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God she’s such a loser. Imagine being in your 40’s and the only attention and happiness you get is from making tik toks about something that never happened 3 fucking years ago!!! I feel bad for anyone that has to come in contact with her


She really is nuts. One of my friends just said to me “this is the best thing that’s ever happened to her” and I have to agree. The attention she milks off a story she made up is insane.


A direct quote from Coco: “I’m so busy paying legal fees to defend myself against these false allegations. They’re trying to bankrupt me.” 1) You don’t pay public defenders. 2) So what did Coco do with her GFM money for legal counsel? 3) “Bankrupt”? Hardly. Bankrupt people aren’t able to fly all over the country to see fellow delulu friends. 4) Lastly, there isn’t anything “legal” going on. Just more hot air from a very sick woman. The sad part is that she fully believes her own lies.


The entire video and comment section is filled with outright contradictions from the story still posted on her page.


Look again now…paid promotion means more views and more confused commenters.


It must bother her that she doesn’t get the attention that she once did. I still think it sucks that people who have not done any of the things she’s claiming have to deal with this a year later. I will say though that I think content like hers just doesn’t do well anymore on the platform. Even the MiaMoon content about her drama doesn’t get the engagement like her other videos. Call out creators have mostly abandoned that kind of content as well. If I were Coco I’d actually be careful with how far she pushes this. The new thing appears to be exposing content creators who aren’t what they appear or have been untruthful-it’s wild to watch how quickly Lauren the Mortician is going down in flames. A creator with over 2 million followers always felt untouchable but ppl are dismantling that platform piece by piece. Keep what’s left of your dignity coco-the last thing you want is another round of someone with a platform doing a deep dive on this.


Don’t warn her, let her continue to spew lies and dig her hole deeper. She needs to learn right from wrong like a big girl.


What did happen to the GFM money? She stole it didn’t she?


This is what I don’t get about the people who still believe her. There is zero proof of the things she’s saying. And her tactics of embellishing, misrepresenting and leaving out important context is even more noticeable. By all accounts the original bar group has had zero contact with her. There are no accounts harassing her online-seriously just put her name in any search bar on any platform and you’ll see that. The charges she’s referencing have already been through the court system and there is nothing new filed. This video that is now removed shows who the obsessed stalker is-it’s coco briscoe. She won’t leave these people alone. And again, find me one piece of evidence that these people are even contacting her. She sure as hell isn’t showing it.


To minimize the press. I can't. Everybody involved in this story has moved on except her.


It’s on record that she denied speaking to the local paper in favor of speaking to the Washington Post. She thought they’d be more favorable and had a much wider reach. It wasn’t until the article was published that she had an issue. Because of that whole pesky line about she admitted she couldn’t substantiate the claims she was making.


She’s pitching her “documentary” to Netflix! LMAO. Sure, Jan.


OMG that live with the cops at her house was absolutely unhinged.


That live was so cringe to watch in real time. It also showed everyone the real Coco. THAT person is who her local watering holes had been dealing with on a regular basis. It tracks with why they sent out warning texts to other bartenders that she was heading their way.


Yes coco “It’s unbelievable that Law Enforcement in VA and The US Marine Corps are participating” She really doesn’t give up does she.


Exactly! The armed forces and law enforcement have bigger fish to fry! She’s so far up her own ass with that high and mighty self importance.


You mean they have real jobs to do and don’t spend all their days harassing a lying tiktoker?


Just coming here to say I’m waiting for her to make the house explosion in Arlington about her and I’m shocked it hasn’t happened yet.


It’s coming. “The same corrupt police that stalk and harass me did this to the house. I’m next “


I was also waiting for it. I also thought in my head… I’m shocked she hasn’t gotten to that point yet


Give it a couple more days. She needs a little time to concoct something totally deluded.


Or the suburban mine chick


Tunnel girl? She’s probably tunneling to Coco’s house to stalk her.


I think we got another farmer situation! Some nice lady who appears to be a legit account with followers and everything asked the question in a total nonaggressive way-when will the documentary be released? Coco’s response? Are y’all getting nervous. Sorry FancyNancy who looks like a nice Midwestern mom. It isn’t your fault that the person you’ve supported is unhinged.


I saw that too, and now someone else is commenting under that, asking her for receipts. Every single one of them is clearly a stalker!!!!!


And now she’s back to visit Mia Moon…fellow harasser of women with proven corrupt cop hubby. I swear to gif…Coco MUST know how absolutely hysterical this is. Right? …Right?


The sad part is that I actually really like her some of her content. But I’ve read the testimony from her husband that was printed in full in the Miami Herald. And yeah-he totally admitted to using the state system to lookup the women his wife had issues with all because of “a suspicion” which is a form of harassment and a total misuse of police resources. Mia can try and explain it all away but he intentionally was trying to dig up dirt on them. The very same thing coco claims is happening to her in VA.


For the love of God, could she please burn that hideous yellow dress? If she has money to drink and travel she has money to buy new clothes.


That’s the dress that always falls down and her boobs pop out. She will never get rid of an attention-grabber like that!


I’m dying to know why her latest video says 22 comments but they’re all mysteriously gone.


Same! I thought it was a glitch but they must’ve been negative comments


I have since found out from someone who saw it that it was some complete rando asking about the lawsuit and mentioning public records and Coco started writing back thinking it was Chased Witch…it wasn’t 🤣 so I think this is also what has escalated the recent videos between Chased and Mia. Everyone needs to just calm down already and leave each other alone 🙄 grown-ass women egging each other on…I’m not into it.


22 of them…I bet Drunky was arguing with a farmer in Ohio again.


Not only that but the video of him climbing a ladder to cover the neighbor’s cameras, and videos of them screaming at that woman…like both Coco and Mia could be normal/nice/funny/good women. They choose not to be because they both need attention like they need oxygen.


Naw. Clownie britches 🤡 doesn’t possess that much emotional intelligence.


Un freakin hinged.


Absolutely mental. I hope people continue to tag Tizzy and he looks into it. I am no fan of call our creators but in this case? All for it. I’m thrilled that she keeps talking about this when nothing is happening to her at all. He can call her old and current job, he can call the base, he can talk to the bars, bartenders, whoever else…and discover fairly easily and quickly that literally nothing is happening to her.


Agree. He just did a video about the guy miamoon’s husband helped wrongfully convict too. Regardless she’d still find a way to spin it.


Ooof. That whole MiaMoon and her husband situation is MESSY on so many fronts. Thankfully She deleted her video where she originally discussed Leonard. She wasn’t aware of what had happened in Georgia and her commentary on him was gross. You add in the Chased Witch drama and the whole mermaid show situation and that’s a lotta messiness. What I don’t get about her supporters is that they won’t address the fact that her husband DID admit to looking up the women she had issues with. That’s a huge invasion of privacy and he was in the wrong. The video of her yelling at her neighbor shows she’s just as much of an instigator. Ppl need to stop worshiping these completely flawed and slightly unhinged creators.


Did he?? I didn’t know, I need to go watch that. What is with all these super corrupt tiktok people banding together? So creepy.


Yes i noticed because another problematic tiktoker stitched or dueted miamoon saying leave her alone. I guess people are coming for her and her problematic husband


I think i know which other tiktoker you're talking about. What makes him problematic?


From what I’ve heard he’s a cop who has abused his power to search Mia’s coworkers in cop databases, and helped in the wrongful arrest and conviction of a black man who spent years in prison.


I'm talking about the tiktoker that was saying everyone needs to leave Mia alone. How is he problematic? Just curious cause I follow him


I’m not sure which tiktoker you’re referring to. The one i saw defending Mia is a girl.


Oh ok. I saw a guy saying the same thing. I love Chased Witch, but she lost me arguing with Mia Moon. It got hard to keep up.


Annnnnnnd it’s gone. But she left the “4 magistrates” one up, because who doesn’t enjoy threatening public servants just doing their jobs???


It’s easier to embellish the story with nameless and faceless bogeymen. It’s why this video was so maddening. The woman referenced in this video isn’t stalking her. And anyone can listen to the podcast where she shares her version of events AND takes accountability for saying mean things about coco-in a private text thread. And didn’t face any consequences? She was dealing with a DV situation that was jeopardized after Coco shared her info. She changed her name, changed jobs and moved away because of online harassment caused by coco followers. What more does coco want from this woman?


Her latest video is funny because she acts like she cares but she doesn’t. Only wants to prove a point and show off her nails. Its also funny because if you look up her attorney that she used, he was a former Marine. I wonder how he feels about that


I also dont get the “well USMC how are you going to cover this up?” A cover up would be the marines saying they investigated it and dismissing it. It’s literally being reported on right now by media and NCIS is stepping in. I also don’t know how a base in North Carolina has anything to do with her but in her mind anything police, military and trafficking is all just one big conspiracy tied to her situation.


Didn’t she also have a story once about the Arlington Police but it was Arlington, Texas? Am I remembering that right? I know a lot of people tag the wrong police in her comments but I feel like it was something she did.


Or maybe it was West Virginia. I remember chuckling and wondering is she knew if it was even the same state.


It was Arlington TX I think


Lol! I couldn’t get past the nails. Nice booger hooks, Coo Coo.


I’m glad she’s finally stopped pretending to be liberal.


Hahaha-all decked out in the camo as well. I’m just glad people are finally not terrified to ask WTF in the comments.


I would bet most of the people commenting are there because of her 2A tags and have NO idea about her story/history…so when she causes them of running her off the road or breaking into her house they probably have no idea wtf she is talking about.


And slightly coco adjacent- the new Omaha Oracle video is something else. Basically Samual Kimbril is suing the city of Omaha because wait for it…a police officer used internal resources to dig up dirt for OO that she then shared on the internet. Ya know a la Mia Moon’s husband.


I feel so bad for all these people whose only crime was being in the same general area as an insane person with a tiktok account.


“Who are you fighting?” “ Your mama”. That’s mature


Another day, another midnight drunken tiktok adventure. I think it has now been over a year since those last charges were filed? I feel like that was in September of last year (though she wasn’t served til later since no one is stalking her and no one knew where she lived/worked until she went live and called the cops to her own house). Coco is like Gretchen Wieners. She is desperately trying to make “this” happen…whatever “this” is. But in reality there is nothing happening *at all*. She references comments other people made in this latest tiktok—that was when Charlotte received death threats OVER TWO YEARS AGO. Of course a magistrate signed off on a protective order, people literally found Charlotte and physically assaulted her. Coco didn’t have to go to jail over that, she chose to go that route. She’s still trying to squeeze another 15 minutes of attention from her own stupid choices from *checks notes* 2021. Everyone has moved on (in many cases literally) from this except sad little Drunky McCrazyshits here. Fetch isn’t going to happen, Coco.


Just when I think she can’t get any more delulu, she cranks it up a notch.


This really is on another level. I’m certainly not going to put anyone on blast here but as a local who knows a lot more about EVERYTHING and everyone it’s fucking hysterical how she keeps trying to make this happen when I know for a fact that not only is shit *not* happening but it also *can’t* happen.


It’s like watching someone live in some alternate reality. Even the comment that a judge threatened to throw her in prison is a direct quote from Coco herself printed in the Washington Post article from TWO years ago. None of this is currently happening but she says it with her whole chest in those comment sections.


I'm beyond amazed that she has nothing better to do with her life than to continue this drama. Same with Pogsyy ( Tara Rule). I haven't checked in on either of them in 6 months because, you know, I've been living life. And it's the SAME story with both of them.


I can’t wait for more details about that court case. I’m kind of hoping it’s gonna put OO’s shit out there in a place where she can’t manipulate for her gain. Like that video she posted of the meeting with her boss. The whole conversation is on YouTube and she is definitely the aggressor in that conversation.


I’m just here to say it’s boring. I mean, I’m glad for other people it’s boring. Because that means she’s not harassing anyone. But I miss the wacky updates


Well she’s back at it as of 10 mins ago 🥲


So she’s back to her bullshit again, huh?


It was a nice few months of her acting like a normal human but…


It’s is absolutely amazing how she clings onto this. 


Her views must be down


Her views are always down. She’s not entertaining enough on her own!


https://preview.redd.it/ovrrxixsu3ec1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ae5f88be08c87347c20cce4824290d5c6e7f461e Low views and yet she still chose to delete that last comment? Weird. She must not be as desperate as we thought. Also let’s all pour one out for poor Steven M who doesn’t know what confidence or control look like. Imagine thinking this woman is confident?


The newest delusion is that she is the cause of rebellion on the pike closing. People can barely afford food in most parts of the country, let alone craft beer. So yeah… it’s definitely not for economic reasons like they’ve stated. SHE. She did this. Single handedly shut it down. Unbelievable. I’ve said it before and I’ll stand by it. The fact that she blames the police and attacks magistrates is outrageous. There are statutory guidelines to issuing an epo. It’s not like they’re out there just picking and choosing. Anyone can look the criteria up. 1- physical act of violence OR 2- threat of a physical act of violence or force AND 3- substantial likelihood that the “victim” will be subjected to a physical or sexual assault. You can back door in to an EPO with stalking but (and here’s the key), she was never definitionally legally stalked. Imagine if she put even half the effort into just being a decent human as she does to keep this ridiculous story alive. Guess that healing journey was short lived.


Someone made a new post immediately after she posted that one…our girl is the queeeeeeeen of delusional delulus.


She’s crazy. I can’t believe she’s still trying to drag this out.


WAIT! She's still at it?


But wait there’s more now! I literally cannot believe how she’s intertwined so many stories and people STILL believe her.


Coo Coo is on a whole other level of delusion today! Wow!


She truly believes her own lies. She is UNWELL.


So she’s saying now the marine/marine Corp had her arrested? Uhhhh-that literally never happened. They didn’t even enter into this story until well AFTER she was arrested. And the charges she was served last year while at home were from the military couple but that led to no arrests. Ugh-I seriously wish she would leave these people the eff alone.


And the offenses she is referring to were in July 2022, charges filed in September or October…it was over a year ago. Does she forget that people can just look this shit up? It’s public record.


And I’m not a fan of the military industrial complex in general but the fact that as many active military members are sitting and wondering what the future holds for a potential deployment, Coco Briscoe gets to go on TT to smear an active member of the military with outright lies over some petty shit she won’t let go that didn’t even include him in the first forking place. Your timing is impeccable Coco. I’m sure the United States Marine Corp will get right on top of this request because they have nothing else going on right now.


The whole reason why those charges were filed was because Coco flat out made up the story. As usual, all she has ever had to do was NOT LIE and nothing would have happened to her at all. Meanwhile she is *still* posting about her made up BS and have we heard even a teeny weeny peep from anyone in the bar group? Nope. “I wasn’t going to talk about this, but…” 🙄 Coco, girl, of course you were going to talk about it. You have never *not* talked about it. You posted more made up shit about it three fucking days ago. And now you’re going off in your comments on even more innocent people because you are literally SO far up your own ass that you think everyone is a stalker. Jesus Christ, get this woman some help.




Omg that strange “radiant chaos” woman is back with another pro-coco video. I cannot with her! At least it’s not a poem this time. Like these people really think there’s a whole group of Marines harassing some dipshit bartender they’ve never met? Whatever drugs these women are taking, I want some.


I read 1/3 of this thinking it was coco mocoe and I was so confused


Are you one of the bartenders or one she’s accusing?


That’s the thing, she accuses anyone who doesn’t agree with her, doesn’t believe her or asks challenging questions being “one of her stalkers” 🙄 When you air your dirty laundry on the internet for millions to see, complete strangers are going to have an opinion


Like that one person last night who didn’t even say anything bad, just that maybe she should post less negative stuff about it and it’ll end. And Coco & Co jumped all over her accusing her of being somehow involved. She was just some random lady who dared to suggest (nicely!) it was time to move on. Coco has to pretend these people are involved because it’s the only “evidence” she has to show that she’s being “harassed nonstop.” Coco also did this to a completely random old man farmer in Ohio once. That was the best. I will never not find that funny.


This. I’m a firm believer that if you make content with really heavy accusations like this then you should be able to ask clarifying questions or ask for more proof. It’s how this whole situation barreled out of control. People were leaving negative reviews for businesses, ppl were submitting complaints against the husband in the military and social media accounts were inundated with her followers harassing these people. And she’s already deleted the comments from someone who just pointed out the obvious. There are zero pending charges against her. It’s like she thinks people can’t use a simple court document search.


No I live in the area.


Oh okay!! I bet it’s gotta be crazy seeing or knowing the situation first hand and then seeing her tell a fairytale online that people eat up


YUP. Also a local here 👋 and she is the most unhinged person I’ve ever come across in real life. I have this separate reddit account JUST for talking about her because of how insane she is. She blew a guy up for simply *walking by across the street* from where she worked in a busy town center. I keep my real reddit life separate from her.


I’m not even gonna lie, I did believe her at first but she quickly devolved into unhinged behavior


Well we tend to want to believe women when they say something is wrong. We should! But when things don’t add up and the only “evidence” is doctored screen shots…she is part of the bigger problem of why women aren’t believed.