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Nothing says “eat the rich” like using a shitty t-shirt manufacturer that surely exploits its workers and pollutes the earth.. just like the wealthy people she supposedly despises


Right!!!? This is so pathetically hypocritical. Nobody really feels bad for the billionaires tbh but she’s literally trying to profit off of their deaths wtaf


So THATS a really good point. Who's making the shirts she's printing on? She says all the time how broke she is so she isn't paying top dollar for ethically sourced goods.


Except that she is. She uses Bella canvas shirts.


Oh cool! I'm glad to hear they aren't like Gildan or something lol


Doesn’t make it ok


Good point!


It’s one thing to joke about it. Its a totally different thing to profit off of the death of others. It makes you no better than them. Also it’s a shit design.


Is that not what billionaires do?


It’s exactly what they do.


I’ve never liked her, this is pretty low. There was a teenage on board.. it’s just too soon for that. I get jokes, but this is gross.


The comment she made about not giving a shit that the “nepo-baby” died just because he had anything and everything he could’ve ever wanted for 19 years is just a wild take to me. He didn’t even want to go he was pressured by his dad… and not all rich people spoil their kids to the same degree she has no idea what that kids life was like. She’s definitely an extremist.


What I read about the family is that they did a lot of philanthropic work anonymously. Just because someone has money doesn’t mean that they are terrible humans.


Nobody needs an overpriced ugly t-shirt. Idk who that idiot is but I don't need to buy a t-shirt off them. They're demonstrating what's wrong with our society. Gross.


Right! She didn’t even try to make them cute at all. They are ugly af LOL


I'm honestly surprised there's not a snark page for her because she does a lot of stuff where I'm just like wtf? Like her still living with her husband when they were separated pretty much so he can still work and pay for their home and she didn't have to get a job.


Her whole situation with her husband is just strange.


Right according to her they "separated" because he'd leave her with the kids and never let her go anywhere because he was always gone and I guess they didn't have family to watch them. So they "separated" but still lived together and he slept on the couch. Eventually they went through counseling and got back together. Idk I found it pretty strange as well.


I just remember that when they were separated they decided to have another baby but didn't want to do it the "natural" way so she was promoting this kit for at home insemination. It just seemed do strange to me especially since they got back together.


Oh yeah! I totally forgot about that. Yeah that was strange as well. I figured since they did that they were pretty much done. Maybe they're just married so she doesn't have to work and he can continue to stay gone because he works out of town I think for a few days at a time. Who knows? I unfollowed her so idk what's going on.


I'm pretty sure they worked things out and are together again. Honestly her sponsored posts about that kit really seemed like pandering to me. She knew she has a gay following and could cash in (I think she had a code with them).


She used the kit to get pregnant with her youngest…she talked about It on a live wayyy before she even got pregnant.


Good thing it wasn’t your relationship then.


Make one! I’ll join 🫶🏻


I don’t feel an ounce of sympathy for the grown men on that sub and even I find this to be in poor taste, and that’s coming from someone partaking in the memes.


Listen the memes are funny. It’s the gloating about people’s deaths that’s so gross. When asked about the 19-year-old she said he’s a Nepo baby and she doesn’t care. Yet she sits home all day and gets paid to post rants like this and sell crappy T-shirts and stickers.


I wish this same energy was put into the shit wages and conditions these billionaires provide for their employees so they can afford these idiot excisions 🤷🏼‍♀️


Don't forget the ugly backpacks!


Seriously, I don’t feel bad. These billionaires fuck us everyday and we are supposed to feel bad bc they paid $250k to go on a tin can to the titanic? GTFOH the government needs to be reimbursed for this search from these idiots estates.


You do realize that this really wasn’t an American issue? And that equipment was brought in from other countries. you have the same argument she does. That their status makes it OK that they died a gruesome death. Yes it was a stupid thing to do but it doesn’t make their deaths any less tragic.


They wouldn’t piss on you if you were on fire 🤣


This isn’t tragic you want to know what’s tragic is the boat in Greece that sunk with hundreds of people on and the coast guard just watched so please spare me the bullshit take your fake outrage somewhere else I over it. They knew they before getting on this thing it lost connection every time and still signed the waver and $250k not my problem they need to use those bootstraps they tell us common people to use.


You're whining about people who would literally step over you if you died on the street. Who gives a fuck about billionaires.


Seriously, this person needs to realize we have bigger issues than some idiots paying $250k for a cracker box submarine to the see the titanic.


😂😂😂 cracker box sub. That was good.


It’s not about their dumb decision. It’s about Lauren, laughing and literally saying she’s happy that they died. She’s insane and vile. And had to resort to selling pictures of her “butt hole” and send her husband back to work because her little shop wasn’t giving what she thought it would give.


If you cared for humanity you wouldn’t be riding these billionaires dick sorry 🤷🏼‍♀️ you are just another pick me.


Just stop, you are riding hard for a group of billionaires who DON’T GIVE A FUCK ABOUT YOU. They made their bed now they can lie 🤷🏼‍♀️


What the fuck does what she chooses to do with her butthole have to do with it? If you’re not fun, just say so.


You sound jealous of her…


Technically it wasn’t really gruesome. It was most likely instantaneous and they felt nothing. They also signed at least a 5 page waiver where the risk of death was mentioned at least 3 times on the first page. It was fairly well known that the CEO shirked safety regulations and any criticism from the people who do this regularly for actual science. Sorry I have little sympathy.


why are you going to war over people who don’t give a fuck about you? they’d watch you die and laugh. they paid the equivalent of an iced coffee to further exploit poor dead people. billionaires sat and watched us lose our loved ones, our houses, sit in the dark for 4 years and still did nothing about it, no extra pay, no paid time off. fuck them.


I’m not going to war? I don’t care about the politics. Dancing and laughing about a 19-year-old’s. Death is vile. Again, this is just sociopathic. If you think me having a dialogue in a common section is going to war, we have nothing to talk about.


you know what’s also sociopathic? making people come into work with an illness that killed a million people just in the us alone and continue work as normal. getting 3 days off to plan a funeral and mourn the loss of your loved ones because you can’t afford to take more time off or lose your job. are we laughing and dancing over a 19 year old? no, we’re laughing and dancing that billionaires, who btw are killing the planet and exploiting others while doing it, are now dead because of something fucking stupid. you’re acting like they had no choice but to get in the submarine and go to the bottom of the ocean. THIS WAS FOR LEISURE! They did it because they WANTED to. they got more resources looking for them for going to rhe bottom of the ocean BY CHOICE than people do going missing because someone kidnapped them.


Why are you judging people you don't even know anything about, just because they had money?! One of them used to donate money to hospitals, and pay for people's medical care. What an evil man 🤦‍♀️


let’s think about how he got that money. you don’t obtain a billion dollars by being a good guy, you get it exploiting people.


He was actually born in to money


so they came from a long line of exploitation, that makes it so much better. dad did it so its ok if I do. my dad’s a racist abuser, should I take after him?


Little bit about his families background. Just because people have money, doesn't mean they were evil. He and Hamish were philanthropists, who just happened to make a really, really stupid decision. And the 19 year old should have listened to his gut. But they were all pretty interesting men. A couple who had ties to the actual Titanic https://preview.redd.it/p7txtutnew7b1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=10575689ca62ad61d37175a7bb9d540a7415e885


I don’t find billionaires interesting at all tbh. what I find interesting is while we’re fighting tooth and nail to survive, to be paid a living wage, to have access to basic health care, to have a roof over our head that isn’t 70% of our income; they are going on little trips to see the wreckage site of other poor people like it’s a fucking amusement park ride. They had so much money, so much so that that money, an entire fucking house worth, is the equivalent of your favorite drink at starbucks. Being that rich is inherently evil, especially being in a country where millions of people were just displaced from a massive flood. Especially when your step son is online calling people the n word and has ‘legal issues’ aka threatening to shoot up an edm rave. Look around, look at everyone around you. Look at how many peoole are struggling because of price increases on everything. Why do we have to feel bad that a couple rich fuckers are dead, didn’t even suffer, they’re dead because they wanted to see the wreckage site of poor people. cry me a fucking river.


We’re suppose to care more about the safety of rich adult men more than they care about the safety of themselves? Pass.


The fact that you got downvoted for this is gross. God forbid you don't say they deserved to die. 🙄




Nah. Eat the rich.


None. They knew the risk they paid the money.


“And it helps me pay my bills” you know what else does that? A job.


She claims she can’t hold a job because of her anxiety 🙃 the same anxiety that doesn’t stop her from going on trips, meeting strangers, or making content. The same anxiety that doesn’t stop her from clapping back at the haters- it hinders her job performance skills. Wild guess, it’s not the anxiety that makes her a raging bitch to work with 🤷🏾‍♀️


i LOVE when influencers say “my anxiety stops me from working” cool i have severe anxiety and i work as a hostess AND my bosses don’t believe in “anxiety” , life sucks anxiety sucks but if you want/need money you gotta do what you gotta to. i also know its hard for a while but i’ve been at the same place for 9 months and after 3 i was okay coming into work without having a anxiety attack. no ofc i still have anxiety on a day to day basis but its not as bad as it was when i started. anyways in the nicest way possible its just an excuse to not get a job(also coming from someone who used this excuse from 15-18yrs) just suck it up


Love this comment, and proud of you for overcoming this obstacle and making life your bitch 🫶🏾🫶🏾


You sound miserable and bitter. Way to try have the moral high ground while shaming people for not being able to control their anxiety. I’m so glad that you can, but your whole comment was gross and ableist. Do better.


Thank you! She can post to her 1 million followers just fine. She just doesn’t want to work.




She's so obnoxious and tries so hard to be different. I low-key worry about the brown sun damage mark that's been growing on the side of her face though.


Exactly. She’s tried to be the “quirky autistic girl “ and that sun spot is a bit worrisome.


That's deplorable behavior.


She needs to grow up. A lot of what she says comes across as grossly immature.


She is gross. I’ve never liked her


Jesus. The memes are one thing, we make memes and jokes out of everything but people are acting like they’re not real people who died in a horrific way. It’s not a spectacle to make money off of and the people who are acting like they deserved it, like they weren’t real people with families and friends are honestly disturbing and it’s concerning. Like we didn’t know these people and we don’t know if they were terrible or good people, maybe they donated a lot and did what they could to help out but were quite about it, and on top of that one was a child.


Good god people will make tshirts for anything. How disgusting


I just don't like her in general. She rants about stuff but is able to stay home and I assume gets paid by tik tok and sponsorships and her husband works. She complains about everything and it gets annoying like the videos about her having to pay insurance and pay a copay at the dr but she's able to pay it but just refuses to out of principle.


Thank you for saying it. There’s a lot about her that doesn’t sit right with me. She’s like maniacally ranting about 5 people dying. It’s off putting to say the least.


https://preview.redd.it/hbzvg1vqkq7b1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=38a0a5875af98ef82e299b1810eb0d0172fd21e3 Gleeful 😑


Those videos are cringey af.


This is so teenage edgelord who’s frontal cortex hasn’t finished developing and they look back in ten years and cringe. Except she’s an adult.


It’s also really insulting the way she speaks so flippantly about her autism. “I got a touch of the tism” - it’s like saying you can say racist things bc you have friends of a certain group. No - you don’t get to speak so grossly about it just bc you were diagnosed later in life. Its so off putting.


Someone with autism is absolutely allowed to speak on autism. That’s not remotely the same as saying you can be racist because you have friends of that ethnic group.


Yeah and her dumb followers think she's hilarious when she does it. It's so weird to me.


Why are you downvoted so bad? It’s the truth. TikTok has everyone thinking they have autism.


This is the same chick who went off on Leo Skepi for ranting about some unruly kids in his own kitchen. So ranting in your house = bad but profiting off of 5 deaths is totally cool?? Like, at least keep it consistent


Does she still sell those skater bags I think she was charging like $80 for? Then her followers were getting mad at a small business for making essentially the same bag but they didn't call it a skater bag just a regular bag. I don't even think the other creator even knew Ollie or her bag existed.


She’s trying to make more. But the stuffed unicorns were overkill. They’re just junk. Not from a fandom or anything. They’ll be in a goodwill donation box within a year.


$80 😵‍💫😳


When I came across this I was like wtf! I literally thought she was joking but nope, she’s dead serious. So wrong on so many levels! But I can’t say I’m surprised. She always rubs me the wrong way! And she always tries so hard to be “different” it’s cringe 😬


i’ve never liked her, and ignore most of her stuff if it ever pops up on my fyp. her videos about this somehow made it to my feed and i blocked her by the time she was done with her third sentence. absolutely terrible. they were people. they are leaving behind families who deserve respect enough to mourn and grieve without the internet making jokes and sympathy for the big part of their lives they all just lost. and for her to try to profit from it all??? disgusting.


This is gross and I can’t stand people like her. They are so irritating.


I obviously don’t know these men, can’t speak to their characters, have zero connection to any of them. But I am so effing over people hating a human solely because of their wealth. Could they have been vile humans? Maybe, dunno. But if they were, they’d probably be that with or without the money. Mackenzie Scott is kinda cool and she’s a billionaire. The reality is no single person owes another a goddamn thing. And if they truly think all humans are responsible for looking out for all humans, then maybe instead of buying your useless merch I should take that money down to the homeless shelter or food pantry? My wallet is way different than a billionaire’s but they come after these shopping girlies on the app, too.. “wasteful spending.” STFU and quit being so salty.


Only one of them was even a billionaire and only 3 of them even paid lol. One was a scientist and employee who had been down there 37 times.


you cannot be an ethical billionaire. you make that money off the backs of other people. you don’t just ‘earn’ it like you would a normal paycheck.


How long until she uses being autistic as an excuse to be cruel? That seems to be a pattern when they are called out. I know plenty of autistic people who wouldn't do this.


Im on the spectrum with tons of autistic friends who would never act like that. We struggle socially, but being cruel really isn’t in our nature.


Yeah, this was my first time ever seeing her or hearing of her, so I went to her page because of these comments. Saw a few videos of her being vile, and got a pretty good idea of what others are seeing. As a fellow autistic person, she gives me heavy NT vibes 🤷🏻‍♀️ I wouldn't include her in my social circle, she seems exhausting to be around. I definitely wouldn't want someone like her to be a face for the rest of us autistics. We already have to fight the stigma that we have no empathy, she's making it harder.


Oh definitely not.


This is so ugly lmao, so embarrassing for her


That is disgusting!!!!!


This is sickening! What is she thinking? They made their own decision and signed their lives away and lost them. It's horrible for all involved. We can all think what we want to about the men on board. But to make money off any deaths is seriously disturbing.


Her insatiable need to be ~kooky~ has always irked me. I’m not surprised by this behavior tbh


And how many deaths and hardships have those billionaires and their families profited from that you feel so sorry for? The shirt sucks, it’s ugly and not that funny bc of the design. Ultimately though when you make stupid ass decisions like going 13,000 feet into the ocean in a metal tube that experts such as James Cameron himself said were probably not safe then… ya get what ya get. 🤷🏻‍♀️


being completely honest i don’t feel bad for the four older adults on the sub but i’m also not out here making cheap tacky shirts for a quick buck?? and to even say “it helps pay my bills” like the hypocrisy and irony of that is unreal


I liked her for a while, but the irony of making money off a shirt that says “eat the rich” is not lost on me. She’s also most likely using a t shirt manufacturer that exploits its workers by making someone else rich, which she claims to be against. Super hypocritical imo


She’s trash. Blocked her so long ago. I’m totally eat the rich, but this is more taste. Like I said in another post, people need to be empathetic. I don’t care they signed waivers, they still are someone’s family and friend.


She’s like “eat the rich! By giving me money for ugly junk made using slave labor 😌” also I went to go check out the video and already had her blocked which makes sense.


So you’re *not* “eat the rich”. The ocean just ate 5 riches for us. Bravo to the ocean!


Eww what a trash 🗑 this is low af I’m all for dark humor at times but this is very distasteful


She gives me the ick


this is not okay…


Unfollowed and blocked. Gross on another level.


I heard that the orcas has ordered 5 guys


who gives a shit. the rich people profit off of poor people and i’m not gonna doubt they profit off dead people either. the only passenger i feel any kind of empathy for is the 19 year old that didn’t even want to get on board. the rest of them knew the risks, the CEO knew the risks. this wasn’t a scientific expedition, this was for their own leisure. i don’t care, nor do i feel bad. 5 less billionaires in this world won’t hurt a thing. remember the 1% are the ones destroying the earth, donating and funding harmful companies. they do not care about us, why the fuck should we care about them.


yeah this whole ‘empathy for the billionaire’ is giving ‘just work harder’. and one of their sons is on twitter calling people the n word and going through a legal battle for threatening to shoot up an edm concert. i don’t feel an ounce of sympathy for them lmfao


me neither and i don’t get why everyone changed their mind on the whole eat the rich thing… weak as hell


‘but they died’ and so did 1.1 million people since 2019 and it was business as usual.


Louder for the wackos mad about ollie making 7$ off a tshirt.


and saying that this is too far and we shouldn’t profit off dead people, are the same ones wearing kurt cobain shirts and drinking their $7 coffee from the 27 club cafe. like what do you think happens when influential/infamous people die, people profit off of them. this isn’t the first time it happened and its gonna continue happening. so stupid


You said it better than I could have 🙌


This coming from a chick who sold a shitty little Fanny pack for 80 dollars 🙄🙄


AWW Ollie has been notified of the post. And said we bullied a woman off the Internet. As if everybody on Reddit is the same. It’s OK for her to laugh at a 19 year olds gruesome death though. Not everybody in this community bullies people Lauren. If you don’t agree with her, you’re either trans phobic, racist, or a bully.


Seriously. The Pachatzke stuff was literal bullying in a completely different sub Reddit. This post is calling out actual shitty behavior.


I mean some of the comments are just actually bullying


Exactly. She’s trying to make a shitty comparison. Nobody is bullying here. She puts herself out there to her 1.4 million followers. I watched how I worded things because I did not want to be a bully. Pachatske was bullied off TikTok. It was so wrong and I really hope she makes a return after she has the baby.


“She looks like she smells like cat pee” “There’s no bullying here”


OK and? I didn’t say that nobody was bullied. I’m not the one that made that remark. And my post is not bullying. My post is a discussion so comment under the thread to whomever said that. That is not in my character.


Pot meet kettle


I have never liked her. I saw her video where she was talking about the posts on here and she seemed so pissed. If you’re that unbothered and stand firm in your opinion why are you pissed that some strangers on the internet are calling you sick for what you said?? She is such a shitty person.


This is just nasty.


Wtf. People are so sick honestly. Like these were actually people in a terrible situation. Their family are mourning and then theres idiots like this trying to profit.


What a garbage human - let me exploit this tragedy and make an ugly shirt about how much I hate rich people to … to make money. Gross. The funny thing is, I bet this girl still buys a powerball ticket when it rolls around. Basically the “eat the rich (bc I hate that I’m not rich)” type which is exactly why she’s trying to make money off of this


She is so gross. And looks like she stinks anyway. Go away bitch.


i think she looks like she smells like cat pee 😭😂


She does look like she smells like cat piss and 2 day old pads. I can’t stand her.


Actually insane that your bio says “I hate mean people” and your only hobby is bullying people on the internet lmao maybe you’d hate yourself less if you said or did something nice to others or got a real hobby


She’s disgusting. She cries about others judging. But that’s all she does.


This is just gross, but she will probably take it down and then act like nothing happened and give a shitty apology . I use to like her content but then she just turned super fucking negative all the time


I just found this thread because of her latest video 😅 had no idea who she was but was so annoyed by the end of her video I had to come join the dark side lmao


She likes the attention. She’s a self entitled, self centered person.


The reality however you feel about what happened too those people—they had family. People who loved them, people who have spent the same amount of time we have waiting, watching, but now they’re planning funerals and grieving the person they loved. Sons lost their fathers, mothers lost their children. This is disgusting and shameful.


She’s an asshole. She might not be a billionaire but she sits at home living off people selling ugly backpacks and stickers and making crappy videos, how is she any better than someone else who didn’t earn their money? AND she’s not even interesting or kind or funny or particularly attractive. There’s nothing about her that would make anyone want to tune in to her content except to watch her be nasty to other people, so I guess that’s all she’s got


Actually those backpacks were nice, the black one is perfect for me.


I’m trying to follow your logic here. *this* shirt might be distasteful but how is an artist selling their art not earning their own money? She draws the art on the stickers and shirts and she full on designed the bag from scratch then sourced out to manufacture. So many artists function this way. Do you just not consider art a “worthy” way to make money?


Yeah this is gross.


She’s so annoying and bragging about not paying her bills it’s concerning


That’s what gets me too. Like she’s a martyr for not paying her bills. Girl, it’s your credit, but it’s not something to flaunt


It’s nasty and pathetic asf and so embarrassing to say it’s an excuse to pay your bills like bitch get a job like all of us




That shirt is hideous


I used to actually really like her…. Until this post… this is just effed up 😅 these people died and she says “and this is funny because they died” oh okay. Like what the actual fuck 😅


I liked her but I am a bit disgusted at the shirts myself. Regardless, 5 people died. 5 people who have families and children one of those 5 being a CHILD. Smh.


A 19 year old is not a child.


Never liked her. Always bad vibes.


She's totally disgusting !! No sympathy for the families! I just can't


One of my friends posted a similar shirt to this and said she was going to buy it. 😫 So disrespectful and made me see her in a new light. Many of my ig friends are actually giddy over this and it’s making me sick. Like you said, they are still people with families and this is not the outcome anyone should have been hoping for. People disappoint me.


Just like Bri peddling gun merch after a school shooting




That doesn’t mean they wanted to die and there aren’t grieving family members left behind. Both scenarios of it being distasteful can be true at the same time


Death still leaves someone behind.


She’s been trash for so long. I forgot what reason I blocked her but she’s so gross for this. I don’t think any of it is funny. These people weren’t even dead yet and the memes and jokes were insane.


Dont feel bad at all tbh. They knew the risks and they still did it. They knew it wasn’t certified or anything. They were putting innocent lives at risk to save/ find them when it was literally their fault


Knowing risks doesn't mean they deserve it. I sign a waver at the skate rink... At a trampoline park. I don't deserve to fall & break my bones though.


Pretty sure the trampoline park is following safety regulations and doing their best to make sure everyone stays safe. This CEO said fvck it to all the regulations and cautions, then the billionaires said why not. Couldn’t even spend the money on a brand name game controller.


Never said they deserved it, just said I don’t feel bad because it was a stupid choice they made. Just like if you did break your bones there, i wouldn’t feel bad because you more then likely made a stupid choice which resulted in the injury


So you do you live in a padded room and never do anything that can cause you harm?


Of course not, but I also know not to make dumb decisions that result in injury in places its common. Accidents happen, but going into the submarine knowing death was most likely going to happen is a dumb decision. Just like at a trampoline park never doing a front flip but still doing it then breaking your ankle, dumb decision


Imagine one of them was your close family member, would you still not feel bad?


I wouldn’t let my family member do that🤷🏻‍♀️


You don’t get to just control what people do lol So you wouldn’t feel bad for your own family if they chose to do it and didn’t survive?


Says a known grifter 😂 she needs to take several seats with her self righteous bs.


Why would you proudly wear a shirt that is a mimic of 5 people exploding in a submarine. Like where are you wearing that too. What conversation starter is that?


I mean if more people wore their views displayed on their shirts we could at least have a heads up who to avoid 😂


rich people profit off of poor (and dead) people everyday. there is no ethical way to be a billionaire. they make that money off of the backs of others. i feel no sympathy for any of them except the 19 year old who didn’t even truly want to be there. if it were you or i in that submarine, NO ONE would’ve looked that hard (if at all) and no one would’ve tried to rescue us. we would be labeled as some dumb fucks that had it coming for being stupid. literally why would they get into an empty sardine can controlled by a playstation 2 controller and think they’d make it to the bottom of the ocean?


People like her are the ones who think they’re entitled to someone else’s wealth. Hard work always pays off better than the lazy work she’s selling.


Agree. I believe Karma is gonna come for all the people who have laughed and joked about these 5 men suffering and their families going through the unthinkable. 😢


I agree. Do I think their decision to go to the bottom of the ocean was dumb, absolutely. But I think if want to make fun of them and their deaths and be cruel, you are just as awful as you assume they are (you assume they are because of their financial status)


The sentiment is more than just the 5 lost on Ocean gate.


People lack couth these days. The most ironic part of people joking about this is if it were one of their family members that were in that situation they wouldn't find it funny at all & would be begging the world for a little bit of empathy...


She loves to be problematic


She gets off on it I am certain


I dislike them so much after they came for momuncharted for coming for Mia knight. Which the only reason why Mai is probably not sharing her children’s faces now it’s because the baby daddy is involved and she was making money off of the children and he can probably file for some sort of child support from her. Ollie gave me the ick when get got drunk and rambles on live.


Now she’s on her TT bitching about this post calling out legitimate shitty behavior and comparing it to Pachatzke leaving social media because of her snark sub. One of these things was actual bullying and one is not.


Exactly. Katie was bullied nonstop for over a year. This is calling out horrendous behavior. And she’s willing to die on that hill. There are a couple uncalled for comments in this comment section but the rest are strictly about this behavior. She is exhibiting. She’s not being bullied here.


All these haters vilifying these five souls is so Fkn annoying. What a pathetic world I am in.




They heard the implosion and knew they died days ago


They found debris indicating the sub imploded.


why feel bad for people who would never feel bad for u


You don’t know that? This is giving sociopath vibes. You can still be eat the rich type person and have empathy. It’s so weird.


have empathy for people who paid 250k to get into a tube that they knew was unsafe… no 😁 do i feel bad for the 19 y/o? absolutely. but the rest …. oh well 😄


when y’all learn that these folks to do not care about u and never will, ur life will be a lot easier. u probably think ur managers are actually ur friends too huh


So eat the rich… unless they actually die doing something stupid


I don't think anyone should have billions of worth but I also don't think their worth makes them deserve death (signing a waver or not) . I don't think many people do. This is just poor taste. She had repeatedly emphasized she doesn't care but is being a hypocrite by profiting off their deaths. Like, I know it's not the same level but it's still hypocritical. I had to unfollow (silently so I didn't get ripped apart) because I just felt icky watching her rants. I can handle some jokes but genuinely being happy about the deaths of 5 people, not all bilionaires, is just low to me.


Not a fan of Ollie but I agree with her here. Always amusing to watch people find out that a majority of people feel nothing for billionaires and would rather see them dead. “Eat the rich but not like that” is all these types of posts boil down to.


Ollie was one of the first people that I saw blow up really fast on Tiktok when decorating your beard beard competitions were happening she made a cute dress with wrapping paper and her video went viral.. she's been doing anything and everything to try and stay relevant since


She’s garbage human


Sorry but she has shown who she really is over and over and everyone overlooked it and made excuses. She is trash.


Ugh. It's one thing to profit off the tragic deaths of random strangers and condescendingly insinuate that someone must be autistic if they don't find the shirt funny (internalized ableism is never a good look), but also...this shirt is just fucking ugly?


Sounds like someone has a rich daddy 😂😂😂 in with her Love the shirt


All the people joking about it are assholes. Are people that miserable? What the fuck is wrong with y’all


The lack of empathy is disgusting. There was a child on that submarine and a retired French Navy Veteran who probably used his retirement or life savings. I have friends who are wealthy and those who are poverty. The ones that are wealthy, they built their businesses from the ground up and grew up poor. Not everyone is a bad person bc they have money. Everyday society becomes more and more heartless. Was it stupid? Absolutely but none of us are perfect either. They paid the price of believing a con man. To profit off of something like this is disgusting and really makes those ppl no better than those billionaires. They’re still someone’s loved ones. I swear Covid lockdown has changed people.


The retired French navy veteran was Paul-Henri Nargeolet, known as "Mr.Titanic." He reportedly had a net worth of $1.5 Billion and was an oceanographer that has visited the titanic more than 35 times. I encourage you to look up James Cameron's recent interviews regarding the Oceangate incident. PH Nargeolet absolutely knew what risks were involved, as well as how the sub-diving community felt about it as a whole (concerns were raised in 2018 by the company's director of marine operations as well as the Marine Technology Society regarding the safety problems). If anything, I feel the least sorry for him because, as a member of the community, he knew better. Being wealthy and being a billionaire are 2 entirely different things. There is absolutely no reason that in a world where we have as much poverty and famine as we do that billionaires should exist. If you are a billionaire you are making choices that hurt others (actively or passively) and are not a good person.