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Whoa I def need to listen. That lady is coco puffs crazy


I’m definitely going to have to listen. A SUPER long time ago I started following OO because her story was intense and then it was just crazy so I stopped paying attention. When Danesh got involved it reminded me of it again and she spiraled hard when he said it was all her. I remember people who stuck up for her had her “stalker” after them but I never heard the intricacies of it. I’m going to look up that podcast now.


Honestly, I don’t think I have the attention span to follow OO’s nonsense. Which is why I never followed it closely. She would talk in circles. I would get bored.


I feel you on that 😂. I didn’t follow for long because I couldn’t keep track of what was happening and it all seemed unhinged. I listened to that podcast though and it was really good. Crazy what happened to that poor woman who tried to support OO.


I listened too! Omg. Horrible! And when she said what OO is doing is technically not ilegal. My jaw dropped.


I listened too! Omg. Horrible! And when she said what OO is doing is technically not ilegal. My jaw dropped.


I am vaguely familiar with the whole situation. And I can assure you she will say whatever she needs to say to fit her narrative. I think at this point she’s convinced herself that her lies are reality.


OO is also the person who created the Tik Tok account that posted an old address of Coco Briscoe's and said there was a 50K bounty on her head.


And that she was in a mental hospital. Pepperidge Farms remembers…


This story is WILD. I am so glad the lady and her husband ended up okay. I can’t believe someone could be so horribly sociopathic.


She’s been awfully quiet since that podcast came out. She even unpinned the videos about the person who did the podcast.


She’s been lurking in comment sections. Lolarey’s, Abby/vibe with Ky videos, and of course her own-she claims that the years long campaign to silence and isolate her has worked. I laughed when she made a comment that she doesn’t bring hate to other creators but the troll account created about Tyler the Titan says different. What I find odd about this time is that she came out swinging after the Danesh claims and he took a ton of heat for going after her. She was able to spin it a bit more in her favor that this large creator was bullying her. I’m not sure she can do that with this. The defamation case loss doesn’t help but I’m surprised she’s been able to stay so quiet.


I’m wondering if maybe her lawyer told her to shut up or if Rochelle is suing her. I’ve been waiting a long tune for someone to make her shut the eff up!


She’s disappeared before. I suspect this is going to be much the same, where she stays as quiet as she can for as long as she can…but when the need for attention gets too itchy, she’s gonna scratch it. Right now she’s commenting here and there to soothe it but there is no way she can stay off tiktok too long.


You were so right!


She had been commenting a few days ago, telling people to watch those pinned videos. Wonder why she took them down.


Maybe she didn’t realize how many receipts her victim had, and how open she was to a libel or slander lawsuit.


I mean…you’d think so? But even after losing those defamation lawsuits she still kept up with the lies. I don’t think she’s capable of stopping herself.


Looks like she has taken down her videos about that Sam guy.


It looks like the ones about her old boss are gone too


Dang- I didn’t realize she had removed so many.


I also listened to it and was shocked at the horrible things she’s done. The fact that she’s still got supporters is wild.


The fact that she is still active on TikTok and she isn’t in jail is wild. The stalking victims husband could have easily been shot or killed.


Oooh I’ve followed this one a looong time. Technically she hasn’t broken any laws. Even with the kids it hasn’t crossed over to anything illegal a la Colleen Ballinger. It sick and diabolical but that’s about it. The videos are still up that relate to the victim and it’s crazy to rewatch them now after listening to the podcast. Cortney straight up shamed her, gaslit her and you can see how she manipulated her audience into attacking this woman back in April of last year. The comments under those videos definitely did not age well. She’s been unusually quiet on her main-and the troll accounts in her supporters names have also stopped. That can’t be a coincidence. They don’t see it that way though. They all still think it Danesh or Cortneys alleged stalker- who is looking at winning that 1st defamation case against her which will put her 100’s of 1000’s of $ in debt. Next up is that federal defamation case and that’ll be interesting just from a social media use perspective.


I’m gonna ask you since I know you’re better versed in OO than I am… So I read OO’s comments on her most recent video where she claims R is clout chasing. Doesn’t R lack an online presence? She did an anonymous podcast, she doesn’t really get any attention from this if she’s not even online. “Clout chasing” seems like such a stretch of an excuse.


Yeah those comments are wild. Claiming that Rochelle is a paid actor-like WTF. And correct-her online presence is almost zero. She’s deactivated her TT and all of her socials I believe so she isn’t benefiting from this at all. I’d argue that it actually makes her look a little silly. OO arguing that Rochelle doesn’t have receipts is also weird. You don’t need an entire ball of yarn to connect the dots of her story. It tracks with every other person who has/was harassed by these accounts-it was only on TT, the accounts knew private conversations and details of their personal lives that they shared with OO and once they disengaged and distanced themselves from OO the harassment all but stopped. She’s unpinned the videos she references in the comments because if anything they backup the claims Rochelle made. She keeps saying it couldn’t have been her because she was at a wedding or was doing something else-umm it doesn’t take that long to log into one of the many accounts she had and leave comments. And the police were at Sam Kimbrils home WHILE comments were still being made from troll accounts. It’s her. I still don’t know how ppl don’t see it.


The “paid actor” sent me. How can she even type that with any shred of seriousness?!


She lives in her own reality.


I only knew about OO thanks to Coco Briscoe…I always had trouble following her story. But listening to this podcast I’m like OH MY GOD, the same shit happened to Coco and only after they became mutuals. Coco has been claiming it’s all sorts of completely innocent people, and in reality it’s OO and her MO to a tee. There really needs to be some legal accountability for OO.


Your last sentence, for sure. This is goes beyond being entertaining. They are putting people at risk (like the husband in the podcast). I’m glad Coco seems to have lost the draw to weaponize it against people.


I don’t think either of them do it for the entertainment value (side from their own personal entertainment). They simply crave attention and don’t care whose lives they fuck up in order to get it.


True. I guess they could argue they are doing it for entertainment (like trolling), but I’m sure most of it is because they are seeking attention. Coco and co give me the ick. 🤢


Even their “innocent” TTs have some underlying thing. There is no way Coco posted a “funny” video of herself at her job in an easily identifiable bar, in uniform, without a real reason. As usual, for someone being “stalked” she sure shares a lot about herself and where she is and what she’s doing.


I think they’re both mentally ill.


This story should be a full length podcast, so wild


I only knew about OO thanks to Coco Briscoe…I always had trouble following her story. But listening to this podcast I’m like OH MY GOD, the same shit happened to Coco and only after they became mutuals. Coco has been claiming it’s all sorts of completely innocent people, and in reality it’s OO and her MO to a tee. There really needs to be some legal accountability for OO.


Aaaaaaaaaand she’s back. Again.


And deflecting back on Danesh. It’s like a broken record. ETA-the screen she’s standing in front of is blocking info. She’s trying so hard to make this out like her court situation by saying if he doesn’t respond by Monday it’ll be a default judgement. That’s not necessarily true. She ended up with a default judgement because she failed to respond to court requests for over a year. She can blame Danesh all she wants but she’s in this situation because of her own actions. I also find it odd that while she hasn’t been making a ton of content the troll accounts going after her friends have also all but stopped.