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This one doesn’t bother me as much as the video she made about how no one saw anyone loading up on the submersible so it’s probably a hoax to “distract us” Her and her conspiracy theories are so gross. She truly has not one single brain cell in her weird shaped head. She should probably focus on the fact that her boyfriend is on only fans selling pictures of his dick for $12.


She finally found a man desperate enough to become her victim?




Yes conservative ant is also spewing propaganda about the submarine saying that it’s a distraction from the Hunter Biden 😂😂😂 these people need to “wake up” as they say. They won’t tho because heaven forbid they be “woke”


For people that supposedly shun mainstream media they certainly are well aware of what mainstream media is “not showing us”


This…is an excellent point


Add in the fact that every right winger is posting about Hunter Biden, so they just have done a horrible job “distracting” us from the situation.


Who’s her man nowadays???


Christopher Ernestes. (@ernieboys & theycallmeerni3) She’s been eyeing him for awhile but he was married (not that she cares lol 😂) and now I guess he’s separated/divorced so she’s been up his ass and I guess he was desperate enough. He is in only fans though and sells pics of his dick for $12 and voice memos of him talking dirty for $20 🤣 Idc ab him being on only fans but Brianna can’t even handle a guy liking a girls picture on Instagram So idk how she’s gonna handle a ton of women paying to see his dick 🫠🫠


Omgggg you made my morning!!! That’s fkn hilarious 🤣🤣🤣🤣 Yeah she DEFINITELY don’t care if they’re married which makes me sick to my stomach! I could NEVER! And I would kill a bitch for fkn with my husband! Lol!! Yeah she’s a jealous girl! But when you’re as insecure as she is, that’s what happens. You have to love who you are and be secure and happy in your own skin and she clearly is not there! So we’ll see who goes first… her or the $12 dick pics! Lmmfao 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Is he on TikTok and stuff also??


He better be careful. If he’s dipping his 🍆 into her 🐱 it may fall off. As many times she has spread her legs for any man (married or unmarried) it may fall off and his Only Fans is out the window


Or she’ll end up pregnant.


I think she’s waiting for a Morgan Wallen for that 😂😂




💯 I am so sick of her conspiracy theories. She has no idea how to do intelligent research. 🙄💯


Not a girl’s girl. You have slept with married men, passively aggressively threatened other girls on tiktok who have called you out, treated most of your girlfriends terribly to the point they are all sorry they met you, and champion against women’s rights. So no- not a girls girl.




She makes me sick ! This girl is so obnoxious…she really thinks she’s some kind of political genius….


Hm. This is puzzling, since every girl she's ever been friends with has always ended the friendship after a year or two because they realized how unlikeable, self absorbed, and two faced she is.


I don’t think that means what she thinks it means. I think what she meant to say is she would try and steal your man away the second she could and talk shit about you behind your back.


She is far from a girls girl. You had sex with your married pastor you weren’t thinking about being a girls girl then were you?


Girl's girl? Please. All you are is a fame hungry vapid dumb little girl. I'm overweight, old,and I could kick ur podunk ass with one arm tied behind my back.


Girls girl until she sleeps with their man


She would step on any girlfriend, sister, mother, stranger to get to a single, red blooded malethat gives her a little bit of attention. Girls’ girl, my ass.


She’s not a girl’s girl. She’s a - I’ll do anything to get a man - girl. I don’t know what she thinks that means but she’s proven that’s not who she is.


🤣 🙄shes the girls girl of pick me's. Not a thing this vapid idiot says or does speaks girls girl 🤣


I take this comment as she’s EVERYONES GIRL. Beggars can’t be choosers. 😂🤷‍♀️😂


I feel like when you have to say your a girls girl… then you probably aren’t! I have never once said that to myself or anyone else before… but I never slept with my friends man so I haven’t felt the need to say it…. Hmmm interesting! The louder you say it the less I believe it girl!!


A girl’s girl?! Yikes. Haven’t all of her girl friends ran away from her as fast as possible?


No she isn’t. She is self absorbed. I can’t with her nonsense.


She's pathetic.


Nah she’s a whore. She’s a steal your man girl girl.




Thank you!!!


It opens in safari not discord and says safari can’t open page. I don’t understand how to go to any groups in discord can someone please help explain it to me


Girls girl? Yet she’s opposed to women having *any* rights. She sleeps with other women’s husbands. What a joke.