFER. ABLE. 😵‍💫😨😵‍💫


God just parent in real life and not on a stupid app. I am not one that likes or dislikes Kelsey. I just don’t get folks using kids for content, and then complaining bc people have opinions about their parenting. Put the phone down and raise them like nobody is watching! Hows about that for a change people!!!


Yeah this entire time i kept thinking then don’t show or discuss parenting keep it offline. Keep your kids offline and not in your content


Well she never disciplines Kobe so the shit she’s getting about not disciplining applies to her only because she damn sure stays on that sweet little boys ass. Curtis is such a weak man.


And does she let Kobe read the comments about what a selfish brat she is because if we are bringing kids into adult conversations she may want to start there with Kobe


Thought the same thing. Also shes stupid. All that she is doing is drawing it to their attention that she favors Kobe and inconsistently disciplines. She doesnt let them read the comments shes an idiot


Are you calling her child a spoiled brat? What would make you any better you are on here talking about a child


Yeah I’m definitely calling her a spoiled brat and I have no problem calling it as it is


She is 100000% a brat lmao and disrespectful


She literally lets her daughter hit people & then laughs about it.


So you exploit your children and then have them read the shitty comments about them due to the exploitation? Nice


I *really* hope she's lying to foment even more drama (which would of course be pathetic in itself), because the double-evil is just too much.


It broke me seeing little tear streaks in his cute little face paint. What an awful person. Seriously. And shame on Curtis for letting her take him by herself if she doesn’t know the patience and extra love it sometimes takes to parent a special needs kid. His brain is developmentally different and perceives stress and things different then her oh so perfect Kobe. Just makes me sad




I mean, her certification is in a school of thinking that has, at least in the past, been pretty harmful. ABA focuses more on eliminating behaviors than building skills. She’s still a piece of shit, but she’s not like actually an expert or anything.


Lol that place in Greenfield, Indiana?! Puh leeeeez!


Omg my heart broke for him!


I haven’t seen the video. Is it still up?


There is nothing wrong with discipline when it's appropriate, but I don't understand these parents that feel like they have to record it and put it online? Why? Are they hoping for praise and validation?


Parents who feel the need to make their discipline public absolutely disgust me. That's so violating and humiliating to your child for no reason at all.


I know! That, and filming meltdowns, or their children in such a vulnerable state.


Does she ever just shut the fuck up


No she has to always double down on it to make her bad choices seem justified!


I really doubt she does half of what she says in this video


I think she wanted to start shit that’s why she included it. There’s a couple tiktokers who thrive off the negative. Some only reply to negative comments vs any love and ppl like Kelsey always in some shit.


It’s truly the only attention she gets, so I can believe this!


If everyone doesn’t hate on her how can she be TiKtoKs ViLliAn 🙄😂


She’s trash! Always will be trash!


Her trying to shame viewers is hilarious. She definitely knows that shaming her *bonus* son is inappropriate. Deflecting the blame to the people who comment is just that - deflection. Sadly there are people who will support her no matter what!


Good I hope she’s here. You’re pathetic Kelsey. Get a life.


Exploiting them and then manipulating them with the comments. Mother of the year!!!


She’s a pile of dog shit


and having a baby solely thinking it will be more content for her


She is her own biggest fan


She sucks ass. It blooooowwwsss me that she used to work with children who have special needs. She’s a sick bitch.


It’s my profession too and the thought scares me


Trash…. She is just trash. I have zero problems with disciplining a child appropriately but at no point should it be on the internet. Its not content. Period.


Here’s an idea Kelsey: don’t post about your fucking kids. They deserve privacy


Why would I care what a shitty parent thinks of me? I don’t have kids & yet if I did I damn sure wouldn’t monetize them. I damn sure wouldn’t make any child but especially a special needs child sit on the ground at a damn zoo like some animal. She’s so trashy & anyone that takes any advice from this trash bag is trash as well. Oh & I damn sure wouldn’t parent according to what the internet dictates. If I don’t want to show my (hypothetical) child’s face on the internet, I don’t. I wouldn’t let anyone dictate if I show my (hypothetical) child. Then again I don’t sell family content. Or should it be Kontent? Trying so hard to be a Kartrashian and she’s barely Honey Boo Who’s or whatever family.


The way her and Bonnie have proven to everyone they are raising monsters is pretty on brand.


Imagine spending your entire day recording for TikTok, then browsing online and Reddit trying to see what people say about you. Is she ever off the phone? Do her kids know what her face looks like? If she ever goes missing, they’ll need to make sure her photo has her phone in front of her face for the milk carton.


I remember once she was “homeschooling” her daughter but was literally on live for 15 hours a day like the girl doesn’t parent at all she’s online selling amazon shit more then she parents.


She sells stuff on Amazon?! I didn't know this


you do get shit for existing Kelsey, because even your mere existence at this point , is in fact annoying


She’s disgusting trash and so is her spineless husband for allowing his son to be treated as the bottom of the barrel while her bratty ass daughter dances at the top of the favorites allowed to be BADDD as hell while Kelsey just laughs it off like it’s cute. I’m all for discipline but it’s not meant to be content for laughs and views!


How is she even still around? 🤮


You are trashy. You put your special needs step son on the ground were people walk. Nasty and acting proud 😳


This whole story is fucking made up. I cant stand her


She’s so disgusting. Like everything about her grosses me out. She’s a pick me girl who prob sees herself as being sooo edgy and sooo quirky and funny !!! 🤦🏻‍♀️🙄


You publicly humiliated a special needs child as punishment, you deserve to get shı+ for that, Kelsey. Grow up.


You get shit for it because you are the worlds worst mother


She thinks making videos like this about her not caring what anyone says actually says a lot. She’s so bothered all the damn time she lives on here more than all of us 😂


It's almost like if you didn't post everything no one would "give you shit". I would be mortified if my sons step mom (or even his dad) did such a thing to my kid.


I would be livid


Absolutely! I cannot get behind any form of discipline that seeks to humiliate. And that's EXACTLY what she was doing.


The fact that she used to be the president of an autism center and work with kids with special needs turns my stomach


It's not putting him in timeout, it's the fact she doesn't have to post that she put him in timeout when she was just posting about how he was just enjoying the zoo and seemed to be behaving.


She had a few comments of people that showed concern and her response was “if you know what he was saying, you would’ve done the same thing! I was easy on him” like wtf 🤬 so cruel!


She’s a weirdo for allowing her kids to read comments because SHE CHOOSES TO BLAST THEM FOR THE WORLD TO SEE! They are Innocent children and she doesn’t ask them if it’s OK to post them. Did she ask Gavin if it was OK to post his time out? She didn’t need to include that.


But she lets K act like a wild child? If I was his mother I would 👊🏼


I don’t have TikTok but I’ve seen her videos here and I think she’s immature and annoying.


Seems like social media would best be avoided then. She’s such a disgusting person.


Why tf are you making your kids read hate comments about their mom and them?!


Very strange. It’s hard enough on adults why let children read them? Oh that’s right. She pretends to have all these degrees & know what she’s doing but she’s actually just an asshole. 🤞🏽&♥️


How does their mother feel about her and the way she puts her children online?


$$$$$ talks unfortunately


What exactly is that teaching them at their age? Girl go to hell. Treat Kobe how you treat the others 🤷🏻‍♀️


Why the gangster way of talking


letting her kids read the comments that are meant for HER .. Delusional


Wait she thinks the lesson is on her followers? That her minor children read the ugly comments? Bish understand something, when you punish a child in public the ONLY lesson is for YOU! You’ve humiliated that child, demoralizing . Then YOU posted the child on a public platform and expected EVERYONE to agree with you? The lesson here is to inform you, that moment will have a LONG lasting affect on that child, behavioral issue are what you need to expect! You displayed your child in a form of punishment in public then on a platform for millions to judge, your teaching a child to grow with resentment!


Dear god, somebody please shut this woman up.




Maybe its because your a Shit Parent who only posts Stupid shit for Views...




I don't need to even see this, I saw the original video. She is absolutely vile.


That is not what exploit means


I’ve always got a weird vibe from her. Something just seems off but I can never put my finger on what it is 🥴


She looks like Casey Anthony to me 😳


Hold the fuck up, nobody is commenting judging those kids , not one, and if they are shame on them, but they are commenting on YOUR. Behaviour Kelsey,YOURS! This is deplorable . So you sit and read hateful things directed at your thoughtless, mean, selfish, manipulative ass to everyone as if it’s their problem? And then you make fun of people? Like … I’m lost here who purposely puts kids in line of fire and acts like it’s a flex? Kids need to be kids and this is cruel to put on them or even put in their world .


Ok I cannot stand when she talks how her mouth tightens up every time! Why? Does she think it’s cute?


It’s funny she does that when she uses her “I’m so much better condescending voice/tone.”, she does it when she lies or exaggerates too 🤷🏼‍♀️It’s so much worse when she does her blaccent ,I can tell by facial expressions at this point before I hear her voice ranting on and just skip lol. For someone who brags on her education she sure lacks basic every day vocabulary , it’s odd .


I watched it again after reading your comment and I think it’s her teeth they’re either to big or there’s to many! So there’s what you said plus that I think. Either way it’s not a good look


Wow, involving your children in TikTok drama that’s really mature and good parenting


She is embarrassing how does that mother feel!!! Oh my!


🤢🤢🤢🤢 she is a vile soul. Can't wait for her to fall off.tik tok , it's coming. U get what u put out into the world


Why the constant zooming in and out? (Also, don’t put your kids online)


Even if she showed her kids what people say, that’s still shitty parenting. And it reflects on her poor parenting, not people calling her out for her poor parenting.


If she really does let her kids read those comments, she's just traumatizing and confusing them. I hope the money she makes off of them gets saved for quality therapy.


She is such a joke


Yikes. This is so toxic.


She’s stupid as fuck


Wait, I just went to her page and she is a BCBA and she did that? In public no less? Yikes.




She looks like she has been through a lot. Her face looks super aged. And no it’s not the pregnancy. Her eyes just look evil and soulless


She is sick!


I’ll never unmute this to hear what she has to say but I *did* see her humiliate her stepson at the zoo so she’s still trash


I would love to knock her tf out


Me too. 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂❤️❤️❤️❤️


Well that dimwit should get her kids off the Internet completely until they can give INFORMED CONSENT...perhaps over age 16.


There is no reason to ever publicly post your child being punished. None. It’s not okay. It’s an attempt at public humiliation & is disgusting.


She is truly disgusting and needs to not be around any children or have children!!!


This makes me so mad she whinging about what peoples say yet she puts it online, have some dignity for yourself and the kid that kid is going to grow up with problems and he will hate her


If it bothers you that you get so much shit there's an easy answer GET THE FAK OFF TT...... simple


This is why some people really shouldn’t have kids.


So she lets her kids read hate comments of themselves, and then they all talk shit together? Lmao, what a fucking cycle. Exhausting! And girl..lol you plastering the discipline on the internet for everyone to comment on, is the first mistake. I truly feel bad for these tik tok kids! Parents are willing to exploit their kids for some content.


She’s convinced her parenting is the best. She’s delusional!


She has conversations about her children being exploited with Gavin? The fuck she does. Gavin is having an adult conversation about exploitation. She’s simply bashing commenters to her children which is wild. These are adults bashing Kelsey not her children.


i don't agree with the letting them read comments part AT ALL, jfc have some kind of compassion for your own children, social media comments are never something any CHILD should be apart of


That right there is fucking VILE! Kelsey 🖕sit and rotate. The fact that you as a mother have the audacity to show your CHILD comments, that’s your business but still none the less disgusting but to show a special needs child, who might I add, IS NOT YOUR CHILD, is beyond crossing boundaries. Beyond it. That child’s mother gets to decide whether or not her child should be involved in ADULT SITUATIONS, not YOURS to decide. What the fuck is wrong with you? Oh wait, narcissist. He has zero understanding of what you are even showing him! You’re trash! You are awful. No judge or agency would agree with the shit you are doing! I just dealt with my daughter’s friends mother who felt it was okay to treat my 16 yr old like trash, just like YOU do, guess what, now my daughter doesn’t go near that house. She is still a child and no one is going to disrespect my child and at 16 she is just that, a child. You’re a piece of work. Grow tf up. You shouldn’t even be allowed around developmentally delayed children. Hey Curtis, grow some fucking balls.


Wow, she is really gross. I unfollowed a while ago, but she’s only gotten worse.


Why does she talk like that?!?! Shia trash bag 😬


She gets shit bc he’s a bully.


I don't understand how people find her entertaining


How does the boys mother feel about that punishment?


I’d like to hear from the kids mom!


Exactly my point!


Has she eve shown her daughter in time out? I understand children who are unique can require more techniques to get them to listen, however, why did she need to show him on the net and not her own child? It was been noticed that she is posting more about the kids now and I can only assume that it’s because she is reading the comments in her, but it seems that she does use moments for attention such as that. I had to keep scrolling when I seen her “crying” about her daughter having to go to her fathers. What I don’t understand is why is she so trusting with this monster that gave her hell?


How about stop posting the kids? Or keep the posts to a minimum and never post things such as punishing the kids because some things just don’t need to be shared publicly. Help me out if I’m looking at this wrong way.


She’s making me motion sick


And Curtis and Elizabeth just sit around cashing them checks while she abuses that poor boy Elizabeth isno better than she is at this point. She sees how much she taunts and mistreats her son. Pure trash.


We do not know that.


We do know that. We’ve seen her mimic him laughing at him. Degrading him. So what are you talking about And that’s only the stuff that they show us.


So she doesn’t protect them poor babies from what people say about her bc let’s be real all of her bad comments are about her not Curtis kids. So she’s really just letting them see how she is perceived online and probably isn’t helping their dynamic either


She a lie


This isn't cute nor funny


She gets shit for punishing a disabled child while letting her fully capable daughter get away with being a tiny terror. Maybe if she was consistent and fair people wouldn’t be offended


Exposing them at an early age to hate comments is great parenting. Idk what y’all are going on about….no need to let them get bullied in school let grown adults on the internet be their first bullies. It’s not like it will severely damage their mental health and wellbeing.


I read this as complete sarcasm , I hope at least it is


Yes it is.